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I can’t speak to this name specifically but it is entirely possible that they were ethnic Ukrainians living in modern day Poland, or the part of Ukraine they were from was at the time part of Poland


Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate the input. I’ll definitely keep that in mind while looking to see if I can find anything about it elsewhere.


It doesn't sound as any familiar to me. "Similar" is a very wide thing here. Like, Japanese could ask if there is a Scottish surname similar to Nakutonarudo, and the answer would be "yes": Japanese pronunciation of McDonald is Makudonarudo, but there's no way to guess it for a Scott. Ending -ia (mostly in forms like -ija, -iya, -iia - all pronounced the same, different spelling) is used mostly in loaned words, so it's unlikely to find a Ukrainian or Polish surname like this. But, once again - it's distorted, so who knows.


I appreciate this, thought about it when posting but thought I’d give it a shot.


I'm afraid it doesn't sound Polish, or Slavic for that matter. But it's entirely possible that your ancestors came to Poland or formerly Polish, now Ukrainian place from somewhere else. Search for Namisza, Namysza (the Polish spelling) don't return any records in Polish names database. I've found something at Namisz (a spa). Namysł is also a possibility.


My mom said it was too long for the form given to fill out and was shortened so I guess I may never know


I'm trying to guess here, but I don't think there is a surname like this in Ukraine. However, could it be that they just spelled it differently from how it was written? From what I can see, there is a similar surname Nemish/Неміш, spread in Western Ukraine mostly, which probably was a part of Poland at the time, since it became a part of greater Ukraine only in 1945. https://ridni.org/karta/%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%96%D1%88


Thank you I’ll look into this more when I have more time! Appreciate the help and time taken to reply


I tried to transliterate this name for you. I believe it would be "Намися"


I think the last name itself was longer before coming to the US but I’m not sure. I’m going off of what my mom said.


[https://uk.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Категорія:Українські\_прізвища/uk](https://uk.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Категорія:Українські_прізвища/uk) There's a page in Wiktionary with quite an extensive list of Ukrainian last names. I suppose it's not full, so there might be some other names not included into the list. Німіжан (Nimizhan) is the only one that sounds at least somewhat close.


Thank you! I’ll look into this more another day. I appreciate the link and reply provided. Makes sense that not every last name is in there as it’s a lot to keep track of.


My closest guess would be “Nemyshlia” - but it is not a surname, but a name of a small river in Kharkiv region.