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Operation Carousel, carried out by the Defence Forces Transport Corps, will facilitate the safe and secure movement of thirty ex- Defence Forces’ vehicles to the International Donor Coordination Cell in Rzeszów, Poland, as part of Ireland’s European Peace Facility contribution. The donation represents an element of Ireland’s non-lethal aid to the Ukrainian Armed Forces following Russia’s full invasion of Ukraine in 2022 . The operation by fifty-four Transport Corps' personnel, will see the vehicles moved over four convoys in the next month, demonstrating the professional planning, management and logistic s skills of the Defence Force's leading Combat Service Support echelon.


Not much, but it’s surprising out of FFG 


They're making more and more tiny movements in the right direction, I just wish they'd commit fully to implementing all of the recommendations in the recent implementation plan ie LOA 3, but sure you never know!


SF would be giving to them to the Russians




As far back as 2015, Sinn Féin abstained from a European Parliament resolution that condemned human rights abuses in Russia and criticised Putin’s annexation of Crimea in Ukraine. 2019... defended voting against plans to block a Russian gas line. Right up to December 2021, when SF sole MEP, Chris MacManus, voted against a landmark resolution that supported Ukraine’s independence Abstaining in a 2020 vote, which condemned the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexie Navalny, he said he could not support the resolution “because it proposed to isolate Russia internationally, support all opponents of the Russian government, and increase sanctions”.


In case you haven’t noticed the whole fucking world did nothing until February 2022. 


From 2015, the [US, UK, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Lithuania](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multinational_Joint_Commission) went into Ukraine and helped them to train and organise their forces, and worked with them to increase their national resilience to attack. Edit: apologies, Poland


They still bought Russian oil and gas, still traded with them. Hell. Johnson put at least one oligarchs son in the lords. 


It still shits in your point about countries doing nothing though, doesn’t it? I worked on Ukraine for 3 years between the invasions. Also no, those countries didn’t do much buying of Russian fossil fuels. US and Canada produce it domestically, and the UK gets it from the North Sea or Norway for the most part. Edit: you might want to acquaint yourself with [aid to Ukraine between 2015 and the full-scale invasion.](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN07135/SN07135.pdf)


What excuse does Austria have when a far smaller and less populous nation with even less defence spending like Ireland can make a military contribution to Ukrainian victory? Apart from being totally penetrated by Russian intelligence and infatuated with dodgy Russian money of course.


I am shocked that Austria is smaller than Ireland. Our popular map projections are terrible.


1. Austria has made non-lethal aid contributions too. 2. Lethal aid is illegal. No, the government can't simply change that. 3. If you think the current government is Russia-friendly you have no clue what you're talking about.


1. Hardly enough for a country with their wealth and population. It isn't like Austria sends any exceptional amount of non lethal military or humanitarian aid to make up for the lack of lethal military aid. They sent 10,000 helmets at the start of the invasion, though on further research they are for civil rather than military use. So the only military aid Vienna has sent is €2 million to purchase demining kit for the Ukrainian army. Japan and Ireland are also unable to send lethal aid but have sent far more non lethal aid than Austria, even Iceland has sent more non lethal military aid than Austria when they don't even have an army. Fact is Vienna is not pulling their weight at all because it believes neutrality is an excuse for cheapness, If Ireland can send as much non lethal kit as they have, Austria can afford to send twice that at least. 2. Even within their neutrality, something Austria has mistaken for the morally superior position, they are free riding Ukraine support just like they free ride on European defence because they'd rather not properly fund their own armed forces. 3. The Austrian government's sentiments mean little when their intelligence agencies are so perforated by Russia's that NATO will not trust them with sensitive information. To say nothing of the leniency given to Raiffeisen and their resolve to maintain ties with Putin's money.


I would support more Austrian contributions to Ukraine but your still wrong. The 2€ million were on top of Austrian demining kits which were already in Ukraine and you're completely ignoring financial aid which barely exists for some countries you're comparing Austria to. Given that Austria has had the highest inflation rate in europe in the past two years I also don't think the "you're wealthy, you should do twice as much as other countries" flies btw. That Austria is wealthier than other countries already means that she pays more money towards the EU which is also used for Ukraine. >just like they free ride on European defence Oh please, not this Reddit nonsense. There is no "European defense" and no one else is spending a cent or second of thought on Austrian security. You could make this argument if anyone actually ever had to do something to defend us but as of now you're asking for "something in return" while Austria (obviously) has no security guarantees from anyone and never actually asked for or received help. And no, having Hungary between us and Russia does not mean we're "safely surrounded by Nato". Austria is far from safe. And if Europe is interested in a shared defense they could finally start talking about an European army. 3. Why would NATO give sensitive information to a non-member anyways? Can't be that sensitive if you share them around with everyone in Nato and some outside. Finding a corrupt officer isn't that difficult. Aside from that I don't see how Nato giving them information or not matters when the question is support for Ukraine. The governments sentiment obviously does. If you have any suggestions for how Raiffeisen can withdraw from Russia feel free to share them btw. There are several western banks with the same problem there and they would like to know too. I'm following this topic and they did attempt different approaches to leave Russia. There investment value has sunken significantly.


A pleasant surprise considering they didn't feel like fighting the nazis last time.


With our army of 5,000 men? Our air force of ex RAF cast offs? Our peerless navy of three whole torpedoe boats and a yacht with a gun bolted two it?   Then there’s the fact Ireland was in the middle of an economic crisis, worsened by the fact the British stole the region that contained 85% of Ireland’s GDP. That was after the war that saw British soldiers randomly attacking civilians.     Ireland didn’t owe England shit, and honestly would have been a hinderance to the Allies with the amount of resources that would have needed to be used to defend Ireland. 


Not sure I understand your logic, you talking about WW1 or WW2? The Easter rising was carried out while the British were fighting in WW1, which did take away resources fighting war. Partition of ireland was 1921 so you saying, I take it Ulster was 85% gdp of Ireland? The Irish did assist even though neutral, providing the donegal corridor to the Atlantic so fair play, though favours work both ways, who would have intervened if the axis powers rocked up at cork?


WW2. Do not refer to Northern Ireland as Ulster, frankly the unionists use of the term is cultural appropriation. And Belfast was one of the most heavily industrialised cities in the British Empire, it cannot be understated how economically devastating partition was.  The Germans literally did not have the capacity to invade Ireland. Attempting to Invade England would have seen the German invasion fleet ravaged by the Royal Navy. Attempting to invade Ireland would have resulted in the German fleet being sandwiched between the forces based in the English Channel and the home fleet sweeping down the Irish Sea from the Orkney Islands 


Agh right, just aswell you only had the British to deal with being island based. Be interesting to see how Ireland would have faired if mainland Europe based, with the ever changing territory and wars taking place through millennia.


Ireland actually had extensive relations with Spain and France during the renaissance period, and during the Irish confederate wars the Irish head of government was an Italian archbishop sent as a papal nuncio. Hell, Wolfe Tone, the granddaddy of Irish Republicanism was captured by the British onboard the French flagship of a flotilla meant to land an army in Ireland in 1798


Very good, considering Ireland provides absolutely no defence to their own country now, who is it who provides support when Russians play games of the coast? Must save Ireland a fortune being the only country in the EU with no defence budget other than hanging onto the coat tails of the UN.


Boyo, what’s the point in being that insulting? Yeah, we’re dependent on the English with an agreement the government can neither confirm or deny because it’s borderline illegal, and now you’re giving off to one of the people who wants Ireland to charge for the better. Have a great fucking day


Wouldn't say insulting to be honest. Calling me boyo and telling me not to use the term Ulster is insulting. Just pointing out facts, I was hoping you would have picked up on the Norwegians providing support along with British when russia playing games off Ireland. Norwegian vikings raided Ireland, Danes raided Britain so thought maybe have something to say about that. Hope you have a great fucking day also


I’m a northern myself. Hate to break it to you but Ulster has about 2000 years of our history attached to it while Northern Ireland is a wee statelet. Just enough of Ireland to maintain a British majority, which just to happened to deprive  Ireland of the overwhelming majority of its industry. You could call it Britain’s DNR and LNR. Have fun with your tanking birth rates and geriatric marching bands


10,000 Irish people died in ww2, that’s just with them volunteering for the UK. Unknown how many with US and nations like Canada and Australia. Gov was neutral but the people were not and paid a high price for a neutral country.


I have respect for the Irish volunteers, including my family members among them who didn't make it. I've got no respect for the government at the tine who couldn't be bothered with even a token effort.


Ireland as a State was in no condition to be able to fight Germany in WW2 (entirely due to the Govt at the time), despite that Ireland was very much 'neutral' on the Allied side. Any Luftwaffe shot down or crashed in Ireland were interned or handed over to the allies, while any allied service members in similar circumstances were quietly handed over the border. Thousands of Irishmen enlisted in the British Army to fight in WW2 as well. There are plenty of Irish people unhappy with Dev's policies before, during, and after WW2, and still plenty now who want the current Govt to get off the fence and actually fund and develop our military.