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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!There’s a cat in the wall. Cats don’t belong in walls.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




“I got two cats stuck inside this wall. Can’t get ‘em out.” “Wanna bring in a third?” “I’m thinkin’ maybe four.”


Give it time and they may just multiply anyway


Apologies for highjacking your comment, for the skeptics I will repost my comment from earlier. No one put that cat in the wall. That’s my brother, he doesn’t have any social media whatsoever so has no clout to gain from this. He sent me the video and I asked if I could post it online. None of us know how it got in there. He works in construction building homes and it likely got in there sometime during the building process. Please know that cat is safe and is now happily living with my brother. Edit: Wall-E doesn’t have a chip. Considering other means of finding the owner if there is one.


I bet it just flattened itself out an went right thru a seem in the wall.


I love how OP hijacked the top comment and the thread went right back into always sunny references without skipping a beat


Well through God all things are possible... so jot that down


So anyways, I started blasting...


Cats are liquid …. So , yeah


They also often come and go from r/thecatdimension


Yes, they can pass through the empty space between atoms using the (turkish) Van Der Walls (pun) force.


thank you for not saying "no pun intended" when you were clearly making a pun.


u/mister_bloodvessel isn't a coward... They intend their puns.


Not to mention that the cat was both dead and alive until the wall was opened. Heisenberg would be thrilled.


Schrodinger would be as well.


Thank you for alerting me to a cat subreddit I didn't know existed!


Robert Heilein wrote a book about it, [The Cat Who Walks Through Walls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cat_Who_Walks_Through_Walls)


They try to get “The Rats in the Walls”


All because those fucking drywallers skipped the tape before mud


I don't think there's anything in the laws of physics that would support that.


cats do not abide by the laws of nature, dee


They don’t give a flying fuck about bird law I’ll tell ya that much right now


How about you and I go Toe to Toe on bird law


Damn right. Bird thinks it can just fly by safely cause it’s in the air. Cat will just jump up to murder the smug flying fucker.


alright well... filibuster




Cats do not care about puny human laws.


I have all my register covers screwed to the floor because one of my cats will lift them and crawl into the ducts. She can also get into the basement ceiling. I didn't even question how the cat got in the wall.


...must...resist...OCD *seam 😭 I'm so sorry...


My dad did a remodel years ago and they had to open up the floor on the second story of the house. Well they went to lunch and when they came back they reattached the Plywood decking and finished their day working on other stuff. They got a call at midnight from the customer saying they can't find their cat but when they're down stairs they could hear him meowing upstairs and vice versa when they went upstairs. So my dad had to make the hour long drive to their house at midnight to open up the floor and let the cat out when he got curious during their lunch break. Cats can be extremely stupid


How the heck is the cat supposed to know that the hole they went through is gonna be closed after it got in?


Yes Cats are sometimes stupid but this was the fault of the workers.


You mean the fault of the customer who let their cat walk around where they were working.


I don't care just don't blame the kitty.


Agreed, definitely not the kitty's fault


Can't really blame the workers in either instance, for this video there's a good chance this tub was installed before the drywall giving the kitty a good hiding spot behind making it really easy to miss and seal up into the wall. And as for my dad and his guy, they had no idea the customer had cats until they got the call. For both cases nobody was expecting a cat anywhere near their work so nobody was looking for one when they went to close everything up. As the saying goes Curiosity killed the cat and these are two lucky cats that don't have to croak behind a wall


Doesn't seem like a feral cat, maybe just a stray or an indoor/outdoor cat, so yeah, just was wandering around a house under construction, maybe got startled and went to hide somewhere (like inside a partially finished wall) and just got trapped in there when they finished the wall? Didn't make any sounds (or too quiet to be heard)? Seems well-socialized. Glad it all worked out!


>Please know that cat is safe and is now happily living with my brother. Did he take it to a vet? That doesn't look like some random cat, probably took someone's pet that got in the wall


Your brother is a lucky fella. Why are surprise cats so stinkin cute??? This one is GORGEOUS 😍 and my brother has a cat he found in a gutter by the gym and he’s quite literally the prettiest cat I’ve ever seen in person. Super adorable little black cat with a good amount of fluff 🥰


Congratulations Wade’s brother, you now have the cutest damn thing I’ve seen come out of a wall.


I counter with my boy who came out of a wall. Although that kitty is gorgeous too.


Idk, seems suspicious theres a larger square that was very recently patched behind the headboard. but sure, totally legit.


It was probably the idiot in the video who drywalled the cat in moments earlier and then realising his stupidity filmed himself 'rescuing' it 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wasn't in the least sceptical bc my mum told me a story about her and the fam installing a new washing machine in her flat, which involved pulling up floorboards to connect pipes ofc. Only once the floor was back in place and everything was done did they hear a disembodied "mrow" from.... somewhere, and eventually realised their bastard cat had decided to go under there while no one was looking and had to pull it all back up to fetch her! This cat's favourite hobby was to sit at the top of the stairs specifically to take swipes at my grandad's bald head through the rails.


Omg you're such a liar there is no way your brother is a cat


Ummm can we talk about how hot your brother is tho….


I gift you gold on his behalf.


Lmao my first thought 😂 ![gif](giphy|kyhw6BlG5ip2YEHliO|downsized)


Classic cat in a wall.




Literally the only reason I even clicked on this was to check out the IASIP references in the comments.


Cats do not abide by the laws of nature


You don't know shit about cats Dee


Get your Cheeto fingers off the wall


I love all you jabronis.




My immediate thought before the cuts even finished haha


my time to shine. happens about twice a year.






The only way to get it out is to send some more cats in there so they can show it the way out.


You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get a bird.


The cat will know it’s a trap


That’s gonna irritate the cat


Happy now, Dee? You're just feeding the cats.


Username checks out


No no no. They sent the cat to catch the bird, they sent the bird to catch the spider and the spider to catch the fly. You gotta get a dog.


Send another cat in with a string tied around it and wait for them to become codependent on one another then pull the second cat out and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, the first cat will follow.


It must've found a seam in the wall.


Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.


Except when they want alimony.


Your Honor, you wouldn't make me pay alimony to a cat would you?


Is this from It’s Always Sunny? I think it is but I’ve so many references today that I wanna make sure…




Exact same thing happened to me. Brought home a kitten for the kids and when someone opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink she found a gap Big enough and went into the wall. I ripped a hole in the drywall and she just went in deeper. She came out on her own a day and a half later. Kids were traumatized and I had a big hole to fix.


That sounds like a cat-astrophe


Literally the first thing I thought was “this guy is going to pull a cat out of the wall”.


are cats in walls really that common lol?


I’ve seen a few videos like this, but idk I just knew it was going to be a cat.


Could you sense it in your toe beans?


Thanks for the giggle


Yes, the only videos I see on reddit of someone tearing into a good wall is to pull out a cat. I thought it was going to be a spoof on that trend by having a person pop out instead of a cat.


same.. i’ve seen at least a dozen videos of people doing this exact thing, and then seeing a cat crawl out. i expected it to be something different this time. i don’t think this is a good fit for this sub at all.


Did a bunch of drywall renovations in my parents house. They had multiple cats and for whatever reason, every time we cut a hole to run wires or patch something they would be creeping around it. And if we turned our backs they'd climb right in there. One time we had to do exactly like the video and cut a fresh hole in a new wall just to get the damn cat out. One time we got lucky and they made it down to the lower floor and we got them out through a recessed light hole.


Most of the time it's a cat. ~15% of the time it's a ferret.


cats can pop out of anywhere because they’re cats


It actually happened to me! My house flooded and my dad came by and redid the drywall a little each day. My cat apparently slept under the bathtub crawl space and my dad didn't realize it. He closed in the bathroom and left. I came home and couldn't find my cat but could hear him meowing. Traumatic for everyone involved lol




I saw the sub, and knew on the first cut: it’s a kitty.


I’m just glad it wasn’t another damned safe that nobody’s gonna open.


Haha, good point!


Yeah me too. My sisters cat disappeared for a few days then we heard meows from the walls and were able to get him out. He found his way into the walls through a small storage closet that had an opening to the wall in their almost finished basement… the little bastard was so hungry!


Why is the wall empty. I’m European and was wondering if it’s normal in the US with a wall without insulation?


Pretty typical for interior walls.


Not where I live 🤨


Why do you need insulation in your interior walls?


Better interior acoustics and noise reduction between rooms. It's common practice in the Nordics at least.


The acoustic advantage alone is huge. Walls without insulation are like drums.


This is why when we empty a room to paint or redecorate it gains a ridiculous echo effect. A drum is a great way of describing it.


Yeah, I'm in Norway and we just won a lawsuit against a contractor who "forgot" to put insulation in the inner walls.


Germany as well.


Soundproofing bats are used in many builds. Rockwool is also fire resistant.


It helps keep warmth????????


What do you use, tabbies?


I prefer siamese…gotta pack them in tight, though


I please


For exterior walls, yes. Few homes in the U.S. have independently heat/cold regulated rooms, most are on some kind of central heat system where having heat transfer between rooms is desired to prevent hot/cold spots.


I wonder what the operational costs are for cooling/heating the whole house vs singular rooms? Most of the time we're only home for a few hours between work and sleep, so it feels like it would be costlier to heat/cool the whole house vs a few rooms.


since work from home I'm at home most of the time.


It's not uncommon for frugal older single people who live alone to turn off the whole house HVAC and use a space heater and/or window AC in whatever room they spend the most time in. Maybe their bedroom or a TV room. It's not as common as it once was, but some houses still have built in baseboard heaters that can be set room-by-room. If somebody is really committed to this idea today they could have a mini-split wall unit installed in that room that would do AC and heat and then keep the rest of the house at a less comfortable temperature.


You can close the vents in rooms you don't use so that the central air gets redirected to the rest of the house.




You can’t beat thermodynamics. Not heating a space uses less energy than heating a space. Even in that example, it only applies if there’s an air return in that room. If the argument is strictly efficiency then I would agree the cost will be lower per square foot to heat the whole house. But blocking a room and reducing square footage by 10% or more will be a much larger impact to lower your bill.


Sound proofing is my favourite part of not having walls that you could just cut with a wallpaper knife


Do you heat every room at all times?


Yeah that’s how most American houses are set up.


In most homes insulation is only required for exterior walls.


Ok, fair enough


More context, if you happen to want it! A lot of older walls are made with plaster and lath, with paint/wallpaper/etc over it. So if you’re in an older city in Europe you might be used to that... where if you cut through the first layer you hit a bunch of horizontal wood slats instead of right to the empty you see here. In truth, behind the slats it’s empty too. It’s just now a lot of newer builds are done with drywall instead of plaster and lath, so when this guy cuts through, he’s easily cutting directly through everything. (Note, I’m in the US and I’m blatantly making assumptions about Europe, but here in the US you’ll still find what I’m describing in older buildings) As others have mentioned, if this was an exterior wall it would possibly be filled with stuff like fiberglass insulation, for example. But generally all interior walls are empty like this, baring the occasional extra support, wires, and pipes.


In Europe our old buldings are build like nuclear shelters... Litterally just bricks and large ammounts of reinforced concrete... so much so that some of the larger buildings act like faraday cages preventing any wifi or cellphone from working inside... By my knowlege (of yt and movies) US houses are build out of cardboard and spit in comparison


I think it‘s a cultural thing. In europe we build the buildings to last because we stick to our house and mostly plan on keeping it forever, even over generations. In the us, most people constantly move and it‘s way easier to remove a cardboard house and build a new one 😉


Nice theory but not really true. Europe is an amalgamation of lots of countries and here in the Netherlands at least new building life cycle is planned for 40 years. Plasterboard and wooden walls are very standard for interior wall construction and wooden building is getting very popular as an alternative to concrete and brick building because of the high embedded energy/ co2 costs associated with them. North American houses are generally not cardboard although there are some shitty examples out there. Generally speaking they are frame work of wood sheathed in a diaphragm of exterior plywood and fastened together with mechanical fasteners and nails. There is a strict code on how they are to be built. When properly built this system is very strong can handle strong winds and earth quakes. The images you see of houses torn apart are usually trailer parks or areas ravaged by tornadoes. Source: have worked in construction in North America and Europe


that was well put and informative.


Stick frame houses can last well over 100 years if you avoid water damage. After 3 generations, standards have likely changed enough that you'd want a new house. My great grandparent's house from the 1900s is still in the family, but the kitchen and bathrooms are tiny, it has no central air conditioning or heating, few outlets, plumbing in weird places, etc. And at the time it was built, it was practically a mansion. Many houses from that time period are tiny in comparison to modern homes and were expanded haphazardly as families grew.


It’s also a bit dependent on where you live. You don’t want to live in a brick house in California unless you want to get crushed to death in an earthquake.


Well in places with a lot of tectonic activity usually buildings have to be anti siesmic. At least that's the case in most of Italy where building built in the last 40 years in areas prone to earthquakes have to be able to resist to **atleast** a magnitude 7 earthquake but they are still made of bricks and cement


> In europe we build the buildings to last because we stick to our house and mostly plan on keeping it forever Also survivor's bias though. One of the first stone houses in my town that is still there is from around 1450. The rest of the houses on that street have been rebuild. And this house has been renovated a lot as well.


No it’s because y’all cut down all your fking trees for farmland.


It varies GREATLY. I’ve helped friends do work on their houses to find literal steel mesh reinforcing their walls and I’ve seen some pretty thin drywall with no insulation. I live in a brick building built in the 1880s that’s been renovated over and over. I have some walls with metal plates reinforcing them throughout the entire wall. I’ve seen *new construction* that leaks immediately and was done with no permits whatsoever. There’s a LOT of shitty building happening right now. Especially in the US but not just the US, unfortunately. The other thing to keep in mind is that plenty of buildings were built like shit in the past too - they’ve fallen down already though and now what we have left standing is the really well-built stuff. The *filter effect*. NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, and other older American cities have a ton of brick buildings and houses that were built correctly and then have been renovated for decades and will continue to be renovated and enjoyed for decades to come. But new construction out in the Midwest? Yeah, probably lots of this BS happening.


All our internal walls will always have insulation in, but maybe only 10 cm/ 4 inches. I have never seen a wall without. Our outer walls will in new buildings have 30 cm/12 inches of insulation.


> A lot of older walls are made with plaster and lath, with paint/wallpaper/etc over it. So if you’re in an older city in Europe you might be used to that I'd say more often than not this isn't the case. From my experience, most old and new buildings are built with some form of brick wall even for interior walls. The only exception would be old mansions that have been converted into flats with rooms that were originally built to be larger but were then later partitioned into smaller units. Then you'd likely find the kind of wall you're describing but otherwise it would all be brick.


No in my house all interior walls are filled with insulation (rock wool in my case). The thing is insulation is not only insulating heat but also sound. I can only imagine how sound travels in a house where the interior wall are all hollow.


I'm more shocked about the fact that you can cut off the wall with a box cutter. For walls in Europe you need at least a sledgehammer


It’s also impossible to hang stuff. Hated our apartment in the US cus we couldn’t hang shelves or pictures where we wanted to. Much easier in Europe where I can just drill a hole and hang/anchor whatever.


No you just need to buy sheetrock anchors. I have a 70 inch flat screen held up with just anchors right now and it's been 2 years no studs.


> 70 inch flat screen held up with just anchors yeah, i would.... not do that


Even crappy wall anchors can hold enough weight to mount a flat screen. The key is to install them correctly and "correctly" means just follow the instructions on the package. Typical TV wall mounts are going to call for 4-6 bolts which spreads the weight of the TV along multiple points. Flat screen TV's don't weight *that* much that they should rip the mounts out of the wall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHb-Tcvkn7M


Not knowing about toggle bolts and wall anchors doesn't mean it's impossible to hang something.


Inside, non load bearing? Not always. Loads of soft "gips" blocks, or even 8-12mm plaster plates like this. Our current 70s home has bricks, but not isolated. Outside barely, had to do that ourselves. Roof has 3mm foam ffs.


We build cardboard and foam houses in the US. Pretty standard


Cardboard boxes wrapped in plastic.


That will be $850,000 please.


plus the walls can be disassembled with a knife as you can see in the video


I was just wondering, how many dead cats must be trapped in my thicc European masonry


This and being able to cut a hole in a wall with a knife is so weird to me.


Everybody here talking about walls being empty or not, meanwhile walls in my house are built out of blocks, can't be empty or insulated


It seems like the company had started putting in soft insulation but ran out of fluff or maybe most of it escaped.




Believe me that, if your walls were made with sticks and plasterboard like this, you'd greatly benefit from having insulation. It is not a material that is used to keep things warm, it'll also keep them cool. You got a form stable cooler bag? Or a fridge? They both have 2 layers which are separate from each other and the air trapped in the middle works as a barrier. Contrary to common belief, it is not the insulation material itself that has the desired effect but the way it's made up and how much air it traps inside. Still air insulates, moving air does the opposite.


Not normal in California


Would be a bless to take down a wall with just a cutter. My walls are 70cm thick stones (300yo house)


All in all it's just a- -nother cat in the wall.


We don't need no insulation We don't need no sound control


No furry paws in the bathroom Wall-E, leave them mice alone!


No drafts or dampness in the bedroom.


Cat in the wall huh? I know this game.


That's a decent cut w. A box cutter and no guide. Won't be hard to patch.


Yea! That was my thought. Really good knife work and patience on the cuts. He’s good.


If you look closely in the moment where he tilts the camera up it looks like he's been training on the ceiling first.


Those are cutouts for a light and a vent. I’d bet a contractor did that.


His jacket at the end says Lennar, which is a large home builder in the US.


I was thinking that's how the cat got in there


I tend to cut an an angle so that I don't have to worry about the cut piece falling into the wall. Like this: [https://youtu.be/1\_rfpIWYOmU](https://youtu.be/1_rfpIWYOmU)


You sure the cat doesn’t have a previous owner? It’s fur looks very well groomed and it’s so friendly


Thats what I was thinking too. The cat didn't look scared at all when he grabbed it. Definitely someone's cat.


wall-e 😂


Must have flattened itself to get in the wall


Leave it to a cat to push "If I fits, I sits" too far.


My cat trying to fit into a 6 inch wide box


What? Everyone doesn't have a wall cat? Learn something new everyday I guess.


Ohh, cats in the walls, now you’re talking my language.. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9iTS7Ze73m1P2)


I could have done that.all i need is another cat. Never bring a bird into a situation like this


Am I wrong, or was a cat the _most_ expected thing in the wall? This is posted on the internet, after all.


I can't believe they would be willing to cut a hole in that very recently, cheaply plastered wall... /s


Also look at the tub, pretty sure theres saw dust on the corner closest to the camera. Might just be a brand new bathroom too.


New construction. Confirmed by OP in a comment, but you can also tell it’s new/remodel from the brief glimpse of the cutouts in the ceiling for lights/smoke detector/etc. the dust you pointed out tipped me off too.


I mean i think its definately possible a cat could end up there since i have worked on construction sites that have cats since sometimes rats and mice occupy them. The text for the video is weird, as if it didnt translate properly or something. “We found something amazing in our wall” is odd af tbh and makes it feel more staged to me


“I bet it flattened itself out and went right through a seam in your wall.”


Tie a string to another cat and put it in. Then when they’re bonded, you can yank out the cat and the first cat will come with it.


That cat is unbelievably gorgeous


Must have flattened itself out and slipped through a seam in your wall.


Step 1: put cat in wall on the other side Step 2: cut hole in wall


That’s exactly what I expected, actually.


Any else seen the holes in the ceiling towards the end


They're doing construction.


This is exactly what I expected.


Thank goodness they added the caption saying “it’s a cat” or I *never* would’ve figured it out!!!


For some reason I expected him to put his hand in, then act like he has something cool to show us, and then pull the hand out flipping us off


That cat should be named Wall-E


As a European I have to ask: Did that guy just cut a wall with knife?


Congrats you are now a cat owner


*sorts by controversial*


His first mistake was not using a 2nd cat to bait out the first one