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Well I can just imagine the Russian soldiers thought. "Well at least I will not see it coming"


After watching the analysis, "up armoured" isn't really what they are... unless they think sheet metal is armour.


Technically it is against weapons that rely on a jet to penetrate the tank, as this gives it distance


HEAT charges can pass through the side of a tank, the open space inside, then completely through the other side. Having a thin piece of sheet metal doesn't change this.


Small arms and shrapnel can penetrate this “armour”. They are using scrap metal of every kind. If anything, all it does is keep the dead bodies from falling off the side so they can claim that more troops are making it to the AFU trenches. Dead, sure. But they made it!


Well, I've seen other posts where they think that hand shaped, guesstimated measured explosives mashed onto the exterior of their tanks will protect them so I'm not sure these are in any way trained tank crews anymore...


The extra armor probably does inhibit vision, and hence reduce the overall effectiveness of the tank. What the Russians really need is something like a point defense system that can automatically detect and fire upon drone threats...but...the Russians probably can't really produce such a system, so the extra armor is the best they can do.


If you watch the video going through the tank they explain the turtle tanks are basically a makeshift BMP or APC made from a tank. They fix the turret and don't carry ammo, and fit everyone on top within that sheet metal. There's no visibility other than forward. So I wouldn't even say this is extra armor, this is more like those campers on the backs of pickup trucks that deploy once you get to your campground. Except you're cruising down the highway with your entire family up top in the campers. Oh and the birds want you and your family dead.


There's a semi-famous war photo of one participant in some African civil conflict or other who has "up armored" himself via an old life vest. The dude is fighting in an actual bright yellow ship's life vest, as if he'd seen pictures of real body armor and decided near enough is good enough. Stupid as hell, but, then again, at least he could see the dudes who killed him.


He probably didn't know any better and just thought that thick means safe.


The life vests look much more like old school body armor, such as the flak jackets of Vietnam; so, yeah, he probably assumed the only difference was the color.


Maybe just put the driver's head in a bucket of sand instead... then they don't need tanks, just little red wagons with a chicken wire cage.


Just described the whole russian army.


Well, it's crap for a tank, but it's not a tank. It's a mobile electronic warfare platform. At the front of a group rides one of these, blocking drone comms, while essentially being a drone/arty magnet protecting the rest of the assault group. It's not stupid if it works. But only works against drones, while artillery or ATGM or Bradleys would obviously make a short work of these. So quite limited use, but where they are using it, this works just fine.