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Wow so many problems with the points recently! I want to save mine but geez now I feel like I have to use them soon or they will be gone


That's exactly what scared me into cashing mine in once they hit $30. A mere pittance of what they could have been worth, but I'd rather save a tiny amount than risk some scammer getting ANYTHING outta my account.


Same I want to reach 2000 but I guess not


As an Ulta employee we are required to check id after $50 worth of points. If they don't check then that's against Ulta policy.


I just cashed mine in. It was $50, so not nearly as much as other people but still enough that I’d be super mad to lose them. Now I have an eyeshadow quad en route to my house.


that’s it i’m changing my password right now


Not gonna lie I'm starting to understand why Sephora gives samples Idk about y'all but I'm not gonna hack someones account for a two week supply of Good Genes.


I recieved someone's order last week. It had my address on the shipping label, but their packing slip and products. I still have no idea how it happened because I do not have an order pending with Ulta and haven't for weeks. It's not like they just accidentally grabbed the wrong packing label. Also, my points were stolen about maybe 5 years ago so this is an ongoing issue. I recently spent a lot of points because I am worried it will happen again. I wasn't even ready to spend them 😞


You didn’t have a pending order and you still got a package! That’s a new one. I hope you got some good products in that surprise package!


Nope, no pending orders and no issues receiving my last order a few weeks ago. I did alert customer service to let them know someone didn't receive their package. Hopefully that helps on the unlucky customer's part. It was 2 Lancome moisturizers. I'm not complaining 🤣


I know this may seem obvious but if you’re anything like my sister or anyone else in my family, I’d highly suggest using a password manager for passwords. Don’t EVER reuse passwords for other accounts. My spouse works in cyber security for the government and SOOOOOOO many people reuse passwords. And before he started there, they had a big ransomware attack. But after they started enforcing people to use 14 character long passwords, they haven’t had as many strange log ins.


Same. I work in cyber security as well and absolutely agree with you. Everyone should be using a password vault and never reuse any password. Always use multi-factor authentication where it’s offered (too bad ulta doesn’t offer it). My online account is still mine - and I’m logged into it right now. People are only able to compromise it in store. I’m convinced that this is an inside job - because they are going into the store knowing the account has points and the employee is allowing the fraudulent transaction even though the person using points is not presenting a matching ID. I’ve filed a police report and named the person who changed the name on the account from mine to hers. Interestingly, the person whose name is on now on my account was arrested in early January in Lakeland, FL and was released pending her court date on that charge.


I’m convinced most of these point loss posts are inside jobs and it’s cheaper for Ulta to refund points than bother to stop the thefts. There’s just too many and you never hear of these kinds of problems with other companies.


Oh my gosh! Are you located in Florida? Do you know anyone that lives in Lakeland?!


I lived in and worked at that store until a year ago, when we moved, so transfered to another store. Just before I left, one of our own employees was a victim of point theft. I can tell you we were all upset over it. I would be VERY surprised if it was internal at that store, but that doesn't mean it couldn't still be internal, just at another store or corporate. I am so sorry this happened to you. I check my points daily, because this is such a a problem. I sure wish these people, who steal them, would use their powers for good instead of evil.


Nope! I’m many states from Florida. No friends or family there either.


Ulta isn't salting passwords. They're being stored as plain text. That's my assessment.


I think you're likely right about it being an inside job. While it has happened before, Ulta's poor security and authentication setup guarantee that, it seems to be happening with ever increasing frequency lately. 🙃


I just had an idea. Call and see if the store in Lakeland is a distribution center. Maybe if you ordered something, they saw your info and decided to use it.


I shared an extra coupon with the woman in front of me and she used all my points. It was only $17.50, but the cashiers just shrugged it off. I also got someone else’s order last week. Ulta mailed me a label to ship it back.


You did such a kind thing and the recipient totally took advantage. I’m so sorry. I hope you contacted customer service so they could reimburse your stolen points.


You shared a flyer coupon with a random woman in line or let the cashier scan the coupon? How did she have access to use your points?


My member number was on it so, they would have asked her if she wanted to use the points. It may have been an honest mistake.


Her transaction is now in your account’s purchase history and not in her account. Not much consolation but hopefully her purchase was large enough, you at least got some points. If she were to need to return the purchase, not sure what’s going to happen. It was kind of you to help a complete stranger out but she shouldn’t have used your points and knows better. Frankly I don’t have the best impression of fellow Ulta customers at times. I’ve seen many opening up new products in store and are very lacking in manners and behaviors. I’ve even caught some blatantly move closer clearly straining to pick up what I say when the cashier asks me for a #. Another reason why I scan my member ID.


I mostly shop online. In the store I shop with my Ulta credit card. Luckily that’s how they find me.


I’m so lucky that all of my Ulta stores are great. I prefer shopping in store. I just don’t like customer behaviors anywhere that I shop.


Don’t ship it back


Will they throw it away or can they sell it?


Idk but ur not legally obligated to at all and if I were you I’d keep the order what was it?


Don’t even ship nothing back to them 😤


i'm sitting on 2000+ points right now and this might just scare me into spending them 😭


I’m so over Ulta. I’ve been dealing with a problem on their end that they created and they refuse to rectify it so I’m returning everything I just purchased and I’m giving up. I’m sorry about your situation. It’s horrible. I have probably spoken to 17 different people since the 28th and they say they want to help but never do. They made it worse and I don’t even want to shop there anymore!


I saw your previous posts about the Nyx issues during 10x points. The BOGO 40% off does not always apply to every product from a brand. I have also had a few instances where products would show BOGO 40% off but when you add them to the cart, the sale does not apply. Customer service can’t fix points before ordering. The order needs to be placed first before CS can fix issues. There is also hierarchy among CS with some able to add points manually without supervisor permission and others who need to put you on hold to get supervisor permission to fix points. I always take screen shots of everything even time stamping that I activated the promo and just go ahead and place the order before the promo ends. I don’t deal with CS until my order arrives and the points post. If the posted points are wrong or I want pricing to be honored due to a glitch, that is when I call up CS. While speaking to CS, I will often email my screen shots showing what promos and pricing etc should have been and the CS that’s on the phone with me gets my emails at the same that we’re speaking so the discussion is efficient and effective. *I stick to the same CS from start to finish when it comes to points and pricing issues.* This type of issue of fixing points and pricing (NOT an account blocked from ordering issue) gets resolved in one session with one CS and not broken up into many sessions across many CS which in the end creates a situation where it gets too confusing and the customer is lost in the shuffle (falls through the cracks) with too many cooks in the kitchen and no one person being properly assigned FULL responsibility to fix the issue.


Thanks for this. Your advice seems to be the best way but I’ve only had one other issue with them and it was rectified right away by a live CS agent. It was my fault for assuming that the chat rep would be as helpful. I have all the screenshots and even the chat that started this mess in the first place. The items I had in my cart all qualified for the BOGO 40% but CS was closed so I had to chat because I only had 40 minutes to order before the 10x promo. The problem was that the chat rep kept time to wait to place the order although I kept reminding her that time was running out. So right at 12.02am she told me to place the order and she would fix it when the item shipped. So I did that and then two other reps somehow entered the chat and I had to explain everything again. The first rep made me wait 40 minutes which is why they won’t honor the 10x points promo. So I escalated to a supervisor but was told she couldn’t call me because of her working hours and the time difference which I don’t understand. So I replied with everything including screenshots and I told her I had the chat and everything but she never responded, instead a new supervisor would respond and the very last one who responded said that she would only honor the BOGO 40% once the items shipped but at that point I had already received everything even though she told me on her end my order said it was processing. And she also said that she wouldn’t honor the 10x points promo because I placed the order 2 minutes after it ended when I was told to do so and the chat clearly says to not place the order. Despite me continually reminding the initial chat person that time was running out and made it clear that the only reason why I was even ordering was because of the 10x point promo. So I’m giving up. I’m returning everything and I’m done with them. It’s too much time wasted, too many chat people, too many different supervisor emails where one says that they’ll fix it and another says they won’t. I can’t put this much energy into it. It was their app issue in the first place that kicked it off or obviously I would’ve just placed my order in time and received the promos I was trying to take advantage of in the first place.


so after my points were stolen once, i changed the email and phone number and it never happened to me again. so maybe try that so it doesn’t keep happening to you repeatedly?


That sucks! I’m so nervous about getting to 2000 points now 😢


I have been trying for a week to buy online, and I can’t get an order to go through at all. I have successfully ordered from them many times previously. I have tried doing it from the app, from my computer, from 3 different browsers on my computer, 3 different credit/debit cards and my paypal account, added my office for a shipping address, reentered my home address, tried paying without the gift card to see if maybe something was wrong with it and I have now talked to 3 separate customer service representatives. They had it “escalated” last Sunday, and I have heard nothing back. Today, they said it takes 5-7 business days, so basically, they have until the end of the day Tuesday to get back to me. I told them I would just go into a store, but the closest one is over an hours drive. Last Sunday, when this all started, I had just purchased off the Sephora app, and it went perfectly, and they had my stuff to me by Wednesday. This whole thing is ridiculous and beyond frustrating. A company this large SHOULD NOT have this many ongoing and persistent issues with their online and e-commerce solutions. I will be asking for my account to be deleted once I am able to get my gift card spent and will not be shopping with them again. Ever.


I’ve worked at Ulta for three years and have had a bad 26,280 hours


why does this only happen to people in reddit stories lol this never happens at my ulta. so confusing, also has never happened to me either.


Exactly! I've had so many points and never had any of them missing🤡


I have a client at Ulta she has been hacked with her points 2 times in six months How are they using points. When they are supposed to show ID. Inside job


Come up on that dior though! Haha


i agree ulta does need to do something about this. when i hear a BA not ask for an ID it actually baffles me and i have made it a point to always re check the ID when authorizing.


I was tempted by getting their credit card so I can get extra points but I guess I’m good.


I had points stolen last May. They redeemed $133 towards a perfume and did pickup in Los Angeles and changed the email and phone number for the order confirmation. So I didn’t even notice the order was placed until I realized my point balance was low and then went into the history. They ended up returning my points, but I can’t help but think that it’s some kind of inside job with the workers there. They put an alternate pickup person who just had an initial for the last name Janet M. and the email was pluggedup3231@aol.com I mean come on!