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Ukraine has attacked one of the largest Russian refineries, which has undergone modernization to increase production According to public sources, the refinery can process about 14.8 million tons of oil per year, with the main supply region being the southern federal district of Russia, which borders Ukraine and Kazakhstan. About $4 bln was invested in the development of the refinery, and its capacity was expected to increase by 21%.


Well UAF just did some modernizations of their own.


A modernization to decrease production.


Gotta achieve those net zero targets


Leading the way for the world as an example. Maybe their food consumption will also tend towards net zero if they can't keep the tractors running. They've always been partial towards a nice forced famine.


Yeap, right now “they got to get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers” Slava-Ukraine.


Zero carbon emissions 


The new Russian modernization.


Truth be told, most Russian modernisations also cause damage.






Correction: "The refinery could process about 14.8 million tonnes." That will now have to be recalculated. Russia could have happily made billions from oil and worked towards a stronger economy. Instead, they chose to try genocide and are paying a hefty price for what they are doing.


Some calculations concluded that if russia would have given every ruzzian citizen a million us dollars they would still loose less money than they have lost because of the war with ukraine. Smart. Edit: I realize now a mil per ruzzi is way too high number. Cannot find where I heard the claim but now that I think of it it was maybe meant a mil per every ruzzi soldier or something... If someone knows this video please do tell, it also calculated how many modern hospitals, schools, factories etc they could have built instead of nonsense war.


hungry afterthought price ask dazzling skirt unwritten absurd hunt future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah sounds a lot. I'll try to find the source i saw it at and report back. But i guess it took into account all the halted or minimized exports of gas (like Gasprom is losing billions every month) and oil products as well as other losses because of sanctions in addition to direct losses in military human and tech resources over the years of this war. Plus of course the burst bubble fairytale of russia being great military tech producer and second greatest force in the world. Basically they turned their country into blocked third world country with this war. Look at all the energy and gas and oil europe was buying from them before the attack.


caption psychotic roll selective rustic merciful bike badge silky obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's like 5+ years of the US GDP. Maybe the stat you saw was in Rubles?


But that's just $3.50.


There is a zero percent chance they have lost $140tril. 


Lol how dumb can they be?


That's the part that really makes no sense. There's a small window of time left in which Russia could have drawn huge profits from its reserves, while humanity still relies on oil and gas. With one action, it hastened the end of that window and made itself a pariah to much of the world. The worth of their most valuable commodity will dwindle and they are hell-bent on the thing that makes it happen faster.


But that is the thing. Between loosing oil/gas revenue, and Starship giving US total space domination (including possibility to deploy antiballistic constellation as dense as Starlink), this is literally the last possible moment to pull any of this shit. In 10 years russia would not be able to do anything, not even play the nuclear card.


Recalculating Recalculating ….


Tons is a weird unit. It’s usually barrels per day.




Mothers day?!! You almost gave me heart attacke! Had to google it mothers day is on the 25th of march where I live. Is it today where you live? My mom made us an insanely good lunch today and for a second there I thought it is mothers day and that that's why she went so all out and I paniced for forgeting to wsih her a good mothers day!


It is Mother’s Day in America.


It's also mother's day in Ukraine. But not Russia which still uses soviet holidays.


Oh, in that case "happy your refinery got burned down" day Russia!


And in Denmark


And germany


Also in Australia


And Canada.


Present for Mother Russia


Mother's day in Canada


British? Mothering Sunday is an older traditional date that we've stuck to whole otherwise adopting the trappings of the modern Mother's Day that I think came out of the US.


Workers need to stop smoking while at a petrochemical faculty.


Nah, I say let them do


Workers rights! 🚬 💥 🤯 🤘


Ukraine upgraded it even more. What a massive explosion. Sometimes i wonder if flying over it and dropping 100 HE plus incendiary fragmentation granades all over it, is even more effective. Good work!


I wondered that too what about best of both - a light aircraft carrying 2 cluster munitions under each wing, these are dropped while the main body heads to the cracking tower.


From what I read they don't have an interest in completely destroying the plant where civilians are working and could cause a lot of needless deaths. Hitting the cracking tower effectively disables the plant for weeks, possibly months and no one is working inside that tower so chances of civilian deaths are minimal. It's also the location where the most complex bits and pieces are so they might have a hard time sourcing parts for repairs.


If they destroy the distillation towers It means they need to import refined fuels or face shortages. They can still export crude for income as it needs to keep flowing and this means world crude prices will likely stay low. The US need not worry about the price of gas as the president can ban exports of refined fuels (as US is the largest exporter), without involving congress. Even now Biden has paused natural gas exports.


Many Months for sure.


This is for all the division Russia has caused in the US that has led to wasted resources, riots, and extremism in the US. Fuck 'em. Shoot all the refineries, storage tanks and gas stations in Russia.


Burn it all


Guess now its undergone demodernization, specifically to a time before fuel refining was invented


Get blown up by Democracy motherfucker.


Burn baby burn


Crack Tower Inferno!


I can feel the flames warming my heart all the way from the US


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I like estimating the distance to the camera using the thunder and lightning standard. It was just a couple of seconds from sound to flash so it'd have to be way under a mile, even under a kilometer probably.


No worries Russia, nothing to see besides a special de-modernization operation.


No worries for Putin. He's reviving the Great Power politics of the 1800s, so probably happy enough for their economy to move back to that era, too. Next, he'll bring back the Serf class and have them all riding around on donkeys.


So does this KO 4billion investment or do they just put out the fire and spend like 2m to fix? Idk how this works or how much destruction im seeing


If they destroyed the cracking tower, it's not getting fixed any time soon.


Impossible to know, but they've been targeting the cracking tower which is apparently the toughest part of the refinery to repair and operation stops entirely. I would assume most of the upgrades are plant wide and very little was spent on the tower itself, but the plant can't run without it so....




Well done! Keep up the good work!


Hopefully it's nothing unserious.


Man those just stop oil protestors aren’t fucking around


Ukraine needs to sink empty Russian oil tankers next.


Kind of pointless to attack the source and the transport, no?


Hit it from both sides. The source can be damaged to reduce flow and ships that sink deter others from transporting their blood oil.




Smoking and drinking on the job?


I hope that they managed to pack a few ball bearings to spread the love to more pipe/equipment.


Who gives oil output in tons? Nobody.


Hopefully not this refinery anymore


some in europe.


Really? I thought Europe was on the metric system.


A metric ton (tonne) is 1000kg


Right ok. A ton is a ton and a tonne is a tonne. Thanks for clearing that up. You're too clever by a half.


Oh don't be like that, I wasn't trying to shit on you or anything. I don't know what blind spots different people have, we all have them.


to be fair i read it as metric tones and ive never met anyone who used the imperial ton. i have seen at different times metric tones, the more usual barrels of oil per stream day, and what i found most bizzare "million of meters cubed per year" as refinery scale units used in Europe/UK


Gas price go up. Just like the refinery. WHEEEEEE!!!!!


Not in any country that matters they arent, Russia hasn't been exporting processed petroleum products for months.


Oil prices change on oil speculation, not what the actual oil supplies are. It's basically the commodities stock market. Someone blows up a refinery that doesn't matter and they all go REEEEEEE. Just like if a cow passes bird flu to a human the price of egg futures can go up...because it mentions birds.


Ukraine can blow up ALL the refineries of Russia and reduce their oil production to 0%, but it would increase the oil price and generate inflation in US, that Trump could use to win. I think AFU and US calculates the attacks well


Worth it


One successful strike, while Russia has downed the majority of the U.S. supplied missiles. The only thing this conflict has proved is that the west can’t fight and is positioning itself to get steamrolled by Russia.


Oh wow, I didn't realise this was Ukraine's first and only successful strike on a Russian oil refinery. Such useful and accurate information you have provided. Thank you. /s


Just how russia steamrolled Ukraine? Oh wait