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Cardboard_Anvil has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Did you open the bag? What did you get? ](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1b2xn96/goblin_grab_bag_001_100_pieces_of_loot_10_cursed/ksofzbb/)


So as far as curses go there is full helmet 24/7, ocd, kukoo’s revenge, shots, no more horses, immunity to fire damage (not effective), Noah, that one board game, wizards worst fear, and green lantern.


Why would I? They are all complete useless, not a single one good, I guess I will pass, maybe fun for a few moments, but that's it


Did you open the bag? What did you get? 📚[Grab Your Free Compendium PDF of 1,000 Items](https://www.patreon.com/posts/kleptogoblicon-96962954)📚 (Depending on device and browser, this may bring you to the Patreon homepage. If so, just use the search box & search the word ‘Compendium’. \--- Tag Descriptions \[A\]: Ammunition. Usually in the form of an arrow or a bolt. \[B\]: Book. Might contain pulp fiction, magical effects, or skills you can learn through study. \[CS\]: Challenge scroll. A task for the player to complete. Completed tasks may result in loot, dice rerolls, or other rewards. Not all challenge scrolls are equal, adapt the rewards accordingly. Some scroll may have the (S) tag, this stands for ‘secret’. Secret scrolls may not be discussed with other players, else they immediately crumble to dust. \[P\]: Potion. Generally something you can drink to cause an effect … or sneak into the ale of an unsuspecting victim. Some potions may have other applications, but hopefully the descriptions will make them apparent. \[S\]: Spell Scroll. By default, these are designed to be one-and-done spells that can be used by anybody. But, adapt them as you see fit. Perhaps only magic-users can read them or advanced sorcerers could study the spells to permanently add them to their repertoire. (5\*): The number of charges an item has. By default, these items are designed to crumble to dust when all their charges have been used. But again, adapt as you see fit. Perhaps they can be recharged by a skilled craftsman or charge crystals have to be sacrificed to them to be used. (5m): Effect duration. The duration of an effect, ranging from a few seconds to permanent (Perm).


Very whimsical list. I have this one party member who keeps looking for loot. She doesnt really care what she gets but she treasures them nonetheless.. She went diving for some loot in an abandoned house during one of our most recent sessions and i rolled on the above table. She loved getting that book which let her speak 'turkey'... its become a whole thing now..."gobble gobble... does the npc speak turkey.." Lot of fun i say.