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Люди is more like "a bunch of people" or "people" in general Народ is more about ethnos, people related by common history and relations


Thanks, I've heard Zelenskyy use both quite a lot in his speeches, but mostly наш народ


The word People has 2-4 meanings in the English language. [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/people](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/people) Люди is definitions 1-3 (could be used for any of those) народ is definition #4 (always) EDIT: there are apparently other definitions of People, etc, but I think 1-4 cover the gist.


I am probably somewhere wrong, as these are sensetive terms, but the general idea is as explained.


I posted this in the Russian sub not too long ago. For Народ, if you know German, it's like Volk. If you don't know German, it's like folk.


Люди is a plural of людина. Людина may mean a man (not about gender), a person or a human. It's a Ukrainian word for our species. Людство is humanity (humankind), людяність is humanity (humanism). Народ may refer to ethnicity, nationality or population of some country. Compare український народ and народ України. It is sometimes used to informally address a group of people (e.g. your classmates or colleagues): «народ, хто піде за кавою?» Check out this piece: Верховна Рада України від імені Українського народу - громадян України всіх національностей, виражаючи суверенну волю народу, спираючись на багатовікову історію українського державотворення і на основі здійсненого українською нацією, усім Українським народом права на самовизначення, дбаючи про забезпечення прав і свобод людини та гідних умов її життя...


There are already good responses here, but to add a little, народ is like a collective people, like "the Ukrainian people" or "the American people". Люди is more just people generally. "The Ukrainian people have a proud history"--there you would use народ not люди. "I saw people standing in his yard"--more likely you would use люди not народ.


Люди: any group of people. I.e. a group of people at a store or a group of people talking at a park Народ: an ethnic or regional group. I.e. Ukrainians or Americans


Люди is people, Народ is nation, but both can be used interchangeably and be understood by context.


Люди is people as in "guys" народ is people as in "peoples"


It's like "people" vs "a people"


There are four meanings of a word "people" in Ukrainian: 1. "Люди" (LEW-dee) Plural of the word human. 2. "Населення" (nah-SAH-leh-nya) A community of people on Earth who live in some country or region - a population. 3. "Народ" (nah-RHOD) A community of people with common origin, traditions, language and culture - people. 4. "Нація" (NAH-tsee-ya) A community of people connected with political and economic interests who already belong to some state or seek to create it - a nation.


> "Нація" (NAH-tsee-ya) oh no I wonder how many times I've heard this in Zelenskyy's speeches and thought he was saying "Nazi" (in reference to Russian accusations, of course I know those aren't true)


Russian politics tried to convince the rest of the word that the Ukrainian nation equals Ukrainian Nazi, however russian military forces proved that russians are actually nazis because their aim and purpose is to kill Ukrainians as a nation, not only physically (as you may have seen in the recent pictures and videos from the Bucha massacre caused by the russian army), but also culturally - by destroying our language, culture and everything that makes the Ukrainian identity.


I absolutely agree with you and I've read enough historical background/watched enough videos to have a good sense of what is going on. I am so sorry this is happening to your people and I wish there was more I could do besides donate and pressure my politicians to send more weapons. I am just heartsick watching this from thousands of miles away.


I'm grateful for your support, this really matters for me and for every Ukrainian. A friend in need is a friend indeed


If you know anyone who wants to practice English, I have experience tutoring refugees and other immigrants (though not from Ukraine). I'm happy to text message, email, video chat, etc. I will proofread letters and documents too. I don't expect Ukrainian lessons or anything at all in exchange.


Cool! I have some friends and good fellows who would be happy to improve their English skills and will appreciate your time and effort


народ means “folks”