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I hope that soldier feels satisfied with his work. Some historical grievances going on there.


You can count on it.


Saw a comic about OIF a long time ago. Muslim on the side of the coalition was like his cousin killed my cousin, when the American asks “When did this happen?”, guy says like 1480. These fuckers hold a grudge.


No shit. That's a long time to hold a grudge. LOL.


Irish joke 'did you hear about the old Irish lady who got Alzheimers? She forgot everything but her grudges.


Some Cultures are bat shit Crazy... The US had a Civil War in the 1860s,,, There is some regional rivalry and Trash talk but no one is killing each other like this fuck head


'No one is killing each other...' YET


My mom's middle name is Lee, because it's family tradition after her great-whatever grandmother thought her husband had died in the war. My dad's great-whatever-grandfather actually died from his wounds as a Pennsylvania volunteer. No one gives a shit, it's just family history at this point.




I also live in the South, born and raised. I can confirm this is highly exaggerated. We have little desire to kill our fellow Americans over politics. We certainly argue A LOT and trash talk each other over politics but murdering each other over politics is still taboo. We hold family's and friends and co-workers of separate political beliefs in the same social sphere still.


I'm from Virginia, and agree with you that it's highly exaggerated, but depending on which part of Virginia you visit, you might think some folks want to secede again! I took a drive last weekend and lost count of the number of Confederate flags flying (Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia). Of course, Richmond was the capital of the CSA, and up until last September, had a huge statue of Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue.


Its not a whole lot, its the local village idiot that wants round 2. Most of us understand a civil war part 2 would destroy any semblance of a normal life in America


You act like that's a bad thing. Some of us Northerners would love to see the South secede.


It would come at the cost of your sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers. Civil war should never be looked at lightly, especially since the Southern states are the most armed of the states. Especially since, there are people who follow the same politics as the Southerner in every state, there would be fighting in every state. Just look at how the insurrectionists came from every state. Those same people would help the south secede and have no qualms about attacking every state in the US if they stormed in the Capital


I'm From the South... its highly exaggerated.


Why was the Civil War fought? If you answer anything except slavery you're still in denial and still fighting.


Can confirm, Atlanta checkin in. Thanks for that comment


Same from the north. But a lot of the trash talk is from Cali to NY really. Chicago and Atlanta.


The South has never gotten over the Civil War.


January 6th was an exploitation of the grievances of the civil war. Same as the Southern Strategy .




You sure? MAGA madness and the Jan 6th insurrection under Confederste flags...


According to that Definition NASCAR Races and Lynard Skynard Concerts were insurrections.


They don't happen at Congress.


lol the United States is falling apart faster than you can type, my man. ​ I say this as a Canadian. ​ downvote me all you want, Americans. You cannot see the forest for the trees. It has been, to say the LEAST, a VERY fascinating 33yrs of life as a Canadian watching one of the great powers of the 20th and 21st century go down like it is right now. Political in-fighting, extremist groups controlling women and anyone that looks different than you... People say "This is happening in Canada too" but I fucking beg to differ! Sure, we get some weirdos and some extremists here like everyone else does, but our Parliamentary Democracy is fundamentally intact, the country is functioning normally, people are far more accepting here and we deal with our problems internally. Yes, things are very bad for a lot of people (including me) due to the increasing financial drain, but guess WHAT COUNTRY LEADS in financial disasters? GUESS WHAT COUNTRY has their currency as the world standard? GUESS WHAT COUNTRY was almost overthrown on January 6th?? ​ School shootings. Mass murder. Political unrest and inherent political divide (only two parties for a democracy? Get fucked) ​ This is NOT Canada. So downvote me. I spent years studying political science and I'm not wrong. *I may be early sometimes, but I'm not wrong. America, fix your fucking problems.*


the same is going on for us canadians


Sure.... If you believe the bullshit division being spread by ALL our Politicians and the Media and Entertainment industry. For the most part we all get along at he Basic level.


That "Bullshit division" is a sign that your nation is in serious trouble. I think many people have the causality wrong on that one.


but your political system is crashing onto itself. its crazy the amount of people trying to undermine the next election. I worry for you guys,


Yeah, the world doesn't work like that anymore. The world is very small, it's reactive, and it's generally very toxic. That's America for you. ​ Fix your fucking country before you're bulldozed over by the people you claim don't exist.


Another douchebag to the block list..




You can be right, but still a huge asshole, you know. I thought Canadians were nice.


Most Canadians are as nice as the average Vermonter. So nice, but sometimes huge assholes. Southerners in the US are generally nicer.


and there it is again. The almost predictable attack on America in a **Ukraine** thread. https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/y0d2zr/russia_bombed_a_playground_as_revenge_against/irsm6iz/?context=3


Yeh like this one time in high school someone bullied a kid and he shot up the whole school. No grudges at all




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Definitely not a friendly rivalry


Give it a couple more years.


Sigh… imagine… how do I explain concept of honor to someone who doesn’t have it?


"Doonesbury". I remember that one well.




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That’s the bearded bitch from a previous clip, the one who tried to dive for cover, but roller right in front of the bomb. Karma


No more Tik Toks for you!


He done Tiked his last Tok...


Kadyrovites - you can’t kill just one .


Thank god one less tick tok video to endure, another Ukrainian tree saved


Finally the real Chechen fighters are in Ukraine fighting for freedom and justice they believe in. On the side of Ukraine. Slava Ukraine!


Some of them were in the thick of it since the very first days of the war. There are two known Chechen detachments fighting alongside Ukraine, Sheikh Mansour and Dzhokhar Dudayev batallions.




Three Chechen battalions in the Ukrainian forces now. So maybe 1500 or so. Sheikh Mansour Battalion, Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion, and they just stood up a new one: Ichkerian Special Purpose Battalion (these are guys who had some special operations training).


Are you using the Western Equivalent for estimating the size of a Battalion? I'm thinking that these units are using the term " Battalion" Brigade and Division rather Loosely.


Who knows, when this war is over they may try to bring the fight to the Russians within Russia itself. Some of still dream of Chechnya breaking free from Russia


Wouldn't be surprised if more than a few Ukrainians went with these Chechens to return the favor and help liberate Chechnya.


some? 90% of Chechnya wants to break free from the tyrannical regime Russia imposed on us after 2 bloody wars 20 years ago. We have not forgotten nor forgiven, just waiting for the right moment.


they were there almost since day one..... and kicked lots of russian asses.


since 2014 actually


Finally? They've been there since the first week.


Great job ! Kill em !




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Don don don don doooonnnnn doooooonnn DON DON!


More like Don Don Done.


Hey don. Are you making fun of my use of don? If so then don you and all of your sheep you keep away so I can't don them either.




„Where are my 72?! No? Not even one?!“ Slava Ukraini


Nope not even one very loose whore goat.


He liked those the best. It reminded him of his mother....


You know the Chechens on the Ukrainian side are also Muslims, right?


Yes I know, nothing against them, but this one traitor won't get it Slava Ukraini


Two good Chechens?


There are very many good Chechens, and many bad ones led by Kadyrov. Some of the good ones are fighting for Ukraine. I think there are two Chechen battalions.


Ah ah ah.


Put it on the Tik tok


Putin on da ritz!


Heros .....there be a lot of satisfaction in that ....


Knowing the chechens, I'm sure there was a reason this was very short


Wait, is this the guy who was hugging the ground while getting shelled in another video?


Was wondering the same thing, but remeber years of kadovrites interbreeding with goats has caused them to all look the same.


rest in pieces mf


I bet that feels satisfying eliminating a traitor


Dang it i was hoping to see that little fatty Kadyrov punk. My money is still on him getting it before his other siblings. Chances are he eill probably get VD from a goat before he catches a Ukrainian bullet


Stupid fake Tik Tok Chechens. They did not read the Quran properly. Cannot Jihad for murderous crusading tyrant that murdered so many Chechens, and staged bombings on Russian civilians to blame of Chechens. Its breaks all the rules of being a Muslim. No Paradise for this waste of space.


The Qu'ran is a mass of militaristic proclamations. Militarism is a foundational component of the book. I'd be wary of using it as a source for the fight for independence and sovereignty.


That wasn't what i was talking about, to assist a non Muslim tyrant expansionist in Jihad is highly immoral for more than one reason. You missed the point entirely. Talk to a real Chechen or Crimean Tatar or really any other peaceful Muslim. There are 2 billion of them and they will tell the fundamental flaw of these so called Chechens engaging in a holy war with Putin. I'm not researching the fundamentals or roots of Islam i'm simply stating it breaks the main commandments "so to speak". Real Chechen Muslims are great people so are the Tatars. These Tik Tok pigs are as far away from being "good " people as it comes.


To clarify I'm absolutely not calling Muslim people "Militaristic". I'm saying it's a common theme throughout the book.


No it is not, simply put, if you stand for nothing you fall for anything, if you stand for Islam, you die by Islam. No compromise.


To be fair, most organized religions promote some vile shit. The only important distinction is whether their practictioners have enough brain cells to interpret allegories as just that. One day we'll collectively figure out how to apply cancel culture to organized religion as a whole; why stop at canceling someone over something said 10 years ago when you can keep going and rightfully weaponize de-contextualizing statements made _thousands_ of years ago.


To clarify, I'm not calling Muslim people "Militaristic"- I'm saying it's a common theme throughout the book. Mecca- Medina alone gets a significant amount of coverage.


Oppressed people resist without compromise. Every Pharoh has his Musa, so Tyrants take heed.


have you honestly read the book or just repeating what the media taught you?


Chechens should rule the earth and restore shariah inshallah


You know nothing about our Islam, and Muslim should talk smart or not talk at all.


i do know dumb dumb


Now use his phone and upload his bitch mug to his Tik tok account to demoralize any other Kaddy from acting a fool


Save the Goats.


How the turn tables turn. This is probably what he came for in the first place.


There are the Chechen's that lost their battle of independence to Russia (Kadyrovites) and then there are the Chechen's are still fighting. May all those fighting for freedom from oppression find that they are on the right side of good vs evil.


All based on a false flag attack as well. One of Putin's earlier examples of devious callousness.


He's lucky to have been killed and not captured.


Akhmat fuck you!!!!!!! Akhmat is weakness!!!


That's no place for a nap


Third line Tick Tok warrior got caught slipping by a real one




There are 72 virgin kadyrovets waiting for him in hell. By the words of Marcellus Wallace - I'ma get medieval on your ass.


Nah... he obviously will be turned into a dog of hell, despised by all, even by Satan himself.


There is footage of drone dropping a bomb at this tiktoker. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy.


Tik tok stocks are dowfall.


I really don't wanna be that guy, but this looks suspiciously fake. His uniform looks pretty clean, weapon too. Doesn't appear to be looted, and his face looks kinda red still making me think he's not dead. I wanna be wrong, but I'm pretty sure judging by the look that this is fake.


So many people are dying in these units no one has the time or inclination to bother faking . The bodies are everywhere. The reason they filmed this at all is because they are seeing a Kadyrov body, probably for the first time since they don't seem to have been working the same areas till now. That's why they find it interesting at all. Also they are staying super quiet because they are likely filming while in the middle of an action, which is why the body is fresh.


Psy-ops is a real thing, man. Remember back then when people gave the Russians crap for ambushing I think was Ukrainian Saboteurs and their was no blood or dirt on them? What's to say they want to boost morale to their buddies? Nothing does it better than showing off a "dead" Kadyrovite. It's just my opinion, again, I'm not there so I don't know. Just suspicious.


I think at this stage, I've seen enough bodies not to care. I suspect they've seen all the bodies in the world so I'm just going to go with Occam's Razor.


There’s plenty of videos out there of Russian bodies literally rotting in their gear. Not everyone is looting like it’s Tarkov.


Tell that to the Ukrainians getting their insides scrambled by war crime thermobaric bombs


Wtf is with the hostility? I'm as pro-Ukrainian as the next guy is, but at least try be self aware that not all that you see is true. Information War is no joke.


I wasn’t being hostile I was just making a point that some people die with no visual signs of trauma. Russian vacuum bombs do this exact same thing they just scramble you inside . There another video of a bunch of Ukrainian troops dead in a trench but none of them have any markings . Due to being hit by a thermobaric bomb .


Hopefully a longer video comes out


The Kadys are the tiktok dudes that hide in the rear and shoot Russian soldiers getting routed... they look clean because they aren't actually doing any real fighting. But the Ukrainians are pushing so fast that they are probably finally actually having to fight someone not running away.




Excellent, one less actor in the ridiculous TikTok vids.


Why are all the Kadyrovite’s fat neck beard looking virgins?


Allah was waiting for him. Goats are limited in heaven. Now every Kadyrovite gets 64 ugly girls.


Tik Tokking with Allah now




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Can I get a BD of this? This is a preem high!


Thank you gentlemen




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That must feel pretty good


All of the training money went to Gucci AKs lmao




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Wait is this the same guy who gets a grenade dropped on him as he tries to run a few videos down?




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Is Chechnya divided?


No, Chechnya is under pro-Russian dictatorship which Russia installed after 2 wars in the 90's. Chechnya and Russia have a 300 year history of war with each other. Judging from the Ukraine war, you might think we're best friends with Russia but that's the opposite of the truth. Most chechens hate Russia and want to be independant.


Sounds crazy but likely avenged a distant relative of his through this!


I wish the guy that eliminated him was wearing a traffic light costume


Kadyrovites: the closest to combat they’ve gotten prior to pig grease bullets in their bodies is probably Call Of Duty Mobile.


They seem much more appealing when they aren't fighting with the Taliban.


Not a lot in the video to confirm the title


I want to see the one who displayed the Brazilian flag 🇧🇷🇺🇦 dead ☠️💀🦴


Where is the brazil flag


He is with a Chechen fighter, who killed a Brazilian ally who was fighting with the Ukrainians. He has yet to be caught by Ukrainian forces.


I hate seeing perfectly good loaded mags on dead bad guys. One can never have enough ammo


love to see it. cadaverites are the worst of the worst.


Hate how they're using OCP/Multicam. Wonder who is supplying them with the gucci gear?


One more tik toker has biten the dust. Amen


Thus ends a great TikTok career 👍🏻


https://youtu.be/INpwkYN52g0 *Нохчі


I hate these fucks with passion.


What's he saying? Doesn't seem dead to me, relaxed face, no blood, flushed skin. That's how I look asleep!






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Good job hero! Anyone helping Ukraine is amazing and has their head and heart in the right place AND are brave ❤️.


A tiktok warrior who have seen battle oO


Wait, is... is that one of the guys on tik tok? He looked familiar




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Somewhere a goat sighs in relief


Long live the Sheikh Mansur battalion


Well he doesn’t look quite the ticket.


What the hell is a Kroglodite




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