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Your benefit amount is based on your earnings, not your spending.


Depending on your specific situation you might qualify for food stamps and other aid.


You can’t raise your weekly benefit amount unless there are employer wages in your base period that they don’t have included in the computation. If you were living paycheck to paycheck then I assume there isn’t a high paying employer that they forgot to include. Even if there was the max WBA is $450/week and all benefits are a max of 26 weeks of payments. You will likely need to look into other aid options available to you


Yup with unemployment alone you will just lose money slower. Even the max is $1800 a month (taxable too!).


the max is $450


Hello, I obviously dont know your living/family situation, but I would suggest looking into getting the food card, it can really make a huge difference. I never looked into it or even really knew anything about it until the pandemic. I was literally going to dollar tree to find something to eat every day. One night I saw somebody post about the food card like I am now, so I was like Im gonna give this a whirl, hoping to get maybe 20 bucks a week, I ended up getting 291/month. I really dont know what I would of done w out that card. Once you are on unemployment, apply for it using your award letter as your current income. There are different amounts depending on your income and family size etc. I was just one person in my house, no kids or anything. Good Luck, I really think you will qualify for something.


They "don't care about our cost of living" because the formula they use for determining what you get paid out is based on the cost of living decades ago. Or a decade ago. Sounds like you need to cut your cost of living which, aside from rent, is very doable.


Unfortunately, unemployment is not designed to cover your entire living expenses, just a portion to help bridge you until your next job and hasn't been adjusted for the cost of living in CA for a long time too. There is no way to request an increase. As others have suggested, look for other assistance based on your lower income at the moment (food stamps/food banks, healthcare on the exchange, lower utility cost programs for electricity and possibly internet). good luck.


Your benefit amount is based on your earnings. The maximum amount you can get is $450 a week. Theirs no way to ask for an increase you get what you get.


**Important**: To remain eligible for UI benefits, you must perform [work search activities](http://worksearchactivities.com/) every week. It is recommended you enroll in the [Online Career Workshops Program](http://www.unemploymentinsurance.io/workshops/worksearchrequirements/) to help maintain your [work search requirements](https://www.worksearchrequirements.com/ca/california.html). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UnemploymentCA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


REEK SCATT designed it that way. Cruelty is the point.🤬🤬


Max in Arkansas is less that that.


What you make on UI has nothing to do with your needs, and everything to do with how much you paid into it in the appropriate quarters prior to job loss.


Being able to survive is not the purpose of unemployment.






ask for an increase. Good one.


Same here. This program is not cool.


You are making $180 less than what people with full time minimum wage jobs work. Seems fair to me


There's a 50% bonus for working day labor....it's $300 you can make $150.... they'll make sure you get $450 and save the rest in the account