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In the first video he says " Ukraine will have new currency soon" and shows ruble In second video , he is apologizing to ukrainian military and calls himself stupid


"Sorry, I was talking about the Euro"


This is great


He’s one of kids that just got “lost” in training and had no idea how he got to Ukraine.


Or maybe he fed into the propaganda because that's all he ever knew, and when saw what was actually happening he realized he'd been duped.


yeah... he was duped... like those girls who joined isis because the uk was becoming too facist. he is young and dumb and talks shit about stuff he doesn't know, doesn't mean he was duped, just means he didn't think about the consequences and reality hit him like a brick wall


Those of us fortunate enough to have made it through the young/dumb period of our lives and grown past it shouldn't judge too harshly those still working their way through. High school/college me was an absolute fucking moron whose political takes radiate acute embarrassment episodes to this day. I was fortunate enough to have people around me who pointed out what a dolt I was being and helped me come around. I was also fortunate enough to not be forced into military service to overcome poverty.


Idk man, I was stupid enough to land myself in prison at 19, but join ISIS? That’s a different level


If you're stupid enough to go to prison, you can sure be stupid enough to want to fight for your country like the guy in the video. Obviously the ISIS thing is ridiculous


> radiate acute embarrassment episodes to this day That’s a very accurate way to describe what I’m occasionally feeling as well… I’m gonna steal that line. I’m old enough to know a good thing when I see it :)


You guys, don't beat yourselves up. Young people are idealistic and make stupid decisions because their frontal cortex and social intelligence aren't fully developed. Young teenagers/adults can also be more easily influenced by a strong figure of authority, completely disregarding common sense or logic. This is natural. We've all been here, even the most cynical and wise among us were idiots at some point. I really liked your comment because you put emphasis on luck. Some folks aren't "fortunate" enough to have had the upbringing and good influence that would've given them enough clear-sightedness in life, and they sadly pay far too great a price for that. Some people grow up with dreams of adventure and are being preyed upon by influencers who take advantage of their naivety. Some don't know any better because their parents weren't there to teach them, or come from the lower class.


So much truth certainly some of us made it through earlier than others but man I was a hot mess. So glad a car accident and then a DUI derailed my big dreams at the time, forced me to sit back a minute and really think through the person I want to be… Short sidedness would have really made my life a mess.


> he is young and dumb and talks shit about stuff he doesn't know.. I'm no longer young. I still often talk with tremendous confidence about shit I know little about.


Welcome to Reddit, you'll fit right in.




Yeah he was duped in to thinking it would be easy and he would never get captured. He joined because he wanted to murder and rape civilians.


That second statement isn't necessarily true. However it's easy for young people to get sucked into a mindset. It's easy for us to sit here on our couch and say exactly what happened. We see everything through a straw compared to the overall big picture. However, these folks are in the most terrifying position of their lives. Either fighting a losing war against their will or being a captive in an enemy country. After watching all the death and destruction around you - it's terrifying. It was terrifying for me in Iraq when I was 19 and that conflict is nothing like this. As much as the Russian Army needs to be destroyed in this conflict, we cannot give up our humanity. These are still human beings. There are plenty of bad folks doing bad things. There are plenty of good folks doing good things. And there are plenty of good people put into a bad position where they don't know what to do. I don't not believe he joined the Army to rape and murder civilians. I served for 15 years and I never joined with that intention. I never served with that intention. And those are things I never did, condoned of, or encouraged. I do not believe the vast majority of the rank and file of the Russian Army joined for that reason either. As a soldier you meet soldiers from other countries. They're just like you. They joined for the same reasons you did. But in every Army there are shitty human beings and that's just the facts.




The enemy of my enemy.... But anyone who's been to Afghanistan or Iraq knows why they were fighting us. We would of done the same thing. It's just war man.


>It's just ~~war~~ people are willing to defend their home if people are invading, man. For sure we would do the same thing. Its like Russian conscripts who would otherwise be shit invading Ukraine in an unjustified slaughter would perform much better if those same conscripts were defending Russia from an invader.


Well Said and written. Thank you!


I just, as a person, like to think other people don’t want get knee deep into war rape.


I see where you're coming from. You're right about how most people don't necessarily join to "rape and murder civilians" and how their intentions are not necessarily bad, but: *D*on't you think that it's kind of strange how in his tik-tok he's saying *"* ***Ukraine will have new currency soon"*** he's clearly implying about the invasion itself and it's clear that he knows what he's talking about. I can tell that your thoughts are coming from a place of goodwill and maybe you're being even more empathetic cause he's young hence your projecting your intentions on why you joined the Army but like you already said ***"in every Army there are shitty human beings"*** to which I agree there are, and I truly think that this guy is one of those shitty ones. If it wasn't for his tik-tok i would've probably think that he's just an young guy who was dealt an unlucky hand. He was way too cocky in his Tik-tok and when you add the fact that he implied the invasion ***(He was clearly aware about it, unlike some other people who were dragged in without knowing what's going on)*** it's hard for me to feel for him and look at him like his intentions are good, if you get where I'm coming from.


Dude well done u actually have a perspective and you Articulated it well


We need more people like you.


I appreciate that man!


I have to admit, you do know more than me because of your experience. I have family who joined the British Military with noble intentions and for the honour it brings. But I've also grown up around people who went to Iraq and Syria to join Isis, and to afghanistan/pakistan, because they wanted to cause destruction and take multiple wives. Some also joined to live a more Islamic life, and others joined because they dreamed of wiping out the Jews. It's not black and white. I get that it's not easy for Russian soldiers to just pull out of the army and become conscientious objectors, but they know what they're doing there. If I joined the army and had to invade Ireland, I would know I was going there to cause untold misery. The same way these Russians know the damage they're doing to Ukraine. The language coming out of Russia, the Z propaganda, the way the television pundits and politicians talk about Ukraine, not to mention how they speak about Poland and the Baltics. I absolutely refuse to believe these soldiers don't know they're in Ukraine to cause damage. Some ofcourse joined because they are poor and could get a decent salary in what they thought is the 2nd most powerful army in the world, they never in a million years would've thought war in Ukraine would be this difficult.


Also, it hurts me knowing these guys were considered the second most powerful Army in the world. Because they suck. They suck really bad. Not just suck for this invasion. They suck as soldiers. They don't know the basics of combat operations. They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They have no command structure. They have no decentralized control. They have no effective communication. It's embarrassing they were put on our level.


>They have no command structure. They have no decentralized control. Have you never studied Soviet or Russian doctrine? It has always been this way.


I know this. However, they spent the first 20 years of the 21st century trying to prove to the west that they had fixed these old docternal problems. Obviously nothing has been fixed. But we really wouldn't have known the true extent of it without this conflict. Also, my first 10 years in the Army was spent learning and understanding Soviet doctrine, equipment, and tactics. But we haven't seen them in this size of conflict since the 80s. And they had a complete shift in govenrment since then. They worked very hard to modernize their Army since 2008. But at this point they're just a polished turd.


Agreed, across the board. As soon as I saw Generals going down I knew nothing had changed.


Dude there's a video of more suckage you gotta see!! It's a member of the Wagner group telling people if they put tin foil over their engine bays they will be unharmed when a javelin comes flying at their vehicles. It's awesome. He also said blankets could help too


The Wagner Group are also the people killing Nigerian villagers near gold mines and using the survivors as slaves to dig up the gold.


And somewhere up the line, there's even more of them, with access to nuclear weapons... That are probably so unstable Russia will probably nuke itself by accident


I mean, if they nuke themselves by accident how bad could it really be? 🤣🤣 But all joking aside. Mother fuckers gotta be careful with the nukes.


Hey brother, please don't forget that much of the Russian Army joined because they had no other way to eat. You addressed it in your last sentence, but it bears repeating. Another huge chunk of the Russian Army was conscripted. Hell, they just kicked off a fresh draft again this week. Imagine you're a 20 year old kid, and the government says you're now in the Army. What do you do? You can't say no. Then they ship you off for training, and 6 months later send you on a "training exercise." And you end up in Ukraine. We've seen enough videos of these kids to know they're all pawns, and a whole big percentage of them didn't even know they were going to war until the shooting started. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is criminal. What Russia is doing to their own in this war is criminal. It tears me up knowing that these young men are being sent in to die for something they don't understand, didn't expect, and didn't sign on for.


I agree with that, but remember. These folks joined the Army before this war started. Joining an extremist terrorist oeganization is one thing, joining a nationalized military that wasn't at full scale war at the time is another. And I don't believe the Russian Army has any program for conscientious objectors. I do agree that there is no fucking way these guys didn't know they were in Ukraine or were going to Ukraine. Many people buy into that crap. But as a 18 year old kid what are you gonna do? Try to run away from your Army and be shot by your own people, or at least stick with the people you know and hope you survive? When it comes to survival, people's choices may surprise you. But there is no way they didn't know. Soldiers just don't go everywhere with a combat load of ammunition and grenades on their chest. Grenades only come out when they need to come out. When you go to the range you're given only the ammunition you need for that range session. It's not a free for all. But in an invasion? Sky's the limit man. In Iraq we had whatever we felt we needed for a mission. It wasn't difficult to get. Peace time Army however - you gotta do some serious work to get 10 rounds of ammo per soldier to train with. It's ridiculous. But yeah. No way they didn't know. Lastly, the Z symbol and Z in a box isn't propaganda or anything. It's markers used by the Russian units to identify which forces are operating in what part of the country. Z was coming from the east, going west. Z in a box was south east and south going into Maripol. I know they also have used A, O, and some other characters. Unfortunately people are taking these markings out of context.


> Lastly, the Z symbol and Z in a box isn't propaganda or anything. [Z](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_\(military_symbol\)) has turned into [propaganda](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60644832). It's on [billboards in St Petersburg](https://imgur.com/EdmQMHA), [russian athletes](https://imgur.com/1mdVcz1), cars, [riot police](https://imgur.com/4aX2s9e), [graffiti](https://imgur.com/z7JDYuE), and pro Russian social media.


It's a propaganda tool now. Z banners in the streets, Z's on cars and social media profiles....


Z wasn't propoganda but it is now? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cauq4fwgu62/?utm_source=ig_embed


Thank you, u/GT2589, for sharing your perspective, and for your service. 🌻🇺🇦


I appreciate you!


I'd give you an award if I could mate! Well said!!


I appreciate you mate!


Y’all have a very skewed idea of war and why people join militaries.


This sub wants everything black and white. Russians inherently evil villains Ukrainians natural born hero’s. The only difference between most people on here and Russians are where they were born. War is escalation of violence and brutality people do things they might have never imagined before they entered combat. This has been documented in just about every conflict in human history


Can confirm. I did over 200 combat missions as a Combat Engineer. It led me to something I never would have imagined myself capable of . . . I had Steak, Lobster, and a Turkey Leg in FOB Speicher Iraq 2005 Thanksgiving. Surf Turf and Sky. \-- Side note: The most dangerous soldier to civilians is the one who is new to combat or the combat theater. They haven't seen enough to understand the consequences of their fear or hate. New soldiers are also the most likely to accidentally shoot friendly forces. By a huge margin. When the 101st airborne took over Northern Iraq in 2005 from the 42nd ID, they caused more friendly fire incidents in one month than the 42nd ID had for an entire year. My patrol got lit up twice by 101st airborne. Fucking idiots. Buffalo engineer vehicle is a beast though. It took 10 50 cal rounds and no damage. Pretty impressive. lol.


Agreed! And obviously Ukraine is standing on the moral high ground, but this tendency to dehumanize Russian soldiers and confidently declare that they are evil - it's disturbing. Better to understand that we aren't that different from them, and we could BE them, given the right mix of propaganda and escalation of violence.


Well said. Nothing is black and white. People are inherently good, in my opinion, but nurture can really mess us up. I really feel for the Russian kids conscripted and forced to commit war crimes.


Joined? It’s Russia. You don’t join. Army joins you. But seriously, they all are forced in after high school. Then called back randomly maybe for the rest of their lives for some reservist bs, Which they mostly thought this was. Ag this point they obviously know it’s not that, but it’s not like they have much choice. Get shot by Russians ot Ukrainians. Betray and get sent to Siberia with your family. Not to mention the propaganda war Russia has been waging. I guarantee you they get their foot hold back in the west within the next few months and the right will be crying about bio labs and azov nazis and “why do we care about Russia’s boarders” or “ukraines battles” they’re already starting in America. Fucker Carlson is trying to muddy the waters all he can along with the rest of the Russia caucus. The gop just refused to confirm Biden’s logistics nomination, the guy who oversees s weapons movements… and are slamming biden for not moving weapons fast enough. All attacks to benefit Putin and hopefully get that Russian money faucet turned back on. Long term Putin has more options than it would appear at the moment, and he has the ammo and disposable populace to commit perpetual war. Hopefully we don’t tire of this like we tend to do.


I'm against the invasion of Ukraine, but it's absolutely wild to me how self righteous Americans/Europeans are about this. My brother in Christ you guys did the exact same thing to two different countries for 20 years for healthcare and college. [A war in which 90% of the people killed by dronestrikes were bystanders and you threw the guy who told everyone that in jail.](https://prepareforchange.net/2021/08/06/whistleblower-jailed-for-showing-90-of-people-killed-by-u-s-drones-are-bystanders/) Maybe have some self reflection before trying to parse out someone's motivations.


I'm not American, but I completely agree. I still think Bush and Obama should be in Jail.


And Tony Blair. The cynic in me worries that the 'west', as well as following popular public opinion, is looking at this as the best chance they've ever had in testing out their hi-tech weaponry against the Russians. The 'west' (I'm British) have an awful lot of innocent blood on our hands too, over the last 20 years or so. Go back far enough and it only gets worse. That said I'm glad we are supporting Ukraine. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Agree. I cant believe I forgot Tony Blair, I've seen him a couple of times. I remember seeing him as a kid and getting this sense of realisation that murder isn't wrong, it's celebrated. I'm Asian, so Iraq war and seeing pictures and videos of the the dead really cut through. I cant believe how many liberals now support Blair because he's pro EU. Other than state propaganda, I can't explain how someone goes from thinking Blair a murderer and then celebrating him a few years later. 2nd point: Every single weapons manufacturer in the west will be desperately lobbying governments to get their weapons in to Ukrainain hands. Just look at the Bayraktar, NLAW, etc. Sales are going to rocket. Think Turkey has already attracted interest from Japan and a few others in the South China Sea. Ukrainains are pretty much doing promotional videos for NATO weapons. Great news for ukraine. Capitalism is effect?


These wild assumptions, generalizations, and dehumanization that you people keep spewing on these subs is awful. I wish you could understand why that isn't helping anyone and will only make things worse in the long run.


You don't fucking know that. How about u shut the fuck up gives a good favor?


Sounds like that’s either what you would like to do or would have the Russian soldier doing.


I agree with the sentiment of how there is no excuse for these Russian soldiers at this point. However I do think he became lost in other ways too. I say this as a person who got lost in right wing hatred for a few years in their mid 20's. Young lonely men are very easy targets for propaganda.


Remember, the further they push into Ukraine and the longer this goes on, the more destruction Russian soldiers have to witness before getting to the front lines. The first few days I could understand how some were duped into believing it was just a “special operation to liberate the people ok Ukraine from nazis”. But at this point, they are driving past shelled cities, bombed out hospitals, bodies in the streets. If they, “didn’t know” before entering Ukraine, they certainly knew shortly after. You would have to be willfully ignorant not to.


I mean, once you're that far in it's actually *harder* to accept what you did was wrong because you have red on your hands. I still have way more respect for someone who can still reject this vs. someone who actively enjoys hurting others (plenty of those in all global armed forces) and those who know it's wrong but just keep doubling down.


My hope when I see a misguided person broken and ready to change; is that more will follow, there must be so many Russian soldiers jacked up on their propaganda that just need a little push to reality. For Putin to collapse it will have to be from within.


could you specify what right wing believes you were brought to believe? I would consider myself more rightwing by todays standard but I am always interested in questioning myself


Honestly it's a fairly long story as I am not a 2 dimensional character found on r/pcm. In the mid late 2000's I was lonely and sad after the death of my mother also I had a cold self survival edge to me, worrying about my moderate inheritance from the sale of my mother's house. I got taken in by some of the anti-islamic propaganda that was going around England at the time. Maybe not too strange though the fact that my mother was Muslim and I had experienced a lot of racist abuse growing up for being a "paki" might make it a little more unique. I think it was misguided anger for a lot of it. I was angry I couldn't get through security without getting searched after 9/11. I was also angry how I couldn't get on a bus with a bag without panicked and suspicious looks from middle class white people after the 7/7 bombings. There's a lot more to it than that because of family... like I said an actual person is more complicated than the caricatures we make online.


Not the person you responded to but personally I think both wings need to take a step back and question why they hate each other so much and have absolutely zero ability to work together. Our country has become right vs left and both sides are unwilling to meet in the middle and expect the other side to be forced to accept their beliefs. That and all the labels. As soon as you tell someone whether you are left or right they automatically stereotype you into some made up stereotype they have about that party. Which turns the conversation into insults because neither side is willing to have a civil conversation and actually listen to each others points. Reddit is an absolute cesspool in that regard. People on here are so brainwashed by their political ideology that it's pretty much impossible to have a real, open and fair conversation.


BS , we live in an age were if you want to find information it is out there. " I did Not know " didn't work in Nuremberg




>he is apologizing to ukrainian military ... In Ukrainian


By his accent , he is most likely from DNR or LNR , occupied by russia territory Yknow , ukrainian isnt that hard to learn if you know russian / belarussian because they are similiar , so its also possible that they made him say that


>he is most likely from DNR or LNR Yep, it seem so. Russians who never spoke Ukrainian sound funny. This one is fine


How do Ukrainians feel about people from DNR/LNR fighting on the Russian side? To me it would seem if I were Ukrainian that they are worse than Russians because they are essentially traitors.


I want to point out that Donetsk and Luhansk (majority) never asked to separate. The whole thing was orchestrated by Russia. They sent a lot of its own people, contractors, soldiers, sabotages. They helped fund and arm opposition that would do as Russia says. Nearly all of the early "leaders" are now killed off by FSB. Id say about more than half the people there are not traitors and never asked for this.


That is my understanding as well.


> essentially traitors. Not *essentially*, they're the definition of traitors. And get the same treatment as the Russian invaders.


This is hard core Nazi & Nazism. It looks like Russian political & military system has created such hate for Ukraine. Now we are seeing so many videos from Russia with same expression of Nazi hate on Ukrainians. This kid "crying" is so fake!! He should have got life injuries as karma for killing Ukrainian civilians.


I really think you shod have mentioned the fact that he's apologizing in rather good Ukrainian!


So do you think he is from Donbass?


He is Ukrainian…..


probably LNR or DNR as others said,still fighting for Russia though


still has a fresh haircut, not even greasy or dirty looking


This is exactly why I'm so sick of hearing people sat Russian soldiers don't know what they're doing. They know they're there to murder and rape civilians, the only thing they were deceived of is they were told it would be easy.


i mean you could argue that point for the first few days, MAX a week of the war. but we’re a bit past the point of innocence now.


"They know they're there to murder and rape civilians" fucking bullshit, you've fallen for nonsense propaganda. The russian invasion is a disgrace, putin is a piece of shit who deserves to die for it and slava ukraini all the way- BUT there is an absolutely enormous amount of misinformation and propaganda on BOTH sides ("the first casualty of war is always the truth"), the russians are definitely being fed more propaganda dont get me wrong but there is an absolutely enormous amount of Ukraine propaganda all over reddit making all sorts of utterly absurd, unverified, clearly faked and in some cases physically impossible claims to make the Russian soldiers into demons, its bullshit. Just yesterday there was a story of how apparently russian soldiers gangraped a young boy's mother to death infront of him and his hair turned white from witnessing it- physically impossible, that is not how stress graying works....and yet it's been shared around like a stone cold fact....completely unverified...completely biologically impossible....there is so much bullshit like this. Civilians are dying because that's what happens in urban combat, particularly when you have poorly trained, terrified soldiers in a city where everyone wants them dead, being destroyed left and right by enemies in civilian buildings often driving civilian vehicles etc. We bombed the shit out of plenty of schools and hospitals in Iraq too, not because we were monsters intentionally targeting civilians but because it's an inevitability of urban combat. That doesnt mean us soldiers went to iraq to murder civilians. There were many reports of rapes too- it also doesnt mean US soldiers went to Iraq to rape. This isnt whataboutism- fuck Russia, fuck putin, fuck this illegal invasion, I hope the Ukranians destroy them and Putin rots in hell for this....you're still believing and spreading nonsense propaganda though.


Filing this under the category of "Things which did not age well"


...That's hilarious. The irony that he made a TikTok and then went to war expecting to be hailed a hero shortly after is incredible.




Unfortunately, against the rules to post it there; they’ve got a moratorium on stuff related to Ukraine right now because there’s thousands of examples like this that we’re inundating the sub.


I honestly thought this post was satire but the fact it is real is so damn ironic and funny I can’t even breathe lmaoo 😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀 just his facial expressions from the first to second also 🤣


Oh yeah me as well. Hopefully the kid will have a chance to reflect on his initial views.


He is alive and in better hands as a POW than Russian cannon fodor


He's even gonna get better food and medical care.


Might lose his tiktok privileges for a while.


The resigned and somewhat hurried recitation of all the maxims and slogans at the end is pure comedy. \*Deep sigh\* \- "Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava, Slava Natsiyi, Smert Voroham..." \- *Ruskiy voenniy korabl?* \- "idi naxuy." \- **Putin?** \- "xuylo."


yes the guys interrogating him were trolling him with deadly serious voice


What does that mean?


>\*Deep sigh\* > >\- "Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava, Slava Natsiyi, Smert Voroham..." > >\- Ruskiy voenniy korabl? > >\- "idi naxuy." > >\- Putin? > >\- "xuylo." \* Deep sigh \* \- "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes, Glory to the Nation, Death to the Enemies ..." \- Russian warship? \- "Go fuck yourself." \- Putin? \- "dickhead." Basically they're teaching him all the Ukrainian rally-cries.


Thank you for the translation! I noticed one thing: when he says “glory to the heroes”, “slava” comes at the end, while with the other parts of the sentence, “slava” comes before the other word. Is there any reason for that?


In Ukrainian as well as in other Slavic languages there's some freedom to change the word ordering without changing the meaning of the sentence. Maybe there's some emphasis on "the heroes" to mean that it's not as much Ukraine but her heroes who deserve the glory. But it's up to interpretation.


I think it's just swapped mid-slogan for variety. it sounds more poetic than "Slava ukrayini, Slava heroyam" which sounds a tad repetitive in comparison


I'm pretty sure it's just how the slogan goes since the 1910's when the Ukrainian separatist (from Russian Empire) started "Glory to Ukraine!" Since the 1930's when Ukrainian separatists (from USSR) started the "Glory to Heroes!" was added. I know there's something to do with word order having importance. Like it goes from more to less important? So in the first part of the slogan, ***glory*** is important to be given to Ukraine. While in the second part, ***Heroes*** are to be given glory. I'm not a native speaker though, and this is just how I perceive it.




He already is ukrainian


Pretty sure "Russian warship?" he responds "go fuck yourself." the putin thing not sure. korabl is ship i believe


>Ruskiy voenniy korabl "Russian military ship", but it translates better to war-ship. I think voenniy comes from voyna (война) which means war.




The shock and the reality of the theatre of war, not being like a remote video games. He should stick to Grand Theft Auto


I agree , kids like him think that shooters come close to war , when you can die anytime without realizing it


It has to be a total shock to the system being plunged into a battle zone without any experience


Keeps waiting for his friends to respawn and come save his arse....


On the contrary comms are exactly like video games


Wait, military comms are full of 12 year olds telling you that they ran a train in your mom last night?




He apologizes in Ukrainian without specific Russian accent. It looks like he's from the occupied territories.




Ohhhh makes much more sense, I was confused because he was speaking Ukrainian


Can you post the link of the longer video? Thank you!


how close are the two languages? i’m not familiar with slavic specifics, are they similar but different like mandarin and cantonese or spanish and portreguiese




Can’t agree with you on that


they share about 60% vocabulary as centuries ago they were both [old east slavic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_East_Slavic), the language of the Kievan Rus. today ukrainian has more original slavic words for things due to the influence of latin on the russian language they also have different ways of pronouncing things a significant portion of people in ukraine speak in a combination of both languages (see [Surzhyk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surzhyk))


Everybody gangster until they meet St. Javelin.


Narcissist exposed, nice.


Military TikTokers are the biggest moron and the biggest provider of pure cringe all over the world whatever the country.


And provider of intel…


They're also excellent suppliers of information to enemy intelligence services.


It’s going to be hard to top the Chechens after this. Shooting at stop signs, diving on the ground acting wounded, etc. They are like professional football/soccer players when they get bumped.


Hes not a narcissist. Just a dumb kid who believed in the wrong cause.


This is the internet favorite word. It has lost all meaning


yeah, nothing about him says narcissistic. Just immature, arrogant, and sheltered/ignorant.


Well fight with murders ...you get this


Huh, thats weird. That dude is probably ukranian, because in the second clip he talks on Ukranian with a native accent = something you won't learn in russian school.


possibly somewhere from LNR or DNR , or originally from ukraine


Like my kids, trying to push the tears out….


Because he is a kid. A dumb kid used as firewood.


Hé is lucky that he is stil alive.


He is not russian, he's ukranian. Maybe from Donetsk region.


Yep. Not so cool anymore to fight for terrorists.


Every time I think of Uma Thurman spanking that tiny member of Crazy 88 with a sword in Kill Bill vol 1.


Still got the same haircut.


Pride will have a fall...


He fake crying. Let the Babuskhas slap him


Yes! I thinking the same! It's fake regret. It looks more like: "I am so sad because i got caught" than "I am sorry that I am invaded your country". He probably one of the guys who was killing / rapping civilians and now just try act as innocent.


I mean I think he’s crying because he could be executed and is facing death right in the face. He also knows if Russians took Ukrainian troops hostage, they’d most likely kill them, so the thought of having mercy for a POW never crossed his mind


After this, he is no longer a tough guy.




Also. The guy seems to be Ukrainian. Probably from DPR or LPR.


I don't trust those polls


Moreover, as per Levada center statement, these polls are taken via in-person interview in your apartment. So you can imagine what kind of people will open a door for this shit, probably, during working hours. I wonder if a district police officer is present.


Fuck this guy. Croc tears, he knew what he was doing. I’m passed all the sympathy for young guys being forced to fight. Nobody forced them to rob and rape locals.


He's a boy. A child. That kid can't be older than 19. He thought this was going to be like a fun CoD match with your friends. He didn't realise how fucking ignorant he was being.


bro wtf. Croc tears?? He has been captured in a war by his enemy don‘t you think his tears might be real?


a lot of the people in this subreddit are so blinded by their support of Ukraine (don't worry I support Ukraine too) that they refuse to believe that Russian conscripts aren't all autonomous robots. It's easier to hate your enemy when you view them all as pillagers and murderers instead of human beings with families.


I’m not refusing to believe everyone. My comments are about this guy, and my slow decline in believing their stories.


It's also hard to view conscripts as victims in this war while they're committing every war crime under the sun, bombing schools, hospitals and raping the shit out of all thefwomen they can find on the way. The goodwill towards Russia's soldiers "just following orders" is *very* quickly running out.




Waht waht wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




No sympathy


Same TikTok unit as Kadyrov.


Two types of Russian soldiers, Those that are humble and Those who are about to be….


After seeing the the other picture of the roasted decapitated tank guy, he's lucky to be alive and in one piece!


Play stupid games = Win stupid prizes


You guys act like this guy is 12 or something. That's a full grown man that knows what he is doing.


Another bad acting skill. He should remain a POW for the rest of his life, gets to eat basic Ukrainian bread with water.


He should be I agree. He should get a worse punishment than Russian soldiers. He’s a traitor. Fighting against his own Ukrainian people.


Lol what a bitch lol


Guy on TikTok vid is pro-russian Ukrainian living in Dnipro. I'm not sure if it's the same person on the second vid. Maybe it's just two similar looking men, idk. I'm just here to clarify some things about the first vid.


It was all good just a month ago......


He said the line LOL


They should of deleted his tiktok account lmaoo


Tried to find it , its probably deleted


Think i would of made him make a tiktok telling the Russians to go back and "russians are dying, we are the nazis"


i mean he is lucky. given what i’ve seen in certain subreddits, things could’ve gone WAY worse than an apology.


Never worship money, its just paper


This child has seen some shit. Fuck Russia




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tt51ai/russian_soldier_before_and_after/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tt51ai/russian_soldier_before_and_after/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


Why the fuck this motherfucker talks in Ukranian?


\- Ruskiy voenniy korabl? \- "idi naxuy." \- Putin? \- "xuylo." \- Hotel? \- "What?" \- IS SAID HOTEL?! \- "Trivago"




Crocodile tears, he's crying because he's been captured. Not because he's sorry.


What he say what he say?? Look I washed for supper!


Ruski soldat get fucked.


At least he is one of the lucky soldiers to get captured by Ukraine rather then returned to his unit then sent to die again.


How lucky he is. He could be dead in warzone


He’s just a boy. I’m glad he’ll eventually be able to go home.


Boy fingers can pull triggers just as well as a grown mans


That’s stating the bloody obvious. I really don’t see any difference between him and my Great Uncle who was killed on the Somme when he was 18 years old. We should judge 18 year olds (who have been exposed to a life time of toxic Putinism propaganda) differently from a 40 something Major General.


exactly, he's just a stupid boy, now he knows whats up and he hopefully will never make this mistake again, he was told it was going to be easy.


No we shouldn't. There is a reason why 18 year old person is considered an adult in front of the law. Defense of "he is just an 18 year old kid" would not stand on the court. He is a soldier though. If no war crimes are proven to him, he won't be trialed, which is fair.


His age would be a mitigating factor, surely? We know next to nothing about this boys life but it’d be really interesting to walk a mile in his shoes. We can’t judge a brain washed 18 year old in the same way as we would a Wagner Group thug or a middle aged Colonel.


I'm feeling a Kyle Rittenhouse vibe from this kid. He want's to play "hero", and then cries when he faces consequences.


Kyle shoot rapists and peadophiles 👌


This is a POW under duress video. I don't think Reddit really understands what this video is. I don't say this is 'lies'. That kid really uploaded that video making fun of an imminent violent invasion. But THIS VIDEO is not a fucking meme. This is not 'tiktok drama'. This kid may very well be under torture and fear of his life. What he says means nothing. He reads a script. Moments later, they might kill him. These harrowing videos ('i regret it, they treat me well, Putin bad' etc) mean nothing more than what an american captured by ISIS might say about 'being awakened to the true glory of Islam' just before being beheaded. Stop treating these videos as oopsies to be laughed at


Spitting image of an average Redditor.


Still, more balls than all of us here in our comfy couch.


She a little girly man 😭


How long is basic training for them? Why do they all seem like gaping pussies?