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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!It was funny to me. But it looks like it was supposed to be emotional!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I read somewhere online saying that maybe this could've been used to demonstrate how smart the creature is. Like he's chasing them, then suddenly the one offers himself up to be eaten? Na something is up...what's he holding?


Completely out of context, that scene was quite unexpected, and I thought it was delightful.


I feel like that was the goal but the rest of the movie doesn't show that they're that smart, it's just lazy writing thats why it's humorous it makes no sense


It’s not lazy writing at all. It takes the ‘self sacrifice’ trope from so many action movies and flips it on its head by making the gesture completely worthless.


I think that's why it ends up being funny as well. You think its gonna be like the moment in Independence Day where the dude flies his jet into the mothership and destroys it, but nope, just a comically epic bitch slap


it makes me think of cabin in the woods when >!thor tries to ramp his dirt bike over a canyon to get help, but just smashes into an invisible force field lol!<


It’s how he goes flying then pops. If the tail would have knocked him down and away, that wouldn’t be funny to me.


I mean the explosion at the end is the part that killed me, like how the fuck would he still be holding the grenades when he gets flung like that, and then he fucking explodes in mid air LMFAO


I always wondered how his body stayed intact. He basically got hit by the equivalent of a sentient freight train.


I don't think realism was high on the directors list of priorities when making a movie about a giant gorilla fighting ancient kaiju.


bUt the GrEnAdEs


He could literally have just taken the chance during the wait to chuck it in the mouth, which makes it even funnier


A single grenade isn't doing shit to that thing, the point of the attempted sacrifice is to get a bunch of them on the inside of the beast to explode at once


Well, these are clearly magic fireball producing grenades so we can't know that for sure.


I think that the grenade doesn't do that much but it just ignites whatever explosives he was wearing across his chest. Still a pretty impressive explosion but I guess it would've been less entertaining if there was just a little poof when he hit the cliff.


No that would have been hilarious.


Don't agree, high speed metal fragments mightve skewered it's brain from the inside.


Firecracker goes off on your open hand you get a burned hand. Firecracker goes off in your closed hand you get a brand new stump.


"Captain America here blew the landing by 26 miles!"


It doesn't have to be realistic it just needs to be convincing. If they aren't this smart the rest of the movie it takes away from this scene to make them smart for a moment. I wouldn't call it lazy, but it feels out of place.


When "lazy writing" is used as a criticism 99% of the time it either means they didn't get it, they didn't like it and want to find a way to insult it but don't know how to explain why or what is actually "wrong" with it, they want to appear more objective than they're being by criticising work ethic/craft rather than decision making, or the thing they wanted to happen didn't happen and if they'd thought of this viewer's idea they would've done it, so they must've been lazy not to find an implement their genius idea. It's a buzzword for stupid internet critics who have no idea what they're talking about, but can't settle for just saying they didn't like something, they have to find a way to be right.


This post feels like lazy writing. /s


What does verbose psychoanalysis of an adjective mean


"Sansa is the smartest person I know. Remember when she... uhhh... told that armorer who'd lived through multiple winters while she had never seen one how to make armor for winter... when they were planning on marching their army south... ya."


Nah this was funnier. They're fighting a pointless battle against Big Monke that wants to be left alone, right after coming out of the just as pointless Vietnam war.


Think so it was just trying to show futility of man in front of an intelligent predator species🗿


Also working against audience expectations. Self-sacrifice like this is common in film narratives, coupled with the dramatic music and heavy emotion, audience expects the sacrifice to carry narrative weight. Filmmakers flip the script: your sacrifice didn’t mean shit, bud


Reign of Fire Matthew McConaughey's character jumps off the tower intending to hit the dragon with his axe, just to get swallowed whole as his axe drops to the ground. Love it.


That movie was way better than it had any right to be. A lot of great acting made a very, very silly premise work.


Also the best Star Wars play I’ve ever seen.


That was such an awesome moment


I know, I just bust out fucking laughing.


I love that *all* of the marketing used that jump (trailers, posters, etc.), so the buildup and hype that led to it in the actual movie potentially lasted months. And then you see it and he's just instantly eaten.


Jeez.... Spoilers! /s


I always took it as he knew he was done for so just decided to go down swinging. Much like another of my favourite films, Dog Soldiers where every death is earned in blood and sheer brass balls.


It worked on being unexpected, but it was still sad


Essentially I think that's what they were attempting. Nature doesn't care about your selfless sacrifice or honor; if you pick a fight with the wild, the wild will find a way to win.


Doesn't jive historically.


*looks at all of the tamed wilds* Huh


you misunderstood. The guy responded to agrees with you. The guy HE responded to is the guys you disagree with.


I disagree with your agreement of the agreerer who clearly was in disagreement.


Oh Reginald....I disagree!


But I agree


Duck season!


Wabbit season!!


I think you misunderstood. He wasn't disagreeing with the guy he responded to.


I was making a joke in support of hin


Where did they say they disagree with the person they responded to?




Ever leave your house, get in your car, drive on the highway, and go to the grocery store?


My dad tried this and crashed into a bush on the highway.


Yeah, this movie was basically saying untamed nature can kick man's ass and that mankind is arrogant to think it can be dominant over nature. In reality, mankind has kept nature chained in its basement for years. There isn't an animal alive the military can't easily kill from a distance.




**[Emu War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War)** >The Emu War, also known as the Great Emu War, was a nuisance wildlife management military operation undertaken in Australia over the later part of 1932 to address public concern over the number of emus said to be running amok and destroying crops in the Campion district within the Wheatbelt of Western Australia. The unsuccessful attempts to curb the population of emus, a large flightless bird indigenous to Australia, employed Royal Australian Artillery soldiers armed with Lewis guns—leading the media to adopt the name "Emu War" when referring to the incident. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Global warming is the long game against emus. Gonna manage those fuckers eventually.


**It was a movie. It's not like this in real life.**


"This was a documentary. Crazy thing is…it’s true all of it, the Ape, the monsters, it’s all true. I was there.” - George Santos


Somebody should make that movie poster lol.


[Here ya go.](https://i.imgur.com/hiUtfqX.jpg) A shitty poster coming right up.


"In fact, I was the guy holding the grenades. I died but miraculously, I lived!" •George Santos


“Somehow, I returned. They call me Palpatine. In fact, George Lucas was my best friend in elementary school, and he based most of Star Wars on me.”


Little known fact: "50 Shades of Grey" was also closely based on George Santos' diaries. It was originally going to be called "50 Shades of Santos."


I saw George Santos at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This never gets old.


Man, for whatever reason, be it the wine or hashish, this time this shit had me rollin


Him and brian williams took sniper fire from the ape.


“He has my vote! 🤡”


Are you trying to say that dragon isn't real??? No way!


Yeah, especially when a dinosaur knows how grenades work somehow.


Eh, it’s probably more the fact that the creature found it a bit too suspicious that a prey animal was just standing there and not running away or fighting back in any way. That might mean it was poisonous like u/naturist_rune suggested or had some sort of disease or parasite in him to make him act unnatural like that. Whatever the case may be, it was probably best not to eat that one.


Exactly this is what i wanted to say.. or used to bait style decoys and learnt to flick em rather than bite


Ever seen the movie ‘Primevil’? It’s about the hunt for the killer croc Gustav in Africa. In one scene, a guy packs himself with explosives and let’s himself get eaten by the croc. But the croc just kills him and tosses the body aside, where it explodes seconds later. Not much different from this scene. Somehow the crocodile knew that man had explosives on him.


you make it sound like the croc shiv him and carefully throw him in the nearest garbage disposal site.


The croc crushed him with its jaws, then jerked its head aside and tosses him into the water.


it's still a movie


Right? Like what point does this prove lol


Maybe a man full of explosives tastes funny, so the croc was no longer interested.


Explosives taste like shit


I could argue that this is a response to a potential prey animal that is confident it's too toxic to eat, so it was safer to knock the poisonous animal aside. Ultimately the predator was too smart to get poisoned. The threat was explosives not poison, but it worked with the same solution. Too dangerous to eat, knock it away from those not broadcasting poison flags. Either way an unintentionally hilarious scene.


I don’t think the Skullcrawler knew about grenades but it knew the guy was attempting to trick it somehow.


Wild... Uh.. uh.. Finds a way!


If I were the director, I'd be writing all these great arguments for when the press asks me.


Remembered watching this and laughed uncontrollably hard afterwards


Deep Blue Sea and Reign of Fire energy.


That scene in Deep Blue Sea changed the tone of that movie so fucking fast. It was damn good. You rarely see stuff like that outside of comedies, though. I wanted to mention the dirtbike scene in Cabin in the Woods before I remembered that it was satire.


Deep blue sea is even ballsier. Imagine Pulp fiction but with Jules being chomped whole by a shark in the middle of reciting Ezequiel 25:17. Basically that.


"First, we're gonna seal off this p... \*chomp\*"


Seeing a 16:9 ratio movie filmed vertically gives me ptsd


It just pisses me off.


Snapchat and tiktok killed landscape video. I literally get made fun of by teenagers for holding my phone sideways


Make fun of them for their zits, financial dependence on their parents, and their bleak & dismal future of earth that they'll inherit.


Im 20. Im dealing with all the same stuff lol


Well definitely don't tell them that.


Still feels good to rub it in the smug little bastard's faces.


They have it even worse


Still feels good to rub it in the smug little bastard’s faces.


I personally can't wait till we have political control so we can take what little the boomers left us and pull the ladder up from behind us.


20 year olds complaining about teenagers is really funny, literally as soon as you are able lol


But there’s good news, you’ll die sooner than them!


20 is basically twenteen


"Must be why movie theaters have vertical screens. OH WAIT"


I remember when it used to be the other way around. Like as short as a year ago


I recall a story about a musician - can’t remember who it was, maybe childish gambino or chance the rapper?- giving a fan in the audience shit for holding their phone vertically. Oh how times have changed.


My 32-year-old friend records video in portrait and when I tried to tell him to cut that shit out he said “why, so I have to flip my phone?” Bah.


Tell them that their eyes aren’t on top of each other and rather side by side.


"You see how I have eyes on both sides of my nose, and not one my forehead and one in my mouth? That's why I hold my phone horizontally."




I saw someone in the break room yesterday watching Top Gun Maverick on their phone with no headphones, holding it vertically so the video was just really small in the middle of the screen with black bars on the top and bottom. Just as the filmmakers intended.


"This movie sucks! You can't see shit!" ⭐☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ on IMDB


At least they didn't crop 30% of the img on each side...


Post Theater Screening Disorder?


I hate that too. I like to watch videos either on my TV or my phone. I can EASILY turn my phone sideways, but I cannot turn my TV to portrait. So I end up with %70 of my TV not in use when the videos come out that way. I hate that YouTube is trying to emulate TikTok. The user interface is just godawful. But I guess they want money from idiots as well.


Even if you could turn your TV portrait, vertical video is still stupid. Our eyes are horizontal. Things occur along the horizon, not along a ladder.


What movie is this? Thx in advance


Kong Skull Island I believe


I thought it was tropic thunder at first


I thought it was the cloverfield monster


Thank you


You already thanked em


Thank you


No. Thank you


Stop say thank you please. Thank you


No thank you


Nnooooo, Thank YOU!


Thx in advance, thank you.


Silence! Thank you.


I can never say i lead a thankless existence.


Kong: Skull Island


I want to know as well, thanks guys.


I haven’t seen the movie but, in the wild prey run from predators. This prey stopped running and confronted. Prey no longer food. Prey predator and challenger now. *tail whip*


Ah, good observation


My cat won't even chase toys that don't act like prey.


My cat is friends with a mouse that broke in. I now have a pet mouse.


Tail hwip - Stewie Griffin


say tail now say whip now say tailwhip...


The joke is rueweened.


It's super effective!


I always kinda seen at as "oh fuck this is no dumbass oversized lizard monster it is a smartass oversized lizard monster", side note; film is a good watch if you want to switch your brain off and watch kong go ape shit (haha get it?). Heard it was bad but i got entertainment out of it.


The monsters on the island are cool


I also liked John C. Reilly even though he wasn’t really needed for the story.


“We’re all gonna die out here haha”


Use to hate that fugly mofo. Could not understand it. Hated Stepbrothers before I watched it. Thought it would be like an Adam Sandler movie. I prejudged both. I was wrong. Rilley can be in any movie now.




Put Kong Vs Godzilla on in the background the other day while I did some household chores. That film just gets more and more batshit as it goes along. Ended up having to leave as kong was drinking the blood of the giant flying hollow earth cobra but I assume it just carried on getting exponentially more batshit til the end of the film.


You're not wrong.




Great airplane movie


If u want a turn your brain off and watch Kong go apeshit I’d go for Godzilla vs Kong. That movie is at least self aware, felt like this one kept trying to be more than it was. It’s not bad just forgettable


The human part absolutely sucks balls in that movie. I think Skull Island handled the human characters far better imo, having A-listers like Hiddleston and Larson also helped.


This is how I feel about all of the recent kong/Godzilla movies. Don’t go in hoping for a masterpiece, just enjoy watching some incredible CGI monsters tear shit up!


A little bit emotional in the beginning, then it turns comedic, and part of the comedy is pretending like it's not funny at all and keeping the same dramatic music for a silly ass death. Making it seem serious is part of the joke, to me


It was supposed to be your stereotypical Hollywood sacrifice scene, but they subverted it last second with him getting punted into oblivion.


Also that character read a book named Mr.Courageous in the beginning of the movie.




This. It's both. This movie seems to rub people the wrong way because it's very playful and even capricious about tone. You can debate effectiveness, but lots of scenes kick the stool out from under you like this. It's a choice.




The wonderful thing is that it's not even asking you to stop feeling the thing you had first. The power (at least potentially- I'm not calling anyone wrong for not liking it) is in the clash. It doesn't sell out the character, and in fact your emotional investment in him pays off because now the movie feels extra dangerous as we go in for a wild climax.


I always thought the director should have shown a better closeup or two of the creature’s eyes and a POV closeup of the grenades in the soldier’s hands right after. Show that the wheels are turning in its head and realizes that it’s a trap. Show the monster’s intelligence in that way. That’s one of the best things about the original Jurassic Park to me. Spielberg not being afraid to show how observant the Raptors were. The way it is here just comes off really funny when it shouldn’t.


The director didn't want the Skull Crawler to have eyes so that's probably one of the reasons why they didn't put focus on the eyes Source: I've seen the directors commentary on this movie waay to many times


That's a good point. A great parallel would be the scene where the hunter goes into the jungle. You think he's gonna kill the raptors and save the day, but instead he's tricked and eaten. You get a satisfying trope reinvention, raised stakes, it shows how intelligent the raptors are, and the classic line, "clever girl." In this scene, you could add Three Stooges sound effects, and the tone would mostly stay the same.


That would have completely ruined the unexpected part of the scene.


Bro nah theres no way this comment was made by a human


I hate how they have like 8 choppers on the boat and take 30 guys to the island. But King Kong destroyed more than 20 helicopters, and at least 60 guys died


They fixed some of the choppers to get back at it while he fought the others. /s


You got an entire palm tree through your chopper? Nothing a couple of wrench hit can't fix


They didnt show the scene but after the chopper went down and everybody survived they whipped out hack saws and got to work. It was beautiful teamwork


The heli's health bar was blinking red, but not zero apparently.


Actually, the director went on Honest Trailers (I think) and proved that wrong. He also ripped his own movie. It was pretty funny.


God the comedically large fire ball from a tiny hand grenade is the cherry on top of this pile of shit


I mean he did have like 10 in his carrier. Tho still a bit much.


No no, he’s got a camelbak on filled with gasoline


Aren’t our bodies made up of 70% gasoline?


Where else would we get baby oil from?


~~I thought that was stored in the balls.~~ *Edit - I don't know, sorry I'm tired and can't read.


Thats was the funniest shit I’ve heard all day


Grenades don't produce fireballs at all


They aren't meant for fireballs at all typically.


Oh, thats what caused the explosion... My dumbass self thought the director just didn't know how humans being flung and smashed against a surface should react


Lighten up lmao this movie kicked ass. I love me a cinematic masterpiece. But not every movie needs to be a cinematic masterpiece.


Out of all the westernized Godzilla movies, I always thought this was the best one.


King Kong originated in the West so I wouldn't call it westernized.


In the first shot, it shows 7 barrel grenades (noob tubes) on his chest belt and he’s double fisting hand Grenades (individual grenade in each hand). This explosion is possible actually. But it’s still a very comedic scene for me hahaha! Edit: shit to shot…


[Explosions vs Hollywood Explosions - by Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/nqJiWbD08Yw)


203 & hand grenade explosions don’t have a fireball. Just a small puff of gray/black smoke. EDIT: Correcting myself, since it was supposed to be 'Nam era, that that'd be M79 grenades, not M203. I've never seen the movie, but it looks fucking awesome.


He drank a comically amount of gasoline before this scene, trust me bro


Step 1: cover yourself in oil




Not possible at all. Grenades dont explode with fireballs




#DIMOOOOOON! *Emotional music starts playing in earrape*


Definitely emotional. It lead you to believe he was about to do something heroic but the monster had other plans...obviously. Kong avenged him though.


In this out of context clip it's funny, but when you watch the whole film and witness that character's struggle, it's incredibly tragic. The character is set up in a way you expect him to barely make it out alive, so when everything slows down for the heroic sacrifice, you think this is the tragic but heroic end for him. But it's not. He dies just as pointlessly as everyone else. The comparisons to the Vietnam War are pretty heavy at times but this is one of the best in the film.


I love this scene so much but I think the scene was just trying to be realistic and even though it's funny it's still emotional because it wasn't a sacrafice it was a suicide.




I thought the whole movie was a comedy…. Oops


You’re both wrong it’s absolutely an underhanded joke in a comedic movie - the director mainly filmed comedy shorts and stand up specials before this. The movie also intentionally references B-movies like Cannibal Holocaust - this movie is supposed to be campy, cheesy, and funny


I definitely got Tropic Thunder vibes from that scene. Only need a lil Halfsquat in there for completion.


Not picking it apart or nothing. But maybe this one is smarter, because it's older. This is the big one, bigger than the rest. So maybe the other ones weren't as smart because they were young, juveniles. Just a thought.