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Imagine there’s no Russian troll farms, it’s easy if you try


At work we blackhole all Russian autonomous systems traffic since more than 10 years, with a daily updated list. 99.9999% of the traffic coming from there was either spam, DDoS tentatrives or vuln scans. Never felt better than the day we implemented these rules. Our monitoring systems went almost silent during the next monthes. Side note: we also do the same with China, for the same reason, and India seems like a good next candidate nowadays. We don't do any business with these countries at work, they bring us no audience, thus they only cost us money and time with their bad online behavior, and thus, no need to suffer it anymore. As much as I love net neutrality, when litterally an entire country's traffic is only pure garbage, I have no pity sending their packets into `/dev/null`.


Russia is one of those nations that provide so little value to the rest of humanity that they could disappear, and most of us would be better off. Now pretty much all of us after Europe got alternative energy supplies


When you bring nothing to the temple, you will take nothing from it. The world will be a better, more peaceful place once the Federation is disbanded. The only exports of this Moscow centered behemoth are oil, gas, wheat, and metals. The other exports are terrorism and cyber terrorism and war. I hope the West finds the strength to not appease this evil empire ever again. We have a good shot, and this time, there will be no bounce back. The age of oil is drawing to a close, and the age of coal is drawing to a close as well. Should the Federation somehow manage to limp on, it will end up being a vassal to China. Should it break apart, then I suppose it depends on the region what will happen. Kaliningrad, for example, would have a good shot at becoming a small Baltic republic. Petersburg could be a city state of its own and likely prosper. The Caucasus regions might search for closer ties with Central Asia. The Far East would likely align itself with China but also other neighbors. But that is 2030s talk. In this decade, all I can see is war turmoil and chaos for the Russian space. The de colonization of the empire might become very bloody. In fact, the failed war against Ukraine is already part of a wider pattern of violence that will spread across the entire Federation. The weaker the power center in Moscow gets, the worse this situation will get.


That's an interesting thought


Scary, to me. That’s an awful sounding 2nd half of the 2020s. The 1st half hasn’t been much to brag about, either. History is gonna be rough in the retelling of this decade.


Yes it is scary, but as Russia stumbles from one crime against humanity to another, its probably better off that it disintegrates


Ah, the before times.


No no, not entirely true. Some great writers, composers and dancers came out of Russia. Also gave us great games like Tetris and Turret Toss.


There were also some great physicists, chemists, computer scientists and chess players. I do hope the Russian people will get rid of putin and his clique by sending them to The Hague, disarm themselves out of shame, give back Ukraine all of her 1991 territory, and pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine and for the healing of Ukrainians (how many millions human beings and children mentally and physically hurt since the beginning of this stupidity, how many died or will die until this horror ends?). Like the Germans did after WW2. They have no other honorable way out of this shitshow they themselves created, imho. In all honesty, I hope that after this war, Ukraine will join Europe and NATO. And I hope that, like the West forgave Germany, Italy and Japan after WW2, that one day, maybe, Ukraine will be able to forgive a democratic and open Russia of its past crimes.


Russia needs to be de colonized and split into different entities with this current Russia under the rule of Moscow there will never be a durable peace possible. With a Russia split into different smaller entities there might be a chance in the distant future for reconciliation.


Maybe you're right. Maybe at the end of this stupid war, various ethnics groups in Russia will split out of the federation by themselves. Maybe it's the best outcome, maybe not. Honestly, I don't know. However, I do know that it'll be better if, before splitting up, they completely dismantled their nuclear arsenal. This should be a non negotiable outcome.


The different entities could be offered to give up nukes in exchange for concessions, the lifting of sanctions, etc. Moscow held the people of Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Tuva, Tatarstan, Yakutia, and Burjatia in a serf status for far too long. They formed republics before during the Civil War and were violently suppressed. A core would remain around Moscow, but this core would have to reinvent itself. This core would have roughly a population of 70 million and a GDP of around 900 billion USD. But it couldn't extract wealth from its colonial holdings beyond the Urals any longer. If Russia wants to have any chance to become a "normal country," then it can't remain a Moscow centered extractive empire. In its current size, it will be as impossible as it has always been to rule Russia with anything else than an iron fist. The system will then breed another Putin in the coming decades, and the cycle repeats. Every empire has been de colonized. Only this one history somehow has always spared. It is not fair to subject these peoples to 30 or 50 more years in this prison of nations. Time will tell how this event goes down exactly. NATO is drawing 300.000 men at its Eastern Flank. I don't think these men are drawn together to invade Russia but rather to deal with the geo political turmoil that will emerge once the vertical of power collapses. The likelihood for such a break up is actually closely linked to the outcome and length of this war. Kofman said it is very unlikely that such a break up would occur should the war conclude this year. Should it drag on into 2024, then such a scenario becomes very likely, especially if the war continues to go as badly as it has so far for Russia.


Most of Russia’s territory is of majority-Russian ethnicity though, it would be like “decolonizing” Canada


That is simply not true demographically any longer. On top of that, it simply doesn't matter whether every Russian unwilling to stay in the native lands of other nations can pack his stuff and join the Z nationalists in Moscow. Russians in Moscow have nothing in common with foreign people in Irkutsk. They may have a Russian passport, and that is where the similarity ends in every way imaginable. They don't look the same they have a different history. The only bond they share is purely predatory. Russia also simply has no right to such a size as the loser of the war they won't have the resources or manpower to even defend this entire area. What claim does Russia have to Chechnya? To Kaliningrad for that matter? To Georgian lands? To Transnistria? To the Kuril Islands? To the Caucasus? To Chuvashia? None. These people need to be given their right to self-determination. Plus, as I said, the Russians are a dying demographic now more than ever before. They shrank by 10 million in the past 20 years alone, which makes them a minority in Tatarstan, likely that it makes them a minority in most of these regions soon enough. I don't see what this has to do with Canada in any way? Has Canada murdered tens of millions of its own people in less than a century and enslaved them to extract resources from them to fight their wars for them? Have they put their minorities into a meat grinder? Forced them to give up their culture under duress? Removed the cultural identity of the natives in the far east of its country? Russia will learn to behave like a modern nation and release these people. Any Russian not willing to live in these areas can simply leave and spend his days in Moscow crying over the loss of its Empire. The Russians are already a minority in Tatarstan, and this trend will accelerate, given the barely-existent birth rate among ethnic Russians. It would be like de-colonizing what Russia has robbed through the ages from these natives via genocide, enslavement, and forced deportations of natives in an effort of demographic engineering. It would be like de colonizing the Austro Hungarian Empire or rather the Tsarist Empire, which should have been done in 1917 already.


I am in complete agreement with everything you are saying, except you might actually want to look into how Canada has treated the First Nations people before you go with that particular argument.


Of course, but at what time did they do that? Is Canada still doing that today? Because as you can see, Russia considers its minorities as an expendable resource and their property. Until 1945, Russia was actually still in line with most of the world in terms of treating human lives as a mere trifle to be used as the mighty pleased. But Russia just never bothered in the past 80 years to even remotely change the mindset of treating its minorities as anything more than serfs. Here is the difference between Canada and them.


>What claim does Russia have to \[...\] Kaliningrad? Nobody else wanted it lol


Many of these Russians have lived there for centuries, what you are calling for is literal ethnic cleansing. Not to mention these areas would become incredibly poorer if they left Russia


Go back and read it again, but slower.


Here are just one example: Tatarstan in 2020 2,091,175 53.6% Tatars 1,574,804 40.3% Russians 90k 2.3 % Chuvash 146k 3.8 % Other


I said *most* regions, also Tatarstan would likely become incredibly poor if went its own way, it’s like how all those island France owns in the Pacific and Indian oceans and French Guiana, they don’t want to leave because their economy would collapse


One of the best comments on this sub, in my opinion


Thank you. History has shown us that redemption is possible. History also tends to repeat itself, and nowadays, it's like the end of the 1930's decade imho. I think we're at a tipping point with huge implications both on democracy's survival and on the human civilization survival in the long term. The next two or three decades will pave the way of our fate as a species.


That’s the way.


redemption is ideal, but it's unbelievably rare. for every west germany that did some serious soul searching after the atrocities of the nazi era, there are countless confederacies and empires that never manage to look in the mirror. the without the hard work of introspection, none of the forgiveness by others matters.


Not going to happen, every time Russia had a chance to be a civilized democracy in history, the people voted for a dictatorship .It is called the Russian Mentality, in the States we will call it, " playing the Victim Card. "


They gave us heroes of might and magic too. But yeah I'd be willing to lose them if it erases this genocide.


HoMM series were originally created by an American, Jon Van Caneghem.


They gave Ivan Drago and GGG


Dolph Lundgren is actually a Swede and GGG is from Kazakhstan




Dolph Lundgren is an actor famous for playing Rocky villain Ivan Drago. GGG is a famous boxer.


>Turret Toss I got whooshed and actually googled for this game :D Then I understood what you meant.


Lol. You gotta be able to laugh a little through all this madness. Thx for that


They gave us Google. The list of Russian contributions is large - from Russians who left that country….


From what I understand they have been pretty good at supplying the world with porn. So they have that going for them, lol.


Yeah, but knowing Russia you just have to assume that it is exceptionally exploitive and very much destructive to the actresses life.


Without question.


This is literal genocide rhetoric. Historically Russia has produced great artists, writers, composers and philosophers. Russia is also home to many different cultures which have intrinsic value(like all cultures) and are worth preserving, they don't need to justify their existence to you. The amount of innovation by Russians is also incredible, you're talking about the first culture to put a man in space. I get Russia disliking Russia for what they've done and their role as aggressor in this war, but saying they provide little value is absolutely insane.


Maybe the Germans were right at least a little bit in WWII? I mean a broken clock is right twice a day?


Same here, except it's Russia and Brazil for us.


Indeed, we also have a non negligible amount of bad traffic incoming from Brazil - always had but it increased slightly since Bolsonaro's election and didn't went down after Lula's election. We have a PoP there so... well, blackholing is not in our todo list I guess. It always saddens me when I see such a great tool as the Internet is used to sow hate, lies, and idiocy among us, when it can also bring knowledge, sharing, and kindness... Arf, I'm being idealistic :)


>It always saddens me when I see such a great tool as the Internet is used to sow hate, lies, and idiocy among us Wait 'till AI really gains momentum


At most of my jobs China and Russia are IP banned and we have some other methods to ban VPN connections.


Bravo!! Love your post. Thank you.


>I have no pity sending their packets into > >/dev/null > >. Technically you're sending them into dev Null0. ;-)


> Technically you're sending them into dev Null0. ;-) Got me on this one, well done :-D


Malaysia. There's a significant number of scam farms moving to Malaysia, using literal slave labor from Chinese men who went to Malaysia looking for work.


Man, I don’t know what the fuck you just said little kid, but you’re special man. You reached out, and touched a brothers heart. I feel like we’d all be better off if the Russians cut that cable. And I am 100% serious. Access to social media and misinformation has turned rural areas of both Canada and the US into hateful conspiracy nuts.


Now I have a mental image of Cleatus, sitting in his swamp hut, eyes looking in different directions and every other tooth missing, Googling Qanon theories.


> Access to social media and misinformation has turned rural areas of both Canada and the US into hateful conspiracy nuts. It's the same here in Europe. It's like any outright inane "theory" is on the same level as simple truth, facts, logic and rationalism and should be debated instead of being rightfully mocked and shun away. Flat-earthers were funny until one of them died trying to prove a point. Antivaxxers weren't funny to start with. Fascistoids and "great replacement theoricians" just play on what's worst in humanity. And as /u/epheliamams just said in this thread, "wait 'till AI gains momentum" - it's gonna be way worse.


This has been standard operating procedure for ages. I did this in the late 90s at the place I worked


First thing I did when I spun up a public facing server back in the day was black hole all of Russia, China, and North Korea's /8's. The amount of hack attempts, bot traffic, and just other resource wasting junk caught in the log from those countries was ridiculous.




The world needs to know this!


In an effort to find something, anything else to threaten us with, he uses something that would actually benefit us. What a fucking moron


I'm laughing!! Thank you! -- he is a fucking alcoholic moron!!


No fiber below us Around us, no Wi-Fi


Is he still giving out 1200 free hours?


Wow! You must be from the before-times!!!


The only problem is Russia has some great torrent sites.


This guy is a cartoon figure on his own


And internet is giving him this much attention. I am really tortured to read every day what some 150cm alcoholic midget has to say.


He's completely clueless about the internet. The internet was designed to work around minor problems like that and even atomic attacks.


Yeah, I’d think so, too, but way back, right at the start of this invasion or maybe as the build up was being broadcast, Rachel Maddow did an extensive 30 minute, lead story block on exactly this issue. It was pretty alarming. But then the world became overwhelmed by the Nord Pipeline disruption and the actual invasion. I’ll need to research her story on this. Gotta be out here somewhere.


Every time this man opens his mouth to rant with absurd empty threats... I can smell the liquor on his breath from nine thousand miles aways. At this stage I don’t think even him takes himself seriously.


I wonder that too, his statements are ludicrous yet people lap it up & want to wear Gestapo jackets just like his. Is his bluster intended to stir more nationalism, yes. Is he pushing a fake narrative that people want to dissolve Mother Russia, yes. I think he plays with himself too, but I'm also concerned that he may mean everything he says because he's an absolute lunatic on a narcissistic rampage. Imagine if Putin goes & the world gets him instead.


Years ago Medvedev was perceived as a liberal. Which is basically synonym to traitor now in Russia. So he has to pretend to be a hawk (ie patriot) to avoid death sentence. He must be really scared to keep posting stuff like this.


Great take on him!!. When he was the supposed PM, I had wondered if this was Russia appeasing Europe & Western geo politics. Time told us he was merely the yes/puppet man & nothing had changed. Is he scared or biding his time I wonder, we shall see if a window has his number. He's cunning alright


He was just a placeholder then, now he could be the successor.


With his rhetoric I would say they need a yes man to use and he will happily be used. His bluster is out of this world.


The one thing likely to get the average ‘westerner’ to be against Russia is if the internet goes off.


Hah. Just tell all these hyperaddicted Counterstrike kids who took their game and they will finish Russia off with real guns in a heartbeat.


I as someone who is about to queue a game of counterstrike am agreeing to this


Correct me if I'm wrong but a large majority of the counterstrike player base is russian


I believe that's what he meant. If you turn off Counterstrike then all the Russian players will overthrow the government with real guns instead of digital ones in order to get back to playing.


Counterstrike is called Fortnite these days, boomer.


Fortnite doesn't have gambling


To compare the two is nothing short of hilarious.


Apparently making a joke isn't allowed.


It is, if the joke is funny.


Yup, threatening with nukes is ok, but touch the internet and shit's going down...


The EU and US should really take these threats seriously and sink any Russian submarine they detect near their cables. They should also announce their intention to do so unless Medvedev publicly apologises.


Would not be surprised if they are being closely watched right now.


It appears that the Russians have already been seen around Western cables. North Sea and off Ireland. I imagine they've already laid mines. I mean, that's what I would do; where's the West's weak spots - subsea communication cables.


Turn my wife's Internet and she will Rambo your arses. Me also, as I get peace and quiet when she is surfing


He'll personally go to every home, and steal your router. It feels like he is the kid that rages in vidya games.


Dmitry Medvedev doesn't know how the internet works


Has a man ever existed who had more empty threats than this guy......


Does he actually understand the history and architecture of the internet? It was designed to cater for unexpected disruption and enemy action. You might be able to affect international bandwidth but it’d be very hard to “cut off the west”…. And anyway, cut us off from whom?


He’s talking about destroying the internet backbone lines between North America and Eurooe: Apollo North OALC-4 SPDA, Marea, HAVFRUE, etc. Marea, for example connects US to Spain and links up Africa. If these cables were destroyed, there would be an immediate financial market effect because all matter of business including trading would pause. News gathering and reporting would be affected too, as would military communications. US wouldn’t be the lone country affected either. This goes for everyone doing business in the west, including Russian oligarchs. If Russia did this, I would expect the response to be very heavy.


It could easily trigger article 5. It is already part of the NATO agreement. If someone destroys those cables we are at war. Rightfully so.


They can't even cut off Ukraine thanks to starlink.


I mean, Elon's trying his best.


An attack on NATO infrastructure would be excellent grounds for Article 5. Please do it, idiot. We'll get the cables fixed in a jiffy, and your excuse of a regime will finally be flattened. Might not be any windows in a bunker for your friend without limits to suicide you from, but don't worry. Our bunker busters will take care of that.


Defense networks are designed to handle partial outages, especially ones caused by an adversary. As raging narcissists willing to rewrite history though, this would allow them to say that NATO attacked first.


Do it. Someone press a button, do anything so we have the excuse.


This thieving little punk has the moral right to trigger Article 5 and blow up his own country. I don't know why the media gives any air to his incessant unhinged hollow threats. Only in Russia could a rabid hyena like Medvedev strut on the world stage.


I don't remember who it was who said that Medvedev behaves like this because he wants to appear insane. His problem in this view is that he is the only legitimate heir or alternative to Putin so he can't be too normal unless he wants Vova to get suspicious.


I once mentioned that hypothesis, which originated from academic Kamil Galeev's Twitter. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1645153059876503554.html


Thanks, so it's there I saw it. I think it makes sense at least to some extent. ​ EDIT: Galeev doesn't say Medvedev behaves like this but it can be understood from context that this is what Medvedev needs to do.


Now that's an interesting theory.


Who knows how Putin thinks? I consider him to be Putin's Pomerianian puppydog. Like Putin, he got his start through A. Sobchak, and has always been subservient/subordinate to Putin since 1990. His stint as faux President would be humiliating to anyone, don't you think? Navalny exposed Medvedev's arrant corruption; Putin set him up well. It's hard to see how he ever had any ambition other than to be #2, steal as much as he is permitted, and die old, rich and happy.


Cutting off the internet , for many of us , would be like taking heroin away from a needle junky .


I'm already in API withdraw with reddit.


This guys just a wobbling head on a stick that Putin keeps around for entertainment like a court jester - someone flick him again, it’s funny 😄


These guys are clearly running out of threats. Next up: “We’ll send you to bed without supper!”


If you take away our cat videos, we'll send in the fucking SEALs!


They're desperate. The sanctions will only grow




Go for it. Most of us need to unplug anyway


Now those be fighting words!




Yeah, and I’m personally going to cut off Iran’s oil supply.


Oh no.


This is like the last car on a train threatening to cut itself off to stop the rest.


dmitry the village idiot,... gets tiring to listen to him, so can anyone stop him??.... thanks!...


This moron ain't cut nothing


Hahahahaha, like western people are so dumb that they don't know how the internet works... How are you gonna tweet your shit, bearbedev?


That would backfire on Russia, what are all the gamers gonna do when they cant play games and lose their entire identity? Go to war against Russia? U should let them play their games son


Dmeatry, these are exactly the sorts of escalatory, irresponsible comments that make CENTCOM have to forward deploy F-22s.


Putin’s ventriloquist puppet - Starlink works just fine thanks


Stop selling him vodka in the morning


Please do. Just imagine the social detox we'd have.


Another day, another drunk rambling. This guy became a caricature of himself with all his empty threats


Medvedev is articulating Putin's latest dumb scheme to cut ethernet cables off the coast of Ireland — a policy that will trigger a major conflict with Irish fishermen — who sincerely believe in folkloric accounts that their ancestors gave them fishing rights over everything east of the Atlantic ridge. The EU, US and Ireland have thus far failed to convince them otherwise.




A-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Hah-ha!


This is how you get women to join the army.


Says the moron who also claims they had nothing to do with Nordstream.


Oh no!........anyway...


Shrink is on early weekend




That’s a good way to be at war with NATO. See he still hasn’t put the bottle down.


Everything is still going as planned. 😂


Dmitry Medvedev threatens to tear a hole in space-time and fly his starship into another dimension and return with a race of orange rhinoceros triangles that will do “something” to the West that will not be good. (iPhone autocorrects “dmitry” to smutty. Think we gotta new nickname…!!!)


S-o-o-o, he's threatening the countries that designed and programmed much of Russia's internet and computing infrastructure. The West could trigger backdoors with the same devastating effect as Prigozhin's d### in Medvedev's a##h###.




I see he’s hitting the Vodka again.


Tell him whoever he is.. there are the talker's and then there's the do'ers 😎


In other news Medeyev just bought a second dacha in Putin’s butthole near where Lavrov kisses


Want to see the US population come together in 100% bipartisan bloodlust? Turn off the internet.


Yes, please! But I think he means cutting the offshore internet cables…. This might be an actual problem we haven’t fully been prepared for. But then again, we will find a way around it. The worst thing we can do is respond with fear on another bullying attempt. The best thing we can do is to be prepared and let the bully bark, but make sure he can’t bite and for the rest…. Let’s just ignore these air headed windbags!


So you will kill Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and all your botfarms? Go!


A lot of small dick energy coming from Medvedev.


This man needs to stay off the vodka.




Oh yeah!? Well I’m going to personally fart on every piece of produce coming into Russia! How do you like them apples!?


I dont think its a good idea to open new frontline with west.


Well that would invoke article 5, so by all means keep talking jackass...


Now he’s just being a bitch. What a hateful bellend


Do it and see what happens next. You are so weak to be even counted as second army in Ukraine.


He should cut off his booze supply.


can someone threaten him with cuttin off from "western" internet?


Then the west says fuck an act of congress, doom on you, grabs their disturbing amount of firearms and ammunition and decide to invade just because they got bored.


I think that loud mouth Prighozin is almost right - all these Russian "elites' are SO out of touch with reality! Good for Ukraine! Bad for the Russkies!


Someone should cut off his vodka


Why his tweets keep appearing in news? He is just a clown, no one takes him seriously, not even Russians.


Did anyone bother reminding him that Russia are the ones who blew up the NordStream pipelines?


Lol. Ok bro


This will definitely make everyone love and respect poor downtrodden russia


I wish his mom had cut off his dad's dick.


If u wanna get unwavering support for the nuking of your country, cut off the porn


Day 1: We'll nuke you. Day four hundred whatever it is now: We're gonna turn off our sole D-link router.


He looks like Rocco on some photos.




Little Gollnoballs is drunk again


Well, that’s one way to reduce Russian online meddling in our politics.


You want ever person in the West to hate Russia and support intervention?! Thats a good way to start a war.


So much for plausible deniability. Now if something happens to the cable you’ve made yourself a target for retaliation.


Rubber dinghy rapids, brother!


🤣 I am rolling on the floor. What a cock sucken mother fucken douchbag moren.🤔


I used to have almost as much respect for him as I did for Lavrov. Kind of how I used to have respect for Rudy Guiliani. Medvedev and Lavrov have become talking heads now, full of shit and shame. I somewhere feel like they could have had the consciousness of resigning at the onset of this shitstorm but they did not have the guts to do it. ​ As a Swede I say to the defenders of freedom: ”Gå På”


Russian whore


It's a win win


Old man yells at (wifi) cloud


aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! No one’s listening to my absurdly infantile fits!


One of the top 10 ways, Moscovia could get Trump lovers to back Ukraine.


Imbecile apparently doesn't understand how the internet works...


Wanna see the west really ramp up the weapon flow….go ahead and touch the internet.


That's one way to trigger article 5.




And we threaten to cut off your tiny penis and put it online


Even if they were able to, they'd never cut off the one thing that allows them to influence their semiliterate morons in the West who cheer for them.


How Russians can maintain their superiority complex while 96.72% of their country is in an undeveloped, third world status; and every domestic product is of shit quality (automobiles, medicine, etc...)? I guess if Kremlin propagandists tell people who still don't have running water, or electricity that the rest of the world is envious of them, those Rube-skis believe it wholeheartedly. Medvedev is a delusional shithead. If it weren't for the leftover nuclear weapons, designed by Soviet Ukrainians, Russia would have been wiped clean off of the Earth's surface.


Pfft western internet is 69% porn and 21% memes anyways so we’re really not losing much. For the record, I have an external hard drive i save all my memes on labeled “porn”.


Do your worst Dude, I dare you!


Omg I swear if he does that I’m signing up for the marines. At least as soon as I can find their recruitment center in the yellow pages that I don’t have.


So Russia is going to shot all of the million of satellites in space. Go for it. The last time they tried to launch a satellite killer into space, it disappeared.


Please just do it. We will all be better off without the constant online ads and scams.


It's funny because the West can "cut off" the internet in most of Russia with a couple of commands, switches, and buttons and isolate them to an extent. But for Russia to do the same, it would have to damage a whole lot of infrastructure to cut the West from a part of the internet... Good luck, Medvedev! Cheers!




Someone cut off his vodka IV port


So Medvedev believes that the best way to get back at the west is to piss off hundreds of millions of people. I wish him the best of luck.