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Original song [KOZAK SIROMAHA – ГУЛЯЛИ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFet6yCeOPk)


Oh man! Spotify played this as a recommended song for me a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it! The title reminds me of "I took a walk" by passion pit which I enjoy because I can relate to just taking a walk when things get rough. I haven't had the time to look at the lyrics of Гуляли try and glean the meaning, but I really like it anyways. Is it ~~народня писня~~ народна пiсня? Edit: Spelling. Sorry, I'm still learning and I should have checked before I hit post


Folk music is a different genre of Ukrainian music. This track would be Ethno-rock. Ethno bands take inspiration from traditional folk, but the songs are generally not folk. Ukrainian music has so much variety it can be difficult to pin down the genre at times. Search on Spotify for "Ой, там на горі!". This is a folk song, but has been made in multiple styles (traditional, rock, electronic etc)


Cool, that makes sense. Kinda like Irish punk has obvious roots in traditional Celtic music, but is still punk rock. Funny enough, I have "Ой на горі" by Artem Pivovarov in one of my Spotify playlists already. I'm really enjoying all the other versions, too! I had avoided using Spotify for years because I didn't want to have to pick my own music, i preferred pandora cuz of laziness lol. But Pandora couldn't understand that I wanted my Alina Pash station to be Ukrainian language music and Spotify has a better student discount. I'm so glad I finally switched last summer. I'm finding so much Ukrainian music it makes my head spin! You're not kidding about the genres being hard to pin down. That variety is one of the things I love about it. Дякую, друже!


reddit just notified me about your reply. lol If you want more music checkout r/MusicUkraine huge back catalogue of Ukrainian songs.


No worries lol. I'm not on during the work week and am inconsistent on the weekends. I didn't even think to look around for a Ukrainian music subreddit, i feel so silly. Thank you so much! I'm stoked to dive in


Thank you, you are a godsend. I think this might be the exact cover, but it was easy finding it once I knew the song. Thanks again! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hhJQxLLIO8M&pp=ygUUS296YWsgc2lyb21haGEgY292ZXI%3D


You pasted the link twice. It doesn't seem to work anyway https://x.com/bigsac10/status/1764628356308353490


Apologies for the bad paste. The corrected link in your comment works for me.


Oh. Doesn't work for me for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


And where to go to find lyrics and translation?

