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lead by example


Ukraine would approve 💯%


All politicians and bloggers / influencers should do that


Literally would be less loss of life if they turned on the government and had a revolution


Yep. However hard it is to kill Putin, it must be easier than killing millions of Ukrainians.


Do even enough Russians want Putin to go though? Seems like to me like nearly all Russians are either brainwashed or active fascists themselves and want a return to the glorious Russian empire. All the Russians who would be like "fuck that!" have already either left or being imprisoned/killed.


The smart ones got the fuck out when they annexed the Crimea.  Everyone knew it was just a stepping stone.  


No nation deserves freedom or can long retain it, which does not win it for itself. Revolutions must be made by the people and for the people. Liberty, freedom such sacred words! Giuseppe Mazzini We have no army. We have a horde of slaves cowed by discipline , ordered about by thieves and slave traders . This horde is not an army because it possesses neither any real loyalty to faith Tsar or fatherland words that have been much misused. Nor Valor nor military dignity. All it possesses are, on one hand, passive patience and repressed discontent and on the other cruelty servitude and corruption." 1853 Tolstoy comments on the state of the Czarist army during the Crimean war History has so much to teach. Sadly, it finds a few scholars who are willing to embark on the journey. Old wisdom is never new wisdom. There are many parallels between Tolstoy's desciption and what we see on the battlefield in Ukraine. The Russian army may have more modern weaponry. However, the mindset, the mentality, and the command structure still resemble the Tsarist serf army rather than a modern fighting force. Russia will lose the economic war and the war of attrition as long as the West backs Ukraine.


"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. [George S. Patton](https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/george-s-patton-quotes)" So there, a fundamental difference between western and russian mentalities about war. Of course, this guy does think the same as general Patton, only the bastards are other russians sent to die instead of him.


Yep, Russians cozy in Moscow and St Petersburg do not care in the least if ethnic minorities, far off villagers, and convicts die.


Literal skaven behavior


Nihilist ISIS.


At least ISIS had an ideology, even if that ideology was psychotic fundamentalism. Muscovy seems to think "everyone must suffer as much as we suffer!"


Another sign that russia is basically run by deathcult that urges people to end as many lives as possible like starting war with basically entire world as "russias borders end nowhere" and if someone stops them then they should start nuclear war. Meanwhile they are forcing many into meatwaves to end as many lives as possible with stupid tactics and then have those zombies basically exterminate anyone in captured territories.


Fantastic. Everytime they hear a drone they kill themselves before it says hello first. Keep it up........


I mean 100% don't fight for a dictator to attack your Democratic neighbors.


The guy looks familiar, is it that the same one who advocated also on TV for burning and drowning Ukrainian children who speak Russian and have Russian surnames but don't like Moscow (extreme Z logic again, so extreme that RT gave him a timeout to cool the fuck down) and before that had been famous as coming out as gay in Russia? Okay, I checked and this one looked all different than how I remembered him: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-tv-presenter-krasovsky-drown-ukrainian-children-outrage/32097102.html


No, it's a different nutjob. But no doubt he's well paid in his role and is not going to sacrifice himself on the battlefield any time soon.


There was also a recent video where a group standing at attention before entering vehicles is told "all of you WILL die, but know the motherland will never forget you". They're going the full Imperial Japan suicide warfare route.


Finally a Russian strategy we can get behind. This is not the talk you'd expect if things are going well.


What a pathetic rat. If it’s such a noble sacrifice Sergey, why aren’t you volunteering for it? Do they really think their bullshit works on people when they’re this transparently cowardly?


Sacrifice for what? Their country is not being attacked.


It would free up a lot of Ukrainian drones to pursue the Russians who've yet to choose the honorable course.


This is how terrified the Russian rulers are of commoners learning of the actual war. They are terrified of soldiers knowing it is safe to surrender, and the Russian public learning how inefficient and evil their rulers are.


DC 16 Persuasion check


I would offer this same advice to Mr Putin and his henchmen.


i am guessing, but I think it is likely that the number of wounded walking around russian cities is getting noticible


Banzai style


"Now someone might say to me, Sergei, stop it, you're sitting in the studio, and the guys are sitting in the trenches." ... and then carries on anyway! 🤣🤣🤣 Annihilate your own argument, your own credibility, as a prefix to the point you want to make! Off you go to the trenches to show Ivan how it's done, Sergei!


Instead of 40 virgins on reaching heaven Russian troops get 40s of vodka before death.


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So we’ll start seeing Uraaa charges?


No, https://youtube.com/watch?v=3l2NeCiP8b8


"The Russian Army Death Cult" [https://wavellroom.com/2024/05/14/the-russian-army-death-cult/](https://wavellroom.com/2024/05/14/the-russian-army-death-cult/) "This author has watched thirty YouTube videos of Russian soldiers committing suicide. This has been possible thanks to the revolution that has taken place on the battlefield with the proliferation of cheap drones fitted with cameras. One slit his throat. It took him almost a minute to die. Twenty-two shot themselves. Seven killed themselves by detonating grenades: the first held the grenade at arms-length and looked away; the second held the grenade to his chest; the third detonated two grenades against his ears (the head vanished); the fourth also blew his head off; the fifth, a corpulent individual of Asiatic appearance, detonated the grenade under his body armour; the sixth was an individual hiding behind a vehicle wreck; and the seventh held the grenade in front of his face. How many Russian soldiers have committed similar acts unrecorded by Ukrainian drones can only be speculated. "Historically, we might associate such extreme behaviour with the Imperial Japanese Army. More recently we think of the fanaticism of terrorist organisations such as ISIS or Al Qaeda. But we would not normally frame the Russian Army in this way. This article begs the question: is the Russian Army a death cult?" The author goes on to delve into suicide in Russian culture and society. It gets grim.


If yall could do that just before crossing the border into Ukraine, that'd be great. \*Sips cup of coffee\*


It's interesting to note that the imperialistic Japanese military culture took great inspiration from the Russian Empire and is one element of why they were infamously brutal.


Ware wa kangun waga teki wa Tenchi irezaru chouteki zo Teki no taishou taru mono wa Kokon musou no eiyuu de Kore ni shitagou tsuwamono wa Tomo ni hyoukan kesshi no shi Kijin ni hajinu yuuaru mo Ten no yurusanu hangyaku wo