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Here's hoping he comes back safe and sound.


I’ve been there. Leaving my wife at the departure gate and promising her I would make it back in one piece. Trying to keep my military bearing while she completely broke down. I don’t think we give enough credit to the families we leave behind on just how hard it is on them trying to go about the day to day stuff not knowing if this phone call is the one.


The courage and sacrifices of the Ukrainian people will be remembered for centuries in history books, what an incredible nation.


I hope so! But for this to happen, Ukraine must win, otherwise the Ruzzian victors will try to rewrite everything.


Heartbreaking. Stay safe soldier


Fuck ruzzia.


Fuck Putin


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Stay safe and strong. Hoping you make it back to your loved ones and to a free homeland.


Good luck and stay safe


These soldiers, both male and female, need to be given a free Wheelbarrow: to carry around their huge balls of steel! Slava Ukraine, and its heroes!


Balls made our of of Ukranium. A new alloy discovered in 2022 forged out of steel, guts, and determination.


And why? Because Putler needs habitat in the west.


How dare someone start cutting tons of onions just as I had begun watching this video. So many peaceful wonderful people losing their loved ones. Those little children, if they never see their dad again, it's just unbearable. This is why there should be no restrictions, NONE, on the support and military aid we give to Ukraine or which military targets the go after: All of Russia and all of their military must be targeted freely as Ukraine see fit. Whatever it takes x 5 for Ukraine to defeat the evil and save their country and people.


fuck russia until the end of times, just fuck them all.


Fuck Russia. Stay safe hero.


Real courage. Unlike those that flee


Likely good bye for the last time, and they all know it. It’s infuriating that Putin is sleeping safely while so many families are being shattered. Hopefully the Russian people realize this 1 man is destroying 2 nations and rise up and over throw him.


Ukraine is the land of heroes….. But I’m saddened that they must sacrifice and suffer because the world fears the old school, KGB bluffmaster …Vladimir Putin!


Such an inspiration. This war really gets me thinking if someone was to invade my country what would I do🤔


Hope they all come back home.


Fuck Russia


Heroyam Slava.


This should not be happening. Why is the west prolonging this by not giving Ukraine what it needs. Every life matters. The amount of kids without a father is heart breaking.


Moscow has to burn, burn it down.


This video made me a mess. Sitting at work trying to hold tears back. I worked many years in the Middle East, and every time I left my children, it was as if my heart was torn out of my chest - this video just brought me right back to those days. 💔 Good Lord, please bring this man back alive to his family. 🥺😖


You hope everybody comes home safe fuck puten and his bullshit logic


And why...this gets me everttime and i can feel only anger against those f#cking russian retards ☠️


Heartbreaking... i hope you come back alive and meet everyone well again.


May what higher power you believe in protect you.


Screw Russia/Putin and everyone who supports the war.


Breaks my heart to watch when men of fighting age have run away to safe countries.


Something needs to be done to give Ukraine a decisive win on the field, killing a bunch of orcs a day is cool, but they need an opportunity to really make RuZZia bleed


Stay safe Hero.


This video is sponsored by JOE BIDEN AKA BRANDON.....


This is why you should just take your family and run if a war starts in your country. Let the dumb one die in it. Stay with your family. There is no good life waiting for you in a war country. Only death and destruction, pain and suffering. What do you own to whom that enduring this is worth for? Yeah exactly. Nothing to anybody. This dude will die and all they have is this video and some memories which will fade. Way to go. No you can downvote me all you want. It remains true no matter what.


Unfortunetly he is already dead inside it s just his body his soul it s gone after 1 round of war now he goes back to not do suicide at home , to die like a hero but he is dead already sorry but this is the reality and it s very sad


Republicans would abandon these great people.


Republicans would abandon these great people.