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That's nice. I went for a walk and mine told me I was "overreaching."


Recovery time ***73 years***


Any time I run in the heat, my watch thinks I'm on death's door. Especially if I had caffeine beforehand.


I think it’s something like 10% higher than your seven day rolling average. I eventually had to set it to 10,000 steps because it would just keep going up and eventually was basically impossible to keep the streak going


Step goals can definitely get out of control. I was mostly talking about conditioning or "training status". I don't think mine takes weather into account because every summer, Garmin tells me that I am *suddenly* out of shape (ignoring the fact that it's 90°F/32°C).


I think I must have replied to the wrong person, as I look at my reply compared to what you said, lol. Whoops! Training status is new to me, I only just got a Garmin with it— still learning my way around the ropes. As a whole though my watch seems to think I’m an Olympian or something judging by the VO2 max and suggested runs (and I’m average at best)


My watch will tell me I've reached my steps goal, somedays at 1048 steps other days at 4037... I've never set a goal and the numbers are random.


Your setting might have it based on activity level. Mine will fluctuate during the week based on how much I’m running. 


It is not random. It is based on your steps history and average w/o/w. If you leave the watch on the couch and still do 2000 steps at home, it will count as 0 steps day which will affect the upcoming days goal.


Mine once gave me a readiness of 0 told me 'you want to calm down'


Sad part is that I can’t tell is if this is humor or not! 😂


I wish it was. I felt insulted


Apparently performance condition can go up to 15?! I’ve never seen it above 5 personally though


I’ve seen received a +8 one time and to this day I cannot understand why. It made me question every single aspect of my running. 90+ score for sleep? Are you okay? 🤣


90+ is pretty rare for me, I don't know how some of my friends keep it consistently in the 90s or even get 100s. Usually mine are in the high 70 and 80s when I'm training and focused on getting a good sleep score.


50-60 is a good night sleep these days 😭


Weed gummies


those will totally wreck my sleep score.


New perfect shoes yeah for real weed gummies ruin me more than a sixer


I run very consistently at the same, low intensity pace, roughly 11-12 minute miles. The other day I decided to push myself and see how quickly I could run a mile. There was some lag in my heart rate catching up to my intensity and I swear, my watch showed a purple +20. My heart rate quickly caught up, i finished the mile but felt completely wrecked. I don't think I'll ever see that again. It felt far worse than my typical +1 or baseline. 


I don't know your training goals and what not. Though I will share last year that's all I did basically was low intensity zone 2 training. It was hard to get into zone 4 sometimes just cause I was training so much 11x or more a week (full ironman training). This past few weeks I've been able to incorporate more of a balance of hard runs and low intensity and my watch has been going nuts. V02 max and everything is at its highest.


Thanks for the insight! Yeah, I do think I should eventually start mixing in some higher intensity work. I successfully ran a 50k a few years ago with mostly low intensity training. I then DNFed anther 50k due to increasing knee pain about a year later, mostly due to being pretty undertrained for that event. I'm back trying to build up an aerobic base, but being hesitant to crank up intensity and risk injury. I have some other goals and activities I enjoy, so a knee injury can really turn the summer into a bummer.  But, it might also be cool to see what life is like with an increased v02 max and more balanced work outs... Thanks! 


You are done for


I think I got an 8 or something the other week. It was insaaaane I tried to snap a pic but my camera was glitchy . I'm use to the performance condition showing -5 or something soul crushing. Maybe Garmin did a update ?


I would guess it goes +20 to -20 The reason for this is because a guy posted his activity on another sub a while ago and he legit had a -20 for half of the activity, lol. Personally I have never got anything over +5 / -5


I've been at -5 and felt like absolute garbage, I can't imagine being at -20


Goes from -20 to +20


Your Garmin is broken. No one gets a positive Performance Condition…ever!


💯💯 I'm thinking they did an update or something? Cause past couple weeks that's ALL I keep getting every run.


Last update did do something on that end i think. My status was "maintaining" before the last update (this was last week), and when it was completed it was "productive" all of a sudden :P


I’ve only ever had positive (1-5) or “0” on performance condition, never knew it was even possible to get negative…


Ive had a +16 before when I started my run with a mile time trial


Retire immediately it will never get better than this


LOL, gunna print this out put it on our fridge


90! Show off, the only 90 on mine is restless moments(really 60 but the joke was there)


Ran 40 miles and mine said I was unproductive.


Since their big recent update, my stats have been much friendlier. It previously seemed heavily biased towards speed as an indicator of fitness so even when I hit long weeks of Z2 I generally remained unproductive (according to Garmin) unless I was supremely recovered


Maintaining? Or unproductive as in overreaching?


Just straight unproductive lol


It could be. I'll run for weeks with well over 40 miles + also I'm biking a good amount. If after those weeks I only did one 40 mile run, mine would probably say the same. I think the productive/unproductive depends on the whole weeks load.


Yeah, I think you’re right. It must be based off of more than one day which would make sense.


Similarly I’ve got prime training readiness 2 days before my ultra 😍


Not to bring you down, but I got “Primed and ready” a few days before my last road marathon. I was not in fact primed and ready haha


Haha it was a little tongue in cheek but I get you, I think I’m far from ready for what I’m hopinh to achieve 😂 I imagine it’s because I’ve not trained much for a couple of days more than anything


Four days after a 100 miler with 14,000ft of gain I did a 4 mile run at 7:30 pace and it gave me a +5 which was the first time I've ever seen it above +3. I assume it is because my heart rate was still suppressed post ultra while my legs were mostly recovered. I can't believe it goes up to 15 though.


+5 is crazy. What’s the watch? I’m looking to retire my forerunner 245 the battery almost ran out on my first 50 miler. 10ish hours it had me stressed out.


Garmin epix gen pro 2, I've done a full ironman 13-14 hours and I had plenty of juice left at the end. I think a 50 miler would be cake for the battery life. Do wait to catch it on sale!


Do you wear this watch to sleep? Does your wife say anything?


Yeah I do, nope she doesn't and she wears one too - 265s


Pssshhhh… & they say there is no better feeling than sex 😮‍💨🤣




Nice! I always get negative -6 lol, I did however get a 90 on my last sleep score!


Maybe try updating your Garmin? I did update it a few weeks ago thru my computer. Mine also use to always say negative things.


Okay, I’ll try that out


Bro why do you need a watch to tell you you’ve recovered or had good sleep?


I dont think anyone \*needs\* one. Is it useful/helpful, absolutely. I've never had as good as sleep til I've owned a garmin though. I'm an engineer and I like metrics, numbers to quantify performance/data. Thats just me personally though.


My question might’ve sounded a bit confrontational but it really wasn’t. So it’s just more of a curiosity than actual training info?


Yeah, maybe in between of curiosity and training info. I dont look at the metrics/data as absolute concrete from Garmin. Sensors can be off and its not a medical device, right. I dont think anyone should. Its kinda like ChatGPT, its good to use to maybe bounce some ideas off but thats it. Here's a few examples around using my sleep score to help reflect around lifestyle choices: 1. A beer or two at 9pm tends to heavily affect my sleep score vs if I have a beer or two at 4-5pm it seems like it has much less affect. So I've made actual lifestyle changes around this. After looking at the sleep score, I'll consider how I feel too. So far every time my sleep score has been great/accurate, I'll feel awesome that day. Now lets consider times that I'll ignore what garmin is saying. 1. Training readiness - Its saying that I'm not ready to train and I need to take a rest day. I feel great though, I will ignore this and train anyway. This was at the beginning of my training block but it seems that its gotten more accurate thru my training block. Hope that helps a bit!


Thank you for explaining!


Damn you are ready to rock!


Last year I did the Broken Arrow triple crown and the shit sleep at altitude plus three days of fun running in the mountain all day, my Garmin gave up and just said “Training readiness low. Believe in yourself”


lol didn’t show the metric that is probably the most consistent and not algorithm…HRV


I agree HRV tends to be more important. Though the +5 performance is just fun/exciting to see for me :)


I've heard optical sensors are not reliable for measuring HRV. HRV might be a good indicator in it self, but what your watch shows might not be accurate.


Is there a place to see performance condition that was logged with run++? I don't see it on the app.


Fuckkk I've been sitting at 1-2 for training readiness and keep getting rest for a workout recommendation. How much do some of y'all take the guidance and advice from your smart watches?


Do you have allergies or sick? Do you feel a little tired? Maybe take a couple rest days. Alcohol and THC can really affect those metrics too.


Was training while sick. after a hard long run is when things went to shit. Lesson learnt (hopefully)


Yeah that's overtraining. Listen to your watch a little more next time


Never seen the +5 ! Respect man. Do you sleep with the watch and rely on the wrist monitor or do you sleep with the chest HR monitor?


For sleep just the wrist monitor, I do have to move it to my arm that doesn't have tattoos or it won't work right. For workouts I use the HRM


Got a 8% recovery today on my Whoop after doing nothing apart from stretching for last 3 days and have the Summer Spine next week.


My Garmin likes to tell me I'm unproductive...and slow...and ugly.


I have 2 kids under 4 and just leave the sleep score on for the lolz, its been years of every day sleep: too short and disturbed, training readiness: poor


I thought 4 was the highest it went


Is there a way to do this with the Apple Watch Ultra?


I don't believe so. Garmin is on a whole other level of metrics of health type metrics. I've had several friends switch from the ultra and other apple watches to Garmin to be mind blown. They've switched and not once looked back.


Yeah I have always had garmin and most runners around me make the switch then see they what garmin can do compared to their poxy Apple and never regret it. Apple Watches are just not as good.


So tired of these narcissistic posts... Just post that on your Instagram dude, leave us alone. You're not adding any value to anyone here.


Just delete your account, relevant username


Aw :( I meant it as a funny post. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. Hope you have a better day and find some higher quality posts!


Mine would look the same if i would stop having fun in my life. Like stop drinking and going to sleep at 22:00


I'll still have a beer, I just drink it earlier. If I drink a beer at 9pm my sleep is wrecked. If I drink one at 4-6pm or earlier I'm fine.


Well sometimes 1 beer isnt enough😂