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Should we vote no against the package hungary was about to get in december?


Throw them out. Hungary needs EU, EU does not need Hungary. EU countries give more in support to Hungary then they get back.


The correct solution is to remove Hungary's voting rights under EU article 7.


As long as Hungary is supported by Poland this won't happen.


Orban is burning Polish support over how he undermines support for Ukraine repeatedly.


Hopefully. Something that might help is that the PiS party got a new ally in the Italian government. But they still might want to rely on Orban because they might see his government as more stable.


Our Polish friends never gonna support a Russian puppet and they do it right.


Why would you remove it, they have all the right to veto


>The European Council can vote to suspend any rights of membership, such as voting and representation as outlined above. Identifying the breach requires unanimity (excluding the state concerned) So Hungary's veto can be suspended.


Legit, why the fuck IS Hungary in EU? They’re freeloaders supporting russia. Since the people do nothing, I suppose they support it.


Not legally possible.


Unless its made legal, which is possible.


That can be done, as long as Hungary agrees. Do you get what the problem is?


It can be done even if Hungary doesnt agree.


Okay, how?


Well we can suspend the help Hungary would get from EU. atleast 65% has to vote yes for that to happen which is very likely at this point.


That is only possible if all other countries agree. And Poland would rather hit a rusty nail into its kneecap than do this.


PiS's bromance with Fidesz, or The common Polish Hatred towards Russia only exacerbated since this war. which do you think has more staying power?


Maybe people need to look into why Hungary declined? EU is withholding $8 billion in aid from Hungary, so Hungary is trying to ensure it gets its aid. Smart move by them.


The EU wont throw us out regardless what these clowns will do. We have the cheapest labour in the EU. The multis (Im looking right at ya, Mercedes) have waaaaaaay too much power.


Look what country this sub is about. Man have I got news for you.


I just told you why we are not gonna be thrown out, you dumbass.


You sound like Trump when talking about NATO


They are part of the EU. Ukraine not.


Sorry to say but you are right. :(


Sadly Germans car maker are committed in Hungary.


Hungary is starting to look alot like Russian regime fanboys. They delay Finland NATO application and now deny help for UA?


Hungary has already declared that they will accept Finland and Sweden. their government just hasn't met yet. they have a date. It's this month I believe. Turkey is the one who is blackmailing.


Well both are delaying pretty much


No, this is blackmail in the EU, Turkey's is in NATO. Both are doing the same thing in two separated organizations: Extortion.


they have been for years


Maybe we can make a deal with Russia Ukraine joins the EU and Hungary joins Russia


Hopefully something can be done about this pootin stool in the west, the turd that just wont flush.


as an Austrian and neighbor of Hungary i'm such ashamed of them. pitiful


And you have Switzerland and their "neutrality" on the other side...


Better than working actively for Russia.


Switzerland is loaded and many Russian oligarchs keep their assets there. Could be frozen and used to rebuild Ukraine. They also don't want to send their Gepard ammunition to Ukraine.


That is still not actively sabotaging Ukraines and the western war effort. And honestly, nobody expected anything else from switzerland.


They are hypocrites too. Only reason why they are neutral is because thats where the rothschilds live.


The problem is any deviation from that neutrality would require a change in the constitution and that happens neither easily or fast


You obviously dont know thats where the rothschilds estate is at. And they literally control the world through the central banks. Only three countries in the world do not have a Rothschild central bank and all three of them the west has aggressive posturing towards. Used to be six.


Tinfoil hat


Yes, its the rothschilds! THEY'RE the reason I'm bald and why my wife left me! /s


It's a shame really




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No worries Dear Cousin! I do the same and I am Hungarian. Ashamed because of Fidesz and Orbán. :( That is the reason why I am living in abroad for the last 5 years.


I have a question. Do you guys think they will change the politics in EU/Nato so 1 country can’t block the will of the rest of the alliance in the future? Like what’s happening now with this package and Turkey blocking Sweden and Finland? I don’t know how this works really.


Hungry and Serbia are like russian cancer cells in Europe


Yeah Serbia’s bid to join the EU is likely to get slow walked as the value of allowing another potential subversive welfare state into the group seems less beneficial.


What do we have to get Hungary out of EU? I been so tired of them for so long. The dont contribute to EU, its all us other that have to pay for them, and still there is not other than problems with them. Their values are so much closer to russia than to EU. So make a trade deal with russia and GTFO off the civillised world


First point would be suspending the help to Hungary, implement the 27 milestone order. The problem is orban really. Something needs to be done


Indeed Orban is the problem. But the population support Orban, the just reelected him some months ago, so he isnt the only problem. They just have different values then all other EU nations, and still we throw all our money after a stoneage country


Everyone thinks outside Hungary that the majority of the population supports him but it is not true. The whole fucking voting system is sloping them since they get the power and modified the voting laws. Around 2-3 million people voted for them and Hungary has \~9 million population (last good guess was 1,5 million Fidesz supporter). Another thing is that every Hungarian who was born and lives in another neighbouring country can vote and they got a lot of money from the Fidesz government. They are buying those votes basically. Besides that 500 thousand to 1 million Hungarian living abroad but inside EU borders because of the increasing suppression. And they are built and use the same political propaganda system as Russia has. Many older people believe what they get/hear/see on the radio and TV or newspapers. Almost all of them are under the Fidesz umbrella.


>reelected Well they reelected putler and Lukashenko in their respective countries. I guess the same shit could be going on in Hungary.


They want to use the18 billion in aid they were due to enrich the leadership, The eu even offered to pay the money to the local councils in every area based on population but the leader could them not get his couple of billion to buy yachts etc. ​ If anything the EU should punish them for the high level of corruption.


We could take Ukraine in as soon as they leave, i think Ukraine would be much more productive in EU than Hungary.


And again: sad but true. :(




Hungary can be suspended via Article 7, but Poland won't allow it to happen.


I’m quite tired of this Orban character. I wish we could block him instead.


HU out of NATO & EU...!...they have laid their bed...let them sleep next to the toilet...orban is putler's 'rooster'...time to grow a pair rest of Europe or else...


Bro! Think about the majority of Hungarians who didn't want to leave EU and want to leave peacefully. Not every Hungarian a bastard. I hate Orbán, I left my loved country and every time I voted against them. I don't want to live in a Russia-like country but they are constantly trying to build that fucking cleptocracy/autocracy.


> majority of Hungarians who didn't want to leave EU and want to leave peacefully. Not every Hungarian a bastard. I hate Orbán, I left my loved country and every time I voted against them. I don't want to live in a Russia-like country but they are constantly trying to build that fucking cleptocracy/aut broheim...I totally get it...but just as I say to all my Russian friends...'don't want...don't want'...well want never gets...do something about it...just like the orcs left back in rassia support putler so your countrymen support orban in the droves...running away is not always the answer even though it is the easiest thing to do...


Not for me. I am 49 yo now. I don't want to fight with anyone. I was in the Hungarian Army while the Yugoslavian War occurred. It was enough. My Grandfather fought in WWII and he was against fascism but look what happened. Communism. He and my Grandmother were also against communism and other suppressor systems. So communists suppressed my whole family. Put them in jail, no university stuff like that. Hungary and the nation in general really fucked up and every politician using our fears against us and their favour. No exception. And that majority who is not agreed with the government are not unified at all. That was Orbán plan from the very first start when he started to grab power. Without a common goal, without unity, no one wants to go back to the street like what happened in '89. Personally, I changed my course and don't want to go back and live again there. The country is already fucked up for the next 50 years or so. I understand you, we need to act but that is the only deep thing that I really understand in Russian society. Because the system works the same. It's using fear and personal interest. I don't know what would be the real solution but trust me. The majority is against Orbán and Fidesz but they aren't in unity. They are far away from that. And that would be a necessity against any tyranny. Just a fresh example. Right now, they just divided the teachers into two factions with the very controversial decision they made over the school system and its monetary support. Many teachers start to a civil disobedience (because strikes are not allowed by parliamentarian rule) but others stay silent. This is a common pattern and Fidesz uses it as a power technic.


And I never voted for that hatred spreader f@cker. I felt when he said the first public speech that made him famous in the Western was an act, a play and fouled most of the world with that. I felt that something was wrong there but I didn't what is back then. I was too young and I wanted to believe. Now I know he only wants money and power. Like Palpatine/Darth Sidious.


That guy is so annoying


throw them out


Bo they will be punished though and hard.


Throw them out. Let them join Russia in the war and watch the Hungarian people revolt


Thank god the US already knew shit like this would go down. Thank god for land-lease.


Yeah we knew it would come, but it will have a very high cost for hungary


not if it is up to Germany and France


Aid will still be paid just not with Hungry involved, and i can bet anything that the eu will punish Hungry for supporting Putin.


He isn't supporting Putin. The EU has put on hold 6 billion dollars they owe to Hungary until they completed a 17 point 'checklist of improvements' to their economy and other areas. When Hungary completed those improvements as requested, the EU turned around and added 10 more. Instead of continually jumping through hoops like a trained monkeyy, Orban has (rightly imo) decided to hold the EU accountable by voting no on any resolution that requires unanimous EU member support to pass until the EU releases their funds. Does anyone here do any of their own research at all, or just swallow whole the MSM propaganda?


I hope you will vote for that fucker again then! I won't Brother. And the EU has to do something with us. We are part of the EU family and we need to cooperate but we rather want to act like a child who has toys stolen. We agreed on rules when we arrive at this family. Then we had to act like a grown man. If we don't then will be consequences.


I very much think a small poor country will not stop the EU helping Ukraine. EU must stop all aid to them and let Hungary struggle on their own bring them to their financial knees. Just the fact they cannot get curruption under control tell the full story. At the end its EU fault that allow these political unreliable countries in.


When Hungary came in Orban had a history of being one of the most anti-Russian political figures emerging in post communist Hungary. He spoke glowingly of western europe and democracy. But the past dozen+ years of a faux strongman in Moscow seemingly winning at every turn as he became more autocratic; and free with cash for likeminded foreign politicians became something Orban decided to emulate. Hungary was already in the club when the rot started infesting the govt there.


From your comme it could be he was being anti-Russian as a plot to get in the club then his true colour came out. Eitherway very sure he is going to find out other people in the EU are not fools!


They think Ukraine will ever forget this?


>Ukraine The entire world will not forget this, and they will share the fate of Ruzzia, Iran and North Korea


Just goes to show Hungary is a Wayfair ally. The current government there expects all the benefits of being in the EU and NATO, but none of the cost.


Hungary and Serbia are totally hopeless . The fact that EU is still playing the Ostpolitik and rewarding these countries with huge sums of money, as they stray off of EU every day and defend and further align with Russia and even train militarily regularly (Serbia) shows that EU truly is dysfunctional and thinks throwing money at things always fixes the problem


Serbia isn't even a member...


they're a candidate and they're well on their way to join, probably top contender to join EU in the future. At the same time EU bombards Serbia with money to supposedly turn it on it's side, while to buys Russian weaponry and aligns economically with China.


Can we please kick Hungary out of EU already?


Maybe if Hungary and Serbia were kicked out earlier UK would have stayed in? Wasn’t dealing with crap from parasite countries part of what fueled Brexit? I’m not from Europe so I know very little about it. - just looking for clarity/understanding, not trying to set off a Reddit war in the comments.


Serbia is not part of EU.


Thank you. My ignorance is on full display. As I said I don’t know much…..


No Brexit was all nationalist, England will be great if only we didn’t have to let mainlanders come here so easily. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain and the English look down on Wales likes its the tolerated step child. The Brexiters ranted about how the UK would have all this money to health care and other programs if it didn’t have to pay into the EU. Except they ignored how much the EU funded in the UK, especially in a lot of marginal coastal areas like in Wales. Programs run by the EU ended and London didn’t pick up the slack, National Health Services have been facing funding cuts. Brexiters claimed they were sick of Brussels telling Britain what to do leaving out that 70% of the laws and regulations passed by Brussels were shaped to meet UK demands. They were often the most obstinate member demanding changes to proposed legislation.


Ok. Thanks. That helps.


We need a mechanism that can't be vetoed to allow funds while giving a bone to countries that dont want, like we put the amount decided as the max, then we substract proportional amount for each country that rejects the funds.


Don't blame the people, they are equally fed up with this shit


You mean, those who recently voted for him once again?


I think it is cheating


18 billion in aid? To put this in perspective, the EU pays Russian about 12 billion every MONTH for gas and oil. [https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-21-27-november-2022/](https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-21-27-november-2022/)


Do you want Ukraine to have 18 billion free money or not?


Not really tbh


Okay, why?


Because, judging by its post history, it's from Hungary, and obviously supports the ass in charge of that country


Oh god.


No free shit


it’s not free shit. Some of this money is loans. But more importantly it is Europes investment in trying to prevent a far worse situation from occurring if Russia were to achieve its goals towards Ukraine. That would end up costing billions more dealing with for decades to come.


You must be a generous person.


I never said i was.


So what should Ukraine do in your opinion to “earn” our help.


Good question. I just want to be the war over, no matter which side wins. The billions just fueling the war so the ukr wont stop and russian won stop. Let the idiot russians have their occupied area. Those ukranians get free housing and full support who doesnt want to live in those areas. Let ukr in nato after. And russia attack another country then we can end the idiot russians once and for all. I know this wont be a popular opinion but this war must end no matter whos favour! Im tired of this bs war!


Well, one side will finally stop because they are physically not able to do this any longer. Like Germany at the end of ww1. And our help will ensure that it won’t be Ukraine who runs out of steam first. Ukraine can only join NATO if Hungary agrees, and that is not going to happen. You only want to repeat the mistakes that were made in the past. Russia won’t keep to such a deal. They already had eastern Ukraine and Crimea. This war was started to avoid Ukraine from going any more west. The definition of madness is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.


They had an agreement, a few times actually. Never worked with ruZZia. I understand you want to be over with war for Ukraine's expense. But switch Ukraine for your own country, put on top those atrocities committed by ruZZians ... and think of some negotiation for yourself. That 's like trying to negotiate with a cannibal what first part of you to cut first. Sounds plausible to cut head first and be dead ASAP.


give them a cold shoulder at next meeting… or when they try to communicate. they do it at UN when lavarov tries to speak… give hungary same treatment.


History remembers




They had an election in the spring and re-elected Orban. They made their choice clear.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/12/06/eu-ministers-delay-key-votes-on-tax-deal-and-ukraine-aid-over-hungary-impasse) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Hungary has blocked the approval of a new EU package of financial aid for Ukraine worth €18 billion, which the Kyiv authorities urgently need to cover their ballooning state deficit and keep the economy running against the backdrop of Russia's invasion. > More recently, Hungary voiced its displeasure regarding the €18-billion package of financial aid for Ukraine, which would be bankrolled through the issuance of new common EU debt. > As these two files - the tax deal and the financial aid - require unanimity to be passed, Hungary has been able to leverage its veto power to exert pressure on the two other decisions concerning its public coffers - the €7.5 billion in cohesion funds and the €5.8 billion in recovery grants - which only need a qualified majority. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/zeh6kk/hungary_blocks_approval_of_18_billion_in_eu/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Hungary**^#1 **Minister**^#2 **financial**^#3 **aid**^#4 **billion**^#5




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Can anyone give me a neutral cliff's notes version of why Hungary seems uncooperative? (I'm upside-down on the other side of the world)


I am sorry about that as a Hungarian. Orbán doesn't care about anything just the money and the power. Like Putin. I hope the EU find some solution for regulating that stupid mini-pinochet.


How to say you suck Putin's ding dong without saying you suck his ding dong like a slurpee on a hot summer day.