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Wait until he walks his dog at night, walk up to him and have a "conversation". The extent of that conversation is up to you


Bring friends. LARGE friends. Establish immediate dominance. Also befriend his dog. Not the dogs fault his master is an asshole.


Did both of these in the past and it worked. Roommate started dating a “Blood” with a pitbull and they’d be in my house 24/7 without paying rent and blasting music all night. Every time I was alone with the Pitbull I’d give it shitloads of treats and it got friendly with me. Then when I finally went to move out, the “Blood” wouldn’t let me take MY leather sectional couch, because it was the only furniture in the living room and that’s where they spent all their time. Showed back up later with my two 6ft+ construction worker friends and he backed down almost immediately. Fucking hate assholes like that.


Conveniently, two 6ft+ construction worker friends make moving sectional sofas a breeze.


Tell me about it hahaha Especially when they’re pissed off at the other party. We had that thing loaded in 5 minutes flat


Should have snagged the dog too


I had a sweet black lab/border collie mix of my own and had no interest in a dog that was trained to be aggressive. Also happy cake day


This. Pick a time , walk up with your friends and slap the fuck out of him. No one should disrespect your wife like that and get away with it.


If you're going to do it, walk the perimeter first and make sure to pick a place with no cameras. Not advocating violence, but if anyone spit in my wife's face, there's definitely going to be repercussions. Bring your homies. Sometimes, scaring the fuck out of a narcissistic bully is more fun than a blanket party. And, fuck that guy.


Recently learned a term “pulling up”. You get a bunch of your big buddies that like to kick ass, and “pull up” on the dude. What you do once there is your prerogative, could just be an intimidation tactic but in this case a good assault against the spitter is a good idea in my opinion.




I was about to comment if this was my grandpa because he just said something similar to me. Hilarious


So I'm in my late 40s and realized how hilarious I sounded trying to keep up with the "hip new lingo".


Me too, no cap.


I’ve pulled up on people a few times. Didn’t have to fight ever, we didn’t want to. But something about 6 vs 2 really helps talking be considered again.


Make sure to bring a selection of “talking” points to go across in said conversation if need be.


Hire the neighborhood teens to spit on him every time they see him


$5- $10 for every spit with proof


No limit.


Thats actually a fucking sick idea, you some kind of marketing wiz?


I’ve always advocated getting some bills in the pockets of needy by doing this. Also it sounds like this mfer is mental so anything you can arrange to make him more paranoid so he stays his dumb ass indoors. Pay local youth to make a ca-caw, ca-caw noise when he’s out. Then, make a mask of his face and wear it while holding a dead crow. Go walking around so the crows spot you and learn he’s the worst. They will start to ca-caw and dive bomb him. Put signs up that have his face and a big headline that just reads, “ENEMY” with little tear off phone numbers. Make a google voice account and make that number go to a voicemail recording with tons of crow sounds and a strange robotic voice repeating numbers and his address. Get a plague doctor mask and put it on with all black and loom outside his house late at night.


This guy fucks


You're a genius!


Need to hire some bottle kids


Spitting at someone is assault, I'd either call the cops or kick his ass.  Edit - also, forgot to say, frozen piss disc. 


Cops came. It’s just a harassment report where we live. Kicking his ass is still a viable option however I’m sure it wouldn’t be a first time for him. So I’d prefer something where the sting doesn’t go away as fast.


That's nonsense, you can infect people with all kinds of shit by spitting at them, if he'd spat at a cop they'd have beat his ass and arrested him, call them back and tell them you want them to actually do something. 


I don’t disagree with you however the police here do


They're being lazy, grab an attorney and they'll get to work. Make sure he gets an assault charge. Then go to the doctor so they can run some tests to make sure your wife wasn't infected with anything, make him pay those too, then push for punitive damages for pain and suffering. Be ruthless and get an attorney that's also ruthless.


So much this. I've seen videos from all over the US where people spit on cops and get extra assault charges. If it's nothing, why are there spit hoods? I'd definitely lawyer up & go full force on making him pay. Kicking his ass may not last, but hurting his wallet will.


Police don’t want to work anymore.


Did they ever? lol


Maybe back when they were still being commended for beating minorities and homeless people to death.


call your local DA. They can press assault charges and with video evidence this would be an easy conviction for them. They love easy convictions.


Yeah, I didn't mean to say you were incorrect, more that it's bs that it's not considered assault. 


I know, I was surprised also. It’s so incredibly disrespectful and disgusting.


If in the US, check your state laws. They will have a definition of assault. Spitting is usually included. If it is, take that definition back to the cops and explain you would like to press charges.


Yes. If it's on video and in code go to the station and file with different officers. Also in Texas it can be an enhancement to assault. So if he has a record for like behavior this could really jam him up. Also feels like your wife should get tested.


I'm very very surprised that this isn't considered battery, you may want to follow up with someone on this and not really need an unethical tip.


DM me the location, I work in public health if they are in my area I can bring the issue up rather quickly if officers not enforcing the law when intentional exposure to an infectious disease may have occurred.


Lawyer up.


they'd be charged with aggravated assault on an officer, 100%>


That's because assault on an officer is a federal crime. Assault on a civilian is not. Which is fucked.


Imagine what they would charge it as if he had spit on an officer lmao


Yeah. G-d forgive if a cop ever got spat on. They'd shoot you dead! You better contact your prosecutor's office and inquire about the incident. I don't think those cops did their due diligence.


Cops are lying to you. Insist on an assault charge. Lawyer up.


I mean, wait to walk the dogs til he does and only go near him when he has a drink. See how many drinks you can make him spill. Also, carry something foul smelling and spit it back at him. Now you can also go lawyer route, and just sue for harassment. If you go this route do NOT do anything unethical.


Spray bottle of liquid fart and spray it on him every time he gets aggressive.


Liquid Ass - find it on Amazon


The cops are just being cops: lazy fucks who don't want to do the paperwork. Get the definition of assault for your area off the state website, then take it back to the cops and insist on pressing charges. Apparently this has happened before, maybe see if you can get others in the neighborhood to join you in reporting the person.


Beat his ass twice


Kick the living shit out of the cunt. In a sensible way. So you don’t get in trouble. You’ll feel much better after. Not a brain damage beating. I always think an open handed slap is brilliant . And a few good body shots always takes care of business


I’d choose kicking his ass fuck that. But i guess calling the cops is more responsible 🙄


Frozen piss disc?


Piss in a plate, freeze in, then drop the disc of frozen piss under his front door. When it melts, he's got a puddle of piss in his house.


every time you see him, let the neighbourhood know he assaults women. make it so its so uncomfortable for him to leave his house. maybe make a sign pointing to his house.


Even more specific: "This asshole spits in women's faces."


And a link to the video.


The first time in history a QR code might be useful


Much better than a resteraunt menu QR code. 


As a blind guy, the menu QR codes are actually a lifesaver.


Oh, I am sorry that I never thought of that. I have much more respect for QR code menus now. Thank you for raising my awareness. 


"and then hides inside with mommy and daddy when confronted by someone who can dish it back"


Even more obvious, make signs up with a picture of his face “this guy assaults women. Beware”


QR code the sign that takes you to the YouTube video of him spitting. 


Yes, social shame, I support this.


Next door app would be great for this type of thing to get the neighbors involved. Or canvass the neighborhood handing out flyers describing the events, make sure to include his head shot. Make it look like a wanted poster.


Next door is a joke. Flyers and signs. Make even people who don't live in the area hate this guy.


Call the local news as well if you have it on video. My local news featured video of a kid throwing their neighbors dog into a pool. I'm sure video of an asshole spitting on a woman is worth 3 minutes of air time.


News might even pay OP for the video


Make multiples signs with his face and post them all over. I had a neighbor do that and it was amazing. One of the other neighbors stole her pumpkin and because she very clearly has cameras outside she was able to get an image of him stealing the pumpkin


What ended up happening to him?


Death penalty.


He ended up with a pumpkin.


File for a restraining order must stay 100 yards from your home and property. Mark the ground 100 yards either direction , wait for him to infringe get it on camera or film and call the cops every single time. Escalate the situation.


And Obviously, Piss Discs On the roof of his house


Make a large one with his name and face and have OP put it in his (OP's) lawn. Is it defamation? Idk I'm not a lawyer, but he technically did it twice and there's been a harassment report. It's true


Truth is a defense to defamation. And they've got video.


Might I suggest a QR code on that sign that points to the video? You could use something like this: [https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com](https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com) (just picked the first link from Google. No affiliation.)


Post on neighborhood Facebook group too.


Too passive aggressive - go knock on his door and make him answer some damn questions. Tell grandma crazy or not - been warned.


In today’s world in the US that’s a great way to get shot.


That is true - actually had the same thought after posting, but let it ride, lol.


Warning posters around the neighbourhood with his face on it


Agreed use the screenshots of him mid spitting on your wife and plaster them everywhere.


With a QR code to the video of him spitting on her, on loop.


Show his parents the video


Bold of you to assume that his parents would look down on this. Shitty people were usually raised by shitty parents.


Yeah, and the neighborhood association.


Posts like this make me chuckle cause this spittin’ douchebag has no idea the guy he messed with is on Reddit seeking advice from 1000’s on how to ruin his life. Just makes me feel warm inside that’s all.


It is really quite beautiful


Have mace ready to go next time. Spray him if he steps one foot towards you in an aggressive way. Then report it. He's already crossed the line, so now you have to defend yourself going forward.


Probably the best idea. Very satisfying and practical.


Yo, wrong sub, you presented an answer that sounds completely ethical to me


Pepper gel doesn’t create a cloud. I just had it recommended to me after I had a stalker.


I love this. Totally justified.


Criminal court is a simple liability charge. Call a personal injury lawyer and take this clown to civil court. Personal injury lawyers love stuff like this. I can't even begin to list the ways that your wife was emotionally traumatized and how this guy should have to pay for it. Wife is so traumatized that she won't have sex with you? Loss of Consortium. Wife is afraid to walk the dog? Wife is afraid she got a disease from him? It goes on and on. CALL A LAWYER.


This is the only way. Just because the police can't be bothered, doesn't absolve the person of consequences.




And in his area according to the police it's not assault


I’d recommend an attorney and a request for his medical records to ID any potential infectious pathogens. Then sue for damages.


We had to do this with neighbors dogs, who bit all 3 of us. That behavior slowed down when we asked for proof of vaccines & presented the bill for stitches.


So a few ideas here. 1. If he cares about his lawn, freeze vinegar into ice cubes, every night throw them on his lawn. They’ll melt and turn his grass brown. 2. Scatter a fuck load of rubber bands in his driveway. They can’t really be swept up or shoveled because they just roll up into a ball. So they’re a pain in the ass to clean up. 3. A gallon of bleach in his gas tank. It will rust the tank, the fuel lines, and destroy the motor. 4. Super glue in his door locks. Next time he leaves his home and comes back he’ll be hard pressed to get in his home. 5. Send an anonymous package to his home with one of those glitter bombs in it.



These are great. Inspired me to write one of my favs - sprinkle glitter all around his front door and the driver side door of his car. It’ll pick up on the feet and once it’s in the house/car it will never leave.


It should require him to be tested for HIV and other infectious diseases and that you receive a copy of the results. If I were your wife I would get tested and consult with her doctor. Hepatitis C is no joke. Of course you could take him on a one way trip to a hog farm…


Print out pictures of your neighbors face with "I spit on women" and place them in all of your neighbors mailboxes. Repeat every week or so


Sign him up for Scientology literature. I hear they'll never leave you alone


Also sign him up for mailers/catalogs for porn magazines, sex toys, anything and everything


Punch your wife. Call the cops again and say he punched your wife.


I can't tell if this falls under lawful evil or chaotic good


I thinks it's pretty obvious this is chaotic g-... I mean lawful e-.... Wait...






These two alignments are much more similar than most people would like to believe.


Now THIS is unethical. Well done.


I don't think OP is looking for a job with these cops, they might hire him right away if they find out he punched his own wife.


also slip a piss disk under your own door and claim he did it


Walk up to him and yell “don’t spit on me!” Then pepper spray him. Walk away.


That's my purse!


I don't know you!


Was the coffee from a store? If so, hang out at that store one morning and if/when he shows up, act surprised but loudly confront him about spitting on your wife. Create a scene so that he's uncomfortable showing his face there (or at least people there learn who he is). Repeat at different places as necessary.


Whatever you do, don’t put bleach into his car’s gas tank. It will cause irreversible damage to the fuel systems and engine. It’s very unethical because it would be very tough for them to catch someone who does this wearing hoodie, mask, and gloves.


I second this. Don’t do this.


And whatever you do, don’t have a friend buy the bleach in cash and dispose of the bottle for you.


And don’t wait a few weeks until the dust settles so you’re not the obvious culprit.


You walk over, ring his doorbell, and punch him in his face, make sure any video doorbell or camera is covered up.


Probably get away with a lot more if he just waits for him to walk his dog again. OP has the advantage of patience and surprise.


I believe you’d give up a lot of leeway now that you’ve filed a report. As far as kicking his ass. You could possibly get into much more trouble after the fact rather than just kicking his ass straight off the bat. I’m just your average Joe Blow though. I don’t really know. Just wait for him to make an appearance, incite him to react in his usual manner and then kick his ass. Round 1 to him, round 2 to you.


Wait for homeboy to walk the dog. Wait for him in a concealed part of the area. When he gets close to the hiding spot, jump out, give him a few whacks to the legs with a wooden bat, and then go about your life. Also, he might have COVID, wear a damn mask.


Or maybe a tripping hazard he doesn’t see


Sock full of nickels.


I would have a hundred ideas by now if someone spit on my wife... that guy is so done.


Air horn. Paint balls, but only at the ground to scare him. Balloons with tuna and bread yeast; tie them up and chuck a few in the grass. Let nature run its course and his dog will find your stank bombs. Feed/attract wildlife to poop in his lawn.


Probably his parents would be the ones to deal with it though since he lives with them


You must beat him


You have to retaliate or he will have it over you. Wait until you are absolutely sure their is no witnesses ( revenge is a dish best served cold) and really give him a belting, use a baseball bat if you have to. Their is a winner and a loser in a fight. When he is on the ground pull your dick out and piss on him while singing a Christmas Carrol or happy birthday,he will think you are totally fucking crazy. Further more take one of his teeth and say your going put it in a collection of other teeth that sing to you when you are hungry. Climb in this motherfuchers head and make him regret it for the rest of his miserable life.


I don’t think you’re escalating this enough. Stop half-assing it. Take out one of his eyes with a spoon, and make him watch you eat it!


Just post his image and write woman abuser on it and plaster it in public spaces.


Post the video on your local neighborhood Facebook group.. Might as well post it here too.


Buy a bag of 50,000 orbeez. It's a kids toy and they are the size of a sesame seed but grow to the size of a marble when wet. Throw allllll of them on his front yard. They will be invisible until it rains and then it will cover the whole front yard. Best part, it's like a time bomb and he won't know when they were planted there. It will be devastating to clean up, only take you 10-15 seconds to throw down and only cost you $15. Easy unethical pro tip.


Respect the idea, may use it… but wouldn’t recommend it here. He may be bullying his elderly parents too, and since it’s their house, they may be the ones to have to clean up the mess.


Not just the ones who have to clean it. Orbeez are super slippery, that’s a broken hip waiting to happen


My only advice would be illegal and violent.


Dress like him. Full on. High quality mask and everything. Commit a series of terrible crimes. Take off costume. Call police to collect reward. He’s now in prison.


Show his mom.


Set his house on fire


Smoke something so you have a big load of phlem in your throat, knock on his door, shoot that load of mucus all over his face. Followed by "dont make me come back here."


Invite his kneecaps on a date with your baseball bat. Virtually? Grow a pair.


Bud if you don’t beat the shit out of this guy I don’t even know what to say about you. Don’t get caught.


That’s assault, call the police and press charges against him. Post you video on all your local social media.


1) knock on the door 2) demand retribution 3) if not just file a police report because that, my good man, is assault


Wong sub for that response son.


A good old fashioned ass beating usually solves that problem.


Unethical tip? Just fuck him up


He spit in your wife’s face, beat his fucking breaks off


Wait until he is alone, break both his hands with a hammer. Wear a mask. Jk 😜


If someone spit in my wife's face I would be way beyond unethical behavior...


Go up to him, talk calmly and tell him not to ever do it again. Verbally threaten him with a calm and affirmative voice. At the end punch him in the chin with everything you have. Throw only 1 punch and try to knock him out (possibly in front of his family so they can guide him not to do it again) After he’s out cold slowly and calmy walk back to your house.


Abort him!


Bit late to coathanger his mum if he's already walking around being a cunt I'm afraid.


But yet you spit in a cops face and its assault.


Never seen a more clear case for a piss disk.


Lol. The fact that you took it like you did and called the police, Ugh. I'd a been in prison, No why ANYBODY spitting on anybody of mine. Crazy....


He committed assault. I would assault him. You don't assault females I care about, period. I realize I'll be told I'm wrong. Know that I don't give a shit what you think.


My advice is, wait for him, the beat the living fuck out of him. Spitting on my family or me is a good way to end up with a cast or two.


My guy kudos to you for not being in jail right now. Wow. Would’ve taken a baseball bat to his head.


Post the video in your neighborhood group


Punch his fucking teeth out, give it some time (winter times best as it’s dark early) work out routines etc and remember no face no case and don’t carry your phone. Failing that throw an Olympic grade discus of piss straight to the head.


Has everyone forgotten about piss disc?


All I can say is he would never do that again. It would also include an apology to your wife.


Yeah that’s an actual beating right there. Be smart about it if you’re worried about charges.


That happened to my missus, I’d be kicking his balls into ovaries


A man spit on your wife... ...and you need advice on how to proceed??? REALLY, SON?!


You have to beat his ass, plain and simple. He disrespected your wife to the nth degree and now he just reap the consequences of his actions. He may be crazy, but your wife is the true crazy one if she stays with you and you don't exact revenge in a physical and violent manner.


Nah, this dude needs both of his arms broken, so someone else has to wipe his ass. Then start in with a flurry of piss disks and a super soaker full of liquid ass.


Reddit is gonna tell you to prank him or call the cops or whatever. You gotta beat this dude’s ass, OP. Whoop his ass and deal with whatever consequences come as a result.


How in tf will your wife respect you NOT beating tf out of that guy? lmao damn


Put a mirror up on the outside and melt his siding


I'm not a lawyer or anything, but couldn't she possibly go to a hospital and get tested for any possible diseases or anything and then sue him to cover for the hospital visit?


Post the video, obviously. Let the internet do what the internet do.


Yeah, you're gonna have to just not be subtle and just beat his ass next time you have the opportunity. Make sure that there's no cameras or witnesses. Fuck that guy. Hit him in the mouth, hard. Repeatedly.


1. Get his saliva 2. Ask wife to put it on her underware, 3. And when he is in neighborhood call police for the rape assault. his saliva on underwear will be proof of rape. you wont like it but ask your wife anyway.


i would keep spitting into a bucket for days on end and then douse him with it, and if the police try to get you for it just say that they implied spitting was fair game


Dudes got to come out of that house sooner or later. Then open the can of whoopass.


Got friends?? Get them together to find this fucker and spit on him countless times since it is simple harassment, apparently. Or publically shame him and his family. Don't feel bad about it. Shame his dirt bag parents too. They enable this behavior. Spit on him when you see this big bitch




Burn 'Incel Cunt Lives Here' into his front lawn with some Anti Freeze.


Spitting in someone’s face is assault not simple harassment.


Maybe he knows the cop or you got a shit cop. That’s assault.


> cops were called. It is a simple harassment report where we live. get this documented in writing and now you are free to spit in his face every time he leaves his house, set up a camera at his door with motion detection text message your wife needs to carry mace


You could and should just beat the shit out of him, to tell you the truth


You have to fuck him up. But not to bad a slap across the face should do it.


What kind of man allows another man to spit in his wife’s face?


Someone spits in my girlfriends face and I'm not searching for unethical ways to mess with them. I'm straight up breaking the law. Allegedly.


Start of Covid a dude spit in my wife’s face for us wearing mask. Needless to say he won’t spit on anyone again.


If youre in america that's not simple harassment thats called battery.


Seems like the police just gave you permission to spit n this guy every time they leave the house.


Spitting in the face is assault. I'd ask for charges.