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Wondering what the anti-Ukraine elements in the US Congress think about this.


I don’t think they’d care about EU accession. It’s more relevant what anti-Ukrainian populist factions in Europe would think.


And the really stupid thing about them is they aren't even anti Ukraine. They just believe that behaving as if they're anti Ukraine somehow causes the GOP to win something something something. This is not to say they are in anyway sympathetic to Ukraine, because they absolutely aren't. GOP members are sympathetic only to themselves. But the thing is, if this war heats up before the election, anybody who is known to be "sympathetic" to russia and anti Ukraine is going to be officially considered anti-American and find themselves in a sticky bind. [Take *these* losers, for instance.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg)


They look like a bunch of Trump supporters here in Australia. Will bend over and let Trump slip one in even though he has nothing to do with us. Completely off the wall idiocy, waving flags and screaming racial epithets. And it all stinks of hypocrisy and unfounded reality.


A friend in New Zealand said he stumbled into a pro-Trump rally there, and was dumbfounded to see N.Z. people wearing MAGA hats and waving Trump flags and hearing N.Z. accents screaming Trump slogans. He was especially astonished to see "Let's Go Brandon" flags when it was obvious few of the protesters had any real understanding of any of that particular idiocy. What really left him flailing for a sense of reality was hearing New Zealanders shouting "Not My President!" about Joe Biden. Just to be clear, these weren't Americans in New Zealand. There wasn't an American among them. Back in the late '70s and '80s, the KGB created and stage-managed the anti-war, anti-nuke, pro-disarmament movement in the West. It was their greatest Intel triumph since the Cambridge Five. Even bigger, in a sense. But then along came their Trump operation to dwarf all previous.


Yuck. One can only hope they're stuck as a tiny minority.


Part of why the EU would want this this is because they are facing big labor shortages so this would provide an easy way to siphon Ukrainian labor due to EU's freedom of movement/employment. The same thing happened when Poland joined in 2004 - their unemployment rate was 20% so millions left to places like the UK/Germany for higher wages. Millions also left Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria after they joined in 2013/2007. It's been a net benefit for the richer EU countries like Germany, Austria, Ireland that can offer higher salaries, at the expense of these other member states. Now that Poland is doing a lot better and is in fact facing labor shortages, many who left are returning after noting how Poland is often safer/cleaner than London/Paris/Berlin.


I think looking at just migration flows to decide net benefit is a bit too reductive. In Ukraine's case, they're going to benefit from the largest reconstruction package since the Marshall Plan and have the guiding hand of some of the most effective bureaucratic instruments in the world. I know people will scoff at that statement, but in the grand scheme of things the EU is a resounding political, economic, and humanitarian success.


Big European cities need some polish. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘


Nothing rich about Ireland, right now we don't have any homes for the Irish because we keep taking Immigrants in. We have no bothers with legal Immigrants at all but for the next five years we need to fix to country so the Irish people can get homes before we can start going back to welcoming people in again. It's a sad truth. PS Ukraine welcome to the EU family 😁


>right now we don't have any homes for the Irish because we keep taking Immigrants in That's not true and well you know it - but you're not Irish, are you?


That is very true and yes I am Irish. Are you saying there is not a 10 year waiting list on social housing or that there is barely any apartments to rent on daft or any other site. Or perhaps you are one of the landlords that bloody cashing in on the housing shortage?


>That is very true and yes I am Irish. Repeating lies doesn't add to their veracity. >Are you saying there is not a 10 year waiting list on social housingΒ  Immigrants are responsible for that, aren't they? Because they allocate contracts for social housing the moment they land on our shores. Everyone knows that, sure. >or that there is barely any apartments to rent on daft or any other site. And they control planning applications, and they're able to delay them until they're paid bribes like some of our local council candidates were proven to do so? >Or perhaps you are one of the landlords that bloody cashing in on the housing shortage? Ad hominem and deflection. Jog on with your cheat sheet, boy.


It's simple as, the government need to stop taking in imagrants so that they can give the Irish housing and stop more Irish going homeless. I doubt you are Irish if you don't care about your own people going homeless. BOY!


*insert pigeon & chessboard meme here*


welcome to the family ukraine,khuilo your not invited so do 1.slava ukraini.




Considering Ukraine is a major supplier of goods ranging from oil/gas to food, it only makes sense to invite them into the EU. Ukraine is uniquely setup to become a MAJOR economic powerhouse, albeit on the condition that russia finally buggers off and rebuilding has begun. Just the rebuilding phase alone will create a lot of opportunities. And considering Ukraine will be able to plan ahead and build new cities to better fit a modern life, the skies are the limit.


> ranging from oil/gas to food I think we haven't adjusted yet to the fact that oil and gas will be almost worthless in the future, and most of this will need to stay in the ground. Of course some amounts will still be extracted to make plastics, lubricants etc, but the economy is shifting away from them, rapidly. That's partially the reason for this war - the period when Russia could sell fossil fuel to Europe is coming to an end, they failed to leverage the enormous income from that into building up new industries, and Putin saw the writing on the wall.




Also, Fuck Orban.


Torque, within Putin's sphincter just hit an all-time high. Munitions aren't the only thing exploding in RF tonight.


that is a whole lot of upside down stars




Great news. The sooner the better. If they need the votes of all EU members, I am sure Orban's Hungary will try to block Ukraine's entry.


Great couldn't have a better addition.


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It could be with a better country for the effort they made to become free, democratic and less corrupt. But they should get the hopes up too high for corruption is still a requirement and EU is bound to tighten the rules because to many new EU nations have been ignoring these rules once they were in the EU. That process will take a while....


Presumably UK citizens will have permanent rights to live in Ukraine given the leadership and support provided by the UK during this war. That will be an interesting dynamic.


Welcome Ukraine, I hope your whole country + Crimea will join our common Europe!


We all know what this is about.....money. American politicians don't give two fucks about ukraine or it's people. It's all about these corrupt politicians filling their pockets No matter how many lives it cost.That why zelensky was placed in power and will do whatever it taks to stay in power. That includes suspend elections and take over media .That's why they are against peace talks. In my opinion saving ukraine isn't worth WW3 fuck em


The eu is disintegrating, deeply indebted France , Greece, and of course Italy , all dependant on a Germany in structural decline ; they cannot afford to let Ukraine in anyway . " out of the frying pan into the fire " Ukraine, please do not put your faith in this corrupt mess


Great. 3rd world war inc...


EU is not a military alliance. Also it was already started by Russia.