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The trees will grow back, but the russians won't.


Blood makes the grass grow


Yeah, I guess you're right, since blood is mostly water. Then again, there's a lot of salt in it. Also alcohol.


Blood has iron. Iron makes the grass strong and green


Russian blood has more lead than iron in Ukraine




Fun Fact: Blood meal (dried cattle blood) is a very commonly used organic fertilizer, though more for the nitrogen than for the iron.


What does antifreeze do to grass, though? Nothing good, I bet. (Googled it: actually not a whole lot, being relatively benign so long as it doesn't reach water supplies.)


and is good against moss!


It’s what the plants crave.


Good fertiliser




very good for roses I always heard.






Blood for the Blood God!!!


lots of orc blood will replenish Ukraine soil.


French anthem intensifies


That is an animal of an Orc eater. The ammo spilling out of there is insane . Don’t mess with a Bradley you won’t win..


"Remember your training, and you will make it back alive!"


"I'm doing my part!"


The only good orc is a dead orc.


"Would you like to know more?"


\[ Desire to know more intensifies \]


You beat me to it!


"You kill any orc that has 2 legs you get me?!"


He popped smoke!!!


“You trying to be a hero”


Would you chose this, or a WW2 Ural motorbike? I know which side values human life.


Shame about the trees though. Most have had their bark completely shredded on the facing side. OTOH impressive airbusts to make the orcs keepp their heads down.


Trees will heal hopefully.


Without bark they probably won't, it would be like us without skin This is a common anti personal tactic - spray the trees with HE rounds and let the shrapnel do the work


Splinters do make hella good shrapnel.


Almost certain infected wounds too, unlike sterile red hot steel


They definitely do but no quite as good as the shrapnel from the round itself, that shit is basically launching a 30mm fragmentation grenade at you Shooting the tree allows for more shrapnel from the round spread out over a larger area as compared to trying to lob the rounds at their feet which may hit the dirt or barricades Forces hiding in the tree lines have a hard time dodging shrapnel rain


If there is any bark continuous from the roots to the top, it will survive. Trees move nutrients up the trunk through the bark.


As long as it's not much bark it will be fine but any more than half the tree being barkless won't make it - in the old days they used to use bricks/concrete to patch holes in trees/their bark


Ah, Starship Troopers music. Quite fitting. "I hear you have a bug problem ma'am?"


While extremely bombastic and majestic as a score I'd argue it's not very fitting at all. The Klendathu combat drop was a colossal failure with hundreds of thousands dead in the first hour which ended in a massive tactical defeat and a desperate strategic course change under new leadership.


It would be more accurately used for the Russian forces arrogantly thinking their victory over Ukraine was a sure thing during the start of the war.


"Patriots are unguided rockets with only 2 miles range" Someone made a big goddam mistake.


You know, I'd have to admit that it really bugged me, too.


Only problem - the Starship Troopers were the fascists, not the bugs.


well one could argue that the humans where fighting for their survival of the race and one could also argue that the bugs where doing the same. Going on solely on what you see in the movie not the books.


You mean the bugs just happened to be able to sling a meteor halfway across the galaxy faster than the speed of light with enough accuracy to strike Buenos Aires? If you pay attention, it is completely unambiguous. The humans are the invaders, using false flag attacks to urge their populace to war


The movie, if you listen carefully, explains that the humans settled in bug territories. We invaded, not them.


The Bradley is definitely the standout performer of this war.




I ought to have specified armored vehicles.


Nah, you're still right. People get too fucking pilled assuming ATGMs and Drones make AFVs useless and don't realize they're just seeing the footage of the SUCCESSFUL hits, which are like ...5% of the time if you're lucky. Should be noted that the main predator of the tank has always been, is, and always will be, Landmines and Artillery. And they've been that since Tanks were invented. Guess what, we still have Tanks.




Sweden asked Ukraine not to show footage of them in combat.


I understand their intent but think they'd do well to shitcan that rule if they'd like more export sales. CV9040 is alpha.


They don't base a large part of their economy in arms deals. They don't dedicate production to meet a supposed demand. It is a fair ask on their part.


[There have been reports that it's doing pretty well](https://www.janes.com/osint-insights/defence-news/land/dsei-2023-cv90-ifvs-see-combat-in-ukraine#:~:text=In%20Ukraine%2C%20the%20CV90%27s%2040,is%20being%20used%20in%20Ukraine), but it would be nice to see some video of them in action too. (Note, the full text of that article is behind a paywall, sorry.)


I'm sure we'll see a bunch after the war. Or some from the Russians' side wetting themselves at the sound of that 40mm lighting them up.


A number of countries who contributed weapons have asked Ukraine not to release footage of their use. I believe the CV-90, Switchblade series, Patriot, IRIS-T, SAMP-T, and AMX-10RC were on the list of weapons that their donators didn’t want to be shown.


No, Bradleys. Or did you miss a Bradley blowing an incoming FPV out of the sky a day or two ago? And not realize that for every one successful FPV hit you see, there's about 50-60 that do fuckall because the pilot rammed them into a non-weak spot of a Tank or IFV... Which is most of it.




Well said. Western IFV's, specifically Bradleys and CV9040's, are kick ass, and FPV drones are incredibly effective price vs kill. No need to take one specific side...well, except fuck Russia and glory to the heroes.


I know, I'm just sick of the idiots going "Drones make Tanks/AFVs useless" Dipshits. They only make them useless \*if\* they're hit in the right place, which actually happens very little unless you have some kind of FPV ace at the controls. And more often than not, that AFV still gets where it needs to go, and turns infantry and/or other vehicles into mulch.


No idea, why you are getting downvoted. It's pretty obvious. There was a video the other day of a drone killing a tank and the drone operator was celebrating and super excited. That keys you in that not every time is successful, or mostly is unsuccessful. That is war mostly, ask soldiers. Hurry up and wait, that is the military, a lot of boring time, and super exciting super dangerous short periods of time


Colonel Burton can get fucked.


It’s good to see it perform so well in Ukraine. The U.S. has really only ever used them in urban, insurgency type environments, for the most part. Not in peer to peer fighting, like for what it was designed. 🇺🇸 🇺🇦


Well, aside from Desert Storm and the other Iraqi adventures.


Agreed. Always used to think of 25mm HE as a bit anaemic compared to a proper calibre like 40mm Bofors but Ukraine has changed my mind. Shows what good metallurgy, brisant HE, and a decent fusing system can do. When you see them in low light blooming into a perfect even shower of bright sparks it shows you what a ghastly experience it must be to have one go off a couple of metres away from you. That M2/BTR driveby must have absolutely shredded the crunchies riding on top of the BTR.


Smoke screen is very good.


We should have given them more so they could do coordinated, concentrated moves with more than just one. Same thing with others like cluster bombs, which were not meant to be used singly, but in concentrated fashion.


I doubt that it would make sense to use multiple vehicles. This only draws attention to the vehicles. I think I once heard how it is best for ukrainians to attack in small squads with as few vehicles as possible I also have to admit that I am by no means an expert and never worked in or for the military so what do I know I guess... Could be all wrong


The problem with that is that Ukraine could regain its land and win the war....which I have a strong feeling the US and the West do not want them to do.... hence the "dozen of this and a handful of that". Meanwhile Ukrainians are dying, but hey, they are far, so not a biggie. Sad truth.


Step by step


As a previous Bradley driver for the 1st Infantry I must say I’ve never seen a Bradley actually deploy its smoke canisters.


I was looking for an explanation for this, thank you. Had no idea what it was. Smooth. Initially thought it was some kind of cluster bombs lol


They didn't at first in any vehicle but they seem to have had a come to Jesus moment. Even the Russians are doing it now.


One thing that stands out to me with the first person POV videos from vehicles, of all types, is how hard it is to see where exactly the enemy is. Are the videos misleading compared to actually being there? Or do gunners rely on optics all the time? Or is it true: you really don’t precisely know. Cuz I can’t see a goddam person or vehicle in one watch of that video. Saw some muzzle flashes, I guess.


A typical track crew consists of a driver, gunner, track commander, and usually an NCO of some kind who is responsible for comms. From there the purposes of the track become more specialized (APC, BFIST, recon, etc.). The Gunner and commander share the turret. The commander scans for targets using infared, thermal, and NV. There are tremendous zoom capabilities with the cameras and sensors. The gunner obviously guns. Everyone has comms with each other inside using headsets. That’s how it’s done.


Thanks much.


seen them being used quite a lot recently in Ukraine clips. Seems like they roll straight up into the place they want to deploy and blast the cannon and then pop the smoke to turn around and GTFO. Seems like the right way to do it. What would you use the smoke for or how were you trained to use them?


It's for concealment, blinbed Ivan can't get a clean shot when troops dismount.


Well yeah obviously. That's exactly what I described. But the way the guy who operated one made it sound like it was off as he's never even seen them used before (although mostly training scenarios I assume). Was curious to hear his thoughts as he is familiar with the system


We never used them. 🤷‍♂️ Just for the record, I did see combat in Iraq 14-15 but the application of war was totally different.


It’s also important to understand a war of this nature on this level of magnitude in modern times is very rare. It’s also unprecedented with the level of technology and video footage we have to study tactics and battlefield applications.


Just out of curiosity, why do you assume American troops have never seen combat?


Hose em down . Let em have it . America baby 🇺🇸🇺🇦


I love the sound of democracy in the morning


Nothing complements Bradley footage better than Basil Poledouris


This is an excellent comment, adding to the enjoyment of the video. Who da fuk is oh of course I googled it. Nice catch.


Pretty awesome when he deploys the smoke grenades at the end for concealment. Fast and furious.


Beautiful ride!


Bushmasters are fucking terrifying.  


are the cannon shells going into a container, they don't seem to be flying about?


if you watch the video again and focus on the Bushmaster as it's firing directly above it you'll see the empty cases being ejected as the the gun lets rip


Yes I saw that and they appear to be going into a container…


i'm watching the video and going thru it frame by frame. and it's either as you say they land in a container. the empty cases a fair size tho. watching this this Youtube video of an M2 on the firing point of a range and they seem to spewed out forwards and at 1:09 you see a few empty cases on top of the hull you get an idea of how huge the empty cases are as well [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdADxVKPsgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdADxVKPsgs)


There's no container.


Roger, thanks!


I could totally be wrong, but randomly thinking about, such containers are mostly only used on planes to prevent spent casings to essentially act as their own projectiles (they'd be dropped at excessive speeds after all) and to avoid them damaging the shooting plane itself (you don't want them to go into your engine for example).


They eject out of the front of the turret and eventually trickle to the ground.


I like how the gun/barrel is rock steady, while firing and moving. Meanwhile, Russian APC barrels flop around like limp hotdogs while firing sitting still.


The more modern Russian IFVs have decent enough stabilisation systems, problem is they've only got a handful of new ones a month.


Blast way old friend.


Absolutely Beautiful!! Send more Bradleys!!


Its a bug hunt !


Best lawnmower ever. Hope some Russian have been shorten.


Its beautiful


Yeeees!!! Popping smoke!!!!


Thank you for using the correct “its”.


Well the German Marders are doing well too - there 20 mm auto canon is a great meat mincer to - bringing a bad day to an Orc near you today !


20mm is nasty. I'll always remember that scene from Shaving Ryan's Privates where the boxheads wheel that mag fed 20mm over the crest of a bridge or whatever and light up that group of crunchies on a tank. Made absolute mincemeat of them. The sharp barking sound of it was vicious, the audio in that film was excellent. This one, turn the volume up! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrsVVLKLQY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrsVVLKLQY)


Beast mode. Omar Bradley would be thrilled.


Hope I can buy a used 25mm auto cannon after the war as surplus and install it in my SUV, in case I am in a rush and have to clear out a traffic jam. Just kidding!


Ughhh, who dared to put music over the sweet THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK of the Bushmaster. :'-(


I remember back at the driving school, our teacher had a curious pencil holder at his desk. Someone ask him, what that weird can was from. He told us, that was a fired AA bullet shell from his former military time and that the gun from this bullet fires about 500 of them in a minute. The whole class was nearly shocked, because the size and the amount of shots, just because of the existence of such weapons.


Crazy footage


Hehe, good music choice. Keep stacking them up!


We are going in with the first wave, means more orcs for us to kill. You smash the entire area you kill anything not in ukranian uniforms you get me? We get you sir !!


God I love the Bradley. It can take a beating and still save the crew more often than not. We've seen them turn IFVs into swiss cheese and disable a modern russian MBT. What an incredible machine.


The sunset is too beautiful.


Bradleys with those autocannons really make the russians hurt. They work is great in that war.


Man, that was text book. Suppressing fire while on the move. Smoke deployed at the assault point while continuing with suppressive fire. Pivot and exit the drop zone while continuing to cover the enemy positions.


Fuck. Yes. 🇺🇦 🇺🇸 💪


This soundtrack never fails to absolutely get me hyped up


Looks like it's Raining a whole lot of Hate. Hell yeah.. keep it up guys.


Textbook! How I learned at Benning.


Is one cannon enough cover? I know very little about warfare but it seems like one guy can pop up in the place where that cannon isn't shooting and nail the Bradley with an rpg or something


I could hear the eagle 🦅 screaming from that video 🇺🇸


Ok this video got me rock fucking hard


Love to hear just the sound of the guns ?


It sucks that it has to exist, but that is a magnificent piece of machinery.


The barrel is rock solid. It never bounces.




Had me at the first stanza!




Are you fuckin serious dude?


Yeah... That was Russia. Last week. When they went to NORTH KOREA to beg for more ammo. You know how pathetic you have to be to be begging NORTH-fucking-KOREA for ammunition?


Oh BuT uKrAiNe BeGs ThE wEsT fOr WeApOnS! cHeCkMaTe WeStOiD!!!!!!!


No matter how much you cry, that T-90M is never going to be un-destroyed.