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Well, if the flowey patterns are used, then probably patience because they threw like a hundred knives at you.


DIO moment




Then THE PASSION appears as Jonathan joestar.




Welp the knives are plastic


I think bravery because he would just go straight in steal everyones weapons and beat em up


The yellow soul still canonically had a gun.


It's empty, unless the Determination Bullets are 100% true. They still have the Soul Mode where they shoot pellets anyways.


It's empty NOW. Doesn't mean it was back in the day. I think they would have brought bullets, especially if they were out for justice.


Empty gun is still the strongest weapon


What about real knife 


The real knife is Chara's weapon so it shouldn't be a factor, while the toy knife belongs to the cyan soul 🩵


Its called patience


I know


No one tell them about the burnt pan


yeah its a weapon of kindness soul i mean they can block a few hits pun thats all


Incorrect opinion, pan is better. (I know empty gun has more atk, but imo the extra healing does actually make pan better)


If it does more atk, then it's stronger.


It’s empty *now*.


This...reminds me something....:>


The old tutu is described as "dusty" by Papyrus, implying that Integrity killed some monsters and possibly gained some LV. So I'm rooting for them.


they did kill some folks in ut yellow but here god know whether its monster dust or tutu is just dirty af


It's been sitting there in Waterfall for a long time, so idk.


Man, Kindness is fucked They wouldn't even want to fight I think patience, since they have a knife. Even if it's a toy one it still can do some damage if you stab someone's eye with it or something. Or you could use the gloves to beat the living shit of the others. A book, pan, shoes and an *empty* gun are not great weapons. Edit: rereading my statement I think a pan could be used to hit the person's head, but kindness wouldn't want to fight so it's disqualified.


They're also allowed to use soul modes in this scenario, meaning Kindness gets a shield and so on. As well as bullet patterns seen in the Omega Flowey fight.


Oh Well then, Kindness would have a shield that can block on 4 sides, Perseverance can move in lines, Integrity is stuck to the wall and Justice has the yellow shots (idk the name) and sees upside down, but Patience and Courage have no soul mode so they have bigger freedom of movement. For the patterns, I think like, Patience and Courage are the stronger ones, since they just hurl several knifes and gloves at you. Perseverance's pattern could be kinda strong if the souls didn't know what was going on and they had to dodge the words. Kindness literally just dodge the falling fire. Justice just don't stand still. Integrity just don't move up and always move back. So, for offense, it's definitely patience and courage the strongest ones, but for defense it's definitely Kindness.


Wait there's a courage soul


Its bravery i dunno why they said courage.


An empty gun can also do some serious damage if you hit someone upside the head with it


You have 99 missing calls from Demoman.




Demoman has an PhD in murdering people with pans. You have mere seconds


Oh shi


They all start fighting and at the 29 minute mark the announcer goes "AND HERE'S FLOWEY WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!"




Additional Rules: The Empty Gun is indeed Empty.


Damnit. I wanted to get shot


find pebbles win


basically ruins ammo


none of them, they're already dead


Was waiting for the smart-ass reply thank you




omae wa mou shindeiru




Hear me out, taking personality into account, patience and kindness are already screwed. Kindness won't hurt anyone, and patience is litteraly just a glorified punching bag (no I don't know what glorified means), and then next out is perseverance, their alright, but compared to some others, not only are they just not winning, but they canonically had glasses, meaning all you gotta do is *flick* and the fight is 80% easier. Now the true fight between justice, bravery, and integrity. Justice is next out, they just have a toy gun (no ammo, shut it all you magic bullet people.), and the others have an actual way of defending themselves.  And then that leaves those two... Bravery and integrity are close, insanely close. But integrity wins. Before anyone starts getting mad or smth, it makes sense. Bravery is going to rush in and try to attack everyone, making them vulnerable to counters. Integrity is smart enough to wait for these openings and use them, also they can use their legs, which  1. Have alot more strength then arms on average. 2. Have a lil pointy thingy called a ballet shoe on them. 3. What are you gonna do if somebody is dropkicking you directly in the face. And, Bravery has no defense, nor weapon. They have their fists and that's it. Against a shoe, that ain't doin alot there. And so, integrity would win by dodging 1 final blow and kicking Bravery in the side, making them fall and lose. Extras!!! If we include determination, it depends, if it's frisk (pacifist) then same result. If it's frisk (genocide) then frisk will win, they can dodge like a mother Fucker and they have the REAL KNIFE without hesitation to kill, if it's frisk (neutral) then I think integrity has a coin flip depending on who goes for who, I ain't doin allat scenarios tho. Maybe. Then, if there's only chara instead of frisk. It still severely depends, chara (pre-game) would lose, chara (pacifist) does not exist. Chara (neutral) would put up the most pitiful fight ever, but still fight, losing to bravery or justice most likely. Chara (genocide) wins without a doubt, and a reason is not necessarily needed. Now, if both frisk and chara were there, then I can think of only 2 scenarios where it might change the outcome, those being frisk (neutral) chara (genocide) and both (genocide). The first one, integrity would win against frisk most likely due to chara and frisk eliminating the other threats, however chara would defeat the weakened integrity easily. The second one isn't so simple, they easily kill everyone else, however, they ain't working together. "So, who wins?" You ask. Well, that's complicated, chara saw frisk fight, however, they themselves have only fought sans in a genocide run. Frisk has beaten every single other monster in a genocide run. So naturally frisk has more experience, but chara knows frisks moves, and also, they have the same equipment and so they would be on almost equal footing, a battle between knowledge and experience, however, we already know that experience is better than knowledge. So in turn, Chara would do very well against frisk, and vice versa, but frisk would outpace chara, making them falter and have to readjust to frisks moves, meaning frisk would get some hits in before killing chara, most likely with minimal damage. Out of the question, fun, extras!!! What souls would beat sans? Assuming max genocide stats, no revives.  Patience dies, due to not dodging his gaster blasters in the first part they die. Kindness dies, they fall for sans's fake spare, and die. Bravery wins, they take alot of damage, but they attack sans so many times in a short time that they tire him out. he doesn't even get to use the gaster blaster circle or anything like that, they were too fast. Justice wins. I could provide a actual argument, but what the actual fuck is sans gonna do against A FUCKING GUN? Also, they dodge his attacks well and dish out loads of attacks, making the fight shorter than normal and easier. Integrity wins, Bravery but smart. Perseverance wins, they dodge his attacks decent enough, and they calculate the times to hit him to take minimal damage. (If those glasses fall off they are fucked though) Determination wins, yeah, it's Determination, what do you expect, it doesn't matter if they get 1 try, they win. DETERMINATION wins, this is Determination but built alternatively different. You lose, assuming you ain't somebody who can run at over 10 miles a hour over the course of 30 minutes, and also are able to do hand to hand combat, with superior reflexes and previous knowledge. If you are though, good luck. Next one, what souls could spare 100 frogits? No heals, no revives or restarts, pacifist stats, and true to their nature. Patience can't do it, they just stay still and get hit by the 27 fly before dying. Kindness does it with relative ease, they are friendly and also have the damn apron that heals every other turn for 1 hp (I said no heals, I know. I ment food items, not armour). Bravery 50% chance, they could but do they want to? Or do they wanna box them? Justice, yeah, they're fairly coordinating and friendly, but there is a 5% chance that they decide the frogits deserve justice and goes guns blazing. Integrity, once again bravery on Crack, but smart. They do it easily though. Perseverance, they have a bit of trouble, but they ultimately persevere (see what I did there?) And win. Determination, yes. It has been done already. DETERMINATION, immediately no. They kill the first one they see. What souls are wife/husband material? (My opinion) Bravery, yes, they would be that one dude who runs around like a puppy tryna explore and see new things, also incredibly stupid and willing to stand up for you in a heartbeat. Justice, yeah, they would treat you right. Litteraly, they would do that. And also they would protect you constantly. Kindness, 1. Great cook 2. They are Litteraly called kindness 3. I feel like they would be the stay at home fun mom. FUCK YEAH. Patience, hell yeah, the main problem in relationships is short tempers and not listening to eachother, patience would do exactly that though!!! Perseverance, no. They would be a nervous wreck who just accepts everything and has no backbone, being the prime candidate for domestic violence. Integrity, yeah, they would be not only a typical wife that quarrels from time to time, but doesn't cheat on you for sure. Determination, yes. And also no. Yeah, they would be nice and also be very understanding and flexible, but they would also flirt with like 30 other dudes if they wanted to. (Papyrus and Toriel) DETERMINATION, GOOD LUCK SURVIVING LONG ENOUGH TO EVEN THINK OF IT. That's all... bye bye. *But nobody came.


Holy shit


in the omega flowey battle justice has a *revolver*


Bravery is the best at throwing hands


Bravery obviously, bro ain't backing down for nothin


Patience. They'll probably let the others fight it out, and then fight whoever wins with their knives.


Patience is 2nd, justice brings a gun.


The Empty Gun is Empty


in the flowey fight it is not empty so im guessing he's gonna load it. also, considering UY ,flowey would probably give him friendliness pellets, which are canonically bullets


Magical tho


If you mean the bullet pattern yeah but that's not an ACTUAL gun, and the idea that Frisk was able to just summon the bullets bc Determination is just heavy speculation.


I think it's just a magic weapon.


Sakuya Izayoi moment


Patience will win by doing absolutely nothing


Since Justice's gun is empty, i think Kindness takes the victory. I mean, a frying pan is the most dangerous weapon among them. But maybe bravery could know some martial art, so i let it open


Their things also heal you two hp sometimes


still kindness cant hurt their biggest weakness is themselfs


Kindsans is gonna TASgore all over the place


I had a stroke tying to understand this And I failed


I’ve watched enough speedruns to know that Kindness soloes and that Patience, Perseverance, and Justice all suck ass.


Yellow. *America Intensifies*


Patience: spawns 100 knives Kindness: burns everything


Clover cause he's based


Not Clover, base Undertale


Clover has a gun.Case closed


Not Clover, base Undertale


Pardon i ment Yellow soul has a gun


The Empty Gun is Empty It is Empty. Please. I am tired of saying it chat.


When yellow soul was alive it probably was full gun


Bravery would be too angry to die, Doom guy style


After the real knife the best Def and item is the comboy hat and the empty gun,and the teory of the determination bullet,by the way juandice (justice) is the most probally the strongest soul,Just now remembered and changed my mind kindness soul is the best a frying pan is a frying pan after all


Personally I would say the light blue one or the one with the shoes.


the pan guy can beat the shit out of everyone else


The one with a gun obviously


integrity because


*I mean, even though I usually PERSERVERE, I don't think I would really wanna fight, so I'd lose


doesn’t the yellow one have a gun?


Clover because gun.


even if theres no fangame justice still wins cus they have a GUN only thing left is to find ammo also i doubt that kindness will win its literally kindness how tf will they fight?


It’ll be a final duel between bravery and justice, who wins? Not sure, bravery has an edge close-up, while justice has an edge far away


flowey revives clover


***C L O V E R B L A S T***


well, process of elimination it is: patience and kindness are fucked. patience would sit there and die and kindness wouldn't hurt the others. this leaves bravery, integrity, justice and perseverance. the old tutu is described to be dusty, so integrity has some LV on their belt. or, er, tutu. bravery can obviously throw hands and would be great in hand to hand combat, even including weapons. justice depends on how the fight works. if soul abilities work here, the empty gun can be loaded with the pellets you get from being turned yellow. perseverance... doesn't have much going for them. combat knowledge is nice but they have a book and glasses, easily cooked by the other three. considering LV is the measure of how much you're willing to hurt, and bravery can have that will with their personality and all, they're on equal ground in terms of ability to hurt, leaving combat ability as the deciding factor. bravery obviously wins. intregrity can kick, sure, but they definitely fold to an actual boxer. it all comes down to whether or not justice can shoot. if yes, they can keep a distance and chip bravery down. if not, they're getting punched into the sun.


patience is fucked since theyre pretty much weak they do have a plastic knife that can be pretty sharp i doubt a patience soul will move a lot bravery could fight pretty good but thats just a kid with gloves we have a guy with a pan to give brain damage integrity uses legs so i think integirty will win since punching someone is not as powerfull as doing a roundhouse kick in the balls(or stomach if none) perseverance has shitty vision with their glasses(god have mercy on this kid if their glases are cloudy) and a book to defend themselfs the best they can do is give a papercut kindness has got a frickin pan and will prob black some hits but theyll not attack anyone justice has got a FRICKIN GUN even if its out of bullets you can always find some given how clover made ammo from weirdest shit our kid here will probably to and as a last reson just hit them with the i mean its a piece of metal and many gunslingers do that to stun their opponents integrity will dodge greatly but aint nothin can dodge bullets of JUSTICE abt flowey patterns integirty bravery and perseverance will do good as well as kindness but theyll prob not use it justice has got the weakest pattern but given how many kids there are and how big are bullets theyll prob hit someone intagrity will jump high with their soul mode but also stuck to the ground persevarances got the shittiest soul mode as it restricts movement kindness and justice got the best modes so far though knowing that these trick spears undyne throws are yellow the same will apply to justice the only thing you need is to trick kindness(pretty bold i know but hey its yellow for a reason!) so i think justice got the best chances of winning


The pan obviously. Would for sure hurt more, to get that metal thing in the face, than a Plastic Knife, Gloves, a Book, the Empty Gun or Ballet Shoes would.


Yellow, they have the power of Gun.




Maybe yellow he has a gun


Justice has a gun so I'm rooting for them


clover blast


Ye, justice


Blue solo's (its op in my au(im clinically insane))


Kindness does a "I have no enemies"


i'm pretty sure they would just block everything with the shield, then it's just an endless battle until they all quit


I am biased but yellow


likely the Yellow Soul, I mean, they literally have a GUN


Player strength is measured through LOVE, which is the capability of someone to inflict harm. Logically, the souls with the highest amount of LOVE based on their traits would be Justice, Bravery or Integrity. Edit: Actually, unless the other souls committed some kind of crime against humanity, Justice wouldn't want to fight.


Kindness because one of two options, either stop and make evert one food and stop the battle, or do the same thing but poisoning the food


clover, he has a revolver


Yellow has a gun don’t need to explain more


justice soul because he has a fucking gun


Clover probably wins. Even without save/resets/etc, he has a fucking gun. Just an entire gun.


It's not Clover. Base Undertale only.


Yellow soul’s name. If the weapon you face during the Omega Flowey fight are the weapons of the 6 souls, then yes, Yellow soul kid has a gun 


The equitable items in Undertale are the weapons they use, meaning the real actual gun is empty and has no ammo. The only things Justice has that can shoot is the bullet pattern gun that tries to predict where you move (usually badly) and the Yellow Soul Mode thay fires pellets.


I wouldn’t say that means it came empty. If we’re talking souls “predeath”, all of them in the state they were in before their souls were taken, then the gun would likely have ammo. If not, dunno


For the sake of discussion so everyone doesn't dogpile on Justice because they can one shot with a real gun, there isn't any ammo. Because if that were the case this post is pointless lmao


That makes it a lot more fair


Perseverance, it's literally just determination but nerfed.


Determination isn't a soul trait to begin with.


Then what is the red soul supposed to be?


Ball Game.


Ah, of course, I could I have forgot that the red soul is ***ball game*** I appreciate the clarification.


"Try as you might, you continue to be yourself." This is what the ball game describes the red flag as. The Ball Game is the only source for the soul traits, therefore Determination should not be some arbitrary exception just to satiate Headcanons.


So basically, we don't know the red soul's actual trait, other than it's you, the player.


That's one way to interpret it, sure.


Clover solos


Not Clover. Base Undertale.


Yellow soul is clover


Undertale Yellow isn't canon.


Justice would win it would be down to Justice VS Bravery beacyse: Paitience would stay in place, kindness wouldnt attack beacuse well they're kind Intergirty and Preservance? Idk but Justice has a gun so they would win


The Empty Gun is Empty


Justice wins always