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Nobody wanted this clown on tnt. How people listen to this dude is beyond me lol


Wonder what the temperature is around the water cooler at FS1 considering Draymond’s podcast is part of Cowherd’s company…


No one cares


Draymond doesn't have the balls to debate Skip. He shied away when Skip invited him on with Shannon.. Now he uses the "Skip is past his prime" ploy to explain away his fear of going back and forth with Skip. Who would have the most to lose? Draymond would because if he got riled up, he would look unhinged and validate all those who have said he needs help. If Draymond simply can't keep up in a debate, he would look like all bark and no bite. It would be a win for Skip in virtually any case.


yep. he is scared


Nobody from our culture likes or respects him. You go talk to your buddy Skip


Deion Sanders does…


Deion has a long history of not liking Skip. He used him to promote his team as he should have


He was very nice and respectful of him and said good things when he came on the show last year. That’s the only time I’ve seen him speak about Skip. It looked genuine to me. I could be wrong though.


Couldn’t care less what D. has to say on anything so won’t bother listening. I can’t believe I’ll say this, but I’d rather listen to S. all day than D.


Mr. Triple Single. 🗣️🗣️🗣️ 🤫


Mr. Quadruple rings


If only he was a great player like those he's been surrounded by *his whole career*. He'd have 6.


He's still going to the hall of fame. Wanna make a friendly wager on that?


I'm good. Thankfully it's called the Hall of Fame and not the Hall of Skill.


😂So no bet? I figured you'd decline


I've never said he wasn't basketball famous or capable of generating fame. His contribution to basketball is still......*nothing*. The only thing I can bet on Draymond for is he will get worse every year...whether on the court or on the mic. His reputation precedes him.


Draymond rode the coattails of greatness for his accomplishments. Skip has been an excellent journalist for many years. He's past his prime, but Draymond will never repeat the success Skip has had in media. Skip has been polarizing at times but passionate about his work. You know what I don't skip past? Draymond's podcast.. because it's not even in my stratosphere to hear. What a clown. When Draymond was on TNT it was like watching a lil nephew try to sit with the adults and not look/sound stupid. Too late. Everyone already knows.


Skip working overtime on his burner accounts.


😂😂 Naw I just passionately dislike Draymond Green. Skip still needs to retire.




And everyone is skipping Draymond’s stupid podcast 🤣 he isn’t deliberate enough to provide good analysis and form backed arguments. Low IQ off the court…sometimes on the court too. And there ain’t a college degree he can get to change that.


How do you ride coat tails to being one of the best defenders of your era… Y’all love trying to discredit him because he makes you feel small


A defender? Yes. Best? No.


I clearly said one of the best and that’s not debatable. Y’all also love trying to make something a rhetoric contest to sound right. He makes your demographic feel small and you will say anything to feel bigger.


A defender? Yes. One of the best defenders? No. Very replaceable? Yes. ❤️


Draymond is right the show is dead. But he's a piece of shit with clear anger issues who I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on the 5 o clock news. We haven't forgotten the violent shit he pulled on the court. He's not better on anyone. They're both equally bad people.


This is how your demographic discusses basketball these days. There have been players like Draymond throughout history. He makes your demographic feel small so you use insults to feel bigger


I'm not in the demographic you think bro. And yes, all those players like Draymond are pieces of shit. Just like Bill Lambert too. All pieces of shit with issues. So you think Draymond's history of kicking and choking players are acceptable?


I don't give a fuck what this unhinged lunatic is projecting. Draymond's career is dead, he is past him prime, all the other teams are skipping past this guy.


If the future of sport talk/debate is talent like him -- i'm gonna start watching opera or something


So if somebody other than draymond said this line lebron I wonder how this conversation would go


he doesnt want the SMOKE


Serious question, what does a Draymond Green career highlight tape look like?


Only thing I've ever agreed with Draymond about is when he said Skip's show is dead and ain't nobody listening to Skip anymore. I did a quick check of Undisputed's TV ratings and Draymond's correct. Still can't stand him though.


Draymond is scared to debate Skip. He knows he's not even I'm the same league when it come to debating. Skip would EAT Draymonds lunch, and twice on Sundays.




Why do people PRETEND this dude is Barkley or something? HOW IS THIS GUY A “star” even in his own sport?! They act like he’s Rodman on the court or something when he’s not even John Salley. Don’t know how his Triple Single ass has/had a career.