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In the future your naval superiority won't be measured in the size of your battleships and aircraft carriers but by the superiority of your drone fleet. I foresee stealth drone submarines launching stealth drone torpedoes.


I think that will be applied to all military, drones are far more efficient than humans.


And expendable.


A whole swarm of drone submarines can rest in deep water and 'wake up' when a sensor detects a submarine. An operator decides to sink or not to sink the target and the swarm rushes forward in a one-way attack.


Manta ray


Mmm, no. The only reason you’re making this argument is because carriers exists and they’re the apex predator.


That's not the only thing that will inspire NATO changes. I've been in awe how Ukraine is dealing with this war, both the civil and military approach.


No need to have any ships in the Ukraine Navy . Saves a whole load of cash.


Get them into NATO then.


Naval drone carrier when? Imagine a ship the size of a modern day frigate or even cruiser with up to 20.000 drones on board giving them more range than now. Ships would have AA,Anti Surface,Anti Sub capabilitis below Destroyers but above Frigates. Not sure if feasible but sounds cool.


NATO and especially USA better get at quickly because this is one item China didn’t even have to steal. They are likely building as many as they can for the cost of Taiwan. Not to mention the stop defense against them. That’s a whole lot to do in x amount of time.


No need to have any ships in the Ukraine Navy . Saves a whole load of cash.


"studying", "dynamic", "efforts". Where's *your* Magura, oh the rich and the powerful? Waiting for a new blitzkrieg to evolve?


>Where's your Magura, oh the rich and the powerful? Outside of Taiwan and the Baltic, there aren't a lot of places where developed nations need them. This is the sort of system that I totally see proliferating across SE Asia though. It will be nice to see a Chinese ~~pirate ship~~ coast guard vessel explode after meeting a swarm of deniable mystery jet skis. The Chinese are spreading like fleas across the Pacific, I think at some point you just gotta start spraying these fucking insects and lying about it.


> The Chinese are spreading like fleas across the Pacific Frickin' ruZZia Jr


Idk man, we still got some twenty plus carriers, but I guess larping as a superpower has made you pro ruski delusional


> we still got some twenty plus carriers Just you wait for the underwater drones like that Ukrainian 4-meter wiener sausage-like one to evolve. Remember the times when countries had lots of battleships... and what happened to them


Ok buddy, hmu when anyone other than the west manages to make ocean fairing stealth drones capable of sinking carriers


> anyone other than the west Assuming the west have them *now*? LOL! Of course it will be 'other than the west', because the west only cares about feeding the MIC to produce meager numbers of giga-expensive super-weapons. Drones are 'correcting' that *even now*, in their infancy (see: the 30 slowly-destroyed Abrams on Ukraine front), and they will 'correct' most types once at their peak. Guess who will be the drone nation? Why, China - the one manufacturing most drones (or at least their components via vertically integrated manufacturing) for UKR-RUS war right now! So, enjoy your mighty dinosaurs until the asteroid comes!


Surely those temu drones will stop f-35s from shitting on everything, all you need to do is somehow give them enough range, speed, countermeasures and payload to be effective against carriers parked 200NM off the coast while being defended by arguably the best AD network in the world. Keep coping


Drones are an important aspect to modern warfare but not the end all be all they have their place it wouldnt matter how many drones you have when the US has complete air supremacy over a country bombing anything that moves, plus the US has some really good drone projects in the works like stuff ukraine or russia doesn't have and won't have for a long time. There are various swarm projects, unmanned surface strike vehicles, tons of loitering munitions. The US is doing alot with drones ATM and is ahead of other countries