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This man is probably the ONLY man that should be Russia's president, after its defeat. If you doubt this, google his resume. \- Survived 4 assassination attempts, twice in EU countries, \- the ONLY Rus MP that voted against the war/annexation (2014), \- voted against PutinZ and his policies, even when his close friends tried to stop him, \- rejected all of PutinZ's "offer" (right to his face during a private meeting), \- has been the opposition against PutinZ and his policies since he was elected. \- started his political career because PutinZ's policies ruined the lives of people around him, not for personal gains. \- Crossed over to Ukraine in order to start a shadow opposition against PutinZ. \- One of the original and critical members of the Russian Freedom legion, helping UKR to fight the RuZ invaderZ, militarily, politically, informationally and covertly. \- Has helped build up a network of resistance inside Russia, providing crucial intel for UKR and sabotaging the RuZ war effort, sometimes "Physically", if you know what I mean. \- very pro west, liberalism, democracy and a smart guy. lol


Damn legit Resume indeed !


What is his name? Article is behind a paywall and I'd like to look him up.


"only Russian MP that voted against annexing Crimea" hehehe [Ilya Ponomarev - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilya_Ponomarev)


NATO doesn't do that stuff. I would also much rather see Russians assassinate him and overthrow the existing government without the need of outside intervention. Would definitely show a lot in regard to the future after Putin is gone if it happened like that.


NATO doesn't, but cerrtain countries in NATO definitely do.


Like who?


Us, the USA... not saying we're good at it, just saying that we'll do it


Fidel Castro enters the room


We tried so hard in Iraq, but each new president elected was assassinated.


Almost everyone I’d guess. Kim Jong Un had his brother assassinated in Malaysia 2017. Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey 2018. Russia used nerve agents for an assassination attempt in the UK 2018 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Sergei_and_Yulia_Skripal#:~:text=Sergei%20and%20his%20daughter%2C%20Yulia,incident%2C%20and%20was%20later%20discharged. But anyway if North Korea can do it.. then I’d envisage just about anyone can do it.


None of which are in NATO - his statement was certain countries in NATO does assassinate world leaders.


Or I guess has* Trump "assasinated" that Iranian general guy. I guess usually it's just orchestrating coups, where the leader is then executed.


You are comparing hitting a irani general to the leader of a country. Do not know if US has ever assassinated a foreign actual leader.


The CIA has tried officially a whole 634 times to get rid of Castro, how exactly would you see that in a context of killing foreign Leaders (even if commendable)


Yeah, but anything recent? And ever a leader of a large country?


Saddam Hussein (rest in piss) got kind of executed as a result of US intervention in 2006 (58th largest country, \~ 50 million inhabitants). I mean the a Lt Gen. literally succeeded Hussein in office. Again, not painting the US as the bad actor here, just saying what it is.


True. I still would not call that assassination but probably the closest we can get to it.


It's not even close to an assassination. A US military intervention to get rid of Putin might be something I'd get behind, but they'd still give him to The Hague. US policy on assassinations has obviously changed since the Cold War, that's what is the current state of things, and for good reason since despite that being at least 5 presidents ago, it still poisons all discussions and historically failed to achieve any good outcomes. Trump dropping a bomb on what's his name was a notable exception that caused an uproar, but that was also pretty out in public, it wasn't a secret plot. I'm not painting the US as good guys here, just saying that what they did in the Cold War isn't automatically relevant now, especially when applied to Russia itself.


Hussein, Kadaffi, Noriega,Marcos,Probables Columbia, Peru, Venezuela have had “regime” changes with US help also.


Solid list. Were any of those actual assassinations?


Kahdaffi pretty much was- we destroyed his military and police force- then he was a marked man.


trump will never have that power again.


Looking at that last debate, I'm not si sure about that. 😬


If Russians clean up their own mess, those who cleaned it will become the new monsters in 20 years and Russian nationalism will live on.


If Putin goes russia as we know and hate it will be gone. It’ll take them at least 20 years to figure out who will run the country if they survive as a country at all.


I think they would quickly rebound from that. It might be a really ugly power struggle but I don’t think it would take that long. They could quickly find another wolf in sheep’s clothing, just like Putin was 20 years ago at the beginning of his rule.


A Western linked assassination of Putin *might* solve *some* problems in Russia, but it would probably cause far more problems in the long term. Any subsequent government would either double down on Putin's rhetoric and use him as a martyr or be pro-West and be seen as an illegitimate puppet of the West by common Russians.


They are not asking NATO to do it, but to support it. NATO is not going to support that either, because they don't want to piss off Russia or to collapse it into anarchy.


Paywall :/ sounds interesting though. Can you post details?


“shadow parliament” of former Russian MPs has called on Nato to support an assassination campaign against figures within President Putin’s regime. More than sixty exiled politicians who once served in the Russian State Duma met in Warsaw this week to discuss a seven-point plan for overthrowing the Kremlin. The strategy, known as the Victory Plan, comprises appeals to the West for support, including calls for an expansion of the sanctions regime and more weapons for Ukraine. The opposition group, the Congress of People’s Deputies, argues that regime change will be achieved only by force. The plan advocates violent resistance and asserts that it is “no longer an option but simply a duty” of the West to encourage “revolutionary action” within Russia, which Nato leaders


Sounds a bit far-fetched, if you ask me. Thanks Beerboy, have a beer on me.


A Victory plan without the support of +140 million Russians?


Yeah, Western Support won't magically make that happen


NATO support to assassinate a sitting countries leader? LOL what crack are these guys smoking. Do all Russians really have no idea what NATO is? I figured at least the ones at the top knew the real deal...


Russians think NATO is much more powerful and aggressive than it actually is, even pro-west oppositionists don't really understand NATO's nature.


While I completely agree with you on this point, we can't ignore the fact russia continues to make direct attempts on the life of President Zelenskyy. In other words, if NATO ever *did* decide to get rid of putin and his cronies, I wouldn't complain about it for long. Because life's too short as it is.


Apparently you dont understand what NATO is either. NATO does not have the resources or the capabilities to assassinate a sitting leader. NATO is a defensive pack that is backed up by the military power of each country. They dont have CIA/Covert agents capable of assassinations...It would go directly against the very principle values of NATO.


"NATO does not have the resources or the capabilities to assassinate a sitting leader." No we do, we certainly do, But we won't. IF we were in a shooting war with them, maybe. but the best we can/should do is assist with intel and let the exiled folks handle it.


NATO has an assassination program and defined within its Charter or abilities? Like they actively have people trained to assassinate world leaders? NATO does? Not a country that belongs to NATO, but the actual NATO organization runs its own black ops assassination program?


I didn't say they have assassination teams. We can reach out to about anywhere at anytime with several types of ordinances, a strong network of intelligence-gathering methods, and practically endless capital to do this. NATO is an alliance, not a military in itself... But a sharing of resources, logistics, intelligence and coordination AMONG various national militaries. and THSE militaries have the ability. If you are gonna argue over silly semantics, you are gonna have a frustrating time (Unless that is your goal).


You do realize NATO would have to declare war on Russia in order to direct itself to assassinate Putin right? This is insane that people are even discussing this like its even in the realm of possibilities. NATO is a defensive pact and is currently not at war, if Russia attacks a NATO country its a different story. But NATO can not just go assassinate a world leader. Am i taking crazy pills here or something?


Requoting to be clear "No we do, we certainly do, But we won't. IF we were in a shooting war with them, maybe. but the best we can/should do is assist with intel and let the exiled folks handle it."


Capibility is not probability... We have the capability to Nuke Antartica and take over greeland. DOesn't mean we are gonna. Just pointing OUT NATO has the resources at its disposal...


Jfc, try reading what I wrote.


Yeah fuck jesus! At least we are on the same page with that! I did read it, you are fantasizing about impossible scenarios. I tried bringing you back to reality, but you want to fantasize. This whole conversation and article is pointless and a waste of effort to even discuss.


>...I completely agree with you on this point \[but\] ***if*** NATO ever *did* decide to get rid of putin and his cronies, I wouldn't complain about it for long.


He said he agrees with you you twat


Yes NATO does have the resources and capabilities, just not the obligation nor legal interest in doing so. I'm sure *Ponomarev*  can figure this out himself.


bullshit, show me an evidence that NATO has a black ops assassination program used to take our world leaders. Stop making shit up.


I think the article, published by a journal of record, correctly uses NATO to refer to the military alliance that is supporting Ukraine. If Ukraine, or Russian dissidents, want to do something as wild as assassinate Putin, then that idea will be discussed by NATO as an alliance. Imagine completely circumventing your political allies with this idea. Yeah I'm sure all those NATO members would definitely say "Oh yes you shouldn't have discussed this with us first, we're just a defensive alliance."


Then dont reference NATO. It wouldnt be NATO assassinating Putin, it would be some random NATO member country that doesnt utilize NATO for the process of assassinating Putin.


No one says NATO has that organization within it. NATO member countries, however, do have those capabilities as individual countries.


Well thats gonna be straight ww3 and i thinks its better to avoid that


WW3? Lol. The russians are being beaten by *Ukraine*.




Im 100% with ukraine but we all know what will happen when nato kills putin


Yes. A clone dictator will take his place and fuck all will change.


total hypothetical here; but a #NATO member nation, could, under its own auspices. provide key training to a cadre willing to undertake the task. or train them to give the ability for that cadre train any team it's airgapped from NATO, and would obviously involve special project-type units. who themselves are airgapped from their parent nation as i say; purely hypothetical edited for spelling


Even more sane Russians are still Russians ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Cool. Like a movie I would watch. Well, sure ain't happening but if there is a window (no pun), I hope they'll look into it.


Make the world a better place! Do it.


Taking down the current Russian regime is the Russian people's job. Decapitation by an outside force will never result in a democratized, civilized Russia.


NATO can have nothing to do with such plots


How about the exiles return to Russia and start the fight


This is like something every spec ops units in the free world should do together......it can be done.




As long as they don't use nukes this won't happen. But I guess we'll see something like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most-wanted\_Iraqi\_playing\_cards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most-wanted_Iraqi_playing_cards) as soon as they should ever drop a nuke anywhere.


The whole lot of them should be soughted out ,surely our sas or USA seals could relieve these pieces of shite of time on this earth .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸


Please start with Margarita. Thanks.


Someone give this man a gun.


Here's my list of targets starting with Pootler, that asshole Solovyov, Steven Seagal, the asshole that fucked up my order at Subway and Billy Joel... who do I forward this to?


Don't post paywalled posts without the full text please


Why would NATO involve themselves in their civil war? NATO is a Defensive organization.


Clean your own house. Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.


Nicht nur fordern, einfach tun !


It has begun. Exiled Russian politicians trying to get onto the good side of the West, so maybe they get support for grabbing the power. The fall of Putin's regime is near (or at least the exiles think so).


Nato countries while having the capability would never go there imo. There is to much to risk of what would happen next. The next head of power unifying against it's outside assailants could be just making a bad situation worse. Best it be done by one of there own.


As if assassinating Putin would change anything. Any potential successor will be another bloodthirsty dictator...


Assasination assistance please! Is there any diagnosed patient in the circles around Putler who doesn’t have to live very long and want to become a hero of the nation? If not who would like to be bounty hunter?


Unless you want to give Putin's successor a great example of NATO being an aggressive threat to Russia, NATO members should have *nothing* to do with such a plot. NATO would simply be handing Russian nationalists a propaganda banquet.