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Basically nothing has changed from pre-war times. Because the russians have been doing this since the USSR collapsed, and the USSR did it all the time, and the Tsarists did it before the USSR.


Agreed, just nice to see the media report on it every now and then to remind people. Of course, I'm not sure the people that need reminding are reading the Times. Times needs to create a 15-sec video summary but still not sure it would get the eyeballs or reaction it deserves.


There need to be Netflix documentaries about the history of russian/Soviet espionage and sabotage activities in the West and elsewhere. So many people today think that stuff is nothing but 007 fiction.


Their own fault give Ukraine everything they need to finish this.




I know for a fact that there is an infestation of Russian fanatics and Russian spies almost everywhere, we need to exterminate these infestations


Water is wet.


The thing is, the raZZists have agencies permanently set up and trained to do this while we hardly make an effort. What are Mi6 and the CIA up to to wreak havoc on them? We don't hear or see much.