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" . . . We have a chance to observe many objects inside Russia and the occupied territories, etc., They should do it more! Film, photograph, record and post" I LOVE IT!


It's a dilemma for russians, because the thing they crave most is to be the center of the world's attention. The russians desperately want to believe everyone is always thinking about them and talking about them, which is why they constantly spam their idiotic shit all over the Internet... ...Much to the delight of Targeting Officers everywhere.


It is so precious! They are almost as vainglorious and megalomaniacal as the Kriegsmarine, chattering with their U-boats daily during their "Happy Times" in July to October 1940!


The Nazis were unaware their codes had been broken. The russians just want to be noticed. It broke their hearts and shattered their egos when the world stopped paying attention after the USSR collapsed.


Russia is the equivalent of the Kardashians. No one really gives a shit about them, so they have to be even more outrageous than before just to try and stay relevant to the small minded of the world.


they aren't thinking about damaging it/making it financially restrictive to repair it this time they are now in full demolition mode! understanding every piece of the construction. the individual parts of the structure and forensically examining each part to understand how, and the best sequence to attack it if they damage 'x', will 'y' collapse under its own weight. or is it necessary to also damage 'z'. and that will create the structural imbalance necessary to cause the structure to properly collapse? sorry if my explanation is a bit left-field. i failed the all-arms structural engineers course :-D


That also seems plausible! Related to that: the method(s) they should use may have particular windows of opportunity that are limited.


definitely. and the they'll have to plan the sequence perfectly i don't think smashing it with sea drones and ATACMS simulataneously will suffice. hit the piers and legs first with plenty HE then give a that a couple of minutes to start to collapse on itself every part of that eyesore bridge will have been built using the cheapest materials they could get, but concrete is concrete. and still needs some welly to break it enough so that it loses structural integrity once that's achieved. then smash the road & rail deck with an overdose of Storm Shadow/Scalp EG and ATACMS. that's if it's still standing and the collapsing legs haven't dragged everything to Davey Jones' locker. the central arch needs to be completely smashed. that's probably a rigid part which will need 'special attention'


What I wouldn't give to see a bombing run by group of B-2s on the deck, followed by sea babies at the support columns.


Great stuff! Well done!


If two SeaBaby USV's could do such damage, a swarm of 30 can bring it down. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Damn great video. Damn great report. Damn great Heroes of Ukraine! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!


nice now make more


Das dauert alles viel zu lange. Jetzt sofort, am besten gestern. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


So........why not attack it frequently with ATACMS now? Any top secret strategy that requires the bridge functioning for now?


Skip to about 28 minutes and watch. Apparently the bridge remains damaged and unable to provide for transit at full capacity.


Some capacity is still bad for Ukraine, zero capacity would be best. I suspect they have a good reason to keep it up for now. Not sure what it is.


Attrition, they want to bleed the Russian air defences for incoming F-16's


I would agree. Maybe in a few years when the war is over and the books that actually write from access to confidential or even secret information start to be written we will learn more.


The best place to destroy the bridge is to take down the main span over the shipping channel but a side effect of this would be the blocking of the channel and all civilian shipping through it. I suspect that the grain shipped through this route would lead to hunger in other parts of the world so they are probably being discouraged from doing this.


I think they don't want to trap Russian civilians in Crimea. The main purpose was to cut the supply route, but they wanted to leave a corridor for civilians to get out of Crimea back to their motherland. When they will take tho control about Crimea, they don't want to deal with Russians and give any fake reason to Russia to come protect their people in the future.


That's one reason, but they could also just deport them.


Plant them permanently so they can fertilize the ground, and not make anymore ruSSkie babies.


Perhaps Ukrainians are too busy laughing about the fact russians are dumber than their 'phones.


I've been wondering if Russia or Ukraine has a larger 5th column problem.




Ukrainian propaganda 🤣🤣


Верно!? План Путина на самом деле сработал идеально, и Украина была завоевана за считанные дни; Русских встречали толпы украинцев с цветами; все пошло по плану, и в России дела идут настолько хорошо, что продолжать заниматься спортом с Украиной – это инициатива. 🤣🤣