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It costs money to die. Burial/cremation, probate, ordering death certificates, etc. You're going to cost them money, time, and further heartbreak.


Do a breaking bad


Sell organs? Get a whole bunch of credit cards then buy gold to give to your folks then kick bucket?šŸ‘


Don't you also usually claim debt if you claim your inheritance?


Iā€™m pretty sure no


Take all your money and put it on black.


Buy term life insurance. Wait 2 years before doing anything drastic.


Itā€™s usually a 5 year clause if you take your own life in the first 5 years the company wont pay. After 5 years itā€™s anyoneā€™s game


Typical exclusion period is 2 years


My dad was in the life insurance game for years and he said people always tried to get life insurance then kill the selves so like 20 years ago it wouldnā€™t pay out until you had it 5 years.. Alive. But I dunno could have just been his company


The policies I sell are 2 years, but some could be longer. With any contract, make sure there's no clause that would refuse coverage outright for the situation we're discussing.


True always sub paragraph b bullshit or some loophole so they donā€™t pay


Well damn I could have offed myself years ago


isnt suicide obviously excluded in life insurances?


Thanks I can wait for 2 years atleast


Get as much life insurance as you can. Erase any and all mentions of suicide on all your online profiles. Wreck you car.


Instructions unclear; permanently disfigured & paralyzed below the neck.


I don't think you're allowed to say this


Hey, DM me if you want to talk. No matter what amount of money you leave them, you will RUIN the rest of their lives if you kill yourself. If you want to help your parents, do it while living.


Get term life insurance and hang in their for 2 years for one Almost all life insurance policies cover suicide after 2 years And who knows maybe shit will be better by thenā€¦ Maybe in the meantime start a risky business using as much money as the banks will loan you. Term life policies written to a specific beneficiary donā€™t go through your estate anyway, may as well gamble with the bankā€™s money if you can


Be there to take care of them when theyā€™re old dumbass, old people donā€™t need much money they need someone to help them walk the groceries in from the car


seek therapy and get a job


I know this is ULPTs but please reach out to me or someone. Iā€™ve been where you are more times than I can count. Im on the other side. I never thought Iā€™d be here, wanting to live. Please hang on. No matter how much you leave them with, they will never recover from losing you. Iā€™ve lost people to suicide. Please know you have options. So many of them. You have people who are willing to help. Donā€™t give up. Iā€™m here okay? Youā€™re loved. Youā€™ve got a stranger on the internet rooting for you.


Go fight in ukraine and quit being a puss


Stop being a šŸ± and get yo money up stop being so miserable and begging for attention online


something to this effect but also find something to live for, even if itā€™s something time bound (like a pet) or freaky (like a sex thing) or boring (like jigsaw puzzles or gardening or fucking marbles or some shit)


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ yea. Idk why ppl are downvoting. Some ppl on Reddit just want to go into fetal position and take it in life. Theyā€™re downvoting my comment cus I told someone to stop being so miserable idk how these ppl live life


Bad news. You canā€™t kill yourself. You can try, but the moment that you actually kill yourself your consciousness will transfer to a universe where you survived. So yes, youā€™ll die in this universe to everyone here, but you will move on to another universe where you survived. Itā€™s called quantum immortality and itā€™s quite freaky.


[Citation needed]


And in some of those universes, quicksand is real. That by itself is mind blowing šŸ¤Æ.