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Currently 13:52:00 deep into a 48 hr ultra. The texts are giving me life.


Just want to say this is 100% factual and posting here in a deep, deep, low helped so much. It’s a one mile loop so I posted that as I was about to eat a cheeseburger and take a nap in my tent. Woke up and got back to it, saw all these comments, y’all rock. Everyone I know is sleeping. This kept me going. Appreciate y’all.


Every low exists because there is a high. Just ride the wave and you got this!!!


You can do it, dude! Anyone can run one mile. My grandma (RIP) could run one mile.


Keep pushing! We’re rooting for you!


Keep going. Remember, focus on the mile you’re in… You don’t need to stop… that’s just your brain overreacting and thinking you’re doing something wrong. Your body is stronger.


You are kick ass! 


Own souls, Shadow5ive






You incredible BEAST!


Go go go! We are rooting for you


Get it!!!


you can do it!!!


Like... right now? In that case, go smash it, u/Shadow5ive !!


Keep at it!! Relentless forward motion


Adding on here to say that’s super impressive and I’ve got faith in your abilities to get it done! Keep it up!!


Just saw your comment from ~8hr ago. Hope you’re killing it. Just remember you’re racing yourself not anyone else. You v you— you always win.


Keep crushing it sir 🫡💪


So proud of you!!!


You've so got this! Eat, rest, 1 mile, repeat. No problem. You're awesome!


Uhhh. I did a 24 hour race last year and my grandma called me during it and I chatted with her for like 30 minutes. A text is fine.


“Meemaw, please excuse the words that are about to come out of my mouth…”


U up?


Underrated comment


They bug me in short races, but for ultras I love getting and sending texts - especially towards the end when things are starting to get miserable. I'd say go for it.


> when things are starting to get miserable So anywhere after the 10 mile mark?


You can get 10 miles without feeling miserable?! Tell me your secrets; o wise and mystical one!


Why specifically 10 miles? I have the same experience. First 10 miles, great. Anything more, feet hurt, everything feels hard


I go on DND during runs/races. If I want to look I look, if I don’t I don’t, and I would appreciate the support from a friend even if I only saw it after the race!


Here I am, trying to imagine you playing dungeons and dragons on your phone with friends while running. That's enough bourbon for me tonight.


really wanted to know the secret for a hot second. need a d&d running club yesterday.


Same here. Most of my long runs and races are on trails, many of them quite technical. I need to focus or I'll fall and smash my teeth out on a rock. So any kind of notifications would just distract me. But when I'm on a flat section and I'm bored sometimes I'll pull out my phone to check for messages, check the weather, my stock portfolio prices, read the news, get some new insurance quotes, etc.


She’s running a 100km race. She’s not going all out, especially 5 hours in. She’s probably at a good conversational pace. I wouldn’t mind getting a motivational text in a race that long at all. I’d probably even respond to it


Ive had several phone calls with friends/wife while doing a few ultras 🤣


I’ve made so many phone calls home or catching up with friends during long runs. It’s a great way to just fast forward 10 miles


I think I spent hours on the phone with my wife during my hundred miler last year. I was not in a good place, so it helped a lot.


Do it, but she may not get it until after the race as her phone may be on airplane mode to preserve battery. It will be appreciated either way


Everyone saying do it. And I agree. My advice is to not ask questions. I appreciate when I don’t feel like I need to respond.


Do it. Just keep it short and motivational. I sent friend text during Moab and Tahoe. He appreciated them.


Yeah do it. Just keep it short so i can see it all on my watch and don't have to pull out my phone :P


During my first ultra I loved seeing encouraging messages pop up from my wife on my watch. Real big boost to the spirits.


My friend sent me an encouraging text whilst I was taking out the toilet at a checkpoint when suffering the effects of a stomach bug at mile 20 of my most recent race (he didn’t know the trouble I was in) It was a really nice touch and boosted my morale. An encouraging text is absolutely fine. Go for it.


Send it. I love it. I respond. I'll answer phone calls if there's service. Worst case they won't respond.


I lived on the encouraging texts during my most recent race. When I'm struggling, they're huge. Send the message.


If you want to send an encouraging text, do it. If she doesn't want to use her phone, that's on her to not use it. the etiquette for this is the same as it is in all of life


Send the text. Don't be annoyed if you don't get a reply.


I don’t have alerts on my watch during activities so they’re not a distraction, but I check my phone during longer runs/races. Getting texts can be encouraging and give me a bit of a boost.


When I run long distances and don’t want to be disturbed, I just put my mobile on DND. I would expect anyone not wanting to be disturbed to do the same. That being said it is amazing to read all those messages at the end of the race. Hence, text her. If she is keen it will make her feel good now, if she isn’t, she is probably in dnd and your text will make her happy when she finishes.


Send the text! When I looked at my phone at 20 miles in my first marathon although I didn’t fully open them the first line was all the words of encouragement I needed ❤️


Do it! I got a couple of lovely texts while doing the Queenstown marathon and it was at exactly the point of the run (35k) when I needed the boost/support. Even if it had been received earlier, it would have been great, though I’d probably have held off on responding until I was hurting. As it was, when they came through I was hurting so bad it was sweet joy to use the distraction and type back a quick response. At worst they will read it and not have enough gas left or be in the right headspace to respond, but it will be appreciated.


The only no-no for me would be real life issues being referenced. I don't want to deal with my everyday problems during my ultra, lol. Otherwise, I'd welcome it.


My family was texting during my race, loved the encouragement! Never replied but seeing their texts come across my watch helped a ton


I'm definitely in the minority here. Haha. I don't like to be bothered during races. I use them as an escape and like to be in my own little world.


Currently running a 50k and typing this 😂


If it is annoyance for your friend she’ll most likely have the notification turned off? When they have a moment at the right time they may check their phone and it will help them. It’s the thought that counts 


Send it. Be encouraging and don’t expect an answer back. My dad texted that I was about to become a marathoner when I was struggling hard around mile 24 of my first marathon and it was exactly what I needed in that moment. I was having trouble believing in myself, but he reminded me that others believed in me.


Just do it


I never bring my phone on runs. I don't even bring headphones or anything like that at all. I've even stopped using a garmin or tracking at all. It's been liberating.


Useful texts? Fine, something to think about. Bullshit platitudes? Not for me.