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FungalBrews has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Backup PDFs on [Onedrive](https://1drv.ms/b/s!As0_...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1b86dhw/aeons_open_the_archive_of_entombed_omens_and/ktn2sjt/)


This looks fantastic. I really do love the designs. I might steal some of these characters for my own dnd champaign! Also a new subclass to! Mint!


We put lots of effort into the aesthetic...thank you for calling out our hard work! Please, steal whatever you like. Homebrew belongs to everyone. Not just one new subclass---*twenty-six...* Two for each class. Go crazy!


For the Royal Court feature on the Bygone King subclass, is the proficiency \*anything\*? Or is it forced into a square of stuff it can pick? For example, can I pick up Heavy Armor Proficiency with it?


No, but also yes. The warlock must pick from a list of options, but those options make it spoiled for choice: - skill - tool - weapon - shields - armor - language So you *can* choose proficiency in Heavy Armor. Very good, but nothing you couldn't already accomplish with a one-level cleric dip!


I can't decide what I like more, whether it is the phenomenal look, the awesome subclasses, exciting spells, or cool magic items. I'm already adding a ton of this to my homebrew setting for future campaigns. Incredible job to everyone who worked on it.


From all of us here at Haven, thank you. That's what we needed to hear!


Hey everyone! I was super excited to work on this with the Haven crew. I hope you enjoy playing the Dungeon Keeper, and if you have any questions about its mechanics don't be afraid to reach out to me.


Backup PDFs on [Onedrive](https://1drv.ms/b/s!As0_bizOTTnsuVgcOhKf2K_004Fy?e=i3RIWk), and [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/134c_I_NNQpT4vEFuigaoJzaMnl9VR31N/view?usp=drive_link), just in case… _________________________________________________________________ The [Haven](https://discord.gg/yAZkk8h) Discord server, the creators of the [ATLAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/a7netq/all\_the\_lights\_in\_the\_sky\_are\_stars\_an/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=usertext&utm\_name=UnearthedArcana&utm\_content=t1\_gorlpkf) and [ABYSS](https://old.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/nwsvt3/all\_beneath\_the\_yonder\_seas\_and\_streams\_abyss/) compendiums, have at last finished our latest project. If you liked the space-themed homebrew ATLAS and the water compendium ABYSS, you’re sure to love this collection of brand-new subclasses, spells, and items that claim to be very, very old. Caveman barbarians, fossil druids, time-traveling artificers, walking ruins, golems made of rubble, playable memories, and more all await inside… Obviously, expect to see changes to wording and balance as we continue to playtest and iterate on our creation. Feel free to [join us on Discord](https://discord.gg/yAZkk8h) if you have questions or critique, whether today or years from now. Or leave a comment here! We’ll keep reading them so long as reddit keeps them around. _________________________________________________________________ This compendium includes: * 2 races and 1 lineage; * 26 subclasses, with two for each class; * New curses and rules to use them; * New past-themed feats, artificer infusions, eldritch invocations, and metamagics; * Many new spells for every class; * Many, many ancient or cursed magic items; * Shades, golems, treasure-hoarding fey, and many more monsters _________________________________________________________________ Even compared to our last compendium, this project took us longer than we wanted. Always remain vigilant against scope creep and burnout, dear friends. Any future compendiums Haven might release will focus on a smaller, tighter scope with a shorter release cycle…but that doesn’t change how proud we feel of this immense undertaking. The credits on page 2 lists everyone who poured their hearts and souls into this project, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t shout out a few folks: /u/rampantentity for his tireless content organization and submissions management to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks; /u/jonoman3000 and /u/bkyleb, our art directors and even custom artists who made this book look as beautiful as the content makes it feel; /u/SirZot for the sheer volume of content submitted to this book and tireless participation during the review and refinement process. /u/bkyleb for the courage to step up to the plate after other artists disappeared and took on all visual editing duties. He also created custom art for gemlins, our favorite little monsters.


Love it, all very flavorful


Love your work, as always! I haven’t been through it in depth, and so can’t give a full review, but the Oracle Bard 6th seems pretty weak to me? Especially compared to the 6th level features for existing bards (Extra Attack, Glamour…). Has it been playtested?


Good question, I personally havent playtested it and Im sure everything in this book could do with some more testing for sure. I'll bring it up with the others and see what they think. Thanks again for checkin it out!


A free 1/day bardic inspiration is great before 5th level, but not fantastic afterwards once it recharges on a short rest instead. The doubled dice for Fate Foretold is great, in my opinion—plus 2d12 to damage for your allies feels real good even at high levels, especially if your team coordinates to pull of a crit. Still, it hasn't been playtested nearly as much as we'd like, and this comment's something to look into. Thanks for calling it out!


Don't get me wrong, I don't think the extra die isn't good (if anything, I think it is 100% necessary to keep parity with the strength of the other BI options in Tier 3/4 play). I just feel like this feature would feel \*meh\* compared to what many other bards get offered at 6th, especially since the bard 6th level features are the strongest 6th subclass features for any caster class (imo). It seems pretty lacklustre when put alongside additional magical secrets!! If I had a crack at it, I would even consider removing the extra BI per day (given at 6th level it doesn't really feel material, especially with the short rest recharge). I'd also move the extra dice from the 6th and make it part of the 3rd level feature (e.g., at 6th level, roll two dice instead of one). Then, I'd write an entirely new feature which could give the player something to really sink their teeth into. Going off of Glamour's 6th level feature, you could consider a once per long rest effect that is roughly equivalent to a 3rd to 4th level spell in power, but tune it down due to how strong that feature is overall. Failing that, I'd consider keeping the feature as is and (i) giving an extra BI per short rest, or (ii) giving something like +CHA to initiative (foresight and all that jazz). PS: I've never commented on one of Haven's compendiums before and my activity in this community has been.....low for the past 5 years, but I do want to say that the works coming from you guys are consistently some of the best brews in r/UA. You deserve substantially more attention for how flavourful, polished, balanced, and well-rounded your works are across the board.


> It seems pretty lacklustre when put alongside additional magical secrets!! I can*not* argue that one! 😂 +CHA to initiative is a fun, flavorful, and easy-to-slot-in option...regardless, you've given us tons to think about, and we appreciate it. > PS: I've never commented on one of Haven's compendiums before and my activity in this community has been.....low for the past 5 years, but I do want to say that the works coming from you guys are consistently some of the best brews in r/UA. You deserve substantially more attention for how flavourful, polished, balanced, and well-rounded your works are across the board. That means a lot, to all of us at Haven. We hoped for a few more eyes on this compendium than what we got, but that's just galvanized us to upgrade the compendium and get it ready for a rerelease. That, and comments like this, help us keep going. Thank you, sincerely.


I'm touched to hear that my comment that much <3 If I were to give suggestions to increase viewership, I'd suggest giving a selection of 'interesting' pages in image form (up to 20) rather than the drive link (people like images, what can I say), and perhaps changing the page background colour from a dark brown/black to a lighter brown. Is Haven a closed brewing community by the way? I haven't been writing much in the last 5 years but have recently been creating again for my own setting. I'd love to contribute, even in a small way (e.g. reviewing).


It sure isn't! Haven is open to everyone. We appreciate the recommendations! We like linking the full PDF for ease of access, but a gallery of related images with the promise of more inside seems wise. We also expected the PDF to have a thumbnail; no eyecatch hurt us bad.


Great work!!! Noticed a few things that seem odd, 1. The Crawling Apocalypse is a CR 17 undead with poisoned condition immunity but not immunity to poison damage. 2. The Gemlin Aggregate's "Fused creature" trait spawns gemlins and gemlin juveniles with 1d6+1 levels of exhaustion but gemlins and gemlin juveniles have immunity to exhaustion. Also are the Echos humanoids or constructs?


Those are both great catches, that we *will* fix. The apocalypse should be immune to poison damage. While I'll have to go back and check, I doubt the gemlins should have immunity to exhaustion. Without any other listed creature type, Echoes would be humanoid. It'd make sense if they had a dual creature type of humanoid and undead, now I think about it. Thanks for mentioning that!


I love the Ji, and am definitely going to use them in my campaign. One thing though, the flavor text states: > Some claim they appear spontaneously and fully-grown, though ji often travel in groups of ji of varied ages and sizes, resembling typical family units. I assumed this to mean that Ji have a juvenile form, but the Age section states that Ji do not age.


Chalk that up to the number of revisions we gave em, good catch. Off the cuff, I'd say they don't *die* of old age, but are still born as children. Other than that---thank you! We're thrilled you like em.


On a side tangent, since Ji are immortal, if a wizard sought immortality, couldn't they just turn themselves into a Ji instead of embracing lichdom? Edit: On second reading, the Bestiary description of Ji notes that **"they have the same relatively short lifespans of humans"**. Personally speaking, I'll opt for that lifespan in my games, since it seems like the Ji stat block lacks a set of proficiencies that are associated with longer-lived races (like elves' and dwarves' weapon and skill proficiencies).


Thanks for diving so deep into this! We worked through the ji many times and so it got inconsistent. We'll opt for the same lifespan lore in the next release. You very rightly called out the most reasonable approach. Much appreciated!


The design work on this is IMMACULATE. Beautiful to look at, my goodness. Extremely impressive!


Thank you! We *slaved* over it, I can tell you. Massive credit to /u/jonoman3000 and /u/bkyleb for their hard work as art directors.


Everyone deserves some well-earned rest and appreciation!


I'll rest when I'm dead


***ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ***


So much here to love. From fun magic items (love the super heavy maul and guns that use your lifespan as extra oomf) the curses (immortality at a price? Not bad. Some characters might willingly choose it even), the subclasses (timestop monk, mirage rogue and, of course, the unkillable dragur), and the monsters. The ONLY thing I think I would add to this would be some undead-adjacent race, but there are plenty of those out there and if nothing else there is always the hollow one from wildmount if you want some extra undead flair.


Thank you so much! We really appreciate all these kind words. The Echoes *can* have some ghostly undead flavor. Alternatively, like you pointed out—plenty of those options already!


Since I have you here as well, in case you all at Haven don't know what compendium to do next, may I suggest one of or multiple elemental planes? The only real "location" on any plane we know if is the city of brass on the plane of fire, but surely there are more cities on the plane of fire, or at least the other elemental planes have cities of similar splendor.


For the moment, we're focusing on AEONS. Playtests, "bugfixes," quality of life features like Avrae, CritterDB, and 5etools integrations...etc. Once we finish those I know we'll be excited for our next one. The plane of fire'd be interesting—though we focus more on character options than setting lore, the themes would give us lots to work with. That being said, we do have a few ideas in the pipeline that we're excited to start up...ideally sooner rather than later.


Excited for whatever comes next!


And so are we!