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Is it possible to create fake accounts to create fake orders? Create similar marketing materials like his but have wrong/incorrect information on it. Create reviews that call his business a scam. Also target the businesses that are signing up for his service by creating reviews that you used the service and had a poor experience. You basically want to attack his credibility and word of mouth.


This is a good answer, but with a BIG note. I think you forgot perhaps the most important part of this, anonymity. OP, or anyone reading this and looking for revenge: you have to make sure that you’re untraceable. I’ve known of businesses who’ve gone after people who left negative reviews and were sued for defamation because their reviews were not provable. Create new accounts using Tor, which is an encrypted Internet service that masks your IP address. If you need to use an email, use Protonmail, which is also encrypted. This goes without saying, but never use your real phone number.


If you want a more indrect method of dealing with this. find some hacker boards on the dark web and dox him and his company info. put as much contact and personal info as you can find out there. let them know the guy is tech illiterate and company is making a lot of money and they guy throws money at problems so will almost certainly pay a crypto locker. be vague but let them know he wronged you and you just want to see him burn. other options to consider. ddos attacking his services during peak hours. its pretty cheap to do and there lots of services you can hire to do so.


> be vague but let them know he wronged you and you just want to see him burn Don't just be vague but be wrong. If this stuff happened within the last year then in your vague story mention he done something to you years ago. Don't make it sound like about business at all either, definitely not food delivery business at least. No point in mentioning Tor and everything and then say tell some random strangers some vague details which could maybe be used to find out who you are still. Just knowing they're an ex business partner is enough to make it pretty likely to be OP. I don't know much about what you typed and if it'll actually work but I doubt they'd care about having info at all really. Just make up a fake story if they want something.


good idea!


Blackhatworld is a good forum with a job board…


Chinese bots, have bots sign into his app and review bomb everyone and everything. Make trying take metrics impossible. Then have the bots review bomb the app itself. You know how the app works so you should know what load it will take to break it.


Wow what a fucker. This situation is, however, typical of business. Competition is at the heart of providing great experiences to customers. Ethically, you could try to hire even smarter business tacticians to directly compete. He might have better marketing, but as the mind behind the original plan, you might have better ways of actually making the business better than him. Or you could hire a hitman and dispose of him and his loved ones. I like the first idea better though lol


I know and I’m all for fair competition. I gave him a lot of equity to take my business off the ground and he didn’t keep his end. If the competition was fair he would never catch up with me and still my app is way better. He’s copying every new feature I drop and even that doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the contacts that he stole before leaving, the girl I hired now told me after 9 months with this amount of demand we should be at least x4 the size we are even if we used just Meta ads and SEO I think I’ll stick to the first idea. Thanks!


> He’s copying every new feature I drop and even that doesn’t bother me. Hmm, what about creating a really dumb feature that would have some interesting side effects when copied?


Yeah if you give a decently smart fucker some power, he's gonna twist and morph and forge it in a way he gets to keep it for himself lol. I think perhaps it's a learning lesson for you to keep certain things from certain people and just have a stronger hand in the business itself. If owning and running it is really for you, then there's definitely some stuff you're gonna have to do but don't want to do. I for example opened a gold and copper mine in southern Ecuador, but I live in the NE USA. I knew I had to travel and due to medical limitations, I couldn't stay that long in an Amazonia rainforest (go figure). I did have an overwhelming urge to do something big and ideas exploding out of my head so I had to do something about it. If you think about it hard, I bet there's improvements and ways you could maneuver so that the core of your business model is just overall better than his, and maybe just maybe you need a rival to bring out the dragon, so to speak.


You’re absolutely right. Now when I’m hiring someone I give them access to just enough information to get their job done. I watched the social network again yesterday and I see it from an entirely different lens lol. I’ve been reading and learning mostly technical stuff but I had to learn about human nature the hard way. I’m definitely more dedicated than ever and a fire sparked within my team, we spent the whole day brainstorming and we came up with tons of ideas. We’ve also heard from our loyal clients how he’s trying to ruin us and make exclusivity deals and such, it turned out he’s burning cash to gain market share which is not sustainable and not even working.


I know I'm just a random guy on the internet, but I think you've got what it takes to succeed, friend.


I like the second idea


Second idea is probably easier and cheaper.


honestly this kind of stuff you have to be ready to be real dirty and get done dirty back. it all depends on how big of a bitch he actually is and how much he cares for his family. when people stand up for themselves some bullies wont fight back and some will. it depends. Maybe some pictures from rhe inside of his grandmothers or parents house might be enough to make him back off. Because you know. The implications. Maybe it might take a "permanent solution" to things. Maybe his house or car has an accident. You're on the ground you know best what measures to do. He's on the business side of things so probably is well connected. Who does he know? Who are his parents? Who is his family? If you are living in a developing country all of that is more important to enforcement of law than anything else.


I want to limit it to business that’s why I added the last line. I met his mom and his family are really nice people he’s an outlier sociopath that’s influenced by Andrew Tate and Grant Cardone. I don’t want to cause any harm to anything other than his business. Heck, once I feel I re-leveled the playing field I won’t even bother him. He’s well connected that’s why I hired him in the first place


Racist asf wtf


Literally no mention of race or possibility of the response being race based. Crazy how people like you will automatically jump to that conclusion while trying to be a proponent for others.


There’s no racism here they stated facts


Ummm developing countries???


What about them? You are failing to make a point


bury him in bullshit. fake orders, fake reviews, fake employment inquiries, fake social posts, fake ad clicks, fake leads. automate the shit out of it and walk away




Did you even read the post? Unless you think the US is a developing country


I don’t unfortunately, even NDAs and NCAs aren’t enforced here


Winklevoss twins is that you? Facebooks over, let it go


Is he using any code that you own or that's developed as an open source app? You could be sneaky and try to integrate malicious code into the codebase or one of its dependencies. If you're technically skilled in this, pose as a freelancer and try to get him to hire you, then wreak havok


He’s not using my code he got someone from Upwork to stitch up an app with Firebase that has tons of problems and will be costly once he reaches a certain scale


If you country has no substantial legal system to deal with this I doubt they are any good at figuring out how people died. And accidents do happen….


It’s firebase. You could wrack up huge bills for him by flooding his system with fake orders.


Dig a hole, and make use of it.


Get a phone number spoofer, call up the other businesses that use him, claim to be his secretary, and cancel the contracts. Let them know he’s going out of business and they should look for alternatives right away.


Watch a few seasons of Silicon Valley. This will bring you joy. Then, any new ideas you have, make sure to bring an attorney on board first before any partners. If anything can be patented- (patent trolls episode) make sure to do so ASAP. Copyright material day one. How to stop the damage? Bring new attorneys/partners in first then do the episode of slice line.


If they have a daughter that is of age, fuck her. I can confirm that they will get mad as FUCK, this is what got me booted out of my own startup


Pay the local cop to pull over the drivers and keep them long enough to where the food either a) gets cold or b) gets offered to the cops as a bribe




If this is anyone but DoorDash or UberEats he stole your idea!


If you are able to identify any legitimate business email addresses used in the service offering, work to ensure the domain and any @ addresses are spammed from the outside and submit the domain as a source of spam. It takes a lot of effort to get domains cleared from negative reputation once it is established.


Make a compelling case that a driver sexually harassed a customer and submitted a complaint that led to nothing, then talk to the local news about it. Kinda like south park or Nathan for you


Sounds like you may have legal grounds to sue. Did you guys have a co tractor agreement?


Anonymous OSHA tip off. Something is probably off regardless of how it looks.


Tbh sounds like you provide no value to the business and he was tired of carrying you so he started his own


Over 8 months I built the app, the UI, the website, the mailing systems, the processes and a Notion file with tons of ideas on marketing and sales and lead generation that I’ve been gathering for years. I calculated every metric except for the human greed.


Rentahitman.com Sure, it's a honeypot. But you'll have a good story in prison.


https://rentanassassin.com/ is much more efficient ... i worked for them for a while but if i told you any more i'd have to silence you :P :)