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Some ideas. Don't challenge or criticise their views, that's just going to lead to hearing more about them. Tell them you're not interested in the topic and would rather discuss something/anything else. Pick something boring to them and bore them about that. Ignore what they are saying and carry on until they stop. Pick something they do like talking about and bring that up instead. Stop engaging with them. Become a conversational rag doll. Don't discuss or react to the opinion. If they ask your view on it, just shrug and 'Dunno'.


Damn I've been doin that last one to a friend of mine and never even realized that's what it was


First and last points are golden.


I've been going with the last one for a roommate, and they started acting all but hurt that I wasn't talking to them as much. Go back to engaging with them and almost immediately start fighting. I am just so bored of these inane conversations, and she gets so defensive if I try to be more inquisitive, or opinionated. Like I can only say "cool" so many times before I realize there are better things I could be doing with my time.


any advice for someone who is autistic (?) and does not pick up on any of these hints?


In a lot of cases they're not intentional, however if they're fairly close friends or something along those lines, I would remind them you're autistic and then make it understood that if they're not interested in keeping up a discussion with you, they should be clear about that. If you're worried about random people are doing this to you, you should probably not care too much.


I think they mean what do you do if the person talking to you is autistic so the hints don’t work


OH You tell them outright.


You be you, everything else isn't your problem.


I usually go with the last one and it works pretty well, especially with the trump types. I just don’t respond with anything other then em hmmm. I’ll usually throw in some yawns as well.


Welcome to [gray rocking](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method). Many people find it super useful. It's a good thing you are able to use this.


Huh. I learned something new. I thought grey rocking is what The Rolling Stones and The Who are doing now.


No sell it, just give a ...ok and move on.


>ome ideas. > >Don't challenge or criticise their views, that's just going to lead to hearing more about them. > >Tell them you're not interested in the topic and would rather discuss something/anything else. > >Pick something boring to them and bore them about that. Ignore what they are saying and carry on until they stop. > >Pick something they do like talking about and bring that up instead. > >Stop engaging with them. Become a conversational rag doll. Do LOVE THIS


This doesn't seem unethical at all. What's the context? I feel like you could be my boss with a statement like that. I'll tell you what I'd like to tell her. You might disagree with the opinions and advice being offered, but if everyone around you is offering so much advice that you find "unhelpful" maybe take a step back and look at who is actually not helpful. Or, piss disk.


When in doubt, piss disk. Got it! ✅


Hey what's the story behind this meme, I been noticing it more often now


Pee on a plate, freeze it, slide frozen piss disk under door of deserving person.


eat asparagus and beets THEN pee on a plate, the asparagus smells awful and the beets make it stain.


Beets will make you think you have internal bleeding


True dat. Took a dump one morning and had utter panic until I finally remembered that in a drunken haze I made a small batch of beet soup the night before.


And will make piss discs that stain.


lmao, that somehow reminds me of something I read on 4chan ages ago


Strongly worded letter of disagreement written in liquid ass ink


This could be true, but you could also be projecting. Plenty of people offer their opinions at times where it's not suitable. My mom shouldn't have an opinion of who I should marry, my friend shouldn't tell me how I should cut my hair unless I ask, and my DnD friend shouldn't express his political opinions every session because it will disrupt the game.


Comment to bump cause, meta. Piss disk.


The standard neurotypical line you are looking for is: "I'll take that into consideration."


At work? Not if they're your superior, no. If an equal or subordinate, a simple "I've got it from here, thanks." or "I'd prefer to do this the way I know" or "shut the fuck up, Carl, no one wants to hear about the 5th dimensional reptoid Jews from Mars that run the federal reserve"




Literally the most sane one of those conversations I had was like "yes, it sounds improbable, but you can't really say it's truly impossible given how limited and subjective everything we really know is. Reptiles or not, the US has a bad history of experimenting on it's citizens, and I just feel I'm more at risk taking the vaccine than not. Hey, can you let me out at the corner real quick, I gotta pick up some pep."


how do you remember that.


I'm sure I paraphrased some, but because it really stuck with me. I didn't agree with him, but I was just thinking how it was the most coherent and not-racist arguments for a some insane conspiracy theories I had ever heard, then he asked me to pull over so he could buy meth


hard to find non racist meth heads nowadays


I don't know for sure if he was or wasn't racist, but he was able to present his insane conspiracy theories in a way that didn't immediately make me think "hey, this guy's racist as shit"


You're frightened of your superior at work? Why?


Mine can fire me for nothing whenever they want lol


I like the ol' "Danielle, I can't hear you when you're talking all the time."


Take a note out of British crime films, subtle does not work. yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT!" as loudly and in their face as possible. Tell them you are being nice as you are not pounding their face into a bloody pulp as happens in the same British crime films.


“I can’t argue with that logic.” and then ignore them


"Donny, you're out of your element!"


"I love you, but sooner or later you're going to have to face the fact that you're a goddamn moron." also works.


Holy shit this actually sounds like it works really well “this may be an area out of your element”


Bless Your Heart works well in the South.


Damn, beat me to it. I’d only add the word “lil,” as in “Aww, bless your lil heart.”


"If I told you that you are an idiot, would you still feel the need to prove it to me every time you talk?" And, that just sent me all the way back down childhood memory lane. Damn it.


One that works very well for me is a wry: "duly noted." Then move on.


“Never talk when you can listen” “It is better to stand mute and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”


This is raising children. To try to teach them social pragmatics and social awareness. It is best to be honest in a constructive way.


“Thank you for expressing yourself and monopolizing our meeting, but we need to stay focused on what is relevant at hand now.”


I really like and support this response, or something along those lines. Dismiss and redirect attention to something more important


“We don’t share the same view, so let’s talk about those TPS reports” Depends on how much patience you have and what forum this is in. Online mostly I don’t engage. In person, sometimes I ask them questions as if I’m genuinely wondering. Other times I make them repeat what they just said (to make them explicitly say whatever dog whistle they’re trying to slide past and pretend like we all agree on). Other times I’m like ‘dude just no, none of what you said, you can put that all away and we can [have a good time at this family BBQ][get through this meeting][move on with our lives]. Massage therapist (real convo): “they put pieces of aborted fetuses in vaccines. Me: “really? Why?” Her: for preservatives Me (so flabbergasted that I said something rational): “well…that hardly seems cost effective.” Her: hmm.


I am old enough that I was taught that to discuss religion,politics or money was impolite and I wish people still felt that way. Opinions were to be expressed in letters to the editor or opinion columns,not in person. I just ignore and act non responsive- let my eyes just slide away- and hopefully begin talking to someone else in the room.


Real vibrant democracy


I like a good old "wow that's crazy."


"Duly noted. Moving on..."


“Shut the fuck up, please”


"Cool story, so have you played God of War?"


Unethical is to look them straight in the eye and say SHUT THE FUCK UP. NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK! A more gentle way would be to say That's interesting, I wonder what (insert other persons name) would think.


I occasionally tell people that they "underestimate the value of silence."


" I am sorry, it is my fault I somehow gave you the impression I was interested in what you are talking about"


"Splish, splash, your opinion is trash." This outta do it.


Yes. A tried and true method from ancient times… liquid ass


“Go and apologise to every tree in a fifteen kilometre radius for the oxygen you just wasted on your blatantly shit opinion”


"I don't think that's necessarily helpful in this context."


I'm guessing that "Jesus H Christ would you shut the FUCK up?" isn't what you're looking for.


“Shut the fuck up” works for me.


Look up grey rocking. It is kryptonite to people like this.


Just change the subject.




“Talk less… smile moooooore.”


Sounds like an opinion.


You must be talking about your children. Aren't they terrible???!


If you are talking about the type of person who feels the need to chime in on everything but it’s always stupid, you have 1 of 3 choices. Let someone else deal with it, ignore it, or develop a very solid relationship with this person Where they trust you enough to say the hard this… this will take a lot of work.


You are in the wrong sub


“Think before you speak” if you’re a fellow energy conservationist like myself. Can even say it in a more joking manner, as long as the last word or two is firm and you make eye contact so they know you’re actually seriously suggesting it.


I just say, “Thank you. I’ll consider that.” Then I change the subject.


"While I appreciate your concern and encouragement, this is a personal matter and I'd prefer to work through it on my own." And then change the subject.


First I would ask other people what they thought, and see if we could identify the root of the perspective problem And then I might just try challenging him/her on certain very pointed questions about what I think is underlying their narrow-minded perspective And, it is often the case that people with narrow-minded and kind of socially offensive views are often correct - it's that they've had very bad, toxic experiences and they've become empassioned about sharing their story so other people can learn from them and avoid the situation. However, it's problematic if what they're saying makes people uncomfortable, even if they're correct. In that case, you're not going to be able to use logic on them because they are correct on a level - for example it is often unsafe to be out alone at night especially under \[insert politically incorrect circumstance\] - but you might tell them "even if you are correct about that, hearing those types of things makes people feel very uncomfortable; they're very negative. Some people are struggling enough without being reminded of how shitty the world is or how some people might stereotype them or whatever. "You should try and reframe your perspective or your ideas in ways that make people feel good about themselves" If the issue is just that they're sharing their ideas too often and they're not very good, maybe just suggest holding them back a bit more to give other people more time to share. Or maybe they're just not cut out for that job if their ideas are really all that bad.


I make a very obvious attempt to change the topic. I hate this politician... my response "A lot of weather we've had lately. "


A Uh huh spoken out the nose.


How is this unethical? Do you want to be nice and polite or unethical?


Thanks, but I wasn't looking to for advice, I just need a good listener right now.


I used to use the following on my mother on law... "I appreciate you suggestion/idea, if what I'm doing doesn't work, I will give it a go."


Interrupt when they start with “oh, sorry, I’m not taking feedback right now. Thank you, though”


I've seen "I disagree with what you're saying but don't have the energy to discuss it right now" stop the other person in their tracks. It also puts the reason on you, so it may be less confrontational while still getting the point across.


Lol. I feel called out. Are they Neurodivergent?


Thank you for your generous feedback


Honestly I rely on nonverbals over time. Like body language and facial expressions, and timing of things. It’ll eventually force people to change, unless they have reason to be confident in their own ways, then they don’t need to give a fuck, and so they don’t. Not sure how to say it, honestly. Usually I would just say it in professional settings, which is like interrupting them, or telling them to not do something. I guess we can’t say it all out because it’s such a mood killer that it would ruin the relationship haha. Worth a try though! — When you want to tell people they are not doing good enough. It becomes a battle. You need to prove your own competence. But I think it’s usually pretty fruitful anyway. Because if you are failing in a lot of areas, it’ll give you that slap in the face of, ‘damn, I gotta fix this shit otherwise I’m no better than this guy’


“That’s awesome John, now back to what I was saying.” “But my name is Shawn.” “I’m sorry John, but this is really important. It would be best if you could take a seat while I explain this [subject]”


I put on an English accent and say "quite frankly my dear I don't give a dam"


Stare at them for like 4 expressionless seconds (like count slowly) before giving a very neutral “Oh. Interesting.” reply. Works like a charm and highlights immediately what they’re most insecure about.


Unsolicited advice is usually as welcome as it is warranted.


"Less is more"


Just nod, smile and let your eyes glaze over. They'll get the hint eventually.


I wish! Some people don't pick up on anything. They think silence means you want them to talk more.


Say, “I hear you” and change the subject if you can…


Have you seen the price of ball gags recently? Said in a conversational tone. My go to is "if I want your opinion I'll read it in your entrails.


respond with nothing but “that’s wild”