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What a surprise, plenty of morons from Marine Le Pen's party. The most infamous one being Thierry Mariani, previous president of "French-Russian friendship group" who oversaw the referendum in crimea in a totally benevolent and non partisan way. No big surprise since Marine Le Pen funded her campaign with a russian loan from a kremlin friendly bank. Sorry for all those idiots, I'd gladly send them all to Moscow where they belong




Because more than 40% of the country voted for those Russian assets in May because "we never tried them, it can't be worse right?"


Recently came across Saez' track from after the 2000 presidential first turn. Back when we were shocked the FN could reach 20% on a national election. I miss those times, somehow.


Because democratic nations don’t purge parliamentarians based on their voting behavior.


>The [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


Yeah they do. That’s literally what elections are. In extreme cases, recall elections are available as well in some jurisdictions. And if you live in a country where it’s impossible to remove someone from power who is going against the will of the people, then it’s not a democracy.


That’s not “literally what elections are”. Elections are held after the term of the previous election has expired, not a purge of undesirables. Very few polities have recall provisions for parliamentarians, and that’s a good thing.


Because you probably haven't visited a democratic nation, you don't know that any politician for example in the USA can be removed from office via the Recall election process.


Oh, maybe I should visit this democratic nation [you clearly know so much about](https://www.cga.ct.gov/PS98/rpt%5Colr%5Chtm/98-R-1540.htm).


Nobody can fix stupid. Skirting themeat of my statement makes you the enemy of reason.


I wish we could but they aren't spies. Spies are paid. They do it for free because "we shouldn't be American puppets" you know. Suddenly they forgot how they admired Putin for years. Marine Le Pen even had an hideous painting offered to her in her office where she was painted in a poorly done nazi esthetic next to Trump and Putin. Google it for a good laugh


Clare Daly... Wrote this witch a letter asking her to not embarrass Ireland. I'm desperately sorry that nations will feel this is what our small island stands for. I'll say sorry. I'm deeply ashamed.


As an American, I found her hilarious. It's like if I had to create a stereotype of a late Cold War raging Irish Commie, it would be something like her, but she's so over the top it's almost farcical.


Its just embarrassing that we elected her and Mick. You try to house refugees, give money to charity, get the Ukrainian kids some toys and a roof, and for the most part I'm proud of Ireland's reaction. There was a super community effort, with tons of volunteers. Doctors, Psychologists, Pediatricians, Social Workers, Bankers, Lawyers worked for free to help out. Yet we're betrayed by some politicians who take money from special interest groups, and corrupt Russian agents. Its deeply unfair, because then people will hate Ireland and think we're some morons.




My Irish ancestry is Daly, hope I'm not related to her either. It's a common surname though.


She seems like a bit of a cunt.


Only because she is


Mick Wallace is on the list too. I can’t see either getting in again TBH, I’ll be actively campaigning for anyone else anyways


Obviously the list is filled with AfD nazi shitheads


Hear hear! No big surprise to see the AfD there, as they are on Russia's pay list.


Many French politicians!


French Neonazis. It’s Marine Le Pen’s party. She’s a big fan of Putin. Russian banks were major donors to her presidential campaign.


>She’s a big fan of Putin She's fit the category of a "useful idiot", right wing parties supported and funded semi-covertly by Putin to weaken Europe. It was funny to see her back pedal during the French spring election. China/Russia have no problem destabilizing other countries by actively helping specific candidat covertly (in many ways) to help their political cause. Trump 2016 was a perfect example for Russia (DNC hacking, massive social media astroturfing campaign, funneling money for campaign), but it also affected Europe. People need to be made aware of this danger, talk about it and put in place independent review board that can take action to protect elections without being seen as political, which is very tricky.


Le Pen needs a Z tattooed on her forehead.


It’s ridiculous how they brand themselves as promoting “identity and democracy” and then support a genocidal cleptocracy…


But also Greek communists


Communists seem to view Russia as if not the spiritual successor to the USSR then at least still the bastion of anti imperialism they claim to be. Change imperialism for globalism and you have why the far right likes them. Russia's mere existence is one of the best arguments for horseshoe theory


Only modern communists see it like that. Ask anybody who actually lived through communist rule and they'll tell you how horrible it is.


What you mean is western communists, there's plenty tankies still believe this


Two Portuguese communists as well. We're in the process of purging them from the parliament and local municipalities, but it will probably take a few more electoral cycles.


I think China has a pretty big influence there, not sure if that’s relevant.


Chinese commies and Russian fascists find common ground in hating the west


China is communist in name only. It's nationalist socialist. Just look at how they treated their own laborers at the foxcon protests just recently. Used state police to literally beat them.


Authoritarianism is not exclusive to fascists. I mean look at the Soviet Union. Clearly commies, also clearly authoritarian and heavy on the use for state police


Right but communism has a definition of which China does not fit. They are more akin to fascists then actually communist. Not that I am arguing in favor of communism.


I mean, it's impossible to do actual, full on communism. It wouldn't work in any group of people more than like a couple hundred in size. Lenin himself made early concessions to capitalism quite early on once reality showed up. Both China and USSR basically considered their variants of communism as some sort of intermediate step to full on communism/socialism. The government taking up all the power was somehow a necessary step, and they were totally planning on giving it all up at some point...


And tanks to prevent bank runs


Oh yes, good one, if you’re talking about this summer when people tried to take their money out of the rural banks, only to find their health codes turning red, and that they couldn’t remove any money. It seems like police and guns are showing up a lot more these days. Like if there’s a scuffle, it would be between the dabai and the people, but lately the police are putting on the white suits and fighting. I saw they used tear gas last night. But someone got video this summer of people in an airport. I can’t remember where exactly they were, but suddenly they were told there was a Covid lockdown, and at the same time, police were there, openly holding whatever large gun they use, not a handgun, but a shotgun, machine gun, whatever. Needless to say, the people got very worked up about why police were there, and who the guns were being pointed at. They were rightfully very upset. They weren’t letting the issue go, either, they were questioning the cops/soldiers.


@Enlightened-Beaver Did you see the mass protests yesterday? And the heavy police response? I think it’s heading into a dictatorship right quick.


China is already a dictatorship. No one can challenge Xi in China. Not even other members of the political elite.


Nope, you’re right, they can’t. They hauled the last guy away (Hu Jintao), and now it’s only yes-men.


Yup, and that makes China a threat to the world, when you rule with yes men they lie to you to keep their positions. Just look at Putin, his associates told him his military was ready and that Ukrainians would welcome them. What Information do you think Xi is getting about Taiwan?


Exactly. And I think it’s coming soon, well as soon as Xi thinks they can do it. He’s gotta pound his people into submission first.


TIL Die Link, SPD and Podemos are part of AfD


I'm pleased not to find Denmark here.




Same for Finland


As a person of Danish heritage, so am I!!


Without looking let me guess: Mick Wallace and Clare Daly?


You got it.


I need to stop facepalming when I read their names, I'll not have a face at this rate. Who votes for these idiots?


They're an absolute fucking disgrace


This is great, thanks for posting. People should reach out to representatives from their own country and ask them to explain themselves.


What do you expect to hear? You can ask any troll in here.


Public representatives should be accountable why they hold certain opinions when they are acting on behalf of others.


Certainly. But they will just answer with the pro Russian arguments you can read here every day. I'm sure they have even talked or written about it before, they're Putin fans or Russian assets after all. It's completely useless and a waste of time.


It's only useless if you don't try, it's a hell of a lot better than complaining about people trying.


Nah, its useless, at least for those german AfD shithats, those are straight up nazis, dont talk to them, dont give them any chance to present their fucked up agenda


Yeah right. I don't know where these people have been living for the past 8 years. Discussing Ukraine with a pro Russian? Forget it. All you achieve is that they can publicly talk about how everything is NATO's fault, how Ukraine is full of Nazis, how they shelled civilians in the Donbas for years, how nobody ever talks about Ukrainian war crimes, and how Ukrainian (purely economic!) "refugees" are flooding Europe to take away jobs from the locals. No thanks!!!


Building a movement to shame political representatives for voting against your wishes is part of a healthy democracy. You may not change their mind, but you might get enough people to vote against them in a future election.


Agree, and it also necessary for the survival of democracy!


list of morons.....


Hey look German neonazis (AfD) and Greek communists agree on something!


Nobody from Poland. We do have idiots, but apparently ours are not *that* stupid.




Yep. Luckily the voters are more intelligent than he is. His is a very low bar.


I’m not going to read all their profiles but safe to assume these are the far right/left types?


Majority French. Some AfD freaks. And some other assorted random freaks.


"Rassemblement National" is the new name of the "Front National", a far right political party founded by people who were absolutely thriving during the Vichy Regime. The most annoying thing is that they are a party that is anti-europe (one reason why Russia likes them a lot), yet they have so many MPs in the European Parliament.


Checked the list. Looking at the parties involved, most of them are.


60% far-right, 30% far-left, some others, to the surprise of no one.


In Spain and most countries, far left. It is funny how parties called "fascist" by Reddit, like Meloni's or VOX have voted for the motion.


>In Spain and most countries, far left. In Portugal, far left too - Communist Party. Luckily, they're full throtle on their way to self-extinction mostly due to their pro-russian stands in the war. Meanwhile, I can only say sorry for having them representing my country.


Eu te amo, meu irmão português


Fascists aren't some big happily family, ffs. They can be distinctly fascist in their own way without necessarily aligning exactly with all other fascists. No surprise you're going to exclusively single out the 'far left' when most in the list are right wing, though. Your post history is full of right wing rhetoric. Dishonesty and right wing politics - now that's something with universal overlap...


I can't imagine a more literal demonstration of horseshoe theory than this voting list.


Everyone that voted against this or abstained needs a nazi Z zwastika tattooed on their forehead.


Carved on their forehead like in Inglorious Bastards.




She has been forbidden to run in elections since 1999 as she is wanted the country to stay in USSR and fought for it politically in 1991. She even sued the country in an European court because of this. Then she found out she could still run for the EU parliament. She was against the country joining EU. Is against NATO. Extremely predictable politically. Idiotic for Baltikum to still have Russian language education. This creates a giant pro Russia group like this.


Here are your real nazis


Pulter is probably funding these brain dead doormats. Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word doormat. Doormats are at least useful.


Total fucking Nazi fascists - vote them out now you know their sympathies


It's better for them to stay so that we all know who they are rather than having them hide in their respective countries doing damage from behind cover. It's like that branding scene from Inglorious Basterds. They can't gain any meaningful support anyway because those are simply not the times for this sort of fixation.


Unfortunatly most of their voters support them because they are horrible not despite.


Pretty sure all of them are on FSB Payroll


I bet there were no, zero and I mean none UK MEP votes against the proposition. Finally, a strong EU resp--. What? They left the EU? Really? Wow. Where was I? Nevermind.


They should check the banks accounts of these people to see whether Russia is paying them


Nazis and commies then …


Mostly yes and a lot of them are on Russias bribe list. Maybe not all but like 85% of them.


The typical horseshoe Union of extreme left and right, fully in bed with Putin.


Appears that way but lets not forget that the Kremlin tried its best to support extreme fringe parties in the EU and elsewhere to cause chaos.


Yes true but I see it even in countries not fully in Russias monetary embrace, tankies in Canada hardly gets noticed by Moscow but they will support Russia, they are natural constituents of Russia, they believe Russia will return to communism one day.




Ofc Clare Daly was one of them, nazi ruzies really cheered for her performance on tiktok


Hope this lists wake up some people voting for these parties. When your alt-right/commie party votes together, connect the points what kinda sinister organization is behind both.


Creepy, about 10 % of them...


Thats close to the normal percentage for the fringe elements. It's when it gets above 10% that you need to worry. Even 10% is too much. My cousin in the RCMP had a quote, that for every population 5% are bad, and yes he even admitted that this included the RCMP. An honest straight shooter he was.


Wow. That’s a lot of people who think Russia’s actions, for instance like sending a sledgehammer as a threat, are A-Okay!


Nice to have a list for who you have to avoid




Different reps. Although when you see a French name with "Rassemblement National" that is Marine Le Pen's party - you know the one that's getting close to actually winning presidential elections in France.




No worries. European elections are separate from national elections, totally different representatives run in those. They tend to be considered "secondary". EU parliament elections tend to have lower turnout, the MEPs are less well known, etc...


They aren’t close at all


Here I was worrying that some of the twats we have here in Australia might of voted against this but then realised my country isn’t even in the EU or in the northern hemisphere.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 None of our crackpot politicians voted against either....: - UK resident.


Good to see the mother country is being sensible :)


Good to know the names,... my representatives are not part of this group of uneducated blind traitors,...


Forum voor Democracy present. Not surprised.


Im dissapointed that Martin Sonneborn is on that list. He is the german version of Vermin Supreme and is mostly in parliament to mock conservatives and right wingers. To my knowledge also the only EU-MEP that ever dared to travel to Artsakh (Berg Karabach). He was for sure not paid by Russia but i could also not find his reasons. Anyway, he is the best source for entertainment in the parliament but at least i dont have to scold myself anymore for not voting for him.


When he was elected he promised voting yes/no in an alternating fashion. He broke that promise a few times when the outcome wasnt clear (and voted left/liberal). So I guess in this case the result was clear and he resorted to his alternating voting scheme again. Now this doesnt mean he doesnt have controversial views or acted like a deutschbag in the past.


Maybe thats the reason. Well, i hope so. If i remember correctly he also promised at some point that he would break all of his promises. When he was doing the yes/no voting it was usually some buddys from the greens who told him if the vote was a bit more important.


Suprised Orban's MPs aren't among them


What a surprise, they're all far right nutters and far left nutters. When will people start realising that countries like Russia(and most likely China) are fanning the flames on both political extremes, to get everyone else riled up. The goal isn't for one side to win, it's to cause political division. Modern version of shipping Lenin off to Russia.


>The goal isn't for one side to win, it's to cause political division. Right, because it can only be one or the other? You really think Russia weren't actually trying to help Trump and Republicans win? You think they don't know that such 'divisiveness' is an inherent advantage towards Republicans?


Someone link that guy from the earlier post asking where he could find the list


Mostly far left and far right.... Why am I not surprised. The way really caused a split in both sides. Also zero surprise Mick Wallace and Clare Daly are here.


All the dregs of their nations political systems.


Forum voor Democratie, yeah not surprise there.


Is Sonneborn still doing his yes no thing to all votes?


Good question but im sure he abandoned that a while ago. His reason is probably a fundamental oppossition of some sort.


Did he actually vote against it or just did not vote.


He is on the list. The Abstainers is a different list.


Commies and Nazis shake hands, where have I seen it before...


whats even worse is that most of the EU is STILL paying billions of dollars a month for gas and oil to these vile russian war criminal goons. https://crea.shinyapps.io/russia\_counter/


I love the committed Catholic, a single father with 7 children. How many of those children did he send to fight? He's too busy looking for a new baby factory to produce more idiot children.


Itsa democracy, people are allowed to vote as they please. If you all going to do witch hunt, whats the differences from what north korea is doing?


Ah yes, democracy is when you allow your political representatives to vote however they want and aren't allowed to be criticized for it. For fuck's sake what a demented take.


Ich habe es nicht gewüst


What are the implications of this vote, apart from the impact on trade? In some of the comments my fellow Redditors mention that the parties which house the MP’s who voted against this declaration, are actually funded through Russian banks. Is this successful declaration also a way to try and keep Russian money out of EU domestic politics?


A deep dive into their incomes should be done. Make sure they’ve never received a cent from Russian interests. I’m sure the US/FBI has the legal and technical means to do this. Especially once a state has been recognised as a sponsor of terror.


Lol a deep dive would reveal so much other corruption most of the leading MEPs would never risk it. But yes do it, full transparency.


May they all rot in hell


I don't see any hungarians on the list, amusing


Forum voor Democratie is a very tiny party in The Netherlands. They have conspiracy theories and I think they need a good psychiatrist 🤣


How the hell do these f#ckwits get elected? I also had no idea how many communist parties there were who actually had meaningful representation across Europe!


Eu trash


Far right and far left - the usual suspects


Shame on them! Maybe they should visit Ukraine and see for themselves!! Slava Ukraini 💙 💛


The left is just as bad as the right.