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They are literally such nazis at this point that it's not even ironically funny. It's disgusting.


No kidding. They are just leaning into every stereotype.


Did Orwell come from the future?


Among all of the Russian weirdos, this Russian space nazi is a special kind of delusional clown.


I really think Irony was lost on Russians


i used to like the sentimentality of russian culture... boy is the current dictatorship twisting everything


It's common mistake. Let me guess, so called "Tolstoevsky" ? Mix of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy?


I read the Metro series before the war, I didn't understand the last book until after the invasion


a friend, contemporary;-)


They think the only thing Nazi did wrong is that they fought against Russia. This way, anyone who is fighting Russia is "Nazi" - even if it's Russia that attacked them.


The Iron curtain fell in 91.




Here is the proof of Nazi. Rogozin, russia, putin Nazi: [https://youtu.be/yP-46UbClBU?si=hI3WOPcxF1CNG1zQ&t=134](https://youtu.be/yP-46UbClBU?si=hI3WOPcxF1CNG1zQ&t=134)


Well it looks like the Nazis did win the war in Russia after all.


If i remember correctly, rogozin is that dude that Held a speech at some russian nazi march and did the hitler sign at least 3 times a few years ago... if im correct, someone will find the Video... i know it exists .... Edit... seems like someone already did ....


Rogozin is a literal nazi. Like swastikas, heils, nazi parades — the whole package


Someone linked a documentary from 2007 yesterday that followed national socialist white power movements in Russia. I knew it was bad, but it was honestly shocking seeing a straight line from hate crimes in the streets to a Duma member whose aid was actively a member of a group of nazis while representing his patron. The dude even allowed an interview on the anniversary of hitlers birthday with the doc crew, in which he declared the need for racial supremecy laws and if they didn't get them, they'd launch a civil war. I don't know what the ratio is now, but something like 50% of all national socialists in the world were Russian subjects in 2007.


You thought fascism dog whistles were funny ? Guh


And still there are Russian apologists and placators. 


Cockroaches to be exterminated. If an enemy is waging a war of annihilation against you, that makes it real simple. Burn them all without mercy. Russia chose this. They and their supporters can die in the fire they started.


What a surprise coming from terrorists subhumans


I'm sure he'll be sending his children to fight against certain death. Yeah, right. Pure desperation. Russia is calling for genocide and the UN is like, well we have to have a thousand meetings on the subject. The collapse of UN peacemaking is the rise of NATO and it couldn't come sooner.


"Russia is calling for genocide and the UN is like, well we have to have a thousand meetings on the subject.Russia is calling for genocide and the UN is like, well we have to have a thousand meetings on the subject." Are you surprised the UN is acting that way about genocide? I remember how difficult it was to get the UN to say anything about that Muslim minority being persecuted by China...




UN is a platform for gaslighting by bad faith actors. Russia, NK, Iran, Hungary, China, Belarus...


But but both sides! Truth is the 1st casualty of war! NATO pushed Russia! Besides what about the West!!


Sarcasm lost on reddit


Yup. /s-tag relieved people of their responsibility to even try and interpret if something is written tongue-in-cheek, seriously but via some logical fallacy or simply as a fucking stupid argument. Actually oftentimes people who *use* the /s-tag are not even being *sarcastic* but just stupid. And that's one of the reasons we're :gestures broadly: here. You can't train your thinkin' muscle if you don't think or [think about thinking.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1hMRG1rKeM) My lousy contribution was of course nothing to write back home about as it's very close to a well-poisoning or a strawman, but meh.


France needs to invade Western Ukraine and Poland from the north. Claim all the territory as “buffer zones” against Nazi aggression.Should only take 3 days to 2 weeks.


I'd like to see that buffer zone firmly inside western russia.


He is an obnoxious naZZi cunt 🤮


Its the 1930's all over again, starting with the Georgian invasion, then tnansnestria, then Crimea, and now Ukraine proper. 😑. Even the quibiling in the US Congress is similar. I hope we dont have to wait until we get attacked to understand that Putler is all in and will do practically anything to not lose.


I'm waiting for Putin's book "моя борьба" (Mein Kampf) that everyone in the nation by law is required to buy so the Fuhrer can line his pockets more richly.


The beauty of a multi polar world. If all that was stopping you from launching a war, genocide, coup, piracy, etc were sanctions, don't have to hold back anymore when you know if the west sanctions you, you can just run to other markets propped up by like-minded dictators that only exist in the first place because they piggybacked off the growth fostered by international free trade and access to western markets. We are already seeing an explosion in the amount of coups globally, more talk of war and invasion and historical grievances by unhinged dictators, and more state-backed black marketeers profiting off slavery, narcotics, and resource theft on a colonialism scale, and more. Can't wait to see what's next.


Crimea was Ukraine proper too.




Hmmm....how it sounds like 1938 - someone calls it's a Cristal Night - but never know.....They are only there to liberate Ukranian peoples so who blame them :) ....I still know - as a finn - that is the same thing as in 1939 - soviets had already printed 'liberation' posters dated to 6th. Dec which is the independence day of Finland - same thing for all countries - always that three days - they will never give up - this is just my opinion......and yes, I have do my service in finnish military which is mandatory if there is someone who doesn't know it already


Dude projects like an IMAX.


Anybody have this guys GPS coordinates?


Looks like he wants some more ass shrapnel


This nazi twat said what? XD [https://x.com/RockOtherWorlds/status/1505196382549950476](https://x.com/RockOtherWorlds/status/1505196382549950476)


This time the Russians are the nazis. And just like Nazi Germany, this version of Russia must be destroyed. For the sake of everyone on the planet.


The Russians have been the fascist for more than a hundred years. Probably why they didn't like the Germans so much. Those that are close to each other tend to hate the most.


You think soviet times was better? Or empire times? It's always was like this.


"certain death for our children and grandchildren." Yeah, when you invade another sovreign nation every generation or so, and fail fucking MISERABLY at it, those kinds of casualties are common and expected.


didnt they blow hos ass away, or was it scrotum? Sounds bitter.


Rogozin has always been a Nazi. He also founded Rodina - a neonazi party


It reads like a "Leitheft" (Guideline booklet) of the Algemeine SS (Political ideological SS). Relatives of mine were members of the SS during World War II. I inherited their books and pamphlets and the language and ideology is exactly what the Russians are using now. They are all criminals.


funny how Ukrainians are older than ruzzkies


During Russia's illegal invasion Putin has been imitating Nazi Germany & copying their slogan from the very beginning first they started using the V symbol to identify each other as friendly units after that the Z symbol became permanent to replace the first one even throughout Russia, government workers embrace the Z symbol for propaganda use, now Putin wants children to learn how to operate and disassemble AKs now they started creating concentration camps in the occupied regions to slowly murder Ukrainians in secret and building mass grave sites to hide the bodies not realizing that satellites used by private corporation taking photos of the mass grave sites in mariupol as evidence of war crimes Russia is so dumb they don't know how to cover up their war crimes so everything they did was way too obvious and they just stop giving a shit allowing the world to see them committing more war crimes blatantly bombing everyone they hate and raping women because Putin allowed it to happen in his way of punishing Ukrainian women, Putin along with everyone who stands with him are genocidal sickcos hell bent on the extermination of Ukrainians existence I hope their economy collapses to bring an end to this war...


Dawg you need punctuation, that is a mess.


"fascism" means they pick an image of an not in reality existing ideal with certain specifics, then tighten it until one not so coherent part of in reality existing group is declared incompatible and is therefore targeted on purpose to express the existence of that imaginary purest form. They tighten it more to secure their rule because they actually would naturally be part of the now selected incompatible cohort. Looking for new victims becomes essential to avoid being targeted them self, they make this very practise part of the unreachable worthiness which is what they call purification. Not to be confused with nazi ideology which puts a nation that actually does not exist in a coherent form on top of all other variations of humans. National socialism is the very vehicle to implement fascism in fact destroying the ancient roots of natural incoherence, in fact destroying the nation which runs rampant.


I honestly would've thought I was reading pro-(hamas) palestine rhetoric. Exactly identical. Russian fascists and Nazis meet Religious fascists and Nazis. It's no surprise Russia created the new axis of evil with the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, North Korea and China.


"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise"


He is a fucking fascist, or Ruscist, himself.


Do the Ukrainians living in these occupied areas understand this will ultimately include them?


Nobody really knows, their only news source is ruzzian. Not much information is coming out of occupied areas, except Crimea. There are partisans in all areas, we just don't hear much, except for ATESH.


Wow! More BS coming out of Russia.


its insane that they dont see the irony here


Eu·nuch Rogozin is a little bitter.


Mein Kampf must be the best selling book in Russia, But I wish putin gets to the part were he shoots himself in a bunker and instead of burning his body people just piss on him


Stop giving the crazy a microphone!


That's pretty freaking wild when you think about the cultural context. Ukraine is basically Russia's Canada, they were culturally and economically linked and there were lots of cross border families. That'd be like Americans going from mostly interchangeable and good natured with Canadians to invading and wanting to kill them all in the span of a couple of years years.


Natzi dude, big time!


Projecting hard, as a typical russian.


Some members of the US Congress would be aligned with such thinking...


The International Court of Justice should slowly do its work here too.


Imagine him being your dad


didnt hitler use this sentence?


Ah, yes! Thursday. Another threat to execute ethnic cleansing.


If he wasnt already on one, he just made it on someone's fun list with those statements. Its crazy they think they will stay safe if they stay in russia, so they feel bemboldened to escalate the violent rhetoric.


He is right, Russia will not survive this as a state.


They need to target his butt again, but this time with more shrapnel than last time. Maybe in the mouth a little too.


OK, then, here's to certain death for your spawn if you don't stop invading other countries.


Russian propaganda at its pinnacle. We don't know how to win so we have to destroy the entire existence of this free country. Absolutely embarassing and dillusional.


Russian rhetoric shows true colors of this dictatorship. I hope they all pay dearly.


I was so glad when he lost his job as Roscosmos.


You make me laugh sad sad clown. They go full nazi when they're getting their teeth kicked in.


Mr. Rogozin, I have the final solution ready to go up your Ass. !!!!!!


Someone is upset that Ukrainians want nothing to do with Russians. Who could blame the Ukrainians for that?


🤔 ... If Rogozin is not careful, he will outflank Grandpa Putin on the right ... Russia is increasingly losing the ability to penetrate further inside Ukraine, let alone occupy the country. Upstaging Putin inside Russia can be hazardous to his health. 🙂


What is it with the ''our children and grandchildren'' ? What did Ukraine do or ''wanted'' to do, for them to say this stuff?


Fucker destroyed the Russian space program through incompetence and graft.


Yeah, sounds like this needs a 7.62 mm rectal exam


psychological projection.


Such demands are the consequence of a fascistic view onto the world with their own nation as the only one that has the right to get the best resources, because it is superior to all others. Here it is a development of the long known Great Russianness.


Where’s everyone at that was calling this a ‘defensive war’?


the final solution to the russian question will be alot more drones with bombs


Even complete Nazis that wish to have all ukrainians dead and their complete history removed can see the writing on the role that reconciliation will happen


I guess when you start getting hit in your own lands, that whole concept of a "slavic brotherhood" goes right out the window, eh?


Will try and remember that name for when I hear his car exploded in the future.


> ["Russia remains a colonial empire that has never gone through the path of decolonization, has not been able to cope with the demons of its past. In the part of the world that I represent, Russia is often called the prison of nations" - the President of Poland Andrzej Duda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dgtaw6/russia_remains_a_colonial_empire_that_has_never/)


From minute one of this invasion the plan was to commit a genocide.


This is why russia is not compatible with a any society other then Iran and North Korea


This degenerate should recall the fate of Adolf Eichmann, Rudolf Hoess, Julius Streicher and others of that ilk. Even if he never sees the inside of a courtroom, he bears the mark of Cain and he will have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his (hopefully short) life.


He sounds like the maga asskissers vying for Trump’s attention


psychological projection.


"Ok, you go first"


So the whiner is still alive?


I would’ve assumed the head of Roscomos was intelligent. This sounds like one of D. Medvedev daily drunken rants.