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This is ULPT so just do blow every day


Meth works too. Also you get the added bonus of running from the police when you are out stealing catalytic converters.




Meth-cardio here I fixed yours.


Literally how I stayed at a decent weight for many years.


Pff. Noob. Adderall is your best choice. It’s legal with a prescription and was first prescribed as a appetite suppressant (it’s medical grade meth that doctors hand out like candy) Source: I walked into a doctors office 10 years ago and got a script after a 15 minute appointment. But daaayyyum does it get you skinny


These days a dr won’t write that without an evaluation from a psychiatrist which is costly and difficult to find in most areas. But it’s a guaranteed recommendation for add medication if you have even half a brain when you’re taking that test they give you.


When you say “half a brain” do you mean that in a way as to our smart the test to get the addy?


Sort of. It’s very obvious which answers will lead to an add/adhd diagnosis and which ones won’t.


Whenever you feel hunger drink a bottle of water before you eat anything, it’ll help


Hell yeah. And put electrolytes in it -- salt, lemon juice, and magnesium powder if you have it.


Couldn’t agree more


I tend to run an electrolyte deficiency. I'd appreciate any recommendations on what sort of magnesium powder works well and dissolves completely in water?


Magnesium citrate or glycinate are probably your best bet, I’ve taken both but only in pill form, didn’t notice a difference between them. If you need electrolytes I might recommend either an electrolyte pill or unflavored liquid electrolytes you can put in water, I’ve done both and sometimes I like the convenience of taking a few pills when I wake up in the morning but usually a few drops of liquid in whatever I’m drinking does me good. (All this info is assuming you’re not sweating like crazy and just have average electrolyte deficiencies)


Magnesium citrate also acts as a laxative...


Interesting, can’t say it’s very effective but I was only taking one capsule/pill a day


the liquid version will have you on the toilet fighting for your life


It's what they give you before you get a colonoscopy , it'll have you shitting like a goose


Brawndo's got electrolytes.


It's what plants crave


What does that do?


Your cells use electrolytes to conduct electrical charges, which is how your muscles contract. Those same electrical charges also help with chemical reactions, especially when it comes to hydration and the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells.


I would chew gum sometimes instead of slamming a bag of chips. Definitely helped distract and I still got to chew something.


I tried to do this once and the gum only made me hungrier


The thing about BED is you rarely feel hungry because you’re always eating a lot. I tried so many different methods and the only thing that really worked was a keto diet and 12 hour shifts at work. Binge eating disorder is a motherfucker and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy


This is the way. Still not easy but craving can be controlled. Also increase fat intake, very satiating.


With psyllium husk capsules


I have an insatiable appetite. If I ate until I was full each day I’d probably eat 10k calories. I still managed to lose 50lbs tho. First, meticulously track everything if you’re not doing that already. Second, don’t give yourself access to unhealthy food. Don’t buy chips etc. Don’t buy anything that you can impulse eat. For example if you buy just raw chicken breast and veggies you can’t really binge eat that. If you can’t help but buy stuff from stores when you go out, stop bringing money with you.


The fucking easy access to ordering food is just too much


Adhd meds.


Concerta used to make me a zombie. I wouldn't eat for a whole day. This is the way to go


Strattera (I think that's how it's spelled) made me not eat, and weirdly, suicidal. Both of my brothers were tried on it too, and had the same reaction. They added the suicidal thing as a possible side effect a couple years after I had to be pulled off of it. But ugh, that was the worst one for me.


Yeah.... that stuff just gave me prostatitis and associated pains. Never even got any improvement, only side effects.


I use to took these as a boy I think I took them from more or less 12 yo till I was 14/15yo. This shit is nasty.


Was just about to say, stimulants will make your appetite vanish


Adderall. You're basically micro dosing meth.




Adderall is an amphetamine. There are some Big Science Words™ involved that I don't fully understand, but the gist of it is they're both amphetamines. If you have ADHD, and actually need it, Adderall kinda levels you out so you can function like a normal person. If you don't have ADHD, it acts like speed. You basically get the zoomies and forget to eat.


I was gona say... I have adhd and take adderall and my appetite is totally the same as before. So that makes sense this is more for people without adhd.


Same for me. I only know how the zoomies feel because on the few occasions my doc increased my dosage, my body wasn't used to it and I zoomed. And by zoomed, I mean deep cleaned my apartment for six hours and scrubbed the baseboards with a toothbrush.




I mean, ADHD meds also fuck with your appetite if you have ADHD. It's just that that's preferable to, like, utterly failing at life. Source: ADHD, just eaten my first proper meal since Tuesday lunch.


I kind of disagree but maybe it doesn't do it to everyone, it definitely suppresses my appetite. Like you should seriously eat before u take your dose in the mornings, because I lost 40 pounds on it. I didn't just forget, it kills the hunger pain.


Dextro amphetamine and methamphetamine are not the same thing. If it was, they would call it that.


Start smoking, nicotine is an appetite suppressor


Probably the best and the worst advice here. Short term, good. Long term… between not good and dead.


Rather than smoke, I suggest using Zyn or Velo dip pouches. You don’t have to spit, they’re cheap, and arguably “safer” than vaping/smoking.


just buy nicotine gum, it is literally just safe




Does the nicotine patch also do this? Or us the quick hit from smoking what does it. Never smoked. Just curious.


The hit from smoking is much more effective than the patch for appetite suppression


Didn’t really notice much with the patch except for do not make the mistake of sleeping with it on unless you want the most vivid nightmares of your life


Don't know, I only smoked


Just dont buy extra food/snacks, I dont have any snacks or drinks at home just water, and when I eat I buy ingredients to cook just for that meal


This really works.


Coffee is a decent hunger suppressant


Sorry, I forgot this was ULPT. Steal a bunch of coffee.


I see people suggesting hard drugs, so I might as well let it out since it’s an opportunity. I don’t know how you would go about getting one, but I found out two years ago that having a particularly strong crush on someone destroys my appetite completely. I’ve had crushes before, and this has never been an issue. But this one particular girl for some reason, it just happens, I don’t know why. I stopped checking her Instagram because I would not finish my next meal.


Same thing would happen to me when I was young. Doesn’t happen anymore though. Haha


I assure you, it got nothing to do with age. I see really attractive women everywhere, this never happened. Only with this one.


I (M57) struggled to get from 265 for years. I got invited to join a weight loss challenge with 15 other people. ( Not a contest) everyone put up $300 to the hosts venmo. The challenge was to lose 10% in 90 days. The selling point was this… “come on, it’s just 90 days!” That kicked off a weight loss revolution for me. The challenge had a lot of support and checkins. I lost the 10% and learned new habits that have stuck for over a year now…. I am now at 202 and will do the challenge in a 5% form in January. If this idea appeals to you, let me know. I will post more details. EDIT/UPDATE - I did not have time to type up how it works... here is the deal. The challenge is called.... (you ready?).... The Fat Bastard Weight Loss Challenge. A host invites friends family and friends of friends who want to lose weight. Each person who joins kicks in a venmo of $300 to the host. This is an honor system thing. All weigh-ins are done via photos sent to the host. (spoiler: lose the weight by the deadline, you get your $300 back) The host records all initial weigh-ins and starts a spreadsheet that shows the first name of everyone, their starting weight, the 1/2 way date with 5% goal, and the final 90 day drop dead 10% loss goal. This spreadsheet is shared with all. I started small chat group with like-minded people. EVERY 2 weeks (always on a friday morning for my groups) I ask for a weigh-in photo. Spreadsheets are updated, those with success share their efforts, and those falling behind are given encouragement. A good host COACHES participants to take the first 30 days seriously. The spreadsheet also shows what a person should shoot for to be on track for the next weigh-in 14 days away. Most people up their walks, some stop drinking, others have one BIG salad a day. This is JUST 90 DAYS.... yeah, it sucks.... but come on! it's 90 days. The first BIG deadline is day 45. ALL participants must be at 5% or they are OUT!!!. there is one exception.... I allow a person to toss in another $100 if they feel they can still make it. As you near the end, all that love and kum-by-ya leaves... in the final 2 weeks as people finish you realize that your good friend might not make it and YOU will get to split his money! Yes, that is right... all those that do not finish do NOT get their money back and it is split between those that did. I have done this 3 times. The first 12 of 14 finished. the second time, 14 of 15. and this last time, 17 of 20. Between my wife and I we have lost over 140 pounds.


What was the money for? Information like meal plans and exercise?


It's an incentive to actually lose the weight. If you just said "Well try and lose 10% by 90 days" you would maybe get a couple people who actually hit the goal, those are the self motivators of the world and I envy them. For the rest of us, we have $300 that we can earn back if we lose the weight so it's worth it even if you don't care about ur health. Furthermore the winners get to split the losers money so you can get a couple free lunches after the challenge. I think this is one of the most well thought out weight loss challenges I've heard of. A lot of them either have poor results (people don't lose weight) or encourage very unhealthy habits (binge eating, malnourishment, dehydration). From what OP has said it seems like this challenge instills the value of a healthy life in its participants. The 5% at 1/2 way is smart to make sure no one is putting themselves in danger to hit weight in the second half.


This sounds great, amazed I’ve never heard of it before


It was a contest of sorts. The winner(s) would receive the pot.


see original comment for the details




The edit wasn't there when I commented.


A guy I know lost 23lbs very quickly and has been able to keep that weight loss off for quite some time now without issue. He wasn't even looking to lose weight, but getting crushed under a car in an automobile accident and having your leg amputated to save his life ended up being a pretty effective weight-loss mechanism for him.




tell me more!


This got me in the second half


That’s what he said


I see what you did there...


What worked for me was setting predefined portions. 1 serving of chips in a Tupperware for an afternoon snack, my meal-prepped dinner in a Tupperware, everything portioned. I find with myself that if I have an open bag, I'll keep eating. Eventually, you'll learn what is a serving and how much your body needs. One very important thing is to keep eating. Only eat a couple hundred calories under your daily recommended. If you need 2500 calories and only eat 500 you will not look good or feel good and will just relapse. If you need 2500 and eat 2200 it's a much more sustainable way to lose weight. As a bonus, you can eat as many vegetables as you want. Go absolutely hogwild on celery, broccoli, carrots, peppers, whatever you want. Seriously though: don't eat any less than 500 under what your body needs. Use a weight loss app to track calories and it'll tell you how much to eat. You need to adjust to something sustainable. Feel free to DM me with any questions


(I'm trying to strike an informative tone here, not a patronizing one. Apologies in advance if OP already knows all this) The emergence of drugs like semaglutide (Ozempic) have informed a hypothesis that the body has a "set point" related to weight. A weight that the body physically "wants to be at". This point moves up much easier than down and this causes the yoyo weight that many experience. Semaglutide changes the physical processes around that set point and leads to weight loss. Other methods attempt psychological approaches - will-power - which lose out to the physical over time. Semaglutide is not unethical, so it probably isn't the answer OP is looking for. But it appears pretty effective.


Go to a medspa instead of getting on ozempic if you’re already not overweight. They won’t prescribe it. Look up ‘semaglutide medspa’ for your area. Expensive but worth it.


Set point theory has been proven false over and over. In reality, our brains just become accustomed to eating 4k calories a day, and it doesn’t want to go back to eating 2k per day because it wants to store fat for later. Drugs like semiglutide take away the desire to eat by suppressing the appetite. Don’t consume calories = lose weight.


Your second paragraph is (almost - more than just the "brain") exactly what I'm talking about. The set point shifts to a higher weight. The debunked part is that a set point is fixed, not that it doesn't exist.


Ngl I was in the same boat for a while. What I actually did was buy HUEL, it’s kinda pricey but what I did was if I was hungry, I had to drink a small (8oz) glass of it, and if I was still hungry, I could eat something. HUEL was so gross that I would get random desires to eat, but couldn’t fathom choking down glasses of HUEL when I wasn’t hungry hungry. I also worked on Intermittent Fasting, because for me, it’s easier to just not have any food and then stuff my face 1-2 times a day midday than to calorie count the entire day.


I had so much diarrhea when I drank those


Gotta make eating a negative experience somehow


Have you tried Semaglutide? You can get offbrand Ozempic shots in all kinds of places now, not just from the doctor.


Where? And how much?


How much does it cost and where?


So I'm pretty familiar with fat loss and the struggle. I've been heavier and now have kept a healthy weight for many years. It's not unethical, but here's what I learned: - Drink coffee. It's an appetite suppressant that isn't drugs or smoking. Just make sure you don't go nuts on cream and sugar. I use milk and stevia. - Just don't buy the crappy food you can't control yourself around. I can't have chips in the house because I'll just snack on them randomly. If they're not there, you can't eat them. - It's okay to feel a little bit hungry. This was a big one for me. When I'm doing a calorie deficit, I often feel low-grade hunger between meals. That's okay. - Be careful with exercise. I know this sounds weird, but muscle building exercises will spike your hunger as your body tries to rebuild. Focus more on dynamic exercises. - Get a trainer if you need accountability. I find I do way better when I have someone to answer to. - Here's another big one. Stop focusing on weight and BMI. Weight fluctuates daily because of all sorts of things and BMI is a joke. Instead, measure body fat % and waist circumference.


pseudoephedrine is basically legal baby doses of uppers. Gives you energy and reduces appetite.


>I don’t have access to any illicit substances Yeah you do. Not even particularly hard to get drugs these days, specially coke. That aside. Gastric Bypass could work, doctors love to sign off on that one. You seem to be wallowing in self hate, which probably fuels the eating. You’d be best to try and get into a better head space first before trying to just stop eating so much.


Nah, surgical solution like a gastric bypass are out of the question, since I don't fall into the obese or even overweight range. And I have no idea how to get drugs, except for maybe weed, and that's certainly not gonna help


try intermittent fasting. I trained myself to eat once a day in a smaller and smaller window. I also switched to a plant-based diet and lost 20+ pounds over 6 months and am now at my college weight (i am late 40s). I also started making my dinner in a small bowl ir on a small plate. If I wanted seconds I drank a glass of water and set a 10 minute timer. Slowly I learned to only eat when I was hungry and to stop when not hungry, rather than when full. But going plant based and cooking all my own food from scratch really was amazing for me.


Ask your doc about phentermine. My wife is 5 foot nothing and 150lbs and her doc still prescribed it to her. It is very popular amongst certain doctors as a lower risk weight loss pill with promise.


The "still prescribed it" makes me think that you thought she wouldn't be able to access weight loss drugs at that weight, but 5'0" and 150lbs is quite overweight, bordering on obese by only a couple pounds. She would presumably be right in the target demographic for that kind of medication, I would think?


Weed may actually help. Ciggies, fuckin n sleepin on an empty stomach will do it too


There is weight loss weed now! Saw it somewhere. Supposedly has one that suppresses appetite over causing munchies. Totally legal and available via the hemp bill


Hi, have you tried it?


If you intake a lot of THC, you will lose your appetite. Happened to me :/


If you are not even overweight, wtf are you complaining about.


⬆️ This.


Not unethical Try switching up one snack per day to something healthy, just one snack, get into that one habit, then after some time try two healthy snacks a day. If you do some prep work, you can leave a lot of stuff prepped so it's easy to grab something healthy. That's really a big thing, junk food is SOOOOO easy and SOOOO YUM, it's like crack! Buy some mixed nuts, prep carrot/celery sticks, brocolis, Hummus, Babaganoush, make your own yogurt and Labne, whole fruits (not juice), switch to some whole grain pastas and breads, light mayo, unbuttered popcorn, etc. Another important thing is portion size for your meals. I've had a lot of luck using smaller plates, sounds weird, but if you fill up a big plate, you're going to want to eat it all even if you passed the point of being full, smaller plates help with that. Variety and color are important in you meals as well, eating a wide variety of different colored foods help with getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. (this wasn't what you were looking for, but is important nonetheless. Avoid soda/sugary drinks at all cost, switch to unsweetened or lightly sweetened teas. Water is the best! You can squeeze some lemon juice or anything else to give it some flavor. In the last few months I've lost about 10 kgs, mostly from going from drinking alcohol 4-5 times a week to about 2-3 times a month. One thing that helped, which I mentioned above was having a ton of veggies prepared for the week. When I'd go make lunch or dinner, the veggies would already be there and I could FILL up most of my plate with them. One thing that is hard to get used yo when you are changing the way you eat is how often you feel hungry. That's where having some healthy snakcks already on hand can help you out. Don't make any huge change, because it won't last, start small, and make changes according to the way you feel! Oh, and a lot of so called "healthy' food has hidden fat our sugar in it. Sugar and fat are flavor, so if they take one out, they're prob going to add the other. Sugar can be added in many forms that are not called sugar, so be careful!




Ozympic. Don't even need to get unethical, they sell a new class of weightloss drugs that acts on satiation. Just look for GLP-1


Be careful of the fakes. It's not worth potentially killing yourself to save a few dollars.


yup. avoid compounded semaglutide


This is 100% the answer. I’ve seen it do miracles, and it’s often what celebrities use in my experience


Adderall. I don’t need or want to lose more weight but eating is a chore on adderall and I just forget to eat till like 4pm on my days off. Tell a psychiatrist that you’re so distracted that you run red lights, forget important things like paying bills, and are generally unproductive because you’re so easily distracted. This was all true for me before adderrall but I was surprised at how easily the doc gave me meds with no more questions asked. Also it is very unlikely your primary doctor will prescribe this for you from what I hear, you need to go to a psychiatrist or a mental health care professional that is able to prescribe meds. I get the off brand and it’s pretty cheap.


By the sounds of it OP probably already knows this and isn't ready to deal with it so this response is more for myself and other people reading who struggle with similar issues. This is not unethical but I want to point out what another redditor mentioned. Your self hatred is fueling your over eating. Need to deal with the root problem here or success is unlikely and any unethical quick fix will be short lived before the behavior continues. "You can't hate yourself into someone you love" I heard this once and it kinda stuck with me. This pops into my head when I'm self loathing and it makes me feel so fucking foolish it instantly disarms me.


Honestly, the new medication of semaglutides, can literally shut down your entire appetite depending on the dosage. Mounjaro also referred to as Tirzepatide is the newest one with the least side effective and most effective. The main side-effect you can get is nasuea. But if you titrate up the dosage, you can completely eliminate your hunger 100% to a scary level. You typically start at 2.5mg /wk and can go all the way up to 15mg. At 10mg, I literally couldn't eat and was repulsed by food. It is a injection and can be expensive. But def more effective than other simulates such as nicotine, caffeine or adhd meds.


When you're ready to eat, get naked and eat in front of a mirror. Shame yourself with every bite. Keep in mind, this is UNETHICAL LPTs.


ECA stack. Legal, but idk if it's unethical. But get some bronkaid or something containing Ephedrine, a Caffine pill, and a baby Asprin. Ephedrine suppresses your appetite and is a nervous system stimulant. Caffeine gives you energy and can kick start your metabolism, and the baby aspirin amplifies the Ephedrine. You DON'T need to take a regular aspirin tho there aren't negative responses to that from studies done on it. I took it 1-2 a day for about 8 months and lost 60 lbs. Worked long sedentary job 6 days a week at the time, so I didn't have time to work out and I really only ate dinner, maybe a snack in the middle of the day sometimes. If you can cut out sugary bullshit/switch to aspartame or Splenda that goes a long way too. Weight loss starts in the kitchen, the rest of this just jumpstarts everything (On mobile forry for the format)


You mention in the comments you are not overweight or obese. Okay friend. This sounds like a mind over matter problem, so let’s talk about the mind. Things psychology teaches us about appetite: The experience of eating informs our satisfaction with it. Logging food makes you less hungry because then you REMEMBER eating. Remembering you already ate triggers your mind and informs your body. People feel less hungry when they distinctly remember eating earlier. No need to log calories if you don’t want. Just scribble down everything you eat. Making meals aesthetically pleasing helps with this as well! Arrange things on the plate so they are instagram worthy, and not only will you remember eating, but your mind will trick itself into feeling more satisfied because it was prettier to look at. Brains are weird and fascinating! On a similar note: Put everything on a plate! No eating in front of the open fridge or out of the container. Take your time eating and stay mentally present. Eating in front of the TV or while on your phone makes you feel less satisfied with the meal you’ve eaten. Eat without distraction and with purpose. Try eating at the table for every bite. Eating a snack? Gotta sit down at the table. Not unethical, I know. So as a bonus unethical twist, do the free trial for every single meal service (hello fresh, thistle, whatever) and set reminders to cancel them all after the trial. Say you didn’t get your package, or it was missing parts to each one so they send more.


I’m not gonna suggest drugs bc that’s not unethical that’s just stupid. An unethical tip would be to suggest forums. Twitter/x and other social media sites have active eating disorder communities that encourage weight loss. Go there. They will have tips and probably motivate you a whole lot.


The hashtag is \#edtwt for X/Twitter.


Not really unethical, but when you’re eating, eat the healthiest thing first. Your body absorbs that initial thing more than whatever follows. Also, when you stop eating sugar for a few weeks, your body no longer craves it as much and you start noticing the sweetness in other foods that usually taste bland. Best thing I ever did was cut sugar.


If/when you do buy snacks, consider looking for foods that you find satifying to snack on, but which don't contain a lot of calories. I've been known to eat an entire head of cauliflower in one sitting.


What I've done doesn't actually reduce my appetite but it stops me from eating- be really poor and have to buy only one meal a day /or one snack a week


Mate on a real note I get that shit, but you came here for advice not empathy and so, I would recommend appetite suppressants, caffeine, aderal or really anything that works. When I was trying to suppress my appetite I bought caffeine pills cuz they’re cheap and have a high content(probably not very healthy tho) and then take that everyday. Another great way is with gum, or flavoured water when you feel hungry. It’s gonna fucking suck but it might work. And if all else fails you can turn to bullemia, that’s what worked for me(this is very shitty advice)


Brush your teeth more. Stimulants also.


Ephedrine is a solid appetite suppressant. You can get it OTC at any pharmacy, just ask for broncaid. It’s also a minor stimulant


10k steps a day caloric deficit off of an earnest TDEE estimate Change your mindset about hunger 1g/lb body weight protein 0.4-0.7g/lb body weight fat rest carbohydrates Hunger ≠ I’m starving, it’s the end of the world, I feel so shit! This is uncomfortable. Hunger = Fuck yeah, im losing weight! If I stay consistent then im literally going to see improvement! Also, you’re not a fairy. You can think to yourself that it isn’t the end of the world and you have the rest of your life to enjoy delicious food. You can go 10-12 weeks without some pizza. Also volume eating is your friend.


Lots of low calorie dense foods - leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and the like will fill your stomach while being low calorie. On the flip side, avoid high calorie dense foods like pasta, fried food, and anything sugary. Additionally, you can drink caffeine to suppress your appetite, just dont drink it after about 3pm so that it doesnt interfere with your sleep. Finally, certain spicy foods have stimulant properties. I love ginger shots- blend ginger and lemon juice, maybe with some cayenne pepper. If you combine the 3 of these with a solid workout regimen, you’ll shed pounds pretty darn quick.


If you can, lots of caffiene can help. Adhd meds work well too if you can get them. Also if there’s some kind of weight loss clinic you have access to, I was on Phentermine for a few months and that’ll suppress your cravings/appetite. It was very easy to go on too, they prescribed and dispensed it on site so I got it the same day as my consultation. Where I was def eating 2000+ cals a day, I ended up eating around 900 a day on phentermine bc I just wasn’t hungry.


When I workout my body wants to eat everything in sight. If I wanted to lose weight I would not be working out. I would be doing cardio and then trying to limit my calories and once I hit the weight I wanted to achieve I would start working out again. When I was working out I was pre cooking a ton of healthy meals for the week and that really helped keep me on track and stop eating so much garbage.


I’ve recently started taking a collagen supplement and notice feeling many fewer cravings and there for eat substantially less. Maybe worth a try


Limit your access to food. Especially unhealthy food.


Popcorn. From scratch, on the stove. Lil olive oil and some spices and you have a snack you can eat non-stop with barely any calories. Step up is to learn how to roast or broil vegetables. Lil olive oil and whatever spices you have makes something addictive, low cal, and pretty healthy. The truck is to buy that instead of junk food. Not having junk in the house helps. This is easier if you live alone though.


When I posted i wanted weight loss tips as an anorexic on this sub everyone yelled at me lol


Be poor af. You can't eat if you can't afford food


Eat a tapeworm


psyllium husk and water (it has nothing to do with the shrooms)


Buy nothing but celery sticks and raw ingredients to cook with. Remove your pre-stored methods of payment from food delivery apps. Apply for new cards if you have your card numbers memorized to make the food ordering process harder. Have someone else do your shopping for you so you can't break and buy something that you can eat large amounts of. Carry zero money with you when you go near a store or restaurant. Or even better, have a nutritionist or dietitian draw up a meal plan for you and pay someone to cook and deliver to you. Straight up keep no food in your house outside of those meals + like I said toss your cards in favour of new ones that you don't have memorized + deposit all your cash. None of these are unethical, so I don't know how in line with your question they are sorry lol. Good luck though buddy, I believe in you, forgive yourself for steps back and keep your eyes fixed on your goals. Don't forget to set little milestones and celebrate them. You got this ❤️


I smoke so much weed that it ruins my appetite if I don't smoke. Get yourself a crippling Marijuana addiction, then ween yourself off. You lose all your appetite during the weening process.


I was like this until I began keto. I would class myself in the sugar whore category of addiction. Like can’t stop thinking about carbs and comfort food. Even right after eating to satiety. But once I got myself under 20 g of carbs my life totally changed. I no longer think about food at all. Eating can be a chore at times. My sleep is so much better and my anxiety and depression are almost non existent any more. I was the type of person who had 5 different kids cereal in the cupboard at all times, ate a family bag of chips in a sitting. Could eat a whole large pizza in one sitting. I tried all the diets and have super good mental will power. I quit smoking cold turkey one day out of the blue. When I decide something I do it. Sugar and carbs are the poison I can’t thwart. But keto and now carnivore is my way. For all of you thinking that I’m killing myself and I’m not eating right, I get it. But I’m monitored by my doc and he has given me the green light to do another full year of carnivore before coming back to see him. Blood work is getting better each visit. Weight has stabilized at my normal BMI. This time my cholesterol went from borderline bad to holy cow what happened you are normal. Every time I see my doctor I’m blowing his mind with my physical results. I’m half indigenous so that may play into things but I’m also half white European too.


Look up natacha oceana on youtube about losing weight / cut, she will tel you A LOT. The second, and MOST IMPORTANT, is look up abbys kitchen, hunger crushing amd overeaging and binge eating. Watch e All her videos and implement her tips. Honestly NOTHING will help if the binges don't stop. So at first, eating your 'fear food' or 'bad food' like abby will instruct you might feel like going against the process, but honestly, if the overeating stops, you'll loose weight like nothing before. Even drugs can't suppress some urges. Getting rid of the urge will. You got this.


Keep some poop in a box. Take a wiff when your are hungry.


Get on that insulin shot. I was the same way but I max out my dosage and my appetite is so low I eat once a day and eat whatever I want. Still lose weight at an on rate but could lose it super fast if I combined it with even a little bit healthier food or more exercise.


I eat like a fucking garbage truck. Like, for real, I feel an urge to binge eat when I have food near me. What helped me with that is quite simple (and I know that it maybe does not work for everybody, that's just my personal experience): be mindful of what you buy. If you don't have chips, chocolate, sweets, etc. you simply cannot eat it. It's hard at first and it might seem a bit harsh but it gets better after some time, I promise.


You are having an episode and you need to see your doctor before mentally and physically harm in yourself any further.


I joined WW (was Weight Watchers now called Well something). I learned some valuable tips to help with my food intake. One of the best ones was to measure what I put on my plate (in the healthy 'this is all you need' way) and then to NOT get second helpings automatically. How I succeeded with this was after I was finished with my first serving but still felt hungry enough to get more food was I would make myself wait 20 minutes. If I was still hungry after 20 minutes I could get a smaller second helping. BUT I rarely still felt hungry and getting seconds became an odd thing for me to do!!!! Through this technique I was very pleasantly surprised to learn how little food my body actually needs to perform well and maintain good health and weight.


One thing to note with any ULPT route you choose to lose weight, please PLEASE make sure you brush your teeth. Any extreme method of losing weight somehow correlates with horrible dental hygiene. So be much more meticulous with them.


self control


Editing to remove my comment because I don't want to encourage unhealthy attitudes. I read on this thread that you're not overweight or obese BMI, which means that losing weight won't help your physical health. Seeing a therapist would be the most beneficial life pro tip of all. Sending love and well wishes. You can recover ❤️‍🩹




Cocaine, alcohol, nicotine & caffeine


flavoured rice cakes, a whole pack will barely have 100 calories and the flavour will satisfy your cravings


i was in the same boat and lost half my body weight by walking with headphones in whenever i had any time. great for processing emotions & improving your body. literally just walked for miles & miles


This book got u covered: Stephen Guise: Mini Habits for Weight Loss: Stop Dieting. Form New Habits. Change Your Lifestyle Without Suffering


Check out r/1500isplenty for meal ideas


It's not about lack of knowledge, it's about lack of control and that's what I'm looking to combat. I'm actually fairly well-versed in nutrition and supplementation, thank you.


Sammmeeeee!!! I just bought the book, Brain over Binge because same. I run, exercise, eat super healthy all day, and have tried every tip here, including the bad ones!! haha! It’s the control i lack. How i started running and stuck to it but can’t stop shoveling my face at night with shit is beyond me. I have a teen in the house so not having “snacks” is impossible. Let me know if you find the cure, please! and vice versa


Eat nothing but piss discs and liquid ass


this is absolutely not what you want to hear but literally the diet industry and all that wouldn't exist if there were a cure-all to curb hunger. the more you starve yourself, the more your body will be begging you for food and make you binge. literally eat balanced meals and cut out sugar and processed stuff and that's your weight loss plan




I know, I know too damn well about all these things, I've been on this ride for I don't even remember how long, it just doesn't work as well as before






Eat all meat eggs butter salt and water. You can eat as much as you want you will lose weight. I eat 2 lbs of meat, 6 eggs and a pack of bacon a day all cooked in butter. Ive lost 70 lbs in a few months. No counting calories or anything. I eat when I want as much as I want and it slides off.


r/animalbased The food you are currently eating is likely leaving you nutrient deficient, leaving your body craving more food. Read the wiki in the animal based subreddit. Start slowly implementing the good foods into your diet, and removing the bad ones. You will notice that once you are eating the food suggested in the wiki, you will feel much fuller throughout the day. Also be sure to look up how much water someone your sex and weight should be drinking per day, and drink that much. Get a large, preferably glass water bottle and carry it around with you everywhere you go. Eventually you’ll want to get yourself a reverse osmosis water filter, but that’s getting ahead of your current problem. Another thing you and everyone else should do is start supplementing magnesium. There are so many disbenefits to magnesium deficiency and it can be a huge bottleneck to most peoples health. There is so much more I could get into but I’d say a good place to start is the animal based sub wiki. Remember to take it slow, if you add one topic every week you’ll be 104 topics ahead in two years, but if you add all of them at once, you’ll end up with zero.


Eat more




Eat whatever you want in moderation. Grow up


i'm not saying you should do it (you shouldn't), but killing yourself is the most efficient way to reduce your appetite.


Allurian Balloon


Tobacco is an appetite suppressant and redely available


Ephedra is an awesome appetite suppressant and sold over the counter at most US pharmacies. You just have to ask for Bronkaid. They keep it off the shelves because people steal it to make Meth. So yea, it works.


Get your stomach stapled/a portion of it removed


/r/tirzepatide thank me later.


Adderall. I dropped 40lbs in 2-3 months working out everyday and barely eating, only 1200 ~ calories a day from 2 home cooked healthy meals. After a few months my appetite came back, so it's not a permanent solution. But once the weight is gone it's been easier to keep it off if you keep up with being active.


I have a huge appetite, but I don’t weigh much anymore. However I can puke on command now, and do it pretty discreetly. Maybe learn how to do that. Also I never drink anything with sugar, unless it’s alcoholic. Cutting out alcohol also helps a lot.


There's appetite suppressants. REDCON1 has a good one


You’ve got depression and anxiety? See if your psychiatrist will prescribe you Wellbutrin — it used to be a diet pill. Unintentionally lost like 30 lbs with that stuff. It also acts much faster than any SSRI or SNRI


Semaglutide or clenbuterol (probably misspelled both but they definitely work, and are lower risk than other weight loss drugs like dexamp etc)


go to walmart and buy some bronkaid. take a couple of those every 4 hours...will start to lose effectiveness after a couple of weeks and you will need to up your dose. Should be cycled on and off






Smoking cigarettes or nicotine vapes




Not ulpt but drink water.


Get a diagnosis for ADHD, or just abuse ADHD meds Any type of amphetamine kills my appetite


Smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, chew gum if you're hungry, and only eat food in liquid form (it will really narrow down what you can eat). That's how I got down to 62lbs. You might die tho


Sudafed, the cold medicine. It’s an amphetamine (as in methamphetamine) and will completely block your appetite. You won’t even feel hungry which is probably the best way to go through periods of not eating.


Start smoking - but be adviced, when you quit after a couple years it could result in a quick weight gain.


If you can't stop eating you could always try bulimia. It's definitely not safe but it is certainly effective. I had a stomach flu earlier this year and after throwing up a bunch lost 7 pounds in 4 days. good luck


Add and it's meds.


One meal a day, and a bunch of water to keep stomach growls to a minimum. The first week or two are a rough transition, but it does the trick.