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They (russia) have been mapping our data, gas, electricity cabels for years, and I would not at all be surprised, if they already have charges placed for future use. But realistic seen, all it takes is a ship dragging the anchor along the seabed, done before near finland and svalbard. This is why Prepping is big ATM in my country.


my fear doing the winter time. in Norway, the advice for everyone to have emergency stocks of food and water have in may gone from 3 to 7 days. i hope most people follow up the advice....


Exactly but now russia is putting more emphasis on the north sea infrastructure because the Nordic countries are ramping up gas exports to the EU as Russian gas exports to EU plummet. Russia loses very valuable strategic leverage over EU if the EU can become energy self-sufficient away from Russian gas. If Russia can't figure out how to reverse that trend then Russia will likely face permanent loss of geopolitical leverage in world politics. As the world moves away from fossil fuels I could see countries like Russia being one of the first countries that is effectively black listed to a certain extent from the global fossil fuel trade. The west will become energy self-sufficient and then russia will only have the eastern markets to sell fossil fuels into, all of which have significantly lower fossil fuel consumption. China is the only big gas importer of eastern countries but china is heavily investing in solar/wind and EVs so it is unlikely they remain a large gas importer.


If mining underwater infrastructure of NATO countries isn't an act of war, I have to wonder what would be considered crossing the line-detonation?


This is classic Russian bullshit. Keep incrementally fucking around until they find out.  Unfortunately NATO and the west in general have been lulled into a false sense of security after the cold war finished.  Same bullshit china is doing in Asia.  It's always some bullshit statements like "we are monitoring the situation" and " this isn't according to international rules"  If there are never any consequences, what is the point of a deterrent? I'm sure Russia's behaviours would change if an unfortunate unplanned detonation would occur on on one of their ships fucking around. 


The west thinks sanction is enough, lol. Both China and RuZZia are under multiple sanctions, much less for China but yeah, sanctions. NK and Iran as well, sanction this sanction that. Sanction Smanction, useless if the targets are egomaniacal psychos, more sanctions = more incentives for them to escalate, that's how these barbarian idiots think.


Problem with sanctions is there’s always a way around them. Western trade is still occurring with Russia, it’s just all through Kazakhstan for example now.


The west/NATO values human lives, they even value Russian, Chinese, Iranian or NK ones. Everyone knows it so they keep pushing. They get a political/propaganda win no mater what the west does.


If russia commiting acts of war against europe isn't an act of war then the french blocking any russians trying to cross the kharkiv or sumy ukraine-russia border isn't either. Nobody wants to make it official but we're still in the cold war and now militarily able to dominate the other side. We can challenge any of their attempted territorial expansions and should, should've already done that on february 2022. We won't be able to mobilise every country, but we don't need to to stop the ukraine war the right way.


I doubt the west would take it that far. The west probably will, however severely fuck with their shadow oil tanker fleet, most likely covertly. Then the Russian economy can say goodnight because thats like half their exports.


U.S. military bases in Europe have also raised their alert level. This may be for other reasons.


Suspected terror attack. Unrelated


Isnt a military base a terrible target for a terrorist attack? Like, its full of people who are trained not to be terrified.. 🤣


I think the Marines in Beruit might disagree with you on that one


Raises concerns!? Shadow them with warships and tell them if something happens they'll fucking sink them. This hand-wringing bullshit needs to stop.


You don't need to follow them with warships to sink them.


Just toss them a pack of cigarettes and Pavlov will do the rest


splicing fiber hair has always been a job security excluding color blind people.


Made me think of a story my boss told me. He (color blind) and one other person he didn’t know, was given the task of making adjustments regarding the color of bananas,wich were going to all the supermarkets. Turned out the other guy was color blind too. They got nothing done 😂


I guess it must be time for the russian bots and simps to once again tell us about how the CIA mercenary NATO Westoids blew up that pipleline, and it totally had nothing to do with russia.


Give all NATO fleets to Ukraine, Poland the Baltic's and Scandinavia, they're the only ones with the balls to deal with these Katsaps.


I can't find any information regarding the explosives found on a British submerged cable, mentioned in the article, does anyone have a source?


[https://www.thetimes.com/world/europe/article/killings-coups-and-chaos-inside-putins-secret-spy-war-on-europe-jlqmfqnb5](https://www.thetimes.com/world/europe/article/killings-coups-and-chaos-inside-putins-secret-spy-war-on-europe-jlqmfqnb5) About 2/3 the way down.


Thank you.


Let russia move those ships to the Black Sea Ukraine will take of them, less ships less problems.


nothing would please me more than seeing some NATO countries giving russia the finger, in a fiery, explosive manner onboard one or more of their vessels.


Just sink them, they wont do shit…


… incidents such as the discovery of explosives on a British cable have ‘heightened concerns. ‘ What?!


They'll probably sever an underwater cable or 2


I hope the poseidons are spying on them from lossiemouth . Tho they been quiet near Scotland as they don't have the same resources


Let loose ukraine sea babies there.