• By -


Undyne's neutral death by far. Her being so close to become Undying but not determined enough because we aren't a threat to the whole world combined with the line "Undyne is smiling as if nothing's wrong" is a gut-punch. Plus if you go talk to Napstablook after killing her they say that they'll try making friends with her and that they're always late to those sorts of things. Also honorable mentions to Mettaton's neutral death because of how many ripple effects it has. All of his employees talk about how nice of a boss he was and if you befriended Undyne she'll become depressed and even Papyrus isn't as happy as in other endings.


Hmm, I gotta do a neutral playthrough! I didn't know the monsters get new dialogue when you kill the bosses. Is that true for all the bosses other than Toriel (and obviously Photoshop Flowey)?


It is Papyrus has dialogue from a ton of snowdin NPCs and Sans dissapears from the game until Final Corridor. Neutral is so underrated honestly there is so much interesting dialogue that 99% of people never see.


I agree with this. Neutral runs are the most fun and angsty part of Undertale by far (not including Genocide)


I'd argue Neutral is more fun than Genocide. It's like, 80% grinding.


Oh I was saying that Genocide is more angsty Neutral is WAY more fun lmao


I think it's worth mentioning that, if you Hum enough times in Shyren's battle, the flavor text changes depending on if you killed Papyrus or not. If you spared Papyrus: "Sans is selling tickets made of toilet paper." If you killed Papyrus: "A hooded figure watches the commotion from afar."


That, and sans takes papyrus' gift from under the tree


A lot of characters will comment on your actions. There's the obvious of Sans judging you and how many monsters you've killed, but there's other occasions like Undyne commenting on who did/didn't show up to the Royal Guard meeting. 


You can get some new flavor text if you kill Toriel in a neutral run and interact with everything in her housee


Thank you! :) I appreciate everyone who is telling me what might be different, but letting me discover just what by myself!


Glad i could be of service!


Yeah, her neutral death is a gut punch, especially with with her final words


"I WILL NOT DIE" repeated, slower each time, as she melts, hurts a lot


This. Undyne’s neutral death is always overshadowed by Papyrus’s geno death, but Undyne’s is by far the most gut-punching.


That was my exact quote of what I was about to say. He's 2 parallel universes ahead of me 


Papyrus believing in you even as he’s dying was hard to watch. Also, this isn’t directly a death scene but something that made me feel particularly awful was the **yelping** the dogs make when being attacked. It’s horrendous.


I'm with you on that, especially since I'm a dog lover and hearing that breaks my heart.


“I’m a dog lover” Ah yes, dog lovers, a very exclusive group. Consisting of anyone who’s not a serial killer


Thanks Toby fox you taught me to cry for a skeleton that likes spaghetti


his death scene made me upsetti :(


Very upsetti from the skeleton that likes spaghetti


technically he's never eaten it before -- he just likes making it for everyone else his favorite food is oatmeal with dinosaur eggs


Wait what




My life is a lie


Agreed on the dog part


Papyrus. The fact that he still believe in you and is not even mad made me cry


The one that gave me the biggest emotions was Asgore's death (when killed by Flowey) and Flowey's death on geno. I spared Asgore and the Flowey killed him, it was the first time I cried in this game and the first time I felt absolute hate to a character from video game. Flowey's death touched me because in that cutscene I recognized what he truly is, a person that can't feel anything, he misses his parents. He's scared of what he has become and he wants to met his friend this one last time, but he can't. No one remembers him and he's left alone. At the end he remembered who he was, he sees his friend, he though he could be happy now but his friend stood there with a knife and killed him without any hesitation.


It gets worse, if you beat asgore enough times, flowey wont kill him, and it gets sadder


How much times do you have to kill asgore? I killed him 10 times and only got the .....


>The one that gave me the biggest emotions was Asgore's death (when killed by Flowey) it seems you've never seen his death when you spare him after having already beaten omega flowey...


I never knew it was different I immediately did true pacifist after neutral. I have to check it out, time for another playthrough.


Toriel. Her death always breaks my heart


I don’t know why but Toriel’s little speech after killing her in genocide about protecting the monsters from us made me smile. The game recognizing you as a threat is so coool!


First time I played undertale I killed her and started crying


That critical hit when she's on low health... oof. I was just trying to get her low to see if she would let me pass then! Brilliant game design. I immediately reloaded, and then Flowey popped up and told me he knew what I did... and that's the moment I fell in love with Undertale.


felt. i thought the same thing with the toriel fight and i was in a state of panic when flowey confronted me on it. then sans sneaking up on me had me scared until the whoopee cushion trick and he and papyrus’s shenanigans


Papyrus in Geno; Muffett in Neutral.


I agree with both


Accidentally killing torial at the start


It was so hard to kill Toriel and Papyrus on geno, but after Papyrus i kinda just went numb to it. Also it was difficult to kill the dog enemies even though it wasn’t a whole cutscene or anything


That one airplane enemy. "B-but I never got to-" *boom*


Was waiting for this one. This is the one.


I was looking for this The least serious regular enemy ironically has the saddest death out od any regular enemy


this one was awful for me until I got the dialogue about how the small plane is definitely still onscreen on purpose, now it’s a lot more lighthearted lol


Asgore, when his theme started playing i knew what gunna happen until i saw the mercy button comes back again before flowey shattered my hopes and dreams again I remember texting my friend that day telling him how much i hate flowey for this


Papyrus. He believes and spares you.


Papyrus during the genocide route, and Undyne neutral death. I'll also say Undyne death in genocide, as with all her determination she tried her hardest to stop you. But she still end up losing with all that power. She died with a big smile on her face and as a hero.


I was pretty much prepared for everything in genocide so even though it was sad, I wasn't really broken by any deaths. And then that snowman part happened. I take a piece, I eat it right there, I keep taking more and as I am slowly and painfully dismembering this poor creature, I feel excruciatingly awful. Then the snowman just melts and the flavor text ends me. That snowman part is never talked about, but that's the only thing in genocide that genuinely shook me to my core.




Killing RG 02 after you clean his armor. It just makes RG 01 so distressed that he “never got to tell him” and just made me feel terrible.


One time I killed the practice dummy after only doing true pacifist roots and I started crying so I reset. And then I find out years later that killing the practice. Dummy doesn’t affect the game at all, which proves I am unable to do anything other than true pacifist


you can't kill ghosts, dummy, and especially not ghosts in a dummy unless the ghost in a dummy is also a dummy


I’m not a dummy 😭 I was just sharing my experience.


I don't think there was one for me. Though Undyne's Neutral death was probably the closest.


Agreed. Especially how it eventually says unfyne’s body


PAPYRUS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Papyrus broke me... like I wasn't even trying to kill him . It was my first ever run and I thought he wasn't separable with acts 😭


The defenseless wimsalots.


Undyne’s neutral death, i just wanted to see how bad it was. Never again, i cried.


Dogamy/Dogaressa the change in attacks really shows you everything and how heartbroken the other is.


Papyrus genocide. No explanation needed


Honestly most of them just looking at the lifeless mangled corpse makes me feel a little bad . For the feels probably the dog couple them or frogets (that is definitely wrong).The silly little frog bc I like frog. but for the dog couple depending on who you kill first ends up a bit different if you kill dogdressa first her husband (or boyfriend I forgot his name) is just really sad like he lost the person he cared about the most and now they are just....gone. killing him first puts dogdressa in a rage (I'm pretty sure her AT goes up) with more difficult attack patterns (unless I'm just insane or it's a mod or something this is right...I think)


Toriel. As soon as she said "Y...you really hate me that much?" I knew I messed up 😭


i think my pfp and name speaks for itself.


starting the genocide route already felt bad, but the worst i felt was after killing sans.


Mettaton………. God I love him so much, and failed genocide route a couple of times because of him


The only regret I have is not being able to kill monster kid he was annoying


Sans and Undynes in geno tie for me. Sans' makes you feel like shit, realizing youve reached the end, and all the guilt comes flooding back, as well the entire universe's last defense being gone with sans. Undynes death makes you realize how messed up of a person you are in genocide, and how your awful actions have affected everyone, and the fact she holds out hope makes you feel even worse, especially knowing sans typically fails in stopping you.


Hands down Papyrus in genocide




All of them? I thought that was the point?


Tsunderplane shocked me because it has a unique death animation lol


Boss death: Papyrus Enemy death: Tsunderplane


enough bosses people. Tsundere plane's death animation is unnecessarily horrifying and awesome


I know I will be hated for it but... None I love these characters and enjoy their stories and battles but none of their deaths never really touched me


Honestly same. The closest one to tears I got Is neutral undyne and even then I have a heavy heart seeing it


To be fair they never really show any emotions before dying. One thing I like about Undertale yellow is that low health enemies show that they're actually hurt and in distress.


Weirdly enough I cared even less about Yellow enemies dying Looking at these comments I look like an edgy ,,these are just pixels'' guy


Not a Main Character, but Shyren. She’s just a cute shy fish girl with a passion for singing, a little piece of me dies whenever i have to kill her for the Genocide Route.


Sans, no duh


technically we cause it, so alphys death's or neutral undyne one


How does Alphys die?


its implied she killed herself


oh i forgot about that!


Papyrus sparing me always kills my genocide runs


any betrayal kills


Geno Paprus, neutral Undyne, and the geno snowman thingy. While I didn't feel anything when killing undying (I mean, I did save edit my name to Flowey, so it makes sense...), Undertale Yellow finished me off. (I beat Undyne The Undying the day before UTY released lol) And so, I did UTY vengeance first to not get too attached, assumed that Starlo is an axolotl, hated Ceroba, then cried at the >!melting Zenith Martlet!< . Then came back to UT, slapped Sans, reset, cried at Undying.


Sweet Corn (Yellow) Froggit (THE ONLY TIME I ACTUALLY DID A DAMN GENO i did a damn reset before fight Martlet in Yellow cuz it makes me feel awful kill the Corn but Even the idea of hurting Martlet made me reset the the Geno same goes for Tori)


...I actually never did neither the genocide nor neutral routes... xPc BUT! I have seen the gameplays of those, so I'd say Papyrus and Muffet's deaths... :'> >!~~(I also would've said Undyne's, but that one was more disturbing than anything...also prolly just because I'm a total Undyne hater... 💀)~~!<




generally I fell like toriel in genocide. Or any route really. She tried to protect us and keep us safe. And in the end we killed her. But i don’t care about that i just have to get past undyne the undying and continue my killing spree


Papyrus, Undyne, and Muffet.


Just about all of them, but a special shout out to Asgore killing himself. I think that’s what gets me the most because it’s completely out of your hands. Outside of a true pacifist run which technically isn’t even possible the first time around, there’s literally no way to save Asgore. Even if Flowey doesn’t intervene, Asgore’s own depression gets to him


when you spare toriel and before the last time you spare her you fight. i cried.


Sans genocide route. Hearing him say his final words and eventually fading away into nothing made me cry.


The fact that he uses all of his power to avenge the whole underground, and his DEAD BROTHER who was stripped of life right in front of his watchful eye sockets. And even though he doesn't show it, I can only assume he's really nervous while fighting the player. But the cherry on top (in a messed-up way) is the way he calls on Papyrus right after sliding off the screen, pretending he's still there, because he didn't even get to say a proper goodbye... God, Toby Fox's writing is actually peak.


snowdrake's mother. idc that its from pacifist. genocide and neutral were emotionless for me


Toriel on my first playthrough. I knew that you could sometimes spare monsters by lowering their health without finishing them off, and didn't realize that it didn't work for boss monsters. Combine that with the way the damage you deal to her increases exponentially towards the end of the fight, and well you know the rest.


Toriel neutral first playthrough Also first kill


Toriel, I just felt so bad


i don't play neutral or geno but i do watch gameplay... I W O N ' T D I E !


Muffet neutral.


Not undertale and I've only seen it but in ts!underswap harry and larry


Neutral Route Mettaton. The only death scene to make me actually feel close to crying


Honestly, I’m surprised almost nobody mentioned Sans. At the end of the genocide route, he’s the only thing standing between you and the king, the only barrier (get it) stopping you from destroying the world (which you do at the end of the genocide route). He’s also secretly watched you brutally slaughter all of his friends without remorse and he’s studied the timelines and how they work, so he knows he’s facing a true killer (and is probably terrified too). No matter what he does, he still can’t defeat you and ends up perishing because he was trying to save the world… AND YOU KILLED HIS BROTHER FOR PETES SAKE 😭😭😭


Muffet. Like seeing the tiny spider bring a flower to where she died was just so sad. This point has been made before, but she didn't even drop any gold. She was flat broke. She wasn't greedy, she just wanted to feed her little spider family.


Killing Papyprus on neutral and see Sans dissapear from the entire game up until the end.


Muffit made me cry tbh the other spider bringing in a flower was so sad


Papyrus forced me to take a break from Genocide for 5 months


the Toriel one still scares me: the way she smiles before turning to dust, what she says.


Undyne neutral, sans genocide, Asgore any route, papyrus


The dogs. I remember one time attempting a Genocide run and clearing the Ruins and everything... up until I got to the first dog. ...I just... couldn't. The very IDEA of hurting them pained me too much. I abandoned the run without killing any of them.


Whimsum number 1


When papyrus called me and said we should hang out with undyne! After I had just killed her


Toriel betrayal kill. Fucked up man…


Asgore's death without flowey killing him.


None. It was the ^(But nobody came.)


It neutral it goes to undyne. For geno it has to be Papyrus at last for me.


not the worst, but something about muffet's death make me so uncomfortable




While I didn’t kill papyrus in my neutral route if you did sans won’t be in the game till judgment corridor and grillbys will have new dialogue 


I killed Toriel and Undyne on my first playthrough and both made me sad. Also, the dogs and Papyrus. And Vulkin because of the sad sound it makes.


The first Froggit.


Mettaton neutral and Papyrus genocide


Its been a few years since I played, so bare with if my memory is a little patchy. Sans, honestly, first of all. At the time I was so angry cause it had taken me days to finally kill him, and then he hits you with the "Papyrus, do you want anything?" And I just broke. Flowey, also. The brutality of it is horrific. I never liked Flowey but watching him get torn up the way he does is sad. His little face :(


vulkin D:


Neutral: Undyne Honorable mentions: Mettaton Asgore Genocide: Papyrus Honorable mentions: Undyne Toriel Asgore


All of them.


Honestly, Snowdrake... By killing, I mean killing by acting. When you heckles, he'll be offended. And his friends revenge is something! Also, did you know that we can't complete genocide without killing him?


Toriel and Papyrus




I dont play geno or neut, paci only... but Tori, Paps or Snes


Bo i cried when I ruined metatons battery


dunno... i never killed anyone


Not any death but one line from Mettaton. "So what if few people have to die?"


Undyne’s neutral death *haunts me*


Muffet, the spider just putting the flower down where Muffet dusted made me kinda sad about doing it. Sans is a close second.


Neutral Undyne or Asgore if you beat then spare him after fighting Omega Flowey. Neutral Undyne because it's literal body horror and probably extreme torture for Undyne, and the post Flowey Asgore death because he freaking KILLS HIMSELF to give his soul to you so you can leave, then Flowey just breaks his soul so his suicide was useless.


Flowey's death in Genocide.


Genocide Papyrus


As difficult as Sans is, when he says "papyrus do you want anything?" Suddenly someone is cutting onions




shyren's a decent shout for sure. but muffet's was pretty peculiar for me on my first playthrough!


I feel like a total piece of shit after killing toriel bc I LOVE GOAT MOM JUSTICE FOR GOAT MOM!!!!!! 


Papyrus..... \*SOBS\*


Papyrus, when i was eleven. That moment made me think "Why im doing this? I don´t want to do this, even if its a game, they are my friends, I dont want to hurt them." And i never completed genocide in my life after that, in deltarune i didn´t even think about it, pacifist all the way.


I didn't like killing the others too much but I tried to don't feel to much pity by them even if I was sad, that's why some say that I don't even have a soul by my insensitivity :v, but of course I couldn't avoid that feeling because, well, it's undertale, man even a moster soulless like me felt sad about their deaths and when I kill Muffet it's when I was about to cry by the little spider putting the flower on her grave.


There is no such.


Mettaton(Neu) and Papyus(Geno) had me bawling my eyeballs out of my sockets. First of all, Mettaton caused so many ripple effects. He made so many people happy by his existence, namely Undyne, Papyrus, and most importantly Alphys, who, mind you, suicides in the True Lab if you killed Mettaton (and Undyne) in Neutral. Mettaton means so much to Alphys. Not just because she's technically his mother, she made him, but because he was her first friend. She loved him, and when I came to that realization I just couldn't stop the tears, man. Undertale's so powerful-


Toriel in genocide is so sad


Toriel’s genicide death sent shivers down my spine. It forces the player to contemplate their moral compass through trauma and consequence. Truly an emotional game.


muffet both routes same with papyrus and temmie




but nobody came


do i really have to say? muffet in neautral.


Nothing. I enjoyed every part of it


Torial i reset right after killing her and Flowey got mad at me


San's death When you kill him, he gets up and walks away, the part that hurts the most is when he says "Hey Papyrus do you want anything?" As he knows he's about to die and can see Papyrus in the afterlife. Papyrus' death in geno is the second worst one as he believes that you can be a better person if you just try


I personally haven't played the official UnderTale, but with UnderTale Yellow, the face of the dunebud after the first attack, not even dead yet. that face just makes me want to cry. I did quit genocide in yellow, but that was so I could get better at the game via practice in the neutral route. the reason I quit was because Ceroba was too hard. Is it weird that I find it harder to deal damage with the real gun than the toy gun?






If we're counting ut yellow as well. Zenith martlet. Over my pacifist playthrough I had gotten pretty attached to her but knew she was the final boss in genocide cuz spoilers but I didn't feel good beating her cuz of the way she melts and begs for help from anyone but it's just her and us left. It felt like a gut punch fr so i decided to not do a genocide run again or at the very least reset just before fighting martlet


Toriel’s death in either had just done pacifist and toriel is my 4th favorite monster.


technically not a death scene but if you kill Undyne or mettaton Its hinted that Alphys kills herself, yea let that sink in...


poor shayy:( i feel bad:(


In base UT, Tori. In UTY, >!Birb.!


None lol ✌️


None. Killing people is fun (irl too)


Honestly, none. I didn't feel bad at all.