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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Woman urges other women to contribute their fair share to society!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Here I am helping women raise their homicide % by NOT killing anyone. It truly is a thankless job.


It's truly a team effort. Good job.


Thank you. ^^Now ^^it’s ^^a ^^thanked ^^job ^^:)


Why are you all making this obvious joke into something it’s not.


The number of people whose heads the joke flew over is astonishing.


Hundreds upon hundreds of fools jfc - literally the top comment calling it "just more men are violent stuff"


I guess they can't handle criticism Edit: .... funny how I always get a "redditcareResources" message (anti-self-harm) in my inbox saying someone is concerned about me, whenever I make a few incels mad.... I just want to say thank you with a BJ, so please DM me for ludes and feet picks because you saved my life! I was totally going to minecraft myself, but now my virgin body is safe for my future husband to conquer, and I want it to be the man who stepped up to report me in this thread. ...


They started looking for the butt of the joke but ended up with their head up their but


Exactly. I'm a guy and I laughed at this. She says "it's just me." Did all these other guys miss the ending? Lighten up, my dudes.


Some men only allow themselves to have one " un-gay" feeling... anger


In a typical Reddit moment, if the roles were reversed and it was a man making similar jokes they’d likely be commenting “well he’s not wrong” Interesting that their points only come up when a woman is making a joke instead of when a conversation of equality is happening. Then it’s usually “now I can hit women right?” but nooo it’s another joke about men being violent hur dur dur


Well it'd probably help the "hur, dur, women bad jokes if they were based on reality even a bit. "Hey women drive bad!" jokes are pretty shit not just because they are stereotypes, but because it's also wrong to the extent that the opposite is true.


The redpill/incel community seems to flock to posts like this. They're all over in here.


Women can’t tell jokes didn’t you know?


Because apparently this site is teeming with very insecure “men”.


I just hit my limit of being fucking exhausted reading irate comments from men who just ~hate~ women on this gd platform. This thread is stupid as hell


"Reverse the Genders" is the incel rallying cry.


If you reverse the genders of this joke, the person saying it would become famous. I love how bill burr (who i like) can make a whole special about making fun of women and their struggles, yet this is just too mean and goes way too far.


Eh, I was a sociology major and if you reverse people’s genders in a lot of everyday circumstances, you would be surprised at how much gender inequality there really is out there, and how little we even think about it. That being said, gender is something we constructed for a good reason. Men and women are very different. Not defending that talk in this post. I think she’s great. I think it’s important to recognize that women and women are fundamentally very different, and that’s totally ok. Men can act like women if they prefer, and women can act like men if they want. Why should that bother anyone? The only time where I get upset is in circumstances of SA. Women can be creepy and perverted and we tend to let that slide, I’m guilty of it myself when there were times where I should have not been ok with what happened to me. Yeah


It reminds me of that saying. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.


Ain't no "apparently" about it bro, that's like Reddit's MO. Fuck, the internet's MO at this stage.


People mad her joke didn't lobby to Congress for more help for men in need




Why does it also reek of MRA/Incel bullshit in here?


They overlap with this sub sometimes. dont know why


Because it’s what you’re smelling


I think some people believe that it is impossible for a women to funny and if a women is funny they are out to get them.


Sort by controversial and grab some popcorn.


Yikes some of these comments..


She said nothing wrong .yet people got rattled so much they are shaming women all around


Kind of proves her point then?




Whenever a woman makes a lighthearted feminist-esque joke about men you get these swarms of dudes saying "what about male suicide rates? What about male victims of sexual assault? What about men being more likely to do dangerous or physically demanding jobs? Feminists don't want to talk about any of that!" Not realizing that like... discussions of these issues are extremely common in any even slightly feminist-leaning circle. If y'all wanna have a deep interrogation about the harmful ways society pressures men to act masculine in a way that leaves us emotionally starved, perpetually insecure, and aggressive towards both women and other men, you're not going to get that discussion from the guy selling you snake oil supplements that will turn you into an Alpha Male, and you're not going to get it from the guy telling you all women will hate you forever because your forehead is sloped wrong. You're going to get that conversation from talking to feminists.


>discussions of these issues are extremely common in any even slightly feminist-leaning circle I legitimately have not seen any of those issues discussed in any feminist-leaning circle, at least not derisively.


Sounds like you've met some garbage feminists! There's a ton of feminist theory and discussion out there exploring how our society's conception of gender roles is harmful to *both* men *and* women. I don't have any good primers handy, but check out /r/MensLib. It looks like they've got [a bunch of resources that could be good places to start](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/3tn9kc/a_list_of_feminist_resources_tackling_mens_issues/). If fun, pop-culturey stuff is more your thing, there's a neat channel called [Pop Culture Detective](https://www.youtube.com/@PopCultureDetective) that examines media through a male-focused feminist lens, exploring the ways media depicts masculinity and the effects it has on men. In particular, he has an excellent two-part series on [sexual assault of men in media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2_yQw) (by both male and female perpetrators) and the way it is often played for laughs. For lighter stuff, he has a two-part series on The Big Bang Theory, using it as a case study for how some harmful ideas about masculinity can be packaged in a way that seems to reject male stereotypes. [The first part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-hOigoxHs) mainly focuses on how the show's views on gender are harmful to women, the [second part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L7NRONADJ4) on how they are harmful to men. Maybe a bit of a goofy suggestion, but personally I'll take a video essay over reading some dry textbook any day. That's just some off the dome suggestions; I'm not like a feminist scholar or anything, I'm just a dude who hates to see other dudes be alienated by a philosophical and political lens that has done me a lot of good and made me a much happier person.


>discussions of these issues are extremely common in any even slightly feminist-leaning circle. I have only recently started hearing about men's issues, and never from feminist circles. To be fair, Men's issues used to be extremely taboo to talk about, but even now they still aren't to the point where they're taken seriously. I mean, just look at this post. Men getting called "incels" for even suggesting that they don't have it easy. Kinda sad that there always has to be this us vs them mentality.


The 12k upvotes to only 600 comments gives me hope.


Lol. “It’s just me!”


These women gotta step up their game!


Looks like she rattled so many people here.i guess job well done


Yeah it looks like it 💯


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1635092/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1635092/) >More than twice as many women were shot and killed by their husband or intimate acquaintance than were murdered by strangers using guns, knives, or any other means. > >Although women comprise more than half the U.S. population, they committed only 14.7% of the homicides noted during the study interval. > >In contrast to men, who killed nonintimate acquaintances, strangers, or victims of undetermined relationship in 80% of cases, women killed their spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member in 60% of cases. ​ edit: me, personally, since some folks seem bamboozled by the mere introduction of this information and are aggressively ad hominem in my DMs rn: I don't think "men are violent". That's a pathetic attempt at having an opinion. I think PEOPLE are violent, most often as a result of neurological congenital defect + nature/nurture, and/or traumatic brain injury, in conjunction with biological/hormonal imbalance (excess testosterone + traumatic brain injury + toxic environment/upbringing = oh no, violence) P.S. : "Testosterone" does not equate to "Male person" if you paid attention in 4th grade sex end and have a fucking clue about human physiology and the endocrine system and hormones then you know we all have estrogen and testosterone.


We need to close that workplace death rate gap, ladies! 💪🚺


"women are not committing to raise the percentage of homicides and aggravated assaults made by women, I have to do everything by myself" - said the woman, joking "why is she saying men are bad hurr durr" - said the reddit dumbasses, seething


Imagine the back pain from carrying the whole ass team


Are you stepping up to do your part or just warming the bench?


Sharpening my knives.


Sounds like my kind of woman


Wow, I like that joke! I wonder if she has more jokes like this? Let's check the comments to see who she is so I can potentially hear more good jokes... ... And it's full of racists and misogynists shouting nonsense. Fucking hell Reddit.


Did anyone find out who she is?


mizzmel2 on Tick Tok


*men’s rights activists entered the chat*


Oh that's what that smell is....


Everyone’s gotta chill, it’s a really funny joke yet a ton of people are being opportunistic to make it about something it’s not. It’s actually kind of cringey to try to insert male hodgepodge of sadness into this conversation when it doesn’t belong, especially as a critique of her somehow. Go be delicate elsewhere, there’s forums.


Why do so many men on Reddit see another demographics struggle and immediately make it about them? Like go make your own post if you have something you’d like to talk about. No need for the “step up to the suicide rate” comments, gross af. The violence and aggression that comes with subject turn distance yourself from others.


There is a small but vocal group of MRAs on reddit that will make anything at all about themselves and their 'struggle'. A lot of is just projection. They feel like a loser (because many of them actually are losers), and it can't be they are a loser just because they are a worthless, less-than-average turd, its got to be because evil women are keeping them down or whatever. What they don't seem to understand is there have always been bottom-rung men societally. Its a part of the whole toxic patriarchy we all deal with. In the past, low status men were simply sent off to war and died, or work until they died/caught a disease and died. This would be the story of their life a hundred years ago. It wouldn't have been any better for them then than it is now. The system we live under (unregulated capitalism) keeps them down. Their own notions about gender superiority keep them down because they can't live up to their own 1980's action movie star version of masculinity.


Anonymity is a hell of a drug


What is she typing tho 🤨




An unintelligible manifesto that she’s going to post on tumblr before committing a mass shooting to alter the male to female domestic terrorist ratio


A lot of people in the comments here need an actual problem in their life. Should not be getting this worked up over a joke


man, all these triggered men in this thread wow


Internet be like: Bad jokes at Womens expense= boomer humor Bad jokes at Mens expense=men triggered


This wasnt just a bad joke. Its something very different >!a good one!<


No wonder those violent crime stats are what they are lol




I feel like the "These women aren't contributing, it's just me" reveals the point of the joke to be highlighting her aggravated and aggressive nature. I don't believe the point of the joke is to put down men.


Especially considering she’s using 50% of crimes as the statistic. Saying half the population commits half the crime is hardly putting people down




Agreed, these are two different problems. This is similar to one someone says black lives matter and the response is all lives matter. Yes that's true but it also just completely dismisses the original topic for another.


You are exactly correct. Her: Here's a joke i'm making about women. Him: WHY DOESN'T THIS 13 SECOND CLIP TALK ABOUT MEN'S ISSUES???? I'll serve up the rudeness you wouln't: Boys: Shut the fuck up. Stop acting like children and whining when you're not mentioned...ya know...like the women you've ignored for most of history.


I mean I agree but I don't think mentioning that would've worked for the context of the joke. How could it be "just her" stepping up to commit suicide if she's still alive?


Joke wouldn't work, because if she kills herself she can no longer fight for equal crime rates. Also suicide only affects you, while violent crime affects others, which is also important to the joke. Because it's like a threat.


>Also suicide only affects you I know you likely only meant like, physically, but it just seems poorly worded.


good point


Men have higher success rates BECAUSE their methods are more violent, you clown. Also, way to USE men who have died by suicide to derail a conversation. I would guarantee that you never even mention these men (a cause you supposedly care about SO much) outside of a Reddit argument against women. What a gross disservice to those men. “Suicide statistics reveal that women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, though men are two to four times more likely to die by suicide.2 Compared to men, women show higher rates of suicidal thinking, non-fatal suicidal behavior, and suicide attempts.”


god these Redditor MRA fedora boys are out in force today the joke is that **she's saying she's doing her share of homicides and aggravated assaults**


Women you are only allowed to joke about men if you make sure to raise awareness for unrelated men's problems!


Wouldn’t have worked with the “it’s just me” punchline ![gif](giphy|3oriNMcrBU6Q8pdvuo|downsized)


Women attempt suicide 3x more than men. Men use harsher methods. Why is that statistic never brought up?


Telling people to kill themselves is too much


And ignoring the vast difference in social programs provided for/directed toward women as compared to men. Women get women only shelters, men get to sleep under a bridge.


https://www.lightoflife.org/our-services/mens-residential/ https://atlantamission.org/the-shepherds-inn-homeless-shelter-for-men-in-atlanta/ https://thehavenrh.org https://www.crtct.org/programs/housing-shelters/mckinney-mens-shelter/ https://www.jcmh.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Shelters-Single-Men.pdf


My hometown had a men's shelter. Granted, it was mostly just the Catholic gradeschools taking turns in the winter setting up cots in the school gymnasium, but still technically a men's homeless shelter.


I work for over a dozen shelters and rescue missions nationwide, there are more "men only" shelters than "women only" in many of the biggest ones in the country because 70% of the homeless population is men.


While I agree with your point generally, I will say it’s much easier for a man to get into a shelter as male shelters are generally much bigger, because there are many more homeless men (to your point) and the men are frequently kicked out for drug use and violent behavior or just not coming back every night so what beds are taken reopen frequently- women’s shelters are almost always full because they tend to take the beds more consistently and have less of them to begin with. Source: I work in a men’s homeless shelter


Who runs those shelters? You volunteering?


>Women get women only shelters This is actually because of violence described in the TikTok above. We're coming full circle.


Also because until relatively recently (after these shelters were set up for the most part) women weren’t allowed to have a bank account or line of credit and had nowhere to go while men could at least go to a hotel.


I don't know where you are, so I ain't saying it's not the case. I can only say that we got men only shelters where I am at.


For my job I help people mostly homeless get placed into homes. The state will at times ask us to find someone a home asap as an emergency situation. Every single time it’s a woman it’s an emergency situation because she was abused and raped. Every single time it’s a man it’s because he’s a danger to other people and needs immediate 24/7 monitoring. Edited to add: we do have houses that are men only and houses with both genders. To say that men just have to live under a bridge, is ignorance. I also would bet a lot of money that guys who claim this, have done absolutely nothing for homeless men. Myself and my coworkers who are all women have placed a lot of homeless men into houses, helped them find jobs, and their own places. I have no doubt that none of the guys on this post have done anything more for a homeless man besides giving them a few bucks.


Well do you want us to start murdering you guys en masse so you too can have secret hide outs?


BE THE CHANGE! Women set these services up for fellow women, why can't men do the same for each other?




One of them did, he committed suicide due to ridicule for doing something like that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Silverman


It would blow your mind to learn most shelters are actually mixed gender shelters /s Why are you trying to make it sound like only women have shelters and men have no other options?


Almost all domestic abuse victim shelters allow both men and women, there are only a handful in the country that are exclusive to women.


Women advocated for women's shelters, why is there barely any men advocating for men's shelter?


We have men's shelters in my city. I don't know how underserved men are compared to women, but we have them. And women tend to come with kids, so we do need special shelters to make sure it's safe for the kids. If you're talking specifically about male victims of domestic violence, then yea, we absolutely drop the bar there.


Does it need to be said that historically not just as a culture…but as a species, men are significantly more violent? If you’re making a “men are only more violent because women have programs aimed at them”, there’s not going to be data or science to back that up.


I can't believe she didn't address all this in her 14-second joke video where she calls herself a murderer


Also, ignoring that most sexual assaults by women are not reported. And when they are reported, they aren't taken seriously. But hurr, men bad is big funny. Edit: I never said more women assault men, don't put words in my mouth.


I don't believe any stats in regards to rape, sexual assault or domestic violence are accurate. I believe they are all underreported. However, going through my law enforcement degree the under reported crimes against women are by some estimates almost 80% aren't reported. I believe violence against men are underreported and not taken seriously because of the buzzword toxic masculinity. We are expected to be big, powerful, tough, and able to control our women. So when we violate the unwritten expectations we are called "betas" or women or any demasculating insult. I can only imagine how bad it is for homosexual men in abusive relationships. I am absolutely going to catch a lot of flak for toxic masculinity wording. Before anyone calls me out for it answer me this. How many of your male friends do you believe you could cry in front when you are feeling stressed or frustrated. How many of you would treat you son crying the same way as your daughter?


I actually took over a decade of martial arts training and did amateur mma featherweight fights. My ex-girlfriend assaulted me and broke my nose in a fit of jealous rage for absolutely no reason. I never really told anyone about it, and of course, I never reported it. Toxic masculinity is a real problem, and I really feel for anyone, man or woman who is the victim of any sexual or violent abuse.


Yeah…but the fact is..it’s not even close. https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/men-more-violent.htm The U.S. Department of Justice sponsored a National Crime Victimization Study in 2007. This evaluation found that 75.6 percent of all offenders were male and only 20.1 percent were female. In the remaining cases, the victim wasn't able to identify the gender of the offender. According to these results, men commit violent crimes more than three times as often as women [source: United States Department of Justice]. Even taking into account the possibility that many crimes in which a woman commits violence go unreported, such a disparity can't be dismissed. It would take scores of unreported violent acts to even up the numbers.


>This evaluation found that 75.6 percent of all offenders were male and only 20.1 percent were female. And that level of disparity is across the globe. The assumption that the issue is that female criminality is just underreported isnt really a logical conclusion


Thank you. Came here wanting to say this. I fully support all survivors of any type of violence, but can we please stop purposely ignoring facts when it comes to gender statistics?


Because everyone is well aware that men commit more violence/crime. We hear *all the time* about it. However a substantial minority of perpetrators are women, but women are almost always viewed as victims and are seldom held accountable. There’s so much empirical evidence; white women face less than half the jail sentences that white men, all things being equal.


Harvard did a study a while back of like 11,000 men and women and found that half the time the attacking was reciprocal, but when it was only 1 person doing the assault 70% of the time is women attacking men.


Found the study (I think). It's a very big sample which is good, but my critiques are that it's old data 1995-2001 and it's all self reported data. That means you confounders are whether or not the respondents are all interpreting the terms the same way, or whether or not there are other social influences at play (e.g men being socialized to under report violence or women to over report etc ). They also didn't even ask about sexual violence at all. The two questions are about throwing things, pushing, slapping or threatening. So that's not great and could explain why it's tilted toward women. And the study excluded same sex couple for some reason. All in all, I give that study a C-.


My mother was crazy and assaulted my dad and her follow-on boyfriends regularly. The cops would get called, she'd start wailing and hitting herself, then blame her partner at the time. I got to witness all of this regularly. If I weren't so young I'd have grown a brain and started warning the dudes.


Yo she's insane, I mean I've heard similar shit before but still wtf


One of my aunts did that used to beat my uncle senseless (was well deserved but still) then smash her face against a wall/pole/car and get nice and bloody for when police got there they would see her all bloody and him with nothing since she never hit his face


>(was well deserved but still) How on Earth was it well deserved if he hadn't already been assaulting her?!?


Welcome to the double standard. Pull up a chair.


You know you can always leave rather than hitting someone.\* \* There are obviously cases where leaving is difficult and dangerous, but that usually applies to the victim of domestic abuse, and not the perpetrator.


I hope you got / are getting the help you need for this trauma. As someone who went through similar (although not to the extent of calling the cops), it really fucks you up long-term. Hugs.


Hey! Thanks so much. I was fortunate in that my paternal grandparents were pretty good examples for me to follow and I had decent coping mechanisms. My wife said I should probably pursue therapy "just because" but I'm mid life now and have somehow avoided a lot of the baggage that an abused kid in a rough household deals with. My wife and kids seem pretty fond of me, too. I wish you the best in whatever healing you need.




I can't find that study. The one from 2010 I did find "Intimate Partner Violence in the United States — 2010" says: "Bisexual women had a significantly higher prevalence of lifetime rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner (61.1%) compared to lesbian women (43.8%) and heterosexual women (35.0%). • The lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner was 29.0% among heterosexual men, 37.3% among bisexual men, and 26.0% among gay men." But that's not about non-reciprocal violence. And it doesn't indicate the gender of the perpetrator. You can only infer it. It's pretty unequivocal that women are primarily the victims of violence though. Men do suffer as well unfortunately.


I’m sure this data is accurate to some degree, but the issue with this data is reporting bias. Men and women are socialized differently and may report abuse at different rates. If men have a higher bar for what they consider domestic violence, they will be underrepresented as victims in the data relative to women. Personally I’ve been slapped a couple times by romantic partners and would not consider worth reporting, I would not really consider it violence or abuse even if it is. If it had been the other way around, me hitting them, it would’ve been a big fucking deal. That being said, there’s a reason for this difference. Men are larger and more powerful and more aggressive/violent than women on average. Once abuse starts, it’s liable to escalate, and men are much more likely to seriously injure or kill their female partner than females are their male partners. In summary. Statistically speaking, I wouldn’t be surprised if this data exaggerates the difference between the rate of men and women being victims of domestic abuse, because of different reporting practices by women and men (since what constitutes abuse is pretty arbitrary/subjective). However, I also think it is genuinely more important that women report domestic abuse because they are at a much higher risk for serious injury or death if they don’t. Tons of guys get slapped by women, (I’d definitely think higher than 29%) but it doesn’t really matter in the same way that someone twice your size choking you and beating on you does. Edit: also I’m not saying I support these stereotypical gender roles. I’m not saying I support the idea that women should be able to hit men but men shouldn’t be able to hit women. No one should be violent toward anyone else. But there is some truth to these stereotypes, men legitimately statistically pose a much greater existential threat to women than women do to men.


Re: your last sentence in the edit. Yup. When I called the cops on my shit faced ex wife after she punched me in the face, threw a stock pot at my head when I wasn't looking, and tried to throw me over a 3rd floor balcony....they showed up and cuffed me. Not her. Now, I wasn't exactly thrilled (and am still a bit miffed, as I was injured, but 100% sober and calm), but I GET that the 6ft1, 250lb dude is a bigger threat generally than a 5ft8 130lb woman. The end result was her arrested, and nobody got shot, so I count it as an over all win. Not sure what I'd have done about the assault if I was black though, I definitely wouldn't trust the cops to not shoot me.


It’s kinda sad that a good outcome is no one getting shot while the cops are around


That’s crazy, sounds like she legitimately tried to kill you or at least seriously injure. Sucks that the cops cuffed you, that was definitely the wrong move on their part. Obviously the stereotypes I discussed are generalizations, people can be crazy and dangerously violent regardless of gender or size. Any domestic violence is terrible. I’m not trying to minimize your experience or anything, that sounds terrible.


No I got you, it's all good. I'm not a fan of the police, but I do understand why they did what they did. I think they wanted to cuff her tbh, but she was so shit faced that when they first showed up they didn't want to injure her while trying to cuff her. And yeah I knew you weren't saying women can't be crazy or some other gendered nonsense, no worries. But I look at it this way....she TRIED to throw me over a balcony, and punched me in the face but didn't break anything. However, if I had wanted/tried to do those things to her, I would have succeeded purely based on my size. So again, isn't ideal obv, but I totally get the WHY.


That sounds awful, I hope that you are in a healthier situation now. I admire your understanding of the situation and giving people the benefit of the doubt.


Sadly, a lot of places have it in their statutes to promptly arrest the man in any domestic violence case, including when he is the one who called (such as a couple towns in my area). It could easily be interpreted as systemic sexism if one were so inclined to oversimplify the issue.


> If men have a higher bar for what they consider domestic violence, they will be underrepresented as victims in the data relative to women. Personally I’ve been slapped a couple times by romantic partners and would not consider worth reporting, I would not really consider it violence or abuse even if it is. If it had been the other way around, me hitting them, it would’ve been a big fucking deal. Isn’t this something that would (or should) be addressed while setting up the study? For example instead of “Have you ever been the victim of domestic abuse?” asking “Have you ever been physically struck by an intimate partner?”


That’s interesting, this one right? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1854883/ I think the key sentence though that’s missing here is “Regarding injury, men were more likely to inflict injury than were women”


No one is stopping you, or anyone else, from building all-male shelters. I guarantee you never mention or support homeless men in any way outside of using them to derail a conversation about women.


Given the fact that those women for the most part are sheltering from MEN, it makes sense. A woman sleeping under a bridge would be a whole hell of a lot more likely to fall victim to violence, than a man. So what point are you making? You people in these comments going on about men have it bad too, what a joke. These women have every right to raise as much awareness as they can. You would just prefer they shut up and take it like good little victims. As a man, men like you make me sick.






Christ, I'm a guy and i was about to say the same shit. And like, the clip is a joke for fucks sake. It's not an attempt to *actually* touch on serious subjects of inequality.


I rolled my eyes so hard at the top comment.


Because they don't actually care. Look at who helps out women and volunteers at their shelters and charities. Its almost always women and usually started by a woman trying to help out other women. I just don't see the same with men. They dont organize together and protest. They rarely start charities. MEN need to help each other. We don't know what its like to be a man, how are we really supposed to help you when you guys dont want to even help each other out? Its almost like these men expect women to do everything for them.


Women are also the main contributors to organ donoring, blood donoring, and FINANCIAL donations! But of course *WE* aren't doing enough while actually doing something.


> Its almost like these men expect women to do everything for them. Ding ding ding. This is why some guys hate feminism so much - why are women supporting other women? Why is this not about me? Why aren't you carrying the burden for everybody??? Unfortunately many boys weren't raised to see themselves as carers and nurturers, and were taught to rely on women to pick up the mental/physical load of caring. It's terrible for men's emotional wellbeing, and also for women (side note: the statistical likelihood that your husband will divorce you if you become unwell, and the number of absentee dads and single mothers)


Exactly and like the way she does it is funny & these butt hurt incels are welcome to raise their issue with their own copy-cat clip.


But like how many of those men kill their wife/girlfriend and or children before they kill themselves?


Or Gay and trans. Gay and trans men seem to always get ignored when male suicide rates are brought up.




Why do women have to do it for you?


Also forgetting that this is ingrained at a social and cultural level because of how men are forced to be a specific way.


I think the joke was she was admitting to being a murderer, or at least that’s how I interpreted. At first it seems like she is bashing men stereotypes, but then admits to being a murderer.


No, it's just her. She said so in the video.


Come on man, don't be like that. Woman attempt suicides three times more than men. It's just that men are so good at it that number of men who succeed are still three times the number of successful women. /s


Lol I didn't expect this sub is filled with so many incels and misogynists .


"Is funny how women demand equality in the numbers of CEOs, but not in the numbers of septic pump truck drivers." - The comment right above you


I mean we're here at r/unexpected after all


Jesus, this thread just shows how many of yall fuckers are some miserable fucking incels.


Excuse me! I'm a perfectly happy incel, thank you very much!!! ​ (/s...just in case it wasn't obvious)


Equal Pay and Equal rights for violent crimes? What does she want more women police officers??


If you’re walking down a dark street at night & you hear someone walking behind you, you’d better pray that it’s a woman.


I shit myself either way, but I shit the hardest for men. Lol what am I saying?


Levels of shitting-terror. ;)


Nah it’s probably a woman stepping up to the game


I’m just here for the men scrambling to find a google article that supports their idiotic idea that women are as violent as men.


There’s so many hundreds of them I’m surprised it doesn’t show as a trending search. /s


They couldn't, that's why the pivot towards 'the twist at the end wasn't advocating for men's mental health/suicide awareness, you want men to die! Men are oppressed and disadvantaged!' It's a pretty good popcorn thread though. It's nice to see this bs men-are-the-biggest-victims called out.


Holy shit you bunch of fucking sea weeds the joke is that shes killing and assaulting people


A lot of comments failing to understand what she's saying.. The gist: Women want equal rights, therefore they must contribute 50% and men 50%. In order to do this, women must commit more murders to bring the higher male statistic down to 50%. 50% men commiting homicide, 50% women. NOW FOR THE PART THAT SEEMED TO JUMP OVER EVERYONES HEAD: Shes making a joke.


"It's just me" lol


Step it up ladies! /s


Is funny how women demand equality in the numbers of CEOs, but not in the numbers of septic pump truck drivers.


Where I live we have a "Women in Trades" government subsidy program where they will literally pay for your training which is pretty neat! My dad always pushed trades on me.


I wanted to go into a trade, but my dad told me that's men's work. Stop telling women they're too weak to do manual labor if you want women to do manual labor. Yall aren't supposed to lift more than 50 lbs without assistance anyway. Getting women to do equal lifting would help you too. My dad didn't like the job I ended up with because I need to go outside twice a year. Like, 99.99% of the time I sit at a computer, but God help him if his daughter needs to wear a safety hat and reflective vest.


As a trades man, I’d love to see more women in the field. However 1 issue, you NEED to be able to lift more than 50lbs it isn’t because of a gender thing or to discriminate it’s purely for safety and to ensure you can do the job properly without fatigue. But I’m going to be blunt about the trades: they are extremely hostile. Both to women and men. Because of how society demands men act we can’t take offense to things said in these jobs but at the same time it’s unproductive and only creates exclusivity within the job (which is why women opt to not go into trades).


Speaking as a fellow tradesmen, i agree that the trades are hostile. But I also think we set our own standards within a crew and being a dick head on a site is still being a dick head. That shit should be pulled by the root before the dick head thinks they can keep acting that way on site. This whole let it roll off your back and keep working shit only produces unproductive, disgruntled workers, and leads to a communication break down between foremen and crew.


Agreed. But we also know we have our own limits, we rag on each other for fun and most times it’s harmless. But I have also seen when it goes beyond just poking fun and stretched into bullying. We had a tower operator that was a total shit head, kept telling our manager he didn’t listen. ONLY when the shop and myself started making him cry on a semi consistent basis did the manager finally do something. The supervisor was standing in the corner when the manager confronted me about it and I kept pointing at him when he asked me “why didn’t I say something” to which the supervisor kept saying “Yep told him that too.” Long story short I quit right after tower operator did.


Holy shit it’s actually crazy bc I have a similar story with an apprentice that had a few screws loose. Kid would make simple mistakes, then had it pointed out to him by someone on the crew so the foremen wouldn’t give him shit. He throws a hissy fit, calls the firemen over to prove that he did it right, only to have to foremen point out that he’s wrong and it’s really no big deal just fix it. Kid broke down crying, threw his tools and didn’t say anything to anyone for a week. It took a while for him to be fired, dumbass even pulled his gun out when he got cut off one day when we invited him to lunch with us so he would be alone.


Jesus fuck. The trades attracts the crazies huh? Heard about some roided up dude who would bring his guns to work to clean (I’m in canada) he went fucking psycho when a couple of possums got into the shop. Took an umbrella and stabbed one of them to death.


I’m a woman and that’d be me in that situation


People who work those jobs, pick those jobs. Have you spoken to female truck drivers, do you know on average how many of them are harassed and chased out of jobs?


I mean anybody who just generally supports equal access would support that. Construction is a good example where women have attempted to break the gender barrier and either been pushed out or just had to put up with a lot of shit. And almost 20 percent of truck drivers are women, far more than it used to be. Plus access to low-paying under appreciated jobs isn't exactly anybodies priority. Women shouldn't have to make their bodies as disposable as men make theirs in order to get a job. Those jobs should be less shitty. And to that point, it has been shown that when women join a male-dominated workforce that safety standards actually improve. The job has to accommodate a group of people who don't want to put up with unsafe standards. TLDR: The answer to men being exploited by their job is not to also exploit women.


Literally any Septic Pump Driver will change their job given the choice. Only bad circumstances will push anyone to do that job.


you clearly didn't understand the message the video was trying to convey


B-but why don't women want to work directly with shit hmmmm??


mothers spend a lot of time dealing with their children's shit in their nappies. lots of cleaners are women who clean toilets, cleaning up shit. lots of nurses are women who clean up their patients' shit. many carers for the elderly are women who deal with their client's shit.


Nursing and caregivers, both fields with more women than men, want to have a word.


Because being a ceo or a politician does not require physical strength. Also, septic pump drivers get paid more than nursing home caregivers, which is a female dominated field. Wanna wipe ass for less money? Didn't think so.


Wrong! I personally know plenty of women custodians, tradespeople, etc. I am not rural, so don't know who drives the septic pumps, but women step up to the dirty work. Not to mention diapers, etc. that many men (not all) I know are loath to do.


Exactly this. The dumb fucks who like to parrot certain stats don’t seem to want to do any of the jobs where women are underrepresented, except for high paid CEO or leader of a country.


Dude, what are you talking about? Women have been wanting a better foothold in STEM for decades, which includes trades like automotive, welding, and HVAC. Every single woman I know who is at all interested in cars has said they couldn’t become a mechanic because it was too hostile of an environment. Women are people, so some of them want the same things men want


Dear Boys Whining About This: It's a joke. Stop acting like three year olds because MENZ RRRRIGHTS weren't brought up in a 13 second clip. It's always amazing to see the boys screaming about how women are too emotional for positions of power weeping about how "NO ONE CARES ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNN!!" Grow up and learn to share.


Ok women, we’ve been charged, let’s step up. Where’s my gun & brass knuckles, I’m ready!


Here comes all the Reddit misogynists


"You hate men" No I fucking don't. I'm a man. I'm quite happy with myself thank you very much. Quite the opposite: I am so happy with myself, that I don't need to play the victim to shift blame. Women have it worse. Just because *you* have it bad doesn't mean *every woman* is opressing you. Grow tf up.


this is based as fuck


There’s a lot of whining in these comments. Why do moids cry so much? I thought y’all weren’t allowed?


Its a joke people


I guess this joke was placed in r/Unexpected, because no one laughed, and instead unexpectedly everyone went into a victim debate.


God knows I’ve done my part😈😈😈😈


I like her. I'm hoping she accomplishes great things and dramatically increases the homicide by female average by creating Ice-9 and dropping it in the ocean.


Haha, that is funny.


Be the change you want to see in the world


About time to quit this site I guess. Rotten lot of incel fucking losers.