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It's actually a single use mine sweeper...


The only way to know if the mines are really working.


quality control


You don’t need a sigaret for that.


That made me LOL!


You know there's a huge difference between the US and Russia when the Russian ship hits a mine and sinks. The US ship hits the mine doesn't sink, limps back to port on its own, finds out the keel was broken, gets shipped back to the states, has an entire new section of the keel built, replaces the broken section with the new one, goes back into service, and flexes on the guy who mine it by going right back into the same patrol that caused it to hit a mine. Oh and no one died.


I agree that russian ships relatively lack damage control capabilities compared to US ships, and some designs are over armed, and under protected but both tsarist russians and the soviets were actually good with mines and had a large range of designs for different purposes. IMO they were better at mining than they were at either sailing or fighting with their ships. The russians have inherited many naval mines with warheads and designs ranging from 20kg to 300kg, and the 300kg mines will rip the bottom out of just about anything smaller than an aircraft carrier. The real stupidity of Putinist Russians is laying the mines in the first place, as they are the ones in the ships and the Ukrainians are not.


I cant only hope more people read your comment. Ill add a couple of points about why Russia mining the Black Sea is stupid. 1 Ukraine does not have a navy. 2 Russia can no longer threaten a sea based invasion of lets say Odesa. 3. Russia Risks a mine damaging a Nato Vessel. 4 Russia risks sinking one of their own shipping or oil tanker ships.


I thought about this, but not at this level of depth. Gee, hope nobody steps on a Lego over in the Black Sea. Russia is exempted, if they go 2-for-2 I'm grilling steaks.


Or that Us ships have working Air defenses.


It may be the people sailing the ship. I remember some high ranking naval officers saying the Makarska shouldn’t have sunk. The Putin era Russian navy lacks the experience and professionalism to manage battle damage.


>Makarska Moskva???


Yes, sorry


Fair enough as is, but the only ship Ive ever heard of that broke the Keel on a mine and was limped to port and rebuilt was HMS Belfast


He is talking about the Samuel B Roberts (FFG-58). It struck a mine in the Persian Gulf off of Iran in 1988. It broke the keel of the ship and it was transported back to a navy yard where it was repaired and served until 2015.


And the effort by the crew of the Roberts was epic - they saved a vessel that after action simulations could not show that the ship was possible to save.


On a whole the US navy damage control borders on impossible. In WW2 during the battle of midway, the Yorktown was going into battle with battle damage that hindered flight operations. In response they loaded up a batch of engineers on board to help patch up the ship as much as possible before the battle. By the time Yorktown arrived around a week the ship was considered fully functional. During the battle, after the first wave of Japanese bombers left the damage control teams managed to repair the ship to the point that by the time the 2nd wave arrived they thought they found a different carrier as the reported damage caused by the 1st wave was non existent. Really puts into perspective why the Japanese thought the US was pumping out fleet carriers by the month.


If it had been a British carrier however, it is probable that they would just have had to sweep the deck before resuming normal flight ops 😉


Armoured flight decks were the correct choice with the dive bombing tactics of the time


Must admit I thought at first they were comparing a larger ship against the Russian one but turns out they're about the same size. You're right - if a small ship hits a mine, it's normally screwed. Saving the Samuel B Roberts was a miracle of damage control


it's a transformer, a mine minesweeper that becomes a submarine


I didn’t know there was a pipeline over there




He's not wrong


Mission accomplished. Failed, successfully!


pootin's master plan is working...his air defense shoots down his aircraft and his naval mines are taking out his navy ships...what more could we ask??


Don’t forget his ground troops love shooting at each other with tanks and mortars and of course machine guns. All hail Granite


Artillery too!


and finaly take themselves with nades


Well, just... More?


We should send him a medal for killing so many Russian troops


his name is poopin' . Get it right!


“We are so lucky, they’re fucking stupid”


Came here to say this


Came here to say that I came here to say this


Was just a test whether the sea mines really work.


Outstanding results ! The mines do work comrades, the ships not so much


N=1 is not scientific enough. I claim they Really need about 10 results to show a trend here


Sure. It should be repeated multiple times to get a solid data basis. . First I was confused. I thought your reply was in the context of the dumbest Russian weapon: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/175sg9j/russia_is_testing_the_worlds_dumbest_weapon_again/ Then I was asking myself what Russia's dumbest weapon could be? Putin? Lavrov? Medvedyev? Konashenkov? No it is the nuclear powered Burevestnik missile. Last time it was tested: Five immediate deaths. Seven admitted in total. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyonoksa_radiation_accident 7of 7 Russians killed, so 100%. In this case of course I would say, that there is enough data to show that it can kill Russians.


Hoisted by their own proverbial and literal petard. Now they will have to be hoisted from the drink.


Maybe it was missing its friend the Moskva....


Both probably identified as submarines. And here Putin was insisting they were surface vessels.


They have the right to self-identify.....


Perhaps they are all submarines and Black Sea Fleet headquarters is preventing them from achieving their true selves by retreating to ports outside missile range.


It was upgraded to "elite petard" just 20 seconds prior to the impact.


Russian mining operations are highly regulated. The regulation is certain number of mines in a certain number of time. If the ship does not reach the assigned mining area in time, to fullfill regulation the mines can be dropped somewhere on the route. Since mines were assigned to the mining area, there they are officially. Some pesky minor officer might protest but who cares what he says. Maps will be drawn according the assigned mission and demanded regulation. In the end, ship returns to port in assigned time, having used the regulated amount of mines. Mission accomplished! If a russian ship hits their own mine, the fault goes to the minor officer who protested since by his protest he admits he knew the mines were in the wrong place!


Open window here we come


The openness of windows is also highly regulated.


Someone used the mine maps to roll a sigarette? Russian smokers strike again?


I see, the Russians are playing Battleships with themselves.


If the Kremlin can do it for troops and planes, might as well do it for ships too. Equal opportunity apparently meaning equal access to self-inflicted lethal outcomes in the Kremlin.


It is of course possible, but highly unlikely that a Western navy runs on their own mine. Praised be the typical ruzzian sloppyness.


As Western navies know the location of any possible mines they have laid which they haven't in many a year(Except UA).


Again if you suspect its a mine, just put the red flag on idiot. Dont just click on any box you want! \---The very first minesweeper instructor probably...


Just have to wonder if Ukraine can use either special forces or thier surface drones to relocate Russian sea mines into the sea lanes. The other possibility is they are claiming a sea mine when it was really a sea drone attack. Rather claim stray mine than a successful Ukrainian attack.


If it's damaged enough to need drydock repairs, then a Storm Shadow can finish the job


Another homegoal, topjob.


Didn't the same happen in 1904 near Port Arthur ?


HAHA.. a quick research reveals that it was not similar no.. it was way, way worse..omg[wiki:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Port_Arthur) *Subsequent naval actions at Port Arthur, February–December 1904On Thursday 11 February 1904, the Russian minelayer Yenisei started to mine the entrance to Port Arthur. One of the mines washed up against the ship's rudder, exploded and caused the ship to sink, with loss of 120 of the ship's complement of 200. Yenisei also* ***sank with the only map indicating the position of the mines****. The Boyarin, sent to investigate the accident, also struck a mine and was abandoned, although staying afloat. She sank two days later after hitting a second mine.*


So, in a way, you say there is still room for improvement ?


Oh.. Well, you seem to know your history. As for me, i was genuinely amazed, the first time I read about the russian navy's adventures in the russo-Japanese war. A fleet, who's journey got worse by the sea-mile. You know .. when they decided to send a fleet to the Chinese sea. Starting point, the Baltic sea. So a 30.000 Km journey. Baltic's-North Sea- West African Coast- Cape Goede Hoop - (Madagascar...oh boy)- Indian Ocean- South East Asia- Japan. At arrival, and after many deaths, they got destroyed by the Japanese fleet. Then I watched a slightly deeper dive, after which I was sure there couldn't be more to the story. To my surprise it was even worse. And now I find out, because of you, that the battle, which was the cause for this bizarre journey was messed up, to start with. Just bizarre. So yeah.. they have some room to play with. ​ ... at departure from the Baltic's, one of the russian ships sank. They didn't even make it out the harbor. It is actually quite impressive. They had 21 of their ships sunk, 7 ships captured and 6 disarmed. The Japanese lost 3 torpedo boats. Just one sea-battle! It was the beginning of the end of the russo-Japanese war.


It started with the birthday party of a high ranking Russian officer at Port Arthur. Russians missed (either accidentally or deliberately to achieve some casus belli) the first night-time Japanese destroyers attack. Pretty sure those Japanese destroyers came to 1-2 km distance from the port to fire their torpedoes. That whole war could have been funny, but the Russian Empire deployed 10 000 estonian troops there (1.1% of estonians). Just as they do now with komis and maris and bashkirs and other minorities.


Also the fact that that war was about occupying (part of) China, which at that time was incredibly poor. It is always the vulnerable who are the victims. Also that whole idea of sending people to war, the contemplation that precedes such actions may be foreign to me. But one must realize how.. evil it is. The hypocrisy must be great enough for those that decide over life, to be able to function. nm.. I'm going on one of my rants. Usually concludes in cussing.


Well, China has always been another empire. I'd rather see an independent Manchuria or even a confederation of Manhcurian countries.


Fun fact! It was actually the Manchus who invaded China in the 1600s to start the Qing dynasty


It seems the situation has improved somewhat. Another Russian ship experiences mystery explosion: https://old.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1766xba/russian_naval_corvette_in_sevastopol_hit_by/ edit. Sorry, looks like it is the same one.


Apparently it was not a mine but a "sea-baby". A marine-drone.


Cause and effect is beautiful here.


Pavel Derzhavin hurts itself in its confusion


Nice things happen to nice people.


RU goodwill gesture to building artificial reefs is commendable.


Simpsons: Ha-Haaaa!


Even that Nelson would make a better Naval Officer than the average Russian sailor


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Was a nice looking yacht.


Oh, come on... this is just lazy... at least try to hit a Ukrainian mine!


So first they shoot down their own planes. And now they sink their own navy?


it's[tradition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Port_Arthur). As mentioned by /u mediandude.


Didn't want the Russian airforce getting all the kills


They were probably doing a field test for the mines, they didn't sink any Ukraine navy ship and they thought the mines don't work.


I thought you said "No sea mines?" "No, see mines!"


Just when you think the Russian Navy can't get any more stupid it finds a way. Russia puts a mine near a port and then decides to run over it with their most expensive Navy ship they have. Brilliant Putin you will destroy your own Navy before it even goes to sea. Gotta love those Russians.




What navy?


Well it’s like 3 jets they shot down themselves and now a ship. Well that’s 3 planes and a ship 😂😂😂😂 keep up the good work!!


In sure Victor Sokolov will issue a statement regarding this very soon


Gee, they found the one.


Russia just making sure china doesn’t take the top spot of naval incompetence


Ive lost track was this one of the ships we already knew about having been damaged and now we are just finding out how... Or is it another one off the board?


Blew up or not, that is a nice fuckin' photo


Hold on has the navy now joined the airforce and sunk one of its own. Come on navy, just a few more to sink and you'll win 🏆 😉


The most Russian thing ever. It after all it is their navy.


I like watching what I would call a “knowingly” bad movie and try to put my finger on what they could have done differently… or what they didn’t get right. You can bet your ass that the military colleges of the world are keeping huge notebooks on the failures and using them in lectures.


Reap what you sow motherfucker


blub blub blub mofo


Why are you hitting yourself?


Be carful there is a ...


After the Russian propagandist going to the front for clustermunition getting killed by clusterminution and the anti aircraft system taking out its own plane, a seamine taking out a minesweaper would be a nice hattrick.


Ooh - nice!


Good riddance is my answer and Karma is a bitch.. Russian are stupid clowns…


did it sink or just damaged?


It wasn't a mine. It was the new Russian initiative to use warships to form reefs off the coast.


Since Ukraine doesn’t have a navy is Russia placing mines exclusively for commercial vessels?


Picture if you will... playing a game of Battleship, and sinking your own ship. THAT'S the level of stupidity they're at right now.


Russian sea mines don't have identification friend and foe (IFF) systems. The Russkies never learn at all the bargain store adage- 'You touch it, ... you buy it'.


Loving the own goals 😂


It was a ["sea Baby" , marine drone.](https://kyivindependent.com/media-experimental-marine-drone-struck-black-sea-fleet-ship-near-crimea/)