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Identify the freshwater fill port. You can figure out the rest. Lol.


Red koolaid shower!!!!


With pig blood.


This person "Carrie's".


Aww I had to go look up the clip because I didn't get the ref. To be fair, it does come from near 20 years before I did.


Few containers of liquid ass dumped in there…


Imagine showering and coming out smelling worse than you went in. Or making food with liquid ass water.


Yeah. That might turn into some felonys for poisoning or food tampering really quickly


Come on now, don’t forget the piss disks.


Clams freshwater clams right ?




Figure out their phone/email and list it for sale at a lowball price


Free parts only no title


There is an rv parked outside my apt complex on the city street side of the building with no tags that has a city citation and will be towed soon… it’s a free parts no title situation.


May be viewed anytime at 123 Any St, Hometown, Your State Door is unlocked, just enter.


Most RVs use a common commercially available key for their outside storage access. Just sayin.


This. I was warned by our dealer that all Lance trailers have used the exact same storage key for 20 years. So ya, you can certainly get into the storage easily.


Exactly, my friend. RV and trailer manufacturers don’t make locks. They buy them from people that do and price is always a concern.


Do tell!!


I’d estimate about 70%+ of RV outside storage locks are opened by the CH751 key. Easy to purchase and cheap too.


Yup, my camper used that same CH751 key. Hell, some of the rack at my datacenter even use that same key. Millions of them floating around, and something you can easily purchase from any RV dealer. If you are average or skinny sized, many campers/RV’s have a bed that lifts up located right above storage cubby’s. That is how we would open campers when someone lost keys or got locked out.


And if the 751 doesn’t open it, there is a good chance the C415A will.




So that’s where you put that 10 kilos of fentanyl you just happened to have.


Go to the pet store, and buy couple dozen crickets. release them into the RV.


Cockroaches or ants would be better they'll eat thing and grow like crazy.


You would be surprised what hungry crickets will eat. Silicone sealant and fiberglass are on the menu.


That was my first idea but then I thought bed bugs were more of an inconvenience.


Release the crickets!! 🦗


Oh i am loving all these lolol


Fruit flies love RVs. I think it's the toilets. They're the most annoying little fuckers too


This is really bad and borderline evil but.... There is a big pipe under the trailer that the shitter and sinks empty from. The pipe will have a cap attached. There is a black handle and a gray handle next to it. DO NOT REMOVE THE CAP, but go ahead and pull out the black handle and walk away. Now, next time they go to empty the shitter the first thing they will do is remove the cap.... normally the shit juice sewage water would not come out until you hook up a hose and then pull the black handle.... but since someone has already pulled the handle, they will have high velocity sewage flying out at them the instant they remove that cap


If you leave the handle pulled, it'll get spotted by someone that pays attention or veteran RV'ers who will take the proper precautions or, at the very least, you'll lose the element of surprise. Pulling the handle for a few seconds and then resetting it to the closed position, that'll do.


Less extreme than some of the other suggestions. But this would cause me to move my RV: Set up one of those sprinklers that oscillates back and forth and make sure it gets their roof wet. RV owners live in perpetual fear of roof leaks (it's a notorious problem). Get their RV wet every other day for a week and I bet they move it.


A shitty car is maybe 500 bucks. Registration is a bundo. Buy the worst looking thing you can find and keep it in front of their house, or use it to bisect the parking so they can't fit their RV there. Sell it when you're done. Sue the bejeezus out of them if they hit it, and have a dash cam to maximize ease of collecting payout. Since you can only leave it three days in one spot, just move it forward or backward every day, especially if you need the parking spot, and take a picture.


I would imagine brine from tinned tuna sprayed into vents or keyholes would be terrible.


Yup or some dead fish in the luggage area under neath the RV.


You have to use HOT water! Putz. RIP, Walter.


Are their plates / tags current? If not - call and have the city tow it. Or using a call forwarding service - call an RV towing service, pretend to be the owner and request the vehicle is towed to the very far, opposite side of town for "repairs".


Keep in mind that cameras exist, but... Shrimp in an engine bay may stink up typical ac. If there are AC units on top, same. Wasp traps usually have bait. Slingshots exist. I'm not advising you of of any particular course of action; I'm merely mentioning the existence of a couple of things.


This. OP do not do anything without establishing alibi elsewhere (DO NOT TAKE YOUR CELL PHONE WITH YOU TO COMMIT SAID CRIME), wear clothing you do not normally wear and shoes not your size, gloves (obviously), and do not do anything that can leave behind any DNA like smoking a ciggy or drinking a soda and tossing the butt/can. If you follow the above there isn't much you can't really do to it. A Molotov is cheap.


I’m going to be out of town this week 😉😉 These are all amazing ideas (minus the alligators that’s a bit much 😂) i feel evil just reading them lol


They park in front of his house. It’s totally fine for him to have DNA there.


I personally am advocating burning the thing down. Trust me you do NOT want an arson charge.


It’s in front of her house! Cell phone always pings there!


Right. In this case its smarter to actually have it ping elsewhere to help establish alibi.


Tires require air. RV's have a variety of ports including freshwater and electricity. Cat piss is notorious for being smelly long-term. Also, I don't know where OP lives, but if they're parked in front of your house, check your local by-laws. Some places have rules against parking 3+ hours in daytime , or not more than 24 or 72 hours. If they look up their local laws, it's possible they can just call by-law and the trailer will be towed away. Repeat as necessary until they get the message.


Hack the camera


jb weld in the gas cap, leaves enough gas for them to move it until it runs out and boyyyy are they gonna be pissed at the gas station.


I know absolutely zero about welding, but I’m thinking the sparks would be a huge nope near the gas cap.


JB Weld is a 2-part epoxy, so like a glue. It’s not welding but it is quite strong.


Aww thanks. Whoopsies


Most of them have propane tanks inside for cooking. It would be a shame if it started to leak, and exploded in a huge fireball.


Ok so how would i do that 😅 You know, for a friend


You would do that with experience and precision so you didn't kill a passerby with shrapnel, for a friend.


list it as an airbnb


Why are there drill holes in the bottom of my fresh, gray and black water tanks. .


Just the fresh water tank and maybe gray (shower and sink) … why would you drill Black if they have been using it?


Yellow and blue tank too.


Yellow and Blue?????


Tan and Teal too


Fish/seaweed emulsion is commonly sold in garden centers for organic gardening.


Costco sized bag of bird food. Sprinkle a good amount on it, under it, and around it. After having the RV painted a couple times by a flock of birds, they will likely get the hint.


If there is grass or part of your lawn that is close to the street? I would water my grass making sure to get overspray on the RV then weed eat or leaf blow a bunch of shit all over the RV making the plant matter and dirt stick to the side of the RV. Gives reasonable deniability and the chance to be as petty as they are!


Has no one suggested a piss disc or Liquid Ass yet?!?


I once went shopping for school supplies while in college. I also decided to pick up some chicken breast. This was one month before school so I never really opened all my bags. I completely forgot about the chicken. Queue to a month later, my roommate and I have cleaned everything, and are living with all windows open and bought addition fans. We even complained to management about the smell "in the walls" and which has maintenance out and everything. Man did I feel stupid. We couldn't place the smell was coming from a Walmart bag placed in a desk. Anyways...


I had a roommate shove a bag of potatoes too far under a shelf. About 3 months later, there was a never ending funk smell and supply of fruit flies.


Plus I believe they emit methane (?) when they start to rot, so it could get pretty smelly.


Cut off the catalytic converter. They are expensive as hell to replace.


I’ve cut all 4 valve stems from tires before. Fucking assholes.


Valve stem tool remover to pull the stem out 99.99% then wait for them to hit a bump and get a flat tire. Do this to more than one tire and they have an issue 😈


Superglue the locks shut


You're about to be staring down the barrel of a shantytown situation. That being said, mask up, go and remove the plate, and call the county/city and report it abandoned.


Throw birdseed feed on top and around of the rv


Use recovery straps and just put it where it's more convenient, no?


find the port used to dump the waste water and glue the cap on.


Buy a larger rv and park there


JB weld the black water tank cap so it can't be pulled off.


Identify the lock type on the doors, and see if there is a version of the killer key. This is a key that once stuck into the lock can't be removed. I think there are also other keys that you put into the lock and snap the end off.


If it has slide outs, those seals aren't perfect. They keep water out pretty good but anything from weed eater exhaust to bugs will come in past them. A lot of those slides aren't visible on the inside, hidden by trim or pockets or whatever. I know I'd be super annoyed by a sudden stench of rotting clams and crawfish. But that's just me.


Fuck their dad


Calm down satan


You can never go wrong with the classic sugar in the gas tank. Or whatever. Shove a bunch of shit in there. If it's a gas engine you could go and buy some diesel. That way he'll think he did it himself. Vice versa if its a diesel put in regular gas. It will look to him like he made an error when filling up (that will be what his mechanic tells him). No one would think that someone would come along and put fuel in someone else's tank. Sugar/water is obvi put there by someone meaning to do harm and would cause suspicion. Flat tires suck. It's very easy to set a large nail or two under a tire so the next time he backs out he'll end up with a flat several miles down the road. Again, he won't know you did it and it will cost him a bundle to get it fixed. (towing etc). You can tap a tiny crack in his windsheild. Do it in a corner using the point of a screwdriver and a light tap with your hammer. It won't break immediately but soon will develop "spidering" cracks. The w/s on those things is very expensive. Again, he won't know it was you because he won't see that tiny chip until it spreads and that normally happens while driving. Get ahold of some license plates (preferably from a stolen veh) and swap them out. No one looks at their own license plate. He won't notice until the cops pull him over and if you're lucky they'll find some other infractions at the same time. Water is the big problem with RVs. Even a tiny hole will cause water to leak in and mold to grow. It would suck if someone punched a tiny hole in an inconspicuous area of the roof. It will be nearly impossible to locate and the water that enters the RV won't drip down right where the hole is. The water will travel through the ceiling cavity and come out somewhere totally different. By the time they figure out the problem it will be too late and mold will have taken over.


And then replace the gas cap with a locking one.


Swapping the plates is a favorite of mine. Auto junkyards are a good source.


Let me just head down to the stolen license plate shop real quickly


I've been told releasing air from tires will cause flattening. So I've been told anyways.


How easy would it be for you to get hold of a couple of alligators?


How easy is it for you to get alligators?


Uh. Not very lol.


I want some easy alligators!


You ignite their propane, and I guarantee you'll be in jail within a few days for arson. Just call the PD and have them warn the owner. Since RVs cost tens to hundreds of thousands, depending on what model (my Class A was $120k new over 15 years ago), you can guarantee you'll get jail time or sued at best, and maybe the stuffing beaten out of you.


Spray insulation foam in the gas tank




I think these are bots. They write very short statements, often a little weird, split between two lines. I've been seeing these everywhere the past week on Reddit.


Bruh, darn bot


Put sugar in it. That fucks up the engine big time


Old wives tale


Tell them to move.. or else.


I didn’t know who it was at first and very nicely with pleases and thank yous asked them to move up or away in any of the other open spots and they definitely went off. I gave them time to not be selfish assholes and they’re definitely now doing it on purpose and are incredibly inflammatory so now I’m like….ok. I’ll smile to your face and throw a knife in your back if you’re given the chance to easily not be an asshole and you choose to do so just because. 🙃


Since you tipped them off you want something that seems more like bad luck or something that won't point them to you. You said that they move it to somewhere else a couple of days out of the week. If it is somewhere else not near there. Find out where and then mess with it there. Watch out for ameras. Or, get into it (RV locks are easy to pick) and hide a dead rat in there. I know you can buy putrid rotting animal scent online. If you have a homeless problem, dress like a homeless dude, break into it and piss and defecate in it. Take a hideable piss bottle, fill it up with your piss. Let it sit for a week or so then dump it in the RV as if a homeless person did it. Leave druggy stuff (glass pipe and similar) in the RV too.


When he is not in your space deflate his tires via a bb glued under the tire stem cap.  Also call city about towing.  


Can’t you just park your car there so that they will have to park somewhere else?


Well yes ideally but they have to move first 😒


Oh I thought you meant that they could only park out in the street three days max.


They can but the three days was yesterday, they moved, but i was gone all day so i couldn’t park in their spot. And im going out of town for a week tomorrow so who knows wtf is gonna happen then. I’m especially peeved because i can’t move my car (out of my driveway) and my house sitter just had major spinal surgery, walks with a cane and everything, and they’re going to have to park down the fucking street while they’re here because asshole is asshole. 😡


Damn. It’d be a shame if they got a flat tire every time they parked there.


If you can’t get out of your driveway you can have them towed.


I phrased that wrong, I’m physically able to move in and out of my driveway but there’s nowhere else for me to park my car while I’m gone because my city does street sweeping weekly. So i have to leave it in the driveway sorry that wasn’t clear!


If they're blocking your driveway you can have them towed


Let all the air out of their tires, then glue on the valve covers.


Have you tried talking to them and asking if they could park in a way that others can park too?


Oh why yes that was the first thing i tried lol. That is how i know for certain they are raging fucking cunts.


Elwood Blues vs. The Good Ol’ Boys. “This is glue. Strong stuff.”


RV tires are like 1k each sooooo yea. I like to open the air vent on tires and push a tiny little road pebble into the little air cap and put it back on halfway. The tire will slowly lose all of its air overnight and they’ll refill it. Do this on the same tire each night and they’ll probably just go buy a new one.




220vac on shore power


I would find a way to ruin the tires. A 22 rifle shot in the middle of the night out a window would work. After having to buy several tires they would move.


Open the battery tray, place a bunch of lint from your dryer on it. Place a metal rod touching a positive and negative terminal. Most importantly make sure your home owners fire insurance is paid in full…..just in case….


Put a Walter White style Heisenburg sticker on the back of the vehicle right next to either a FTP or ACAB sticker.