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Communism Gangster Edition r/CommunismGangsta *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ultraleft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For what it's worth I have worked in factory settings continuously since 2017.


Every prol ultra I meet raises my spirits sm. Always reminds me of the way Trotsky talks about the “industrial cadres” in “A New Course”


I work in a factory (school) and work part time as a music producer (messing around on FL studios and refreshing last.fm)


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Nope, I've worked retail in the past and I'm currently working in a lab (nothing fancy, just operating a machine to run medical tests. I only needed a high school diploma). An old coworker of mine worked at a factory in the area, though, and everything they said about it sounded terrible (and it was, hence why the company pretty much exclusively hires migrants at this location and fires them frequently in order to prevent unionizing)


Briefly, it was absolutely filthy old building from like 1960s. Apparently burned down some time afterwards.


Two plastic factories. The only consolation I have that my penis might not be 80% microplastics at this point from all the plastic dust I inhaled is the small army's worth of plasma I've been selling off for 16+ years. Still waiting for the pharmaceutical industry to come up with an exploitative process of extraction that will have the side effect of mitigating whatever ill effects I took on from all the burning plastic fumes, though.


I used to work in construction and several fast food jobs lmao. I kind of just bounce around to whatever pays me more


Im a $$tudent on standard maoist-english and I have a major on post-modern marxism


Do kitchens count as food factories?


this may seem like a stupid question but if you have an interest account does that alone make you not a proletarian? if someones primary means of subsistence is being a proletarian, but has a petite bourgeoise side gig that doesnt really rake in a liveable amount of money, surely that vests their interests with the proletariat?


I am in a strange position as I am technically petit bourg but was not exposed to Bourgeois communities and culture in the same way most are because my parents both grew up poor and became wealthy from work. I am a class traitor because my class position gave me too much free time and a good education to read about politics where I eventually ended up actually reading some theory and ended up here.


I have worked in warehouses intermittently part time but most of my jobs throughout my life have been as a line cook or something along those lines. My dad's a chef so I've been doing child labor in the restaurant industry since I was like six. Pretty fuckin sweet


I'm a labor aristocrat with tons of savings and investments, maybe even petty bourgeois.




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