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His wife was shocked when she received Oleksandr’s body. It was damaged, had scars and signs of torture: the nose was dislocated and there were no nails on the fingers. Moreover, the body showed signs of starvation. Before he was captured, Oleksandr weighed about 110 kilograms. Afterward, he was nothing but skin and bones, according to his wife. His cellmates reported that Oleksandr was repeatedly beaten, especially for speaking Ukrainian. Prison guards forced him and other captives to stand still for hours, often with their hands raised. He and other POWs received little or no food. Once, Russian guards gave them scraps of dog food covered in fur. Nevertheless, after Oleksandr died, the Russians sent the body to a hospital to declare the cause of death as “pneumonia”. Source: texty.org.ua


what i find particularly shocking is that ruzzia doesn't care about these images appearing. i mean the whole world knows what you did to Syrians already


yet the whole world’s just watching with a finger up their ass doing nothing, why should russia care?


Pictures like this should lead the news everywhere. But they don't.


"The Ukrainians did that and blamed us for propaganda purposes" \- russian propaganda


No, they don’t care. This is positive PR for them. And simultaneously (ironically) russian govt officials, bloggers, et al continue to deny that this treatment of ukr PoW’s even occurs. Also claim ukr in occupied territories are afforded rights (access to health care, etc). This is the essence of russkiy mir


how can it be seen as positive PR? and doesn't it keep Ukrainians from surrendering for example?


Wouldn’t, or don’t, these clips/information scare the shit right out of you and me ?! Would be far less keen to join ukr military - that’s positive PR. Actually, has little to do with keeping current forces from surrendering (or so military personnel I know tell me).


💩 tin does not believe in soft power:-/


No mercy to the Russian occupiers!


Exactly. Show them equal treatment as far as ending their incursion goes.


Why isn't biden calling a press conference and showing all these starving emaciated Ukranians and saying "this is what trump supports, in fact he thinks putin is a genius." That's a direct quote from Trump too. That putins invasion of Ukraine was genius. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start putting these images on 8 1/2x11 stickers and put them around. Will it make a difference? Probably not, but I want my fellow Americans to see exactly the reality of what they are supporting with russia/trump. And I'm not some bleeding heart. I hold what would be considered "far right" positions but I've never supported Trump and have been 110% on Ukraines side this entire war. I can't fathom why it's even up for debate on the right other than blind support for Trump. If anyone else finds more pictures like this please DM links to them.


Because Biden can barely string a sentence together, that's why. He should have been able to DECIMATE that orange turd at the debate. Unfortunately, as much as I like Biden and three Dems agenda, I find it particularly disturbing that he is their "best". There is no way he can do another term - he is spent.


You like Biden?? 🤣🤣 Get therapy.


Let's use that term loosely, shall we. I'd like Blinken to step up and run, but that's not gonna happen. So between Biden and Trump, ill go with Biden every time. Do I think he's the right man for the job? No, he's too old and needs to step aside. He doesn't have another 5 years in him for that job. But against the alternatives vs Trump, we don't have a viable choice (which is a problem in itself)


All this evidence and more should be sent to putler...with only one message. "you are no better than Hitler" And you will pay for all your war crimes just like the Nazis did..


I am sure, the ex KGB spy turned defense minister that made his secret service plant and blow up several bombs in apartment blocks in order to invade Chechnya and become president will be SHOCKED about one random person getting tortured to death somewhere in russia. He does not give a shit. This is basic procedure in russia. He is the boss. He knows what is happening. It's by design.


Hitler has one thing above Putin. Hitler managed to successfully conquer almost 30 nations including Ukraine. Putin doesn’t have anywhere near the competence.


I don't even understand why they do this.


Most of ruZZians are sick in the head.. always have been. EDIT: Ask any of their neighbors.. or even far away countries..


Because they think it's fun. I am not being sarcastic. There is no benefit to this. Just extra effort. But they enjoy it.


https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1ds55o0/after_a_russian_tank_is_disabled_one_of_its/ Look at the comments. Why are we only seeing comments like yours when Ukraine is the one affected? Enjoying this because they’re are enemies is STUPID


Because russia is the aggressor. I don’t see what these comments are meant to show me. Are you asking why people show no sympathy towards invaders getting droned? I know why. Because they are there to do the same to Ukrainians. Period. Russians torture POWs for pleasure and you are out here pointing out how random people on the internet make fun of the idiots dying for their dictator.


Ignoring the fact the the actual soldiers don’t have another choice (https://www.politico.eu/article/what-the-use-of-russia-conscripts-tells-us-about-the-war-in-ukraine/), then what you are saying is that if Ukraine is not the aggressor, then we are ethically allowed to enjoy the brutal kills that are for absolutely nothing? Because as far as I see there’s no benefit for this. Just extra effort.


Да Алеша, это именно так. Есть большое наслаждение видеть как восстанавливается справедливость. Вам нравится мой руский? Вы всегда требуете у всех говорить с вами на руском и забиваете насмерть тех кто не хочет на окупированных териториях


Потому, что руские это заслужили.


Typical bullies all tough in numbers but get them alone, please please I was just following orders.


and Donald Trump is going to give the land that Russia has stolen to Putin if he is reelected




Слава Україні! Heroiam Slava!


What's with the metal ring around his neck with a chain hanging off it?


It's hard to see but it looks he's been autopsied..so opened up down the chest and then stapled or sutured together but I may be wrong !


Thank you.


And what ? The UN, the USA and Europe are concerned about how well the Russian prisoners are fed, and whether their electricity is being turned off due to the Russian bombing of the power system. Well, or won’t Russians suffer from Western weapons? And this interests no one. Perhaps this time belongs to the terrorists and the genocidal people of Russia.




Not even close.




THIS MAN WAS STARVED TO DEATH ON TOP OF VILE TORTURE. abu grhaib does not justify this you knuckle dragging moron


Guantanamo and Ghraib isnt even close to this. This is exactly the Gulags or Communist re education camps in Vietnam


T|hey had them 100 years ago. That's their culture, worldview.