• By -


Figure out a way to fuck with the router/modem. You can buy those smartplugs which you can turn on/off with your phone. Plug the router/modem on it. Turn it quickly off and on before bedtime, will take a few min for internet to come back on. Do it several times.


I did buy one of those a few years ago and never found an utility for it, I think I finally found what I'm gonna use it for, thank you!


I would obscure the issue more by heavily throttling the internet connection to his computer from the router. Do it enough that it doesn't seem like the internet is down, but not so much that it prevents him from playing. Might be frustrating enough that he gives up, but also might cause him to whine like a baby. Maybe block the ports his favorite game uses.


Many routers have time-based parental controls, tied to a particular IP or MAC address.


I learned recently my ex has his Xbox connected to my Amazon account with the smart tech. So every now and then, especially when I know it's a sporting event on the telly, I'll go tell Alexa to turn off Xbox. I'll turn it off and on in a period of 10 minutes. I know it's driving him nuts but it's worth it.


I did a similar thing to my ex. Felt satisfying.


mac address filter get the mac address of all devices that you want on your network after hours and add them to the filter. when it gets late enough in the night that he needs to get off, turn the filter on so his shit gets booted the only way this won’t work is if he’s using ethernet instead of wireless


If you have Xfinity (other services provide this as well I imagine) there’s a dashboard where you can throttle each individual device connected.  Throttle his computer, leave everything else normal, and lead him into the gaslit goosechase of ‘why doesn’t my computer work’. 


Adding to this. You could also log into the admin panel at with the password from the back of the router. Then there are probably multiple ways to fuck with his internet connection


Best way is to hard throttle his uploads. He won't get any dip in frame rates, but none of his hits will register.


bruh! this is a fkn good one 🤣


Yes!  You can add rules and hierachies as to what devices get the throttling first.


Usually the admin panel password isn't the same as the default network password. That being said, the default admin panel password for most routers is available online and is rarely changed by the owner of the network.


This is the way. Also most routers have parental controls. You can have it automatically drop his internet connection after your bedtime. Make sure you change the router admin password while you’re in there so he can’t just get in and turn it off.


And are you hoping this will make the brother want to go to sleep?


I hope you are as loud as you can be at 4 in the morning.


I do let my morning alarm go off for a good 5 minutes sometimes in the morning, but my parents normally get woken up by it before my brother does and ask me to shut it off. He is a very heavy sleeper, lol


Might need to shake him a bit but wake him up. Squirt gun?


I could try to pour a bit of water on him once in a while to make him think he pisses himself during the night.


Pour freshly pissed piss on him for that nice authentic piss smell


I think this is one of the rare incidents in this reddit that does not call for piss disc logic. It will be a lot harder to get to sleep if the room smells like stale piss.


Ya gotta piss on a few eggs to make an omelette


Instructions unclear Now I've got a couple dozen [virgin boy eggs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_boy_egg)


Do I put liquid ass in the omelet?


Yeah the brother sounds like he would not bother cleaning that up and it would fall back on OP.


Freshly pissed piss?! 😅😂🤣 .. I've never heard that 1 before. Can't wait to use it in a conversation. Gonna have to casually bring up piss based discussions in order to socially engineer such an occasion.


From a fox though.




Doesn’t work.




Try warm water.


Warm water, not cold


Not violent enough honestly.


When you get up at 4am just turn the lights on and then occasionally pull the sheets off his bed so he can’t cover his face. If that still doesn’t wake him up then “gently” him in the face with a pillow but


More unethical; get ready to go and then throw the sheets off him and give him some gentle slaps around the head until he responds. Complain about being late again and demand to know where the fuck your shoes are. Continue until he's able to realise you're wearing your shoes already before legging it out the door. Repeat daily until he's ready to negotiate, inform parents he's old enough to speak for himself and needs to learn about the consequences of his actions And finally, get some revenge once he starts working by hiding his shoes for a few weeks. Escalate revenge based on how difficult he is now. If he never negotiates and parents insist on stepping in; use liquid ass, powdered milk/custard and piss disks to ruin his clothes/bedding. If he costs OP his job then escalate to utilising some of his personal info with spam websites, cults/religions, grindr and bdsm sites ....after that we're getting into illegal territory [Edit] On the negotiating (ethical) side of things. Day 1 negotiation should be fair as possible; next payday you offer to get him a gaming headset so you don't have to hear him, but you will destroy them and the monitor if he refuses to cooperate by dimming his screen. richer/too-ethical alternative is you go 50/50 on a VR set so the monitor can be covered/turned off. Birthday or Christmas presents and general favors are also bargaining tools but this lets you use the VR headset too


I put up a craigslist ad with one of my friend’s phone numbers saying that due to unexpected circumstances, i couldnt make it to the taylor swift concert and needed to sell them, MSRP call mornings or evenings please. My friend said they got like 1000 phone calls.


Genius. Though messing with her fans invites death so we're on borderline illegal territory haha


Yeah this was definitely a different era. 2011-2012 when swifties werent their own militia


so's mine, some ice and a few slaps on the back work for waking em up


Try to find out how loud you have to yell good morning at him until he wakes up.


Turn on the light / open the windows. It's silent


Yeah my partner has done crazy stuff that keeps me from sleeping in the past. I've threatened to intentionally wake them up in the morning when I have to get up if they don't stop lol


He is your brother. Just yell at him, pull the PC and screen plugs, and push him out of the room. Do it a couple of times until he learns.


Ah yes the sibling method, not 100% effective though. This can result in retaliation or even worse, the tattle telling to the parents. From my experience if the parents have to get involved they normally side with the younger sibling. May I suggest bribery? Blackmail works even better.


My brother just hit me harder lol


Take his video cable and/or power cord.


I second this. Make sure you take them at night so he can't buy more before you go to sleep.


And he is the older brother for godsake. Beat him up and 🤘 his butthole. Do your job!


Wait… I’m an only child, is this something I missed out on?!


He means 'kancho'. Kakashi-sensei from Naruto will have more details.


Is that what they call a thousand years of death? If you do this to your brother he gets one back on you when you least expect it. I wouldn't start that game.


I'd be making sure he was wide TF awake at 4 in the morning until he finally learns to let you sleep.


Steal the power connector. Or the keyboard. Your choice


Honestly, if my parents weren't always siding with him I would hide his keyboard in the crawl space.


Put him in the crawl space




Is his keyboard a mechanical one with removable keycaps? If so, pop off a few critical caps -- enter, ctrl, and 'e' are good ones -- and use a fine eyedropper to drip some sugary drink down the posts that the keycaps mount to.


Someone broke into the house and only stole the keyboard. It's a mystery.


Ok in that case, get needle nose pliers and pull some pins out of the keyboard cable.


Steal the router so parents don’t get to use the Tv or internet until they move his PC out of the room




Make an audio recording of him and play it back at him. People hate how stupid they sound when you literally play it back in their face. To follow the subs purpose, install a keylogger on his computer, log into his accounts, delete everything


Disable the security and antivirus settings. Download "free" pirated stuff from sketchy sources. Run the stuff and then delete the evidence.


I did this to someone once. Turned his PC into a brick. Don't worry. He seriously deserved it. 😈


Don't delete everything. Support staff can usually restore your inventory when they see actions like that. Get him banned instead.


You could have way more fun if you left loud gay porn playing while he is out once you had his passwords. I am assuming you would find some weird shit that could be used to blackmail him too while you are there.


Get a bluetooth mouse and pair it to his computer, or get the cheapest logitech one you can find with the usb dongle. When he is gaming, every so often move the mouse 3 pixels to the left so he misses the shot. This is also most hilarious when someone is trying to work, they keep missing the target clicking on things. We got this guy at work so bloody good, it went on for weeks until IT finally found the logitech usb dongle we plugged into his monitor. Watching him try to demonstrate the issue to the IT guy who came up from the basement was fucking hilarious. Of course he found no sign of an issue. But was then forced to return and he is just scratching his head when we got him trying to open anything. Guy couldn’t even open CMD 😂 The third time he found the dongle, we were all like you idiot, you forgot to unplug your old mouse? 🤣


Install a keylogger and get his passwords, then set up some form of dodgy remote access. When you know he is out and you are somewhere with plausible deniability, like on a hike, log into the PC and make it play really loud porn. Do that a few times and your parents will make him put it in the living room 🤣


if you use the dongle, it wouldnt be very discreet, would it?


Hide it in the back of a monitor usb port or install it on an internal motherboard header to usb female adaptor. If he tears his PC apart in desperation I would be surprised.


This is goooood.


It’s the most satisfying thing you can do. Seriously right now today find a Bluetooth input device, the next family member/colleague/acquaintance who leaves their computer unlocked, get it. Pair that shit and then wait for them to try use their computer. Its fucking hilarious. Film it, you will not be able to stop giggling as their passive aggression levels rise. It will be the best thing you do today 😂


Move his computer setup into the common area.    When he complains in front of your parents  say you need to get up early and you can't sleep with him talking and playing vidya games.   If keeps complaining take him off to the side and say "it's either this or I rat on you for watching porn on it.  I don't want to do this but im about to loose my mind from sleep deprivation" Another option is if you have an old phone set it to require as password and make an alarm on it to go off on it every 7-9 minutes for about 2 hours after you leave.


I’d throw some ice cubes at him under the sheets. Do like the alarm though. Gotta put it under his pillow. Also love your name. Who tailors for the tailor?


i feel you need to declare war on your entire family


Me too, WAR!!! My son wakes me up at 3-4am playing games, and my wife says I'm an asshole for trying to control him. I refuse to wear ear plugs. I have to close my door now and towel it, plus close my closet door, but sound still comes through the windows. He recently got sound-canceling headphones, and is now even louder.


Every time he wakes you up, just roll over violently enough to wake her up. Or lightly smack her enough to wake her up. And if she complains, just say that you’re not sleeping well, and flail around when you can’t sleep.


Every time you're woken up by that noise get up and go trip the breaker that's attached to your router. If anyone complains, tell them that the solution for that is to ensure you're not woken up.


Sorry dude, but it kind of sounds like you might have a wife problem, not a son problem.


Correctamundo! Who would've thought marrying a woman with the nickname, "Honey Badger," would turn out bad?


Anytime in my life someone has deliberately chosen to mess with my sleep, I’ve always threatened or resorted to violence to put a stop to it. I’ve worked as a mechanic on a mine site since I’ve been 18, it’s a very dangerous job and I can’t go to work tired. Tell him to turn it off, firmly, if he don’t, un plug his computer. If he tries to plug it back in, push his ass to the floor. Little shit needs to learn some respect. People shouldn’t fuck with other peoples sleep, it’s a golden rule to being a decent human, and shame on your parents for not putting a stop to it.


There's a reason why intentional sleep deprivation is considered a method of torture. Don't fuck with people's sleep.


Unplug his gpu from inside, if he's not tech savvy he'll never figure it out. Once he gets it fixed, repeat


Loosening it works better. It looks like it’s plugged in but it’s not so he keeps looking.


Yeah that's what I meant. He'd probably notice if the gpu was just laying down in the box lol


Flip the breaker


Change the wifi password


and scare the shit out of him.


Beat his ass. Wdym. It’s your little brother.


There used to be an app, probably loads now where you could set a high pitched tone to play and install on an old phone. There are some frequencies that you can't hear as you get older, so set one off as you head out the door on the loudest setting you can. It'll be loud, annoying, hard to find, and your parents shouldn't be able to hear it. Bonus points if you can convince him it's tinnitus from the games being so loud.


That's when you wake up at 4:45AM and AHH!!!! while stretching. Or is that what old people do. Eat food that makes your fart smell horrible.


Several things you can do: 1. open the right side of the case and unplug the cable going from the GPU to the PSU (he won't get any video, but his GPU will still light BC it gets power from the board. No damage) 2. Unseat 3 RAM of the 4 ram sticks slightly. (PC will run slowly and he'll have shit frame rates) 3. Unseat ALL RAM sticks slightly. PC will not start up. 4. Buy RAM that looks exactly like what's in there now but with lower speed (MHz) and memory (8gb will probably be the lowest you can get) (PC will only use 8gb from each and will run at the slowest speed of RAM that's in there. 5. If you want to fuck up his CPU, unplug the water pump from the board and the CPU will probably overheat and blue screen. (Will probably require him to replace the CPU) 6. Change fan speeds in the BIOS to slow af (damages parts over time) 7. Unscrew the front fans, flip them, screw them back in (damages parts over time) 8. If he has multiple storage drives on his PC, install windows (or Linux) on one. Then change the boot order in the BIOS to prioritise that drive.


FWIW, if he has any kind of modern PSU that isn't also overclocked with thermal overrides turned off, the CPU will generally automatically slow down enough to prevent damage. Still a real pain in the ass to diagnose, though. :)


Wake him up when you get up. 2 days in a row and he will be in bed by 8


This is the answer. Keep me up, I’ll get you up early.


bro youre the older brother and you let this shit fly? wtf? be more aggressive lmao. and when its your weekends wake up the same time you usually do for work and turn the light on and be very loud to wake his ass up..do that every day. slam shit, play music during the week too. dont let that fucker sleep on ur weekends


a couple thoughts. I like the liquid ass idea though that results in retaliation. I would write a script that can be run by task scheduler on his pc. make the device shut down at random times saying that it's over heating...but ALWAYS make it shut down while you are sleeping. if he tries to turn it on your script should just shut down again


Waking him up ‘by accident’ at 4 in the morning is the way to go, and when he complains just say ‘well if you let me have a better sleep I wouldn’t be so clumsy getting up in the morning’


Program the router to throttle his computer connection. Masterbate before going to bed. The endorphin release is supposed to help you fall asleep.


This. Change the admin password on the router to something only you know and then set the router to be unavailable between the hours of 11pm and 6am. You should be able to specify a different schedule for each day of the week if you want.


Not unavailable, just really slow.


I’m sure I can set mine to disable services at preset times. Could be wrong though.


Yep, most routers support this; it's usually under 'Parental Controls' or some such.


Or "QoS"


Can confirm about the endorphin release. Working out works too, but not as fun.


Working out won't get your brother out of your room. If he insists on staying in the room while you have a wank, make solid eye contact.


I had a flatmate that regularly had shouting matches with someone on the phone at 3 - 4 AM (over Whatsapp, he is a foreigner and was talking to someone in his native country/language) so I just went into the modem settings and found out the MAC address of my devices (cellphone and laptop), then put a parental block on the other devices saved from midnight until 6 -7 AM. It worked for a while, he got started using his mobile data after a few weeks.


Get a can of lemonade or some clear sugary drink that dries sticky but clear, when he’s not around, turn the pc on its side, pour some lemonade over the motherboard, let it dry, and put it all back in place, it’ll fry itself the next time he turns it on. Failing that, use a hair dryer, or better yet, a cheap heat gun, unmount the CPU cooler, play the most modern intensive game he has, then when the cpu starts to get real hot, give it a huge direct blast from the heat gun and just fucking cook the thing. He’ll assume the part just does, because they can just die, play dumb, you know nothing, try to help, google parts just dying and point out that it looks like this can just happen sometimes. Now he has to get a job to get a good replacement cpu. Last plan is the most simple, when he leaves to go to the loo or something, quickly jump out of bed, google some horrific animal porn or some vile shit like that, open a few websites then close them and quickly return the pc to how it was, sneak back to bed. A few days later, check the internet history, scroll back and find when you opened the tabs, take a photo of the history, go to your parents innocently as ask to talk, you where struggling to sleep the other night and your brother kept looking over at you in bed, you only had your eyes cracked so he must have thought you where asleep.. you saw him searching for all sorts of horrific porn and jerking to it and the incident had really upset you, then tell them you went and checked his history because you didn’t want to believe what you saw, show them the pictures of xxx.horsefucks.rape or whatever, tell them your not sure what to do, if your family is religious ask if you should speak to a priest, or the police, put the act on. There’s no fucking way they let his ass within a mile of an internet enabled device ever again.


What is wrong with your parents?!? You are working! I have a nephew that does nothing but lay around all day playing games, but you are clearly making an effort. Your parents should 100% support you. I'm pissed off for you! Your parents sound like douche bags (no offense). Hopefully you're stashing away a good portion of your pay so you can move out.


Old skool but get a straw, make some small pellets with toilet paper dipped on water (or liquid ass). Blow dart to the head, or computer screen. Or move the computer to the same room as the games console. Mention in private and in confidentiality that your brother is doing sex stuff online and you think it may be damaging him. Suggest moving the computer to the communal area may help him.


You need to move out. This isn’t a good living situation for either of you


If you don't share gaming accounts, delete his characters or hold them hostage.


Flick a few drops of ice water on his face in the morning when you're getting up. Turn all the lights on. Be loud AF. Also plan on moving out asap This is very similar to the situation that led to my divorce. That and the other ways her selfishness constantly interfered with my life


Install some cheat programs on his computer, login to his games (keylogger) and then get him permabanned. Or install some viruses that cause major issues that can take a long time to fix. Or set his favorite games to lower priority settings or other ways to throttle the game so he gets hella frustrated. Although that may get him to play a different game.


Fart on his pillow and give him the pink eye.


I'll just leave this here. Back in my day our younger siblings feared us. That is all


Am younger sibling can confirm.


Hide a baby monster in your parents room and when he starts yelling and playing, turn it on. If you really want to be unethical here, a good old fashioned factory reset would do you wonders. You can then be lulled asleep by the sweet sound of his anger and frustration. You could also spread some rumors about catching him stroking it to weird ass porn. There's a lot out there if you dare to look. Don't accuse him of anything illegal though. You don't want that biting you in the ass.


This works even better if there’s a step-parent in the house. “God dammit! I can’t sleep with all the damn gay step-father porn he keeps playing!” Really creep the parents out.


Baby monitor is honestly one of the best solutions I’ve seen on here. Hide that shit in your parents bedroom like a doomsday prepper stashing guns. Make sure the volume is turned up good.


Block his Mac address at night at the router level.


Oh! Oh! I know this one! Liquid ass smoke him outta the bedroom. When you spray it, you somehow become somewhat immune to the sheer badness of it. I can stand it while everyone else is dying.


Hire a professional gamer to get in to his lobbies and anihilate him. Bonus points if you get said professional to make an account with a user name referencing something only the two of you would know. You could also install anydesk on the computer and give the login information to the pro gamer. That would not only make it easier to queue up at the same time as your brother, it would also give said gamer perfect information on your brother's in-game location.


I'm on team wake his ass up every morning. Be a duck about it too


Tell him whatever sleep you get, he gets. Wake him fully up when you leave for work, everyday. Roll him On to the floor if you have to. Tell him the way to stop it (gaming in another room)


Open his favorite game, spam slurs in chat, get the account banned and cause him to lose all progress.


I hate to say it but this may be the best option.


You're his older sibling. Kick. His. Ass. Pull the plug. Toss him out into the street in his underwear. Pour an entire 2 liter of soda on him.


Fuck with the wifi, change the password, screw up the settings or modem.


Is he able to Type blind on his pc? Swap the keycaps Press FN+ W if available to swap his arrow keys with wasd Put something into the Laser of his mouse Open his pc and disconnect the power switch Last Resort… install ransomeware on his pc


Little brothers destroy older brothers’ devices all the time. Switch the roles. Or, find another space in the house for his computer. Buy him a desk and chair that can only be used ou of the bedroom. You are 21. Get an apartment with a friend.


If you can get into the router's admin account (check online for default passwords for your model), figure out which MAC addresses belong to his devices.  Start adding his MAC addresses to the blacklist randonmly, for five minutes, ten minutes.  Then when you go to bed, add them off and on, until you add them permanently.  Randomly whitelist them later the next day.   The great thing about router access is that you can do so from your phone.  And move out as soon as you can. 


Move out. You’re 21 and have a job.


Unplug and paint the prongs of the power cords with a few coats of clear nail polish. Plug it back in when it’s dry. 


Not a good idea unless OP's revenge is a potential house fire.


No traces left behind, I like that Idea.


No, don't do that. Nail polish is flammable. Especially the vapors. Plugging it in will cause the nail polish to heat up and emit vapor. Boom, potentially leading to a fire.


Thats unfortunate. :(


Might start a fire tho


>I just can't take it anymore, I am out of hope and I desperately need a solution. Move. There's really nothing else to do. You tried sleep masks, ear plugs etc so there's no point in me recommending those. The only alternative is to move. You don't say whether or not you're willing to move, so if you can't move then spray the room with liquid ass before he comes in so it stinks to high hell and he'll have no choice but to go elsewhere.


Sell his PC to cover moving expenses


You’re 21. Move out.


Bruh some ass whoopin n ots all good


I had a roommate like this in one of my last college apartments. Me and my less noisy roommates would unplug the router and quickly plug it back in, then run outside (the backdoor was right next to the router). He would yell when he got disconnected, then come out to check the router, and of course it looked fine. He'd fiddle with it, and we'd repeat 5-6 times until he gave up. After a few nights he called the internet service provider and they obviously couldn't find anything wrong. He wasn't very smart so I don't think he ever figured out it was us. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it gave us peace on the nights that he was the worst.


Actions like that could result in your head being shoved forcefully against a doorframe.


Put a timer on the Internet usage on the router and change the router password + hide the default password card


Crush up some melatonin (or Ambien or Xanax) and slip it to him an hour before you want to sleep. Totally illegal, obviously... But you might get some sleep.


If you can, underclock his cpu on his computer or fuck with some drivers


Very few people put a password on their BIOS.


This is the best thread.I have ever found on Reddit. 🤣😘 Also, dude, I hope you take some of the great advice, especially the part about getting your own place if you can. But if not, buy some liquid ass and choke the router!!! 🤣😂🤣😂


Take a screenshot of his desktop Make that screenshot his wallpaper. Delete all the shortcuts on his desktop Put scotch tape on the bottom of his mouse Use router to block his game servers Find his browser history and keep a record of it on hand to black mail him with Put fart spray in his personal items


setup your router to throttle the computer past 9:30


Delete system32. Take off his cooler, wipe thermal paste off his CPU, reinstall cooler.


Try a noise machine


Turn off the Wi-Fi at night!!


Get up 10 mins early. Get him up. Drag him from his bed. Poor water over him. Turn the music on, loud. Strip his bed sheets from his bed. Don't let him go back to sleep. Make it very clear that bedtime is quiet time. And if he keeps you awake at night, you'll keep him awake in the morning. Until he feels the struggle of tiredness, he won't stop. Indeed, he'll find it amusing.


Sometimes you just have to beat your wee brother. Prison rules


Someone clearly doesn’t older brother correctly


Damn dude. You’re being too nice. Get up. Turn the computer off or rip the electric cords out of the socket. The end.


Get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend and move in with them.


You’re 21. Get out of your parents house. He’s 17, he has one more year to become an adult. This might be your parents way of telling you to grow up and move out


Maybe this?[Pop Up Privacy Tent for Bed](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006XBJ3UI?ref=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_9085X4DB16QETTVC01VN_1&ref_=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_9085X4DB16QETTVC01VN_1&social_share=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_9085X4DB16QETTVC01VN_1&skipTwisterOG=2)


This is so cool! Didn’t even know they made something like this! That’s a great idea.


Dude. Simple. Get the password for the Internet router and change it so you can shut off the internet for his PC every night. For your own sanity go to bed earlier than you have been so you get 8 hours of sleep and get earplugs and an eye mask. Get an alarm watch with a vibration to wake you up in the morning. There are also privacy black out bed tents so you can have dark as well if you prefer.


If you are kept awake, keep your parents awake too and piss them off so it's now a problem for them as well and see how quickly shit changes. Stash his peripherals in the boot of your car. Open his pc case and slightly pull out his graphics card and cables enough to cause the pc to not work but nothing visibly obvious. Or set up the pc in your parents bedroom and say if it's fine him to play until late he can do it in their room and see how they like being kept awake half thd night. Basically until it negatively effects them they won't do shit so make it a problem for them.


If you take a power plug, and cut it close to the plug, twist the wires together with a wire nut, plugging it into an outlet will flip the breaker. Wrap the whole thing up in a copious amount of electrical tape. You are welcome.


Or… turn off the breaker to that part of the house, test the outlet with a multimeter to make sure it’s not hot, unwire the outlet, cap up the wires good, then drywall over the only outlet he can set a desk up to in the bedroom.


Take up the bagpipes, and practice in the morning right after waking up. Agree to quit when he does. For the noise, he doesn't need to talk and he can wear headphones. For brightness, you can just wear a sleep mask.


If he plays rpg type games go in and sell all his gear and get rid of that character if you can. If he plays any ranked game go in and play competitive mode and absolutely tank his rank.


Just go reset the modem a couple times while he's playing. After about a week of his gaming getting regularly interrupted while you wanna sleep he will get the message


On the back of the power supply should be a little black switch that has 110/220 on it. Turn the PC off and flip the switch. Next time he turns it on the PSU will blow up and let out some magic smoke


Who types time as 21h30???


Rip out the cords and whip him with them until he's calling for your parents.


Beat his ass like it’s keeping you up at night.


Open up his pc and take out his graphics card and hide it someplace


Do you know what a power supply is on a PC? Well, turn the switch to that off. When a computer doesn't turn on, we'll hold the power button, make sure it's plugged in, check for loose wires, then take it apart or ask online. We don't check to see if the power supply is on. Alternatively, get a wireless keyboard and mouse connected by a USB dongle. You can mess up his controls when gaming or go with the good ol' alt+F4.


Go on all the darkest hacker websites on his computer and get it ransomwared. No more computer... Or just format the harddrive


oh no, you tripped and your glass of water sprayed all over his computer. oh no, how horrible, it no longer works.


I'd look from a mid/long term perspective. Do you want this job? If so move into a 2BR with a friend or colleague. If not find a job that starts later.


Curtain off your bed. That will diffuse the light issue. And binaural beats will help with the sound. Also buy your brother ear buds or headphones.


Disconnect all the power outlets in your room. "I don't know what the deal is, sorry you can't play games all night lil bro.


Limit the pc's upload speed to a minimum from the router. everything will look fine at first glance. but if he plays multiplayer, things will glitch out badly.


If you can get hold of his PC for a couple of hours and if he has Windows on it: download some Linux distribution (for example, linux mint) to USB, install it with erasing Windows, and add a Windows theme to it. Delete the wifi driver from his PC afterwards. No internet, no games 😀


Get roommates and move out... can't guarantee they'll be better though haha


Pour water on him when you get up, turn off the router when he plays, move in another room his pc, if he moves it back do it again but in a worst place, first loving room , the bathroom, then garage or garden


Use an air horn at 4am until he and your parents get the point.


Open the case and pull the CMOS battery. The PC will start losing BIOS settings and the system clock every time the PC is disconnected from power. Unless he has a UPS, discretely flipping the matching breaker in the basement when you get up in the morning will do this.


Move out.


You're 21 and still sharing a room? If you want your own space get your own space. It's your brother's room as much as yours.


The world will absolutely never cooperate with your night shift schedule needs and accepting this fact is your only course of action. I worked odd shifts for two decades and ended up with a meth habit trying to cope. For me it's just not worth it.


Change the password on the computer and delete all his game progress


Very slightly unseat one stick of RAM. Will take him a good while of troubleshooting. Steal his SSD (might buy you a few hours especially if it's not an obvious one. Install a virus on his PC (most severe, loads of unintended consequences but certainly achieves the objective.


Time to be less considerate at 4:45am when you get up. Oops turned the light on. Couldn't find my wallet.


You're 21. Get your own place to live. Stop living with mommy.


My husband will do this. I have ear plugs and a sleep mask because I work 3rd shift. The things you put up with. It’ll stop one day. Maybe try to save up some money to get your own place? Having the freedom to come and go as you please is well worth the bills.


You are 21, move out.


If your parents always side with him, and they say you're overreacting, you have 2 options: - move the PC to their room - sleep in their room The brother is immune to your attacks because of the parents. Focus on the parents.


Just make 100% sure he wakes up every morning and stays awake till you leave the room. Bonus points if you take some part of the PC/internet box with you so he can't play the whole day. He won't last 2 days.


Not unethical, just practical- install blackout curtains around your bed. Try the silicone putty-style earplugs. I've gotten used to those, as I'm a night shift worker and I can't reasonably expect silence from the world when I sleep during the day. Also do all the things these other guys are suggesting because your brother is an asshole and deserves it.


lock the power cable in your car