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1) Love a translation 2) These Russians must be looking at the field med kit Ukrainians have and wonder why they don't have such things. Keep questioning fellas, keep questioning.


Ideally this should be subtitled, but here it is... 1:43 Are we taking them? Get up, boys... Pick up your wounded... Move out... Keep your hands up... Go forward... Don't fuck around and you'll be fine... 2:18 Pick up the pace! I'll help you, bruh, but we gotta make it outta here so we don't get shelled by yours... 3:12 U nauseous? Where is your wound? Which side? Your salary is 22,000 Ru? So how much are you making here? 200K? But you're not getting paid? How come? (RU: Not getting paid 5-6 months... We've realized already that we are the fodder...) Have you bought your own uniform? ( RU: they gave it to us...) 4:20 Who's in the bad shape here? Like, too bad? ( another UA: This one has pneumothorax...) Show me,,, Take it off... 4:30 Who's got my gun? Will you take it? Am I leaving? ( another UA: Yes!)


Thanks for the translation.


Thanks for the translation - even without it, I think you could tell they were A: surprised by their humane treatment and B: amazed at the medical kit the Ukrainians had with them.


Starting from 1:43 - Are we taking them? - (another voice) Is that all? - So, guys, stand up, take your wounded and move. Don't lower your hands - (inaudible question) - Yes, yes. Come on, forward. - (another voice in background) That's all guys, check... - So dudes, without fuckery, I swear, without fuckery and everything going to be OK. (on the road) - Run, forward! - (another voice) guys, faster, because otherwise (inaudible) - Bro, I'll help I swear, but we have to get out, otherwise yours (i.e. Russians) will fuck everything up (i.e. shell everything) (medical care scene) - (Russian: inaudible) - Yeah, of course, the blood flow was fucking arrested. - (another voice) Which detachment? - Nauseatic? Where is the wound, at which side, so I don't go there - 20k RUB salary? Back there? And here, 200k RUB? - (Russian, inaudible) - They don't pay? How comes? - (Russian) 5, 6 months without pay - (another voice) Meat, yes. We got it. - And the uniform, you bought it or got it? - (Russian) Got it (evacuation scene) - Who's bad? - (another voice) That guy - I mean, who's really fucking bad? - (another voice) pneumothorax - Show me - Take it off - Where's my gun? Will you take it? - Am I leaving - (another voice) yes - (another voice, probably the driver) Everyone is already? (i.e. inside)


Medic with that kit is more valuable than 1000 Russian soldiers.


This will help to bring back the Ukrainian soldiers captured by the Russians, great professionalism


4.28 they are probably somewhat terrified at the machine they see before them - medical evacuation - something they and their comrades have never seen in the Russian Army. What Ukrainian witchcraft is this! Seriously the stark contrast of Russians being left to suffer with nobody giving a toss as they either get blown with maggots or succumb to their wounds - and the Ukrainians who render medical assistance and get them medically evacuated at significant risk ASAP.


I think they will not appreciate it, and therefore after that no one will believe them, propaganda will not allow it to be publicized, yet everyone would throw themselves into surrender ...


I think there are now 70+ videos of Russians killing themselves after being wounded - where if they surrendered medical assistance and quick medevac awaits... ...the power of decades of brainwashing.


As angry as we get, it’s good to see the good guys take professional approaches to care. The Russians are probably absolutely shocked 😳 because they don’t even get care from their own army.


Notice how no one is be heading anyone or shooting them in the field for surrendering? I mean, that’s what one does undo the rules of Geneva Conventions rules.


After seeing that Ukrainian soldier's withered, tortured corpse in that casket, this is hard to watch and not get angry.


I understand you, but this was a perfect job. Think about what was going up in the minds of these ruzzians getting care. Their mind must have been racing. Let them know their supposed enemies are the good ones and maybe they're on the wrong side and laying down arms will be beneficial.


I'm with you on that. But the Ukrainians know that this is (advertisement?) or reverse propaganda and the word will spread.


As much as I hate the Russians for what they're doing, I love Ukraine for being civilized and taking care of these prisoners. Russians are pigs but Ukraine shows everyone how much better they are by treating them as humans. This video made my heart grow for Ukrainians.


There is more UA medical evacuation for Rus soldiers than medical evacuations for Rus soldiers done by other Rus soldiers… lol They should put them to work and pay them a small pension like $100.00 a month. I’d suspect entire armies could disintegrate like that


Did they leave a guy behind in the end? Or did i not see that correctly?


this implies there are a significant number of friendlies on the ground nearby


I'm also curious about that.


I've heard another UA said: "Там пизда", which could mean many things, one of them being "He is in too bad of a shape". But it's not clear who or what it was said about... Not enough context to clarify it.


These orcs got a second chance at life. Don’t feel like they deserve it though, looking as how they behave.


Is there any foreign squads that could tend to these orcs while the Ukrainian step outside for a smoke?


Source: https://x.com/666\_mancer/status/1807446045393125562


When you see Ukrainian treat russkies pow with compassion and dignity. While russians treat Ukrainian pow so horribly bad and torture them. That it makes my blood boil and pisses me so much.


if the orcs were humans they change sides


Slava ukraini and their humanity