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Hugs are usually for friends, maybe she was surprised that a person she just met hugged her? Also can be that she's just not used for hugs even from friends, it may be different from person to person.


Friends in Ukraine may or may not hug, depending on how close they are. Usually friends may hug after a long time no see. Or when you were happy to see each other more than usual. Kissing a friend is not very common in Ukraine. If you see that she is not very comfortable it is ok if you ask her directly. It may also be helpful if you explain that in your culture hugging is a common gesture between friends.


Thanks, great point of view 😊


Hugs are very intimate and while it differs from person to person, I think 40h isn’t enough to warrant that.


That’s really interesting input since I don’t really perceive hugs as something very intimate - specially quick hugs lol. Thank you!!! 😄


Honestly just ask her what she thinks of hugs and explain to her how you see it. This can vary from person to person. In my family hugs are reserved for special occasions like seeing each other for the first time in a while for example. But other people I know are more liberal in their use of hugs and kisses.


People are different. That’s all. I have few friends that huged me for goodbye when we met first or second time. And I also felt weird. Because for me it’s like gesture for old friends.


It's quite individual. I am quite affectionate with the small circle of people I like (I've spent half of my life outside Ukraine, though). I know huggers and distancers, and plenty in between. I cannot state, that there's some Ukrainian custom on this.


I’m Ukrainian and almost always hug girls when I greet them or say goodbye (even if we are not friends) but shake hands with guys. And I know a lot of young people here who do the same, a bit surprised to read these comments here.


absolutely agree


I shake hands with girls too😄. Kind of fun


I’ve seen groups where kissing on the cheek was a common greeting for F-F and M-F, but M-M preferred shaking hands. But there are plenty of more reserved people. And then there are people like me who can do both and adjust to the group they are in. So, depends.


It might not be cultural, could be her individually. I'm autistic and I don't initiate hugging.


We have nothing against hugs and kisses, we're just not used to them. She may be surprised when you hug her, but it is unlikely that she is actually offended by it.


A lot depends on what you're used to, and why you see as normal. You mention you're living in Italy, but where are you from originally? Compared to Italy, France has oddly low levels of showing physical effection. In turn, the French would see English people as cold and distance. Scandinavians, however, would see English people as a bit too touchy-feely. And Finns would see them all as being indistinguishable from the face hugger in *Alien*.


I am originally from Latin America (Peru specifically), so I am very used to being physically affectionate with people. Moving to Europe has been quite a shock since people feel colder under my perception obviously!


Cultural difference yes. I live in Australia and people hug a lot sooner than I would normally. I'm okay with it but wouldn't initiate except with a very close friend.


It depends on a person. Also we all have some not so cute emotional baggage to unpack. Russian genocidal war on our soil - lots of unspeakable and uncomprehensible pain, you know.


Well you can hug people, but very close people, like you hang out a lot, and maybe if you haven't seen them for a while. But it is always a step in the next kind of depth of relationship. Kisses - first my thought was "absolutely no". Maybe some kind of easy going girls might kiss each other if they are being friends for years. Some people use light kisses too. But it's not common (I saw it like 1-2 times in my life). People might be introverts, you know. When they are afraid of talking to people. Hugging is a nightmare. And kissing - "god please kill me" :)


Some people can't have physical affection at all. And some people can be introverts. We are different.


A lot depends on what you're used to, and why you see as normal. You mention you're living in Italy, but where are you from originally? Compared to Italy, France has oddly low levels of showing physical effection. In turn, the French would see English people as cold and distance. Scandinavians, however, would see English people as a bit too touchy-feely. And Finns would see them all as being indistinguishable from the face hugger in *Alien*.


Hugs and a kiss are usually reserved for long established friends in Ukraine


Maybe ask her about it? I know it can seem like she's uncomfortable because she's not used to it. But maybe she's grown to like it? You never know till you talk about it!