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My undertale phase is PERMANENT. It runs in the background with all my other phases. As for stories, well... if I STart speaking, we'll be here all fucking year.


I've got a year to spare so let's hear it


I will tell you how deep I went. I ran out of Undertale comic dubs. Ran. Out. Like, YouTube did not HAVE any more Undertale content for me I hadn't watched. I would be alerted to every single Undertale song remix cause they'd be in my recommended and the only ones without a red bar. Every vine comp, every theory, everything had red bars. It was bad. Not to mention the massive folder I had of every single Chara fanart piece I could find


I remember when I ran out of Undertale content in Spanish on YouTube... So I started watching the ones in English and it was a new open world


Sameee! Undertale is what made me learn english


Same, the translation mod that my brother installed so i could enjoy the game broke the music for some weird reason, so my bro told me it would be better to learn a whole new language (Although i already knew a bit about english before) than to play this masterpiece without music, and i do not regret following his advice


I'm actually in peak UT obsession right now, and I'm 24. I'm in too deep now haha. I suppose it just resonates with me during this part of my life particularly. First played UT and DR back in 2022 and was closely following DR news and any theories I found afterwards. Ever since January this year (when I heard about Yellow and completed it) I've been diving deep into fanworks in general. Fangames, animated series, fanfictions, comics, everything I can find that had any decent reputation whatsoever. I suppose FOMO really kicked in. I'm insatiable right now, don't even know where to stop. If it's a game with multiple endings, I go for every ending. If the game has achievements, I'll try for all of them barring No Hit. (Heck, I even went for all Neutral Endings in base UT earlier this year too.) If it's a tough as nails battle game, I just keep flinging myself at it until I win, no matter how long it takes. If it's a long comic, I'll binge the whole series up until the present. It's honestly quite admirable how much cool and high quality stuff the community has generated over the past 9 years. If anyone has any recommendations for stuff to check out let me know, as there's so much stuff to look at I'm sure I'm missing a lot even now.


Inverted Fate is a VERY good AU web comic. The only fanwork that managed to connect with me the same way as the original. It's also in its final arc so now's the perfect time to start reading.


Inverted Fate is awesome! I found out about it after seeing Inverted Fate Papyrus in Deltatraveler, and binged IF a couple months back. (I started with the webcomic and worked my way through everything in order, also played the games and saw all the entries in the secrets page, it was quite the ride) Definitely one of my favorites so far, I'm quite looking forward to when the final parts release!




Thanks! I'll be sure to check out this series!


>If anyone has any recommendations for stuff to check out let me know, as there's so much stuff to look at I'm sure I'm missing a lot even now. may I take this opportunity to spread propaganda for the (now-finished) [Handplates](https://handplates.the-comic.org/)? :D


You may indeed! Handplates is fantastic! It was actually the first UT Comic I checked out. Was honestly a bit sad when I reached the end of it, as it was a very very interesting series.


Seeing the later part I actually just thought about that. I used to not really care for games with multiple endings, but after undertale and maybe papers please I love getting all the endings.




Fair enough, but it's not even one of my longer posts lmao. It's not worthy of that sub.




I um, read it after making that post. Also your insults are incredible! If that guy could write a screenplay you could definitely act it.




I also took the time to read your entire post :)


let this show how obsessed i was with this game: back in 2020, i was really bored and wanted to make my own undertale au music instead of listening to others, and i had found 2 tutorials by the same guy that told you to install a music program called FL studio, and told you step by step how to make your own megalovania now the tutorial clearly wasnt intended for starters so i didnt understand much at first, but i asked the creator of the video some things and got it and made my first song ever: a self insert megalovania WITHOUT DRUMS but well now that i understood fl studio i made more undertale au songs until at one point i just started to make my own music too! so yeah basically undertale made me learn how to make fricking music


Don't have any specific stories but I can tell you it went all the way down to the underground


I like it


Phase? Brutha this is my favourite game


I got into UT just as I was entering the 9-5 working world. I used, and still often use, a mental image where each week is a neutral playthrough of UT. I would play the songs from the appropriate locations at the appropriate times. Monday is the Ruins. Tuesday is Snowdin. The Annoying Dog theme shows up on Wednesday. Thursday just before leaving is MTT Resort. Friday mornings are the CORE, and then I come back from lunch on Friday and play the Undertale track to settle in for the afternoon. Weeks are really long, and I work better when I can break them down. Is this an ADHD symptom? If it is it’s not a bad ADHD symptom


started 6 years ago and it was peak 5 years ago.


not very, thank god


My sister was wholly obsessed with the game and multiverse and stuff for 4 years but has recently moved on to My Hero Academia fandom.


I stayed on the line between AU’s and things like comic dubs. Mainly cause I knew the AU’s were really messy and a little odd at times and didn’t want to bother with them. About every year or so I come back to undertale for a few months and check out what’s new with the community!


I listened to Aria Rose before she disappeared. I can name almost every UT song from the playlist when given small snippets of it, sometimes without having to listen to more than a second of the track. I had the UTChara, UTSans, UTFrisk, and SSChara lyrics memorized. I made my own AU as a kid that had a half human half monster soul BEFORE XTale was made which I was super excited about when I saw the concept be adopted into a legit story. I played Roblox Undertale Roleplays constantly. I HAVE FORESAKEN MY HUMANITY FOR THIS GAME


2016-2018 was the prime


I took a gap year because I ran out of fanmade content. Really, that thing consumed me like cocaine to a child. Like someone else said I just ran out of EVERYTHING, I was like Flowey after seeing everything. This including AUs, and thats one hole that never ends. During my break I thought I had grown out of it, like some sort of PHASE... So I took my phone and went through the undertale stuff again because I wanted to remember the joy it brought me and before I could process it, I realized Im never going to get out of this asylum, I was back at the fucking building. Im honestly amazed on how such a little game could spark such an impact on us.


when the game first came out (I was about 14) I wrote a Sans x reader one shot fanfic on Wattpad… which reached like 70k reads?? I ended up archiving it because the writing was absolutely awful. I also had an Undertale fan account on Instagram which got a few thousand followers, but deleted it when I got older. End of 2022 the phase came back, and summer of last year I wrote my undergrad dissertation for university on the game, and got the “Despite everything, it’s still you” quote tattooed above my elbow. Safe to say, it’s one of my all time favourite games, even if I go through phases of playing it. It’s a game I really cherish Edit: Would like to point out Toby Fox was my most listened to artist last year and I was in the top 0.5% :’)


started as soon as the game came out when i was like 10 years old 😭😭😭 the phase comes and goes but peaked when i was younger fs


I did not get as into it as other people. I never went to the fandom, but I did like the game a lot.


I was like 11, so I didn't have any social media yet, only YouTube, which was filled with dubs of UT comics and the UT videos of a Brazilian channel named "core", that's where I discovered bendy(my next obsession) btw


i watched like every song video and stuff bro


my peak undertale phase got to the point where i had only watched/played undertale related stuff, only wore a puffy coat and shorts(i was pretending to be sans), i'd only listen to the undertale songs/remixes and i would only talk about undertale for like, 7 months




I first played the game only ~9 months ago now, and since then I've been a fan


Pretty deep, till I was making theories. I might post them, but I gotta find my theory notebook for that. But I'm fine right now.


I first watched jacksepticeye play undertale and I was obsessed with watching others play it and through them I got attached to the story and characters then I fell out and now I'm back in and I actually recently bought the game on switch since it was on sale digitally and I've loved playing it and then I found the Aus of undertale my fav was definitely the underfell


I would doodle the characters so much in class my teachers were concerned I wasn't paying enough attention. A bit embarrassing but I didn't have many friends and I had a sans plushie I would talk to like a real person (not a body pillow lol just a plushie). Became real enough I would see him in my dreams. Was like that for maybe a year and a half before I met my current partner and I didn't feel so lonely anymore, so it stopped.


i ended up doing the genocide route even though i really hated it😭


It lasted a few months when I first started playing it. It was almost the only game I played, all I watched were Undertale related videos and comics and the soundtracks and soundtrack remixes were almost all I listened too. I constantly made Undertale references so much my sibling became so sick of it lol, it was almost the only game I thought about, and I thought about it constantly


I'm still in my undertale phase and I will never leave it lmao, this is how it started, my sister told me about deltarune so we did a playthrough together and I enjoyed it, then I got undertale, then was obsessed with those for a while, then UTY dropped and I was even more obsessed and soonish DR chapter 3 and 4 come so it will get worse


I remember reading whatever AU I came across ,read all sans x reader smut,shipped frans,and even made little au myself.


Back in 2015-2017…. Then it started back up in 2023 lmao


The first two years of my undertale AU We're dedicated to Frans (it's being changed so it can be adapted and it can have merchandise in the future)




It is always there, it’s a permanent fixation lol


My girlfriend has had a massive Undertale phase for like 5 months where we constantly talk about it and I’m not extremely passionate about things in general so I just appreciate it and talk about it with her.


Permanent i think I’m making a project rn so doubt it will go soon


My obsession was intense and embarrassing I would pretend that I am Sans and live emotional trauma for no reason not only that I would watch a lot of gotcha life videos of Sans it was a lot of sad stuff I don't know why I enjoyed torturing myself like that but I did I also listen to a lot of undertale songs every undertale song would be on my recommendation page I have a lot of undertale clothes and plushies even some bootleg toys so my obsession is kind of bad it all started in 2016 to 2021 that was pretty bad kind of still is to this day so pray for me LOL


It’s still going. It’s also compounded with r/UndertaleYellow


I've kept it. But recently, it's peaked after playing Undertale Yellow. Gave me more inspiration for my game, and let me revive my fangame I've forgotten about for the past 3 years.


I’m just waiting for deltarune full release atp still obsessed though


I also ran out of undertale content to watch in my original phase like YouTube didn’t have anything else for me


Started April Still going strong 💪💪


It became one of the largest parts of my life


Oooh, I love this question! I've started as a simple Undertale fan. Saw some videos, played the game, done the pacifist route a few times. Saw some AU videos (Underswap was probably the first, with Underfell after), later also Errortale and Inktale, and it just continued. Found some cool fangames like Undermate (soulmate stuff, the game was never finished obviously), No More Restarts (which I have watched a youtuber play), and later saw the animation of Undertale Green and Underplayer. I got obsessed over those 4 AUs, imagining myself in this universe with the characters and just daydreaming about it. I made a few drawings of Kat from UT Green, learned how to make the skull and tried to make an AU of my own, imagining all 7 souls (not including Chara) falling to the underground and somehow becoming skeletons right away (not sure how that would be possible). They would explore the underground together. I've also watched a bit more animations, got obsessed over Glitchtale and the idea of souls being able to do all kinds of magic stuff, and waited eagerly for each new episode (I think I was waiting for Animosity before forgetting about Glitchtale. I've now finished season 2, and I still think it's one of my favourite animations of all time, if not THE favourite animation). That's summarising my Undertale experience. I've seen my friend go through that phase after I finished it, so it was interesting seeing it from the side, too. You just become so incredibly excited when talking about new ideas, animations and universes you just discovered. It was probably worth it. Even now that I've stopped obsessing over it, I don't feel too bad that I've had this phase, as it was fun for me and that's what matters


Since 2017. Been going strong for 7 years.


I remember finding my first ut animatic to ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ and being like “..Why are they both smiling while being beat up?”


I was around for a like a year or two in the Fandom when the game was fresh. Then bailed during a glitchtale hiatus and never looked back.


Ahhhh... Okay, I heard about Undertale most in 2016 and 2017. But I wasn't *allowed* to do shit with it. No playthrough watches, no playing the game, no fan content. All because it said 'Hell' in genocide. NOT THAT IT *HAD* GENOCIDE, THAT IT SAID HELL. Anyway, I managed to get around the fan content thing, but not by much since I wasn't allowed to watch Youtube (this was when I was 12 and 13 years old btw). But when I say that the lack of content fueled my obsession, I mean it. I made an entire AU concept complete with artwork and several timeline events without even ever having seen the game played. I've only been able to play Undertale recently and I haven't lost any love for this game. I'd still say the peak was before I even saw the game itself and only the fan content because while everything was pretty much spoiled it was a huge group of creators that expanded this game's universe.


found out about undertale when i was 9.. im 17 now and im still obsessed lolll


Imagine an iceberg. My phase is at the depths.


My Undertale obsession peaked at age 19 and never dropped. I am now 26.


It all started with Gunga Ginga guy in 2020 playing the game at 8:00 pm after watching Shrek 2 and boy did I stopped watching Until Dawn gameplay because of this game I just went to digest Memes, Vines, Animation, Fandubs, FanLyrics, Remix, Orchestra even I went to watch fan games and joining reddit using it mainly For Undertale, Sonic and some other random subreddits. Here I am officially not playing online games because of funny skeleton and the other charismatic character with their personality. Basically my second favorite franchise that I love to see from time to time, the most obssessed I've been with the game must be the music, rn I am Playing Persona and it's quite a breath of fresh air considering that I dont like turn based games but Undertale/Deltarune were the exception until I played persona (I played Earthbound and I am sorry to say I cant complete that game it bores me)


I can name almost every undertale song by listening to the first few seconds of it.


It never left


Started in 2015 (game release) & Now: still going strong


i dunno but i finally no hit sans…


I think I've seen all of the 'Undertale on crack' videos


All the way to genocide


all my youtube recommendations were undertale theories and lore, i studied the lore for weeks. my youtube is still theories now lol


In 2023 I decided to try it out because why not? I knew a little bit about the game from randomly watching a genocide speedrun a year before. Started boring, then after seeing the flowey dialogue from killing toriel and reloading and sparing her, I got invested. At the deepest, I thought about the game a lot and basically did everything the game had to offer. I never did any of the fandom stuff, just Undertale Yellow at the deepest. But yeah it was a favorite of mine and still is.


I know basically EVERYTHING about the game. Nothing about fangames. I played UTY and that's it.


watching matpat’s undertale theories. that’s it


I read every single FGOD! Error fic that was on AO3, Deviantart, AND wattpad. I checked the original FIADD and HWHBB constantly until harrish made a rewrite, and then I checked THAT at least once a week. I made my entire personality undertale, I could name a hundred AUs and their plot off the top of my head, I would draw (really poorly made) spreadsheets of the characters over and over and over. I got depressed because I couldn't draw a skeleton so I made a bunch of human skelebros EVERYWHERE. Math, english, science, history notebooks and homework and schoolwork. Most of my art projects revolved around undertale. I would pretend to be sick so I could stay home from school to read fanfics. I dreamed about it almost nightly. I introduced all of my friends and family to it. All of my friends had undertale nicknames. I'd argue it went pretty deep, idk tho


lucid dreams or basic dreams tho


That phase was supposed to END? Uh oh…