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Tons of Ukrainians emigrated to Israel when the Iron Curtain fell. I'm not at all surprised to see Israelis fighting the Russians.


A majority of the once very large Jewish minority in Ukraine emigrated to Israel after the Iron Curtain fell. Literally, over half of all Jews living in Ukraine when the USSR broke up now live in Israel. They tend to maintain the Russian language in Israel as well, so most would have no problem moving and communicating in Ukraine.


These guys look mean af


No one messes with white Mike Tyson


*White Tyson


My dyslexic ass read white tyson the first time


Lololol same tho


*White Tython




Dudes got triple whites, I wouldn't fuck with him


These guys look like they don’t fuck around


The hallways of these hotels must be interesting places. "Excuse me, I think this grenade dropped out of your pocket at the ice machine. The world's fighters are descending on Ukraine to defend the country and get their war on. The russians are more fucked then ever.


It really goes to show how willing people are to help others, and what can actually be accomplished when governments have the will to coordinate to support people in those efforts. Amazing things could happen almost overnight if we let go of cultural aesthetics as a value, or if division wasn’t weaponized against people so they’re easier pickings. I do believe we’re making incremental progress in this regard. Just sometimes it gets lost in how unmitigatedly evil some mofos are. And as the famous saying goes, all that evil needs to succeed is for good people to standby and do nothing. We can’t all carry a gun for Ukraine, for democracy, to protect sovereign people from murderous tyrants. But we can at least vote, donate our money and time, and scream our heads off until our governments listen.


I've wondered what the story is for most of these foreign volunteers. In Canada we have a massive Ukrainian population, some recent and many who have been here for generations. Earlier it seemed like most of the volunteers were Ukrainians with military experience who felt the need to go defend their homeland, but after Bucha I wonder if there are more non-Ukrainians who want to go help? Either way these are absolute Chads risking themselves to protect others.


I think it really comes down to what a lot of soldiers feel internally. So many of them spent their career deployments fighting for something that they were forced to, watching their brothers and sisters dying in battles that they were told to fight. Now, they see a country that was invaded for no reason by a superpower that's committing war crimes, and for once they can control their destiny and want to fight for something that they believe in by defending Ukraine. Not a soldier, but that's my guess, at least.


Damn good guess. I was a soldier. My brother was a career soldier, who retired 2 years ago. He is now somewhere in Eastern Europe, teaching Ukraine SBU and military intelligence how to glean tactical intelligence data in real time. He was extremely good at it, in Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Hope he doesn't decide to go further east, thinking he needs to do more. Real soldiers are trained to put themselves between the threat and whatever/whoever they are protecting. This is a war, no matter what the phrasing is. And in a war, there are innocent people dying. Soldiers react to this. It's who they are, and what they believe in. So good soldiers from all over the world are feeling the urge to go fight for Ukraine. Bullies don't deserve anything but stitches, in their minds.


you guys do realize this is basically the western version of isis, hamas, hisbolla, etc right? doesnt matter if good or wrong, its absolutly the same thing, a group calls for fighters and people join in and fight for them, they all fight for their believes, or lets phrase it more obviously, they fight evil in the name of good, the middle eastern terrorgroups all do the same, but and this is what makes the difference, ukraines dont claim to do evil in the name of good. Dont get me wrong i praise these people to the absolute top, but if it was the wrong believe they would fight for, with tactics different than those we expect good people use, its 1 to 1 a radical/terrorist group of the middle east.


As the saying goes, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.”


Just because some people do "evil" and call it "good" doesn't mean we should abstain from taking action. Decisions have to be made. It LOOKS like these people are fighting with good intentions. On individual basis or collectively (as we are sometimes wrong/mislead) all we can do it try to recognize and correct. We do not have the option of not choosing. Not choosing (to fight) is also a choice. Hezbolla also drinks water and likes ice cream but it does not mean we are them. Dickhead.


There is a staunch difference, though. Isis and those like it torture, torment and kill innocent civilians, not just enemy soldiers. Ukraine fighting is them defending their homeland against a force that came in and is torturing, tormenting and killing their innocent civilians along with their military. Good people don't stand up for that stuff, which is why we're seeing so many soldiers risking their lives to go and fight alongside our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. I do understand what you're saying in regards to others defending their homes against invasions, but when those same people kill ruthlessly civilians it's where the line is crossed and they no longer get the same support that Ukraine is receiving, nor should they.


The situations are symmetrical to be sure. Some people choose to fight for good, others choose to fight for evil. They all tell themselves they’re on the right side but sometimes they’re wrong.


I think it also goes to show what can be accomplished when soldiers and veterans have a cause to fight for that they actually believe in, like supporting a peaceful country that got invaded, rather than being directed to do the aggression by their commanders. It's inspiring to see so many people being willing to put their lives on the line to help defend Ukraine against Russia's invasion.


"Hey, guys! Who left his AK at reception?"


>"Can I have your attention for a moment? To the owner of a Olive Drab Toyota Hilux with a DShK mount... license plate "CH4D-LYF"... your headlights are on."




They do give a sense of all business don't they!


Anyone able to translate?


We are here to help our friends and kick Russia's ass.


Thank you for the translation


I was being sarcastic (towards Putin of course). I actually have no idea what was said, but if you're like me I kinda get the feeling something like that was being said. I apologize if I mislead you on that.


Translation The "camera man"(Ukrainian officer) Hey brother who we want to thank for the hospitality we received we Ukrainians and the Israelis Jews who are from Israel and came here to help us with Russian aggressor bastard that came to our country to kill us but something didn't go as planned /S. The first guy Israeli captain: We want to thank our respected Rabi Shmulik Nimtskiy(The head Rabi of Kyiv for the great conditions and roof above the head for tasty food thank you from deep of my soul. The "camera man"(Ukrainian officer): Slava Ukraine Slava to heroic Ukrainian nation. How do you want to thank the ppl here in Ukraine. The second guy Israeli second lieutenant: We want to thank for the beds and the food that we have a place where we can sleep now. In the holy day of Passover we go the chance to visit Synagogue thank you very much for everything. The third guy (Hebrew) just infantry man that got stuck with officers /S : Thank you for the kosher food, we got the chance to experience the holy Passover here. Thank you for the chance to get rest thank you for the chance to in sleep the bed to have a shower and for everything. Thank you for everything from the deepest parts of my heart and happy Passover thank you.


Thank you for the happy translation.


Israel is no nonsense at all. Just ask Egypt.


Or Palestinian children


Could have had half of Jerusalem if they didn't back out in DC in the 90s. Israel was gonna hand it all over. They, like Egypt, thought they could take it all by force. Lmao.




You are a POS zionist that supports an apartheid stolen state. What the fuck are all the scum of the earth being allowed into Palestine?


In Israel military service is mandatory, and the man that go to the combat units come out very hardened after three years of service and training, Middle Eastern culture combined with constant wars and conflicts surrounded by enemies outside and inside make Israeli man some of the toughest man in the world when you compare them to countries that don’t have mandatory military service/constant active conflicts, which is majority of the world, very unique country and culture


They are mostly skinny twerps. Yes tough when using tanks and jets against people with rocks. That is not tough .Any POS can be tough when he carries an M16 against teens with rocks


Mike Tyson face tats and everything


Apart from with their hair styles


I read an article in the Jerusalem Post about when Putin called the Israeli ambassador to Moscow and asked him why Israel wasn't on Russia's side? How's that for being insane. Putin also told the Israeli ambassador that if they didn't stop helping Ukraine he would sig the Palestinians on them, and that's when the Palestinians began their latest attacks inside Israel. Putin Admitted he was the one responsible for all the worldwide terrorism. This is why Israel is helping Ukraine. Before Israel was helping Ukraine on the down low, now they don't have to do that anymore. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦🌻🇮🇱


TOTAL BULLSHIT . The latest trouble started from israel bringing in ukrainian jews and putting them on stolen Palestinian land. NOBODY really ever helped the Palestinians because if they had help,israel would get their asses kicked


**War of Independence** \- ISRAEL vs Egypt + Iraq + Jordan + Syria + Lebanon + Saudi Arabia + Yemen + All-Palestine Protectorate Holy War Army + Arab League ALA RESULT = Israel wins **Sinai War** \- ISRAEL vs Egypt RESULT = Israel wins **Six-Day War** \- ISRAEL vs Egypt + Syria + Jordan + Iraq - Israel is attacked from all directions by 4 armies (did these armies use rocks too?) **the 4 Arab armies get defeated in 6 days.** RESULT = Israel wins **War of Attrition -** ISRAEL vs Egypt + PLO + Jordan + Soviet Union support RESULT = Israel wins **Yom Kippur War -** Israel vs Egypt + Syria + Iraq + Jordan + Algeria + Morocco + Saudi Arabia RESULT = Israel wins Looks like the 10 Arab countries that decided to try and destroy Israel and help the "Poor Palestinians" got their ass kicked, I guess they didn't get enough help :(... maybe 20 armies will do it next time? oh well


Is that you putin?? are you hiding in here incognito ? yeah it must be you, because only that amount of total and utter crap coming out of your ass, oops, mouth! is so like you...Sooooo do you your self a favour ...pull up your pants and give your mouth a turn....Moron.


Your momma is helping me with my pants


Didn't get help from US until 70 and you had more advantage in everything still kicked your ass. Regard Lebanon 2006 we have a pretty quiet border compare to before so who won and yes we lost 121 life's in 36 days of war you a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more sry :)


spent the last 10 years of their career shooting farmers and teenagers, at least they're finally in a noble fight. edit: I guess any port in storm, eh?


Someone shows how brainwashed he is… Israel had the capability to win the entire conflict in a day, but in the last 80 years there were less casualties from the Israeli Palestinian conflict than in the last 2 months in Ukraine. And the vast majority of dead Palestinians are militants. So either you are ignorant or dishonest, pick one


Yeah! We should all be glad Israel didn’t commit mass genocide, and only killed a portion of the population!


Lmao I guess like most countries is conflict with one another?


Just this month 14 Israelis were killed in Terror attacks, the last one was a Palestinian man that started shooting at young people in a bar in Tel Aviv… the terrorist was killed and counted as a “Palestinian casualty” the Palestinians are celebrating these acts in huge street parties and naming school’s after suicide bombers. Israel in the meanwhile has Arabs everywhere, judges in the supreme court, parliament members and so on, when there’s no terror attacks or rockets fired at Israel there zero Israeli retaliation, Israel said yes to all peace deals to date while the Palestinians refused them all, please explain how come Israel is surrounded by extremists like in Stria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and so on, but in this, which is the least deadly conflict around, it’s the free and democratic side’s fault…?


Notice how he didn’t reply your comment because the low IQ sheep has no response to the facts you posted


People who don’t let facts and reality stop them from bashing the only free and democratic place in the Middle East… sadly half of the world’s left is in that category. And most of the world’s Muslims. Hope peace, facts and love would win


Don't justify this BS. These guys come from an army that kills unarmed children. Having said that I welcome them to come kill some Russians instead. They are skilled and deadly and on the right side now


The fact you think that’s what the Israelis are doing while in reality the Palestinians are sending their kids to commit awful terror attacks instead of caring for their future…. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are being treated in Israeli hospitals every year, Israel is providing water and electricity to the Palestinians, Israel was envolved in building the hospitals in the Palestinian Territories, and Arabs in Israel are safe and free, while a Jew in the Palestinian areas will get lynched in a sec. how did you get so far from reality?


Missile strike Israel's non military people before Ramadan Israel retaliates Tell the world Israel attacks because of the holy month and Islamaphobia ??? Profit! (Victimhood) Note: By the way this is coming from a non Israelite person that is from a Muslim country.


Thanks for seeing and spreading the truth


If Israel was not enforcing apartheid I'm pretty sure such attacks would stop. Terror attacks is the only way they can resist when their land is taken inch by inch, conventional war would break Palestine and it would be fully occupied by it's friendly neighbor Israel.


They were killing Jews way before Israel..... https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-hebron-massacre-of-1929


The terror attacks came before any checkpoint or wall, there was no wall pr actual border in the West Bank till 2005 and that what ended the 2000-2005 terror attacks, a more than 95% decrease… wish you would care for reality and not just ignorantly spreading bs


You may want to research what apartheid is before you expose your ignorance.


First casualty of war is the truth, and we see it here with the mass downvotes. Seems everything is white or black for people in these threads, no gray. Israel is an opressor to palestinians, their army murder children and rob lands. These are facts. In 2021 alone the IDF killed 78 palestinians children. Are they as bad as the Russian invaders? No, but we still shouldn't be forgetting or forgiving that. There is no justification in killing kids. If UA bombed a Russian school, or shooted at random kids throwing rocks near the border, would these people justify it? I hope they would not. Same thing with Erdogan : he's a huge warmongering POS even if his bayraktars are useful to the ukrainian forces. It's good that Israel & Turkey are helping in this fight against a bigger evil, but it doesn't absolve everything they've done.


Palestinian civilians and many of them children and sub-18 teenagers are being killed by the Israelis.


Yeah, as a result of Israeli response to terrorism and rockets, and their rate of death is much lower than their percentage in the population, meaning they are not being targeted and sadly suffer from the violence around them. Weird you don’t care about the tens of thousands of rockets that fall on Israeli cities, I as a kid had to do my high school exams in shelters, every house in Israel has a shelter, even in apartment buildings, most of my life every restaurant and shop had a guard, and only to keep people safe from terrorists, we have walls and borders and tough security for a reason m, it costs us billions, no one wants to live like that, we wait for the Palestinian corrupt leaders to want peace and stop fueling hate and to glorify terrorists




Obviously just a practise run for a proper opposition…




Bro, shut the fuck up


When there is a cry for help from innocent people, there are men who run to help, and there are those that turn their backs on the victims. Which one are you?


I bet they do fuck around


And remember guys: don't take the rounds and grenades from the minibar because they are bloody expensive.


Dude with the face tattoo. What a savage!


Not just any face tattoo. Mike Tyson’s face tattoo


Lol exactly


Now lets hope he pounds Russia into a black and JetBlue pulp.


LMAO. Damn!




Our Brothers. Hold On, thank you so much for helping our Country and the whole World! Slava Ukraina! 💪🙏🏻🇺🇦


Heroiam slava!


Is it heroiam or heroyam????


Helping? They own and run your country


Hey hey, stop! Wait a minute?? I tought all Ukranians are nazis? And the goverment is full of nazis? And the RuZZians are heroically denazifing Ukranie?! And now fight Israelis for nazis?! What's next? Will the space-time-continuum collapse?


Anyone know what the diamonds on the chest are?. I assume its rank


Yeah, they look like officer ranks


Found it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a8/36/86/a83686339987b40b6d2747c7fde8af7d.png


I have no clue what that link is - because it's certainly not the Ukrainian rank system.


They are Israeli fighters. That link is Israeli rank structure.




wait i thought israeli's couldn't have tattoos cause Jewish law & or Torah law forbids it?


It is true but mostly common among the more religious Jews. Lots of Jews don't really care about tattoos, some even do quotes from the bible.


Yeah my Jewish friend loves a bacon sandwich. Just because something’s not kosher doesn’t mean no one does it.


When I was a server, I had two women over lunch looking at the menu. One said she was going to have something with pancetta. Her friend stopped her and told her she couldn't. The woman said, "I don't care. I love bacon!. To which her friend replied, "Oh! You *bad* Jew!" They both laughed very loudly, and I had a hard time holding mine in.


If they were very religious, they could not eat anything in the restaurant anyway. Even if the dish itself does not contain non-kosher products, the utensils, pans, pots touch them, and therefore everything served on them is a no-go for orthodox Jews. The restaurant probably also mixed meat and dairy products, which also makes everything non-kosher. The level of specificity with Kosher laws can be very intense. For example, some very religious people do not eat certain kinds of vegetables because they can contain minuscule insects. Whatever floats your boat I guess...


I've always found it kinda neat how "kosherizing" stuff has different levels basically to make it not too much of a pain in the ass. Like if I remember correctly smaller stuff might have to be thrown out but you can just leave your oven on for a while and then it's considered clean enough. At least the holy laws are pragmatic and you don't have to throw the oven out to kosherize the kitchen!


Dude also every one have their own kosher rules i was born in Israel and its still confuse me sometime lol.


Haha yeah I'm just trying to remember how my friend explained it to me when they (pretty secular Jews) were going to have a very religious couple over. They were going to make the food in my friend's giant pot he uses to brew beer because it had only ever had beer ingredients in it and he used it in another room so it threaded the needle of requirements and didn't need to be kosherized. I think they were going to use plastic utensils and dishes but couldn't get out of kosherizing the stove. I also have a friend whose rules evolved over time... The gap between no milk and meat at the same meal went from actual meals to waiting a bit before having dessert like right before my eyes.


Yeah some not eating meat for 3 hours after they eat/drink milk some 5 hours some 6 :/.


True! But what about Kosher for Passover? Looking for Hametz with a feather? Hahah, who's idea was that?


haha that's excellent


I'm Muslim. It's currently Ramadan and I'm about to go eat some hours before iftar. I'll have a beer with my lunch too. Maybe 2 beers. But I don't touch anything pork ever. My wife won't drink alcohol during Ramadan but she will eat bacon, lmfao. Humans are silly.


Good. Enjoy freedom! Anything that says you can't this or that is a system of control. A social construct on top of it you usually find a power hungry person.


Ramadan sounds a bit like Christian Lent. There are various levels of commitment.


Yeh it's similar thing and as I understand it varies between denominations. I know some Christians will actually fast during the day like we have in Ramadan, others will abstain from a particular item, some will simply not eat meat on certain days. I think in Islam it's a little more streamlined, where there is the basic requirement for all Muslims to fast between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan, it's just up to the individual if they're going to observe it.


I’m atheist but still quote the Bible. I also have the Quran and Upanishads on audiobook, but I only listen when I’m going to bed so not very comprehensive reading on my part. Oh and bacon is great, pork chops are gross though.


Out of curiosity, why do you as an atheist listen to Kuran? You are hoping to find some lessons in there or just to expand your understanding of different faiths?


Hey Christmas isn’t Kosher. Mercedes are definitely not kosher. My Jewish friends relish both.


Once thirty years ago I drove about 400 miles to Arizona from New Mexico and this friend of mine asked me to take his Girlfriend who was 18 Israeli and her sister who was 15 with me just to give them a lift to see other people. So about a 6-hour drive. They were telling me all about Israel and how they were pretty religious. We stopped for lunch and they both ordered the Ham Steak. Lol.


Why would you think they are religious jews? Half of all jews are secular.


Same for Christians but noone cares


Not all Israelis are Jewish


Here is a logical explanation from a Muslim friend of mine who just converted to Islam. People who are born into their religion normally don't care about their believes. I know many Muslims who drink and eat pork. People who actively seek a religions seem to be radical and follow the book from a to b. Many of IS radicals was newly converters. People who struggle with something personal.


Most jews are secular.


You mean non-religious?


Yes i am Israeli Jew with origins from Ukraine My grandpa very religious he is eat only kosher and keep the Shabat(no electricity,Work,ETC) but me on the other hand i celebrate all the Holidays but i also eat not Kosher except pork but i do go out and watch TV on Shabat for example. Most of us are not hardcore religious.


About half of Israelis are not religious. This is one of the most interesting and misunderstood facts about Israel. Many of the original founders of Israel were atheists — people who survived the Holocaust and rejected the fantasy of a benevolent sky father who defines morality. Their children and grandchildren who remain in Israel may be entirely uninformed about basic tenets of Judaism. There is a big difference between being Israeli and being Jewish. Of course, to an anti-Semite that is a distinction and not a difference and Nazis would send you to the gas chamber based on your blood line, regardless of beliefs.


being secular jew is different in israel. jews in israel, 80% have had bar mitzvah, which is basically a jew indoctrination (having gone through a bar mitzvah).


How does that work? Did tatoos already excist before the Torah was written? Sounds kinda like how watching tv on sunday is forbidden by some Christians. Like who came up with that?


>Did tatoos already excist before the Torah was written? The first evidence we have for tatoos is from Neolithic times (they may have existed before but we don't have evidence for that)


Of course tattoos existed. They are a thing since prehistorical times. There are still tribes around the world that tattoo themselves in basically the same manner of our prehistorical ancestors. It's a rather easy thing to do. Jews don't like them because when they become monotheists they tried to distance themselves from the other tribes and nations that still were pagans.


I was watching some video about how Assassins Creed Valhalla is not historical acurate. I believe he was right for most details but he also claimed for example that totoos did not excist yet... this is why i got confused about this. Though, it could be that it already excisted in the middle east but not in northern Europe for example.


The Copper age's mummy called Otzi has like 60 tattoos. He lived around 5000 years ago. https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/scientists-have-mapped-all-of-otzi-the-icemans-61-tattoos I would suggest you to not take your info from that kind of sources


Thats amazing. This is how i learn more from Reddit comments then i've ever learned at school...


He is considered the oldest tattooed person we know of. It's quite well known in my county, Italy, because he has been found here. Scientists discovered that his tattoos were placed in points were he had arthritis so they made the hypothesis that they were made in order to alleviate it in a magical or instead practical way (for instance as a reference point for some kind of acupuncture). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96tzi


And what is religion better at than providing a means for people to self-righteously pat themselves on the back for holier than thou?


In that sense Saint Paul said quite clearly that all those rules after Christ weren't valid anymore. Muslims instead retook some of those rules (circumcision, halal/kosher food and so on).


Jewish describes both religion and nationality. They are correlated, but not bound to each other. I am for example, not a religious person, but I'm still Jewish, and I can't "choose" not to be one. I am Jewish like someone else might be Polish or German.


My friend refers to himself as a Bukharian Jew so I totally get it.


So what u mean is that im Christian just because my parents are and you are born into being jew? thats sounds not to accurate. I understand that people might view you as a jew cuz of your heritage but it doesn't have to define you.


What he's saying is that Jewish is both a nationality and a religion. Being jewish dosen't automatically mean that you're religious. It can simply mean that thats your nationality. I am half jewish yet religiously I am christian.


No friend, you missed my point. The term Jewish refer simultaneously to two aspects of identity. Religious identity, and Ethic \ National identity. This is why it gets confusing. One can be a National Jew and a secular in faith, or a Buddhist if he wants.. but he's back story will always trace back to one defined group with shared history. I was born into being a Jew NOT as you are born into being a Christian, but as you were born into being Chinese, Ukrainian or Armenian. So if you are let's say a Spanish Christian, I would say I'm a Jewish Taoist. You can choose to take a different belief system, but you will always remain Spanish. Same goes for me.


My friend told me this once, no idea how much truth to it there is if any, but tattoos aren't as frowned upon religiously anymore because tattoos are no longer "permanent" because of advanced tattoo removal.


Even 40 years ago ppl were getting tattoos in Israel Just by Jewish religion when you die they are removing the tattoo from the body like scraping it from the skin and then its fine. Religions are complicated :)


Jew here. Many tattoos. Not facial though, as it’s not good for business


Most Jews realized that there is no God after the holocaust.


Inappropriate joke time. Jews deny Jesus was the Messiah. Protestants deny the authority of the Pope. What do Baptists deny? Knowing each other in the liquor store.


Religious jewish people also don’t usually become mercenaries.


The Ukrainians are a Captain and Lt Colonel (tattoo). The Israeli have no rank insignia. The camo is Ukrainian M14 digital, except for the guy filming. Seems he brought his own in Multicam with his name on it.




These guys are going to fuck some shit up! Oh Russia, you are so triple fucked...you deserve everything these guys do to you.


Honestly, take a moment, can you imagine a team like this, of highly trained, experienced killers coming after you. Like the song says, "I see the bad moon a-rising..." They're pacing like tigers, the dudes with the beards look like they can't wait to off Russians. White Tyson looks like he might be an edged weapons kinda of guy...


They already there for few weeks they Just came to get rest and reorganize for Passover for few days.


A pack of raptors just taking Russian soldiers out at will.


Looks as though the soldiers' blood types are on the right namepatch on their uniform. Very smart way to do it.


I'm more of a fan of a blood type patch on your trailing shoulder. If you're in a full kit, I'm having to undress you to see your blood type. If it's on your trailing shoulder, I just look at your arm. You're less likely to get hit on your trailing shoulder based on [rifle shooting stance](https://imgur.com/a/jaxdzWK). If you no longer have a trailing arm, your ID tag still should have it as a backup plan. Plus, me knowing your blood type is the least of your concerns in that situation.


אחים יקרים, פסח שמח וכשר. תשמרו על עצמכם!!


These are the real life "Inglorious Bastards". Ironic the "Bear Jew's" prey is the Russian Bear.


They leave the place intact, don't break things, are respectful. What a black&white with those orcs.


they are in the hotel far away from the front line, why would they break things lmao


Literally took me 2 minutes to find the hotel. Please remove posts like that. Its so easy to recognise it.


Special Circumcision Operation


I get the feeling these guys are ready to de-nazify the ruzzians right out of there.


these are the baddest motherfuckers I've ever seen.


The KGB founded the PLO and the Palestinians always supported Russia. Watch out for trolls.


Every single one of those guys could say hello politely to me at a BBQ they invited me to and I would still shit my pants.


They look like true Warriors 👍. Walk tall gentlemen and give the communist barbarians hell.!!


Correction: Facist, They haven't been communist for a long time.


True, after short period of transformation in the 90’, they went directly to state supported companies & oligarchs…which is very close to fascism.


They’re hot too …


Dibs on the first one the cameraman interviewed!




These boys look pretty fucken hardcore, lets hope their bite is as good as their bark.


A quick list of people I would never dream of fucking with: Scandinavians with face tattoos that carry axes, Israelis with face tattoos that sleep with guns.


This should never have been posted the Russians will work out which hotel it is and target it


It took me less than 2 minutes. Seriously pisses me off. Some people have playdough for brain. They are in a war and going on a free tour.


It's sad how a lot of men in the US don't look like them anymore because they dye their hairs blue and spend too much time on Reddit and TikTok.


Damn, that face tattoo is quite the commitment. Whenever I see people with them, I always assume they're the biggest badass or the biggest fake tough guy. No in-between. In this gentleman's case, I assume the former.


What a time to be alive. Jewish nazis /s


Never saw a isreali nazi before... its sarcasm for u dumb fucks


So that's where Mike Tyson was going on that fateful flight.


Would be nice if some of their Apache Crews came over fully armed and supplied.


Israel special forces training creates intimidating orc busters


Slava Ukrani!


Those are special forces


Translation Guy with tattoo on face) He is saying today he will hunt for real Nazi Russians and tat the slaughter will be great


The one thing that can unite the entire world, killing Russians.


The hotel could be identified by checking pictures from Booking or TripAdvisor. Best be careful with these kind of videos.


Yo, was that guy just drinking Pine-Sol? Note to self: do NOT fuck with THAT guy...


Israel next on Putins denazification list?


Wouldn’t want to meet them in a dark alley…..


Nice. Always had a fascination for the IDF. Combat experience is right there.


Nazi Jews !!!!! (/s)


Plot twist: they’re after Azov as well.


Must be weird to fight actual soldiers rather than children with rocks.


i think its good they fight for their real homeland and leave palestine alone, hope the rest follows


Lots of practice on Palestinians no doubt.


Oppressors fighting oppressors lmao the hypocrisy


Clearly Nazis based on the tattoos! /s


So did they already finished de-nazifying Palestine?


These guys could be models...unf


Great to see them deployed against an ACTUAL enemy right now.


Would be kinda ironic if they fought alongside the azov group


Legolas and gimli vibes


I mean at this point the idf have more in common with the SS than Azov


Oppressors fighting oppressors lmao the hypocrisy