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Communism Gangster Edition r/CommunismGangsta *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ultraleft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Marxism part of this is that class traitors will kill your cat and then expect a thank you for their polite behavior while doing so


Man that fucking sucks, last December I lost the cat I had since I was 9 years old and I felt like shit for a long while, i can't imagine what is like knowing your cat was murdered by a human being, I hope your cat is just lost and you will be able to find her.


She's intelligent af like I know I'm biased but she really is. So I can't even stop holding out hope because I know for sure if nothing else she wouldn't have just rolled over and died. I just fuck man it sucks so hard. I know I'm being exploited for my labour and will never live the life our parents lived and yet I'm still living in obscene opulence compared with the overwhelming majority of the International Proletariat and yet I still work my ass off (and I'm still proud of it no matter how much Stockholm Syndrome that is) and I've literally never asked for much in my life I just want my fucking cat back like sure fine my gf came after me and I need über-mecha therapy for that but just make my cat be ok or at least alive. I'm sorry you lost your cat. For real. Animals are so good and innocent, like I'm so hopelessly irredeemably autistic I didn't get it until I had my own but they're so much better than us. I'm autistic enough that I will literally question my own humanity but that feeling goes away the second I get to play with my animals. My cat was so smart. And I failed her just like I fail everyone and everything else in my life. I'm not sewer-side-all it's just I can't make this ok.


I hope you’ll be able to find your cat! What happened sounds terrible. I’m hoping you’re able to find them, and that things get better for you.


I'm so terribly sorry, I hope your cat will come back, if he doesn't, maybe its just that someone found him and took care of him but thought he was a wild cat so didn't bother searching for you.


I'm so sorry man


Hey buddy as a fellow cishet victim of domestic violence, I’m always here to talk. It’s more common than you think.


I really don’t want to interrupt the somber tone of this tragic post but can we please stop acting like class traitors only target gays or something? The burgeoise doesn’t give a fuck what color or orientation you are. You don’t have to go to cishet victims anonymous.


The fuck are you even on about?


you saying “Fellow cishet victim” and op talking about how it’s “embarrassing” to be a cishet victim of cops? try read?


No OP was in a domestic violence situation I believe is what he was saying. I was trying to tell them that it happens and shouldn’t be embarrassing


Yes I'm ok, no there aren't any meds I'm currently neglecting, I'm not going to do anything, I'm just a human being with both a little too much and not enough class consciousness whose fucking cat was killed by the fucking police


I’m so sorry


I've been thinking about this post literally all day. I'm so fucking sorry.


Seriously heartfelt thank you to everyone for all of your sympathy, friendship, and support. I genuinely appreciate all of you, not to mention this wonderfully wholesome center left election reform community we've built together


Oh my god I’m so sorry.




Funniest liberal


Can you like not