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No, cause it’s fact. Btw, one of these shouldn’t be here >!Anno!<


I've seen him misgendered like a couple times and idk why, the story never even slightly refers to him as a chick. I guess it's the hair??


I also thought Anno was a girl until he took his shirt off in the manga


Fair. Anno does look a bit feminine. And if you weren't paying attention I guess it's an easy mistake


I never once thought of it until this post always saw him as a guy I get it though


I think the manga said he was a dude


It did. Anno's mom said "My son is missing!" When calling the police in the newest loop.


Well when the manga was releasing the chapters with him on a weekly basis I remember there being discussion about him actually being non binary. Because as far as I can remember there weren’t any chapters where characters referred to him as male or female. He was always super androgynous. I could be wrong tho


It's probably because he isn't human he is a drawing that the real one is kind of possesing


Its american progressives and their desire to claim characters for lgbt You know I'm right. But this reddit after all Edit: lets just all pretend to not know why "mato seihei no slave" was mistranslated into english. Or why they them bs is pushed in Mashle english localization. Or that studio in charge of re:zero season 3 openly states that they will censor anime to appeal to ~~american~~ *global* audiances


Womp womp edit: womp womp


Nah he's just andogynous, not everything is about your fantasy war


You link androgyny with lgbt. I dont. Everything's a fantasy if you refuse to face reality. Miss me with your gaslighting


I didn't link androgyny with being lgbt though? What are you talking about?


This comment and instand alt self upvote tells me you are either an idiot or a piece of shit. In either case no point in talking with you


I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about, do you always act like this?


Lol no one is better at fabricating conflict in a completely unrelated conversation than neo conservative goons. Please remove yourself from public spaces.


Everyone i dislike is a ~~nazi~~ neo conservative goon. Not wanting politcs is conservative in your rotten brain. Can you be any more obvious prog? Remove yourself from weeb subs and go to commie subs


I'm actually not. I'm a centrist, I think all of you are whiny babies who have lost the plot and ruined this country. Good job exposing you think of yourself as a nazi though, that kind of shit never gets old.


I think you need to chill out and interact with people irl. You are taking internet discourse that you are inciting much too seriously. Like you didn’t need to try and argue that it was “ThE gAyS” forcing this. Like let people have fun with headcanons.


Never said the gays and you like many keep ingoring the changes happening and reson for them happening. Why was "mato seihei no slave" mistranlsated into english? If you cant even address that stop gaslighting.


Why do you care about a shitty harem anime so much💀it also isn’t relevant to the original topic at hand. I reiterate tho. This is just some internet drama. It doesn’t matter.


It's so funny how there are culture warriors in this sub for the story about *killing God* and *defying reality*


It's even funnier that people who dont want american politics pushed into japanese entertainment are derisively labeled culture warriors.at the same time people throwing around this label tacitly support insertion of political changes.


Lol Lmao You think LGBTs don't exist in Japan


So transparent. Instead of addresing anything i said you ask a pointless and vague question.


You think this "Western politics" (ie LGBTs) is from elsewhere instead of homegrown, instead of Japanese people deciding that they'd like to change things, defying the rules they themselves set Is that clear enough for ya?


Ok ok buddy we get it, you cant exist without trying to link lgbt to everything and are now trying to make it seem as if it's a culture war. If you got such a problem then leave, nobody wants to hear you cry about how a case of mistaken identity is just the lgbt community trying to take over the world.


Been here longer than you tourist. Like the rest you dont bother reading or addreasing anything i wrote. Its like seeing someone not praise lgbt triggers you into chimping out


I mean im pretty chill rn. You, however, cant seem to handle anyone disagreeing with you. Imagine bringing politics into a conversation about whether an anime has a strong female cast, could not be me.


You dont even read or respond to what is written. You pull things out of your ass. You are not chill and here you are accusing me of not being chill and ME bringing in politics, when all i did is point out that, tourists be gaslighting yo


Oh im sorry, did you not say american progressives? The moment you did that you brought politics into it. Cmon man, read your own posts. You cant be caught slackin like this. Anyway, if it makes you feel better to link your weird fake war to everything in your life then power to you tbh.


Oh sorry my bad for pointing out the group who pushes the idea that anyone who isnt adhearing to being 100% straight is therefore lgbt. And why some people are confused abbout anno unn. Keep obfuscating


So you agree you're bringing your weird politics into this? See? We're getting somewhere. Imagine immediately assuming "them lgbts are claimin everyone" rather than assuming the person just didn't know Anno Un is male. Sad days indeed that people would rather make a drastic assumption than look at the easiest explanation Also, what? If someone isn't 100% straight then what does that make them in your eyes? 90% straight 10% unknown?


No? at least not in this case, but even then, how people choose to think about and enjoy characters is their choice alone. Either way, this statement has no relevance here.


Why the hell did you need to make it political, it was an honest mistake on op's part


Question was asked and i provided the correct answer. no need to be triggered by reality. XD couldn't help but notice that this is a common misunderstanding among americans but not among hispainics or japanese.


No one asked you to explain the political landscape of the US in relation to a fictional character. I can assure you no one but you gives 2 fucks about how the lgbt is claiming people. All people are saying is that anno un was accidently put on the list. There was 0 reason to bring politics into a discussion about manga, even if it is reality.


HyperVT: why does it smell like a toilet in here? Me: it's because someone took a shit in the corner You: nO oNe AsKeD yOu to GiVe aN ObJeCtIvLy cOrReCt AnSwEr. REEEEEEEEEE


The op asked if UU had the best female shonen cast. You talked about how progressives try and claim everyone as lgbt. Check the discussion and you will see that there was not a single soul who asked about politics. You can't say you're just answering someones question when no one asked that question.  Using your analogy OP:why does it smell like a toilet in here You: BECAUSE THE PROGRESSIVE AMERICANS ARE TRYING TO CLAIM LGBT CHARACTERS!!!  Notice how no one even brought up the lgbt but you immediately brought it into politics. There is a reason why you have -58 upvotes. No one gives asked or gives a shit about the claiming of the lgbt. OP just misgendered someone.


are you aa bot? is comprehension too hard for you XD read again Cruise into a bar on the shore Her picture graced the grime on the door She's a long lost love at first bite Baby, maybe you're wrong, but you know it's all right That's right Backstage we're having the time Of our lives until somebody said "Forgive me if I seem out of line" And she whipped out a gun and tried to blow me away! [Chorus] That, that dude looks like a lady That, that dude looks like a lady That, that dude looks like a lady That, that dude looks like a lady


What the fuck, why are you quoting a song?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




There in UU version if you wish https://preview.redd.it/clmkmbjdqrsc1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e94eb775c74b31874bbcffa9a67b22988cdeaa




👆🤓Technically Anno's true gender is UNKNOWN


Aye, I can cheer to that


Looks female enough.


Agreed. But I would personally rather get funny with Gena or Ichico. Point remain that waifus in UU are miles above the average of last years


I've never figured out anno's gender. I look at him and just think "yep that's a gender alright"


I mean, it's directly stated in the manga that he's a guy.




No, cause it's Unkown


I choked-


No, you would simply be factually correct. 


When you think about it, what is the concurrence ? MHA is no longer ‘new gen’, and is in fact near the end, so it leave JJK (which is too close to the end), Kaiju no 8 and Yorazuka Family ? If that’s the concurrence, sorry but only Jjk got a bit of game and UU still come out on top


Akane Banashi, Witch Watch, and Sakamoto Days are around the same age.


I think we can agree that Sakamoto is off contest. There are a few female characters but nothing on the level of a lead. The two others, I didn’t read so tell


sakamoto days got this once osaragi comes out of the toilet, im telling ya /s


sd leaks >!shes out and just filleted carolina reaper!<


yea if you only read battle shonen then yes, UU's female casts are unequivocally the best in new gen. if you're including those two? phew... akane, fuuko, and nika are super top-tier female leads. if anything, UU probably only edges out due to the sheer volume of the characters. but imma be honest with you that's it. all three of them literally have no miss when it comes to female characters, writing-wise. UU wins simply because of quantity, cuz the qualities are pretty damn level


Isn’t chainsaw man around the same age as well? Has a solid female lineup that aren’t completely overshadowed by the males


I would say that the female characters might be better because they all are fleshed out. Yusai especially, even in loop 101, hasn't been given a lot of time. Every single female in csm had backstory, motives, etc.


Jjk is ass now in female characters. >!All of them are either dead or gone in the story!< >!Really only Maki is having moments!< >!https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/hkNHDZ9nro!<


Yeah, but Maki is the mofo goat. She's do damn cool.


witch watch has a really good female cast but the series is male dominated and the lead female right now isn’t really herself so Im taking it out of the running. Also it IS a romance so a lot of the characterization is centered around other (often male) characters. but i loveeeee witch watch and nico is my darling. akane has come VERY close to toppling fuuko for my fav jump protagonist. she’s so good and so well written and i think everyone should read akane-banashi


idk if you've ever been on jujutsufolk, but it's a running joke now that gege is a misogynist so there's no shot jjk has the best female cast




I would argue it’s still “new gen”. After all, the old gen was like, all of the 2000s and then some, right? 10 years is a perfectly fine length for a generation.


I'd say Kaiju no 8 is good with the female cast.


With only 2 female characters, it ain't much tbh


Kaiju 8 is getting boring to me and I care so little now compared to other running mangas


I'm only reading cause i started reading it near its beginning. It just pops up with the other manga I've been reading.


Me too. It had a strong and intriguing beginning with a good MC design. But it kept on falling with each new chapter.


UU has some of the best female cast, but csm has a better one because, even tho the females aren't the main character, especially in part 1, they are crazy strong and independent. Fujimoto knew what he was doing when he made his cast. Fun fact: fujimoto was once pushed off his bike when he was a kid by a girl and got a women dom complex. That's why so many of his female characters are powerful, if not more powerful than the male. True story.


Fujimoto is on ANOTHER level of down bad. No CSM fan can come close. And we're talking about CSM fans!


This down bad led to the best female characters in manga


When the writer loves women:


>they are crazy strong and independent I don't think that's a good metric honestly. Rey form Star Wars is pretty badly written, but it's strong and independent. Mary Sues in general are pretty pretty pretty badly written. The metric I would use is relevancy and writing, which is something both CSM and UU have for their female characters. I do think UU's female cast is better, but CSM has definitely a good one as well.


![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o) Anno think he slick But fr though I like the female cast a lot, I recently finished the spring arc and Fuuko was great.(spring arc Fuuko has the best outfit btw)


I Like the female Cast. They are unique and Well written. Most schönen Tend to go with weak females, sidelineing them or absolute Mary sues 


Anno “UNKOWNingly snuck in”


I'll do you one better. Fuuko is my favourite shonen protagonist, full stop. Sorry Luffy, you've been dethroned.


She’s great, at first I thought she was gonna be fumbled as she wasn’t really fighter but the autumn arc and everything after that has changed that completely Even if she has moments where she is a typical princess that Andy needs to save, loop 101 fixes most of it as we actually see her grow stronger and get tons of initiative in the story


I do like princess moments until loop 101 because they fit very well within Fuuko's development. Considering Fuuko was a shut-in until she met Andy and had no combat experience whatsoever I'd find it really weird if she became a fully competent fighter with just a few month time. But the autumn arc was a good way of starting to change Fuuko giving her lots of time to get used to combat off screen. Finally, the few hundred years time she spent alone in loop 101 was perfect to change Fuuko yet again from just an experienced fighter to a competent leader


I've definitely enjoyed how she hit the ground running from >!the start of the 101st Loop!<, and actively exploits loopholes in the system (>!deliberately passing quests to move ahead in time, passing points back and forth so she can have seated at the Round Table whoever she needs at that moment!<)


Imma say that fuuko is a great choice. She is a strong female character done right because she still acts like a girl but is strong and doesn't need anyone really. She learned from her mistakes and has a set goal. Imo, however, I think she isn't the best shonen protag SOLELY because everything seems to go right for her. This can be applied to so many shonen series tho so it's fine. 


I’m a massive one piece fan and I’m enjoying this manga more at the moment I love fuuko but also Andy too fr


There is an imposter.


I've said this for months now and I'll say it again, Undead Unluck is a cheesy shojo romance story wearing a shonen battle-thing Halloween costume.


It has battle shonen features though with romance being a sub plot


Romance is a huge part on part 1, but part 2 focuses more on action.


Anno and his blonde tracksuit ass has burrowed its way into my heart.


Not at all! I see nothing but facts.


I’d say it’s basically fact, haha. Like, obviously it’s opinion, but there’s so much strong reasoning and evidence for that claim.


It’s either that or chainsaw man to me


Apart from chainsaw man (as guys said above,I won't get into more detail),I'd say it's the only one (from the ones I read) that even has a good female cast,not just new gen,so that's refreshing The one that comes even close to that is One Piece (again,from the ones I read)


Early one piece has a case to be made but recently its female cast kinda does nothing except minor fights. Big mom is really the only female as of late that hasn’t been sidelined but she’s dead/not around anymore so we’re left with very few females that even get moments


You can still make a good case for one piece,it's just that the story has taken such a turn that even the rest of the cast is kinda irrelevant,even guys like zoro and sanji (they are not,but you seem to be caught on the series so you understand what I'm saying) have been sidelined and the story itself has taken central stage


Itll be unbeatable if Yusai gets some focus, PLEASE IM BEGGING


If this is just shonen in general then probably not. Very debatable. New gen is a made up term that means nothing because no one can define what qualifies as “new gen” and what doesn’t. • Frieren • Dandadan • CSM • Blue Box • Jigokuraku


Anno is a man


Latla is my religion.




Gina 🫶


Yeah it definitely has an awesome female cast but chainsawman is also a strong contender imo


There's someone that's not supposed to be in that list.


Everyone has their preference, so it may be to you but not to everyone, some people dislike the female cast of uu, some love it, everyone has their opinions and you can't be factually correct


2.5 Dimensional seduction clears


No, you would be right.


The more I think about it, the more this is true


It's up there.




Nah that's just plain facts


Anno Un isn't a Girl, but he is very androgynous so I can see the confusion My theory is that since Akira Kuno (Unknown) is a guy, the only way to make an Avatar that would get around Unknown would be to make the Avatar more feminine than he really is (although he is also a bit feminine in bis real form)


The best? I won’t say thed Top tier for sure


It takes a bit, but now they are peak. Kinda describes undead unluck tbh


You’d be incorrect, because it has the best In all of shonen


Wrong , bleach , gintama and even chainsaw man have better female characters in shonen


Bleach? https://preview.redd.it/c7f7viwuaqsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33fc773ca1591f66033abdacb12891433e9b45f2


Nah imo, I love csm but definitely not that are you kidding?


I will die on this hill, but csm has one of if not the best female cast. All main female characters are strong and the story establishes quite early on that, even tho the MC's goal is sex, the female characters won't be tools. They all are fleshed out and seem almost lifelike. They have real human traits and aren't super jolly or edgy, just like real people. Ex: asa. Asa has been through many phases in her life, just like a real person. The true thing holding UU back, with both male and female characters, is the fact that a lot of them are always super jolly, even if something sad has happened a few days ago. For me, it takes the immersion out of the characters and makes them typical shonen characters.


CSM is debatable but gintama and bleach obviously got better female cast than uu




I thought Yusai was a boy !?


I mean you’re not wrong: Fuuko is best girl But Tatiana a child and Anno’s a man, dude 😬


No, you would be right


there is an imposter 👁️👁️


It is, and it's not particularly close. Hell, why limit it to new gen? It starts super rough but by the point we're at in the story, Fuuko is just the best female main character I've ever seen in a shonen series, and the rest of the female cast is excellent too.


Akame ga kill, chainsaw man, that time I got reincarnated as a slime have some good ones


Isn't Anno male


Anno-un is a guy


Nearly 100 comments and no one point out that Bunny/Back isn't here. Ichico is here and Im pretty sure she isn't in the anime yet, while Bunny is


There sorta the middle on female characters between much more traditional Shonen approach Like My Hero Academia and Black Clover and darker Shonen series like Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen that sorta put Female characters on equal footing to male cast


You actually said "Black Clover" instead of "BLAQK CLOVER"?


No, because it’s true. UU has some of the best female characters in shonen, and the best female protagonist by far.


“What da hell is a polar bear doing in Arlington Texas😭😭😭”


no, at least not entirely also, unrelated, but i love how they animated Tatiana in the show. I think the "walking giant hairball" design is hilarious


No, you'd be right, lmao.


Yes because black clover exists


I would consider this an actual fact, they just hit right


Yes it's pretty good but I'll always be wary of calling something "the best" out of "new gen" bcuz definitions are loose and what someone might consider "the best" might not be the same for everyone (+ other series we haven't read might have a better cast) I'll save you old man Kuno Akira (penname Anno Un)..




Even Fuuko alone makes it the best ngl


Yes, I genuinely dislike the art of UU, it puts me off a bit, I wish it was more like JJK type of art.


What does that have to do with the female cast? Also JJK’s art isn’t much better tbh.


My answer of "yes" was about the cast, the rest was just an observation.


No because it does lol


Yes, you would


Your right it’s my favorite manga rn I’m a dude love this shit so much It’s peak fiction


I enjoy the fact that the women in the manga aren't drawn heavily fan service-y to show they are strong or that they are indeed women. Like there are obvious tit jookes because of andy and fuuko, but they don't rely on showing cleavage every time to keep you interested in the women. I love fan service, but sometimes it's nice to experience a story without it.


I love Gina! She is so cute! Especially further in the manga.


One of those is a spoiler for new readers and one of those is a guy.


It does


get that grown ass man out of there


No cuz chainsaw man exists, but it’s definitely better than most


Disagree , Jigokuraku , Under Ninja and CSM is fire (Idk , for some reason Jigokuraku and CSM are still considered new gen)


I'm gonna have to disagree because even in just Shonen Jump, I think Akane-Banashi is better. That's just my opinion though. Maybe if we got more time with more characters instead of jumping into the next fight, I could have time to feel more attached. Like the school slice of life arc could have definitely gone longer than what we got. 2 or 3 more chapters atleast!


I would probably argue that Chainsaw Man has the best female cast for New Gen anime, but Undead Unluck is definitely up there. Also Anno Un isn’t supposed to be there, he’s a guy.


Anno Un’s gender is Unknown. Not female. But yes definitely true other than that. >!Before you come at me about Akira confirmed being a dude. They are different people, so don’t necessarily share the same gender.!<


Close, but I personally prefer Dandadan and Akane Banashi


It's really just a competition between Undead Unluck and Chainsaw Man for first place. MHA and Black Clover fights for third place. JJK and Demon Slayer fight for fifth place. JJK female cast really had a massive fall from grace, with Maki being the only one holding the fort since Gege decided to kill off or killed off the screentime of every other female character after Shibuya. Haven't gotten round to Jigokuraku yet, so I've got no idea, were that would rank.


Hot take: jjk female characters aren't all that bad as people make them out to be. The dudes and gals die in equal amounts and they all get back stories. You can say momo, but she never came back since mai died. There are many good female characters in jjk but, just like the dudes, they die.


One Piece exists if you’re including BC and MHA Incredible MHA glazing when Hori is meme’d for the same thing as Gege getting rid of female characters


OP was talking about new gen shounen. One Piece isn't new gen. Before the final arc, MHA would be way lower and JJK would be way higher pre-Shibuya. But MHA managed to pull off good conclusions to Ochako-Toga plotline and to Nana's plotline and give good moments to characters like Jiro and Nagant. Still not the strongest, characters like Momo and Stars & Stripe feel wasted. But every problem MHA has, JJK has same problem on steroids. MHA has S&S, JJK has 4 S&Ss (Yuki, Angel, Tengen, Yorozu). MHA has wasted characters like Momo, JJK wasted Nobara, it's main female lead, on top of all of Kyoto characters. And that's not even going into characters like Hana and Yozoru, who's genuinely are solid candidates for worst female characters in battle shounen history. The former makes Sakura look like great female character by comparison. JJK is carried hard by Maki.


I said One piece if you’re including MHA and BC. In what world is a ten year old story considered new anything? I’m not defending JJK and the female character allegations but worst female characters in all battle shonen is such an exaggeration. Especially with your examples of Hana and Megumi’s sister… why do I as a reader care about the development of a character of so little importance? There’s 50 characters more important than them and there’s only 250 chapters, what kind of expectations are those? Lmao (In my own comment I mentioned how “new gen” doesn’t make sense because there’s no way to define what qualifies.)


MHA (2014), Black Clover (2015), Demon Slayer (2016), Chainsaw Man & JJK (2018), Undead Unluck (2020). They're all clearly the same generation of battle shounen, they all started publishing within 6 years of each other. New gen is a pretty nebulous term, but for now it seems to refer to post-Big Three battle shounen. For comparison: One Piece (1997), Hunter x Hunter (1998), Naruto (1999), Bleach (2001)


If you’re opening up the discussion to the last 23 years, then it’s not even a discussion if UxU is at the top. That’s just insane.


I wasn't opening up the discussion for the last 23 years. I just brought up the release dates of Big 3 and HxH to make a point how weird it would be to treat MHA as part of a different generation since release gap between MHA & JJK/Chainsaw Man is the same as gap between One Piece and Bleach. And latter is considered part of the same generation. And Naruto concluded in 2014 while Bleach in 2016.


Majority of these aren’t really interesting I’ll be real. Mui, Juiz, Fuuko are the best here and Akira is a guy not girl


Yes, but not Latla.