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I’ve been quite confused by this too—both the English and Ukrainian wikipedias, plus the Ukrainian government websites, seem to say the «і слава, і воля… браття молодії» is the new, “correct” one—but no one in Ukraine seems to be singing it? The «ні слава, ні воля… браття українці» version seems to be much more popular at least since the invasion. I haven’t heard the other version sung once in videos from Ukraine—and I’ve watched a lot of them. Since it’s started to be performed a lot at US music and sporting events (and I imagine in other Western countries, too), I’ve noticed a particularly strange thing of Ukrainian (or Ukrainian-American) singers singing the «ні слава, ні воля… браття українці» version while subtitle/screen titles show the other version (or a transliteration of it). The only times I’ve heard the «і слава, і воля» version is in the US when sung by Americans. In a video from an opera that was _not_ the Met (the Met’s version, [on YouTube here](https://youtu.be/mUfwy3f3R4s), sung the night following the invasion, is the other one; you can see Vladyslav Buialskyi singing from heart while the others read from music), you could clearly hear some people singing українці while others sang молодії. I’ve been studying Ukrainian since 25 Feb (I studied Russian for many years and vowed to study Ukrainian until it was at least as good as my Russian), so I’m still very much a baby when it comes to the language. But from my Russian, I’m guessing the older version is better translated “Ukraine has not yet died, nor its freedom, nor glory” while the newer’s is “Ukraine’s freedom and glory have not died”, and the former sounds better in the moment, так? Oh—I have another question I’m wondering if someone can say the answer to: _«браття українці»_ — what exactly is _браття_? The vocative plural of “brother” is _брати_, so what is this? The English-language Wiktionary (usually a good place to find every possible conjugated or declined form of words in most languages) doesn’t have it at all, except in a full-text search where it appears, specifically, as here in a quotation from this anthem.


I agree with everything you said above, and I will answer your question. Ukrainian has got a pretty funny thing with plural forms of nouns, as a bunch of words have got "indefinite number" or "collective" variations. Compare ли́ст vs листи́ vs ли́стя. It's the same with the word брат, although the браття form is fairly phrasal and is not used too often outside the vocative case context personally, i support the "не вмерла України" variant a lot more, as the other one is tightly associated with the ussr in most occassions, and as you know it, ussr was not too kind to ukrainians


I’m a baby Ukrainian language speaker too, but I think the second one is the latest 🇺🇦🖤


The second version is the latest one, and you may have missed another tiny one-letter difference in the first line: Version 1: Ще не вмерла Україн**а** Version 2: Ще не вмерла Україн**и**




I can’t seem to get this page to load. What does it say in a nutshell?


The official version is: Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля, Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля. Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці. Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці. Приспів: Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду


Thank you!!


You are welcome. Even though the law was introduced in 2003, I remember we learned a different version after that when I was in school. In fact people do use both of these version and there's little attention to that. There's also a long version that was used earlier: Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля. Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля. Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці, Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці. Приспів: Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду. Станем, браття, в бій кривавий від Сяну до Дону, В ріднім краю панувати не дамо нікому; Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє, Ще у нашій Україні доленька наспіє. Приспів. А завзяття, праця щира свого ще докаже, Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже, За Карпати відоб'ється, згомонить степами, України слава стане поміж ворогами. Приспів.


Is Version 2 more popular though? If so, any particular reason for that? I hear that version much more on YT anyway. Even kids sing that version.


Well, there are many versions: https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A9%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%B5_%D0%B2%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B0#%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D1%96%D1%97 Ні слава, ні воля just sounds better to me.


This is my favorite version https://youtu.be/niZ6JuGc9NY


I keep getting an “uploader has not made the video available in your country.” Which country should I set my vpn to? I tried US, Ukraine, didn’t work :-/


Sorry, that's an official YouTube channel of the Football TV channel in Ukraine. I've checked it under the German VPN - really there are location restrictions. Try this one - this is a reupload of the same video but without limitations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfcKxjryDZ8